You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto
Server: Odin
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Posts: 24
By Odin.Colway 2015-03-17 19:52:37
while I'm here, Ive asked the question on BG but never got a reply.
Does anyone know if the Job Points category for pianissimo breaches the 80% fascast, cos i have standard 80% on songs with magian staff and the 20% from pianissimo would make it 100% fascast so im just curious cos if not then I could drop 20% fascast from sets while using pianissmo. if it does, then even better ^^. (bare in mind I have not actually put many points in the category. Just wanted the info before maxing it out)
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Odin.Colway 2015-03-17 19:55:14
4% nice! I never saw that, even with a plethora of stones lol
You can get singing skill+7 from duskdim instead of being stuck with dex as well; Wish it went to 20+ though
Getting singing skill on the linos would be useless for me as i switch from linos to gjalahorn on midcast. the linos is purelly for fastcast/quick. and the macc slot is where you would get the +X to songs augment so youd lose out on macc for +3 to all songs. better to spend gil on gjalahorn then trying to get +2 augmnet in my honest opinion.
Also due to the fact I use the FC linos for enfeebles precast and midcast, id rather role a double augment of int + mnd. best option there i think.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10298
By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-18 02:48:04
Personally I'm not a big fan of precasting anything different than Horn/Daurdabla in the instrument slot.
If you get a packetloss (which are rare, but also unavoidable) you could end up midcasting songs with whatever you use in your precast set, be it Linos or Impatiens or whatever else.
It's a risk I'm willing to take, of course, for all the other slots, but not really for the instrument one.
Regardless, can get a full list of augments HERE. There might be a couple of errors, but overall it's pretty accurate.
Sadly it doesn't report the % each stat has to appear on each stone, while it's pretty clear that some stones have lower % for some stats.
Given those tables, Linos can get some useful stats even for Horn/Daubla wielders, and it's also confirmed +Songs can go up to +2 (+3 total)
Snow slot => Not really a lot of stuff here, maybe MEva? Of course Song+2 for people who don't have Horn.
Leaf slot => Quick Magic (4), Fast Cast (6),
Dusk slot => Uh... not really much here again =/ Sing+10 for people without Horn?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Odin.Colway 2015-03-18 21:13:25
Comparison. bare in mind Chr augment goes to 10........
I think Telchine wins
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10298
By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-24 02:26:07
The 2 best debuff feet previously were Artsieq Boots macc path (~54 macc) and the often forgotten Kandza Crackows (~52 macc, song recast-3)
With just 2 macc difference they were pretty close, some could call them a matter of personal preference.
Telchine can get an overall of ~67, which makes them the clear winner.
Add to that 5% FC and they become the best precast and midcast for BRD songs (and precast for spells in general on BRD).
*** those random augments, but Telchine clearly wins by a good amount. 67 is 15/13 more macc, it's no negligible amount.
They are also the best Mordant Rime piece (save acc situations maybe) I think.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2015-03-26 03:31:25
109 empyrean. excuse the paint job.
imgur link
dropbox link
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2015-03-26 04:43:27
From Julian's dat mine on BG
Fili Calot +1" DEF:95 HP+36 MP+35 STR+13 DEX+17 VIT+12 AGI+15 INT+20 MND+18 CHR+32 Evasion+38 Magic Evasion+80 "Magic Def. Bonus "+6 Haste+6% Enmity-9 "Madrigal "+1 Song spellcasting time -14% Set: Augments songs"
Fili Hongreline +1" DEF:125 HP+54 MP+70 STR+19 DEX+23 VIT+21 AGI+21 INT+29 MND+28 CHR+37 Evasion+44 Magic Evasion+86 "Magic Def. Bonus "+7 Haste+3% Singing skill +14 Wind instrument skill +14 "Minuet "+1 Song effect duration +12 Set: Augments songs"
Fili Manchettes +1" DEF:84 HP+22 MP+17 STR+6 DEX+28 VIT+26 AGI+7 INT+19 MND+32 CHR+29 Magic Accuracy+30 Evasion+24 Magic Evasion+43 "Magic Def. Bonus "+3 Haste+3% Singing skill +12 String instrument skill +12 Wind instrument skill +12 "March "+1 Set: Augments s"
Fili Rhingrave +1" DEF:107 HP+43 MP+32 STR+23 VIT+10 AGI+19 INT+34 MND+23 CHR+23 Magic Accuracy+27 Evasion+38 Magic Evasion+107 "Magic Def. Bonus "+6 Singing skill +18 Haste+5% "Ballad "+1 Song recast delay -8 Set: Augments songs"
Fili Cothurnes +1" DEF:66 HP+13 MP+17 STR+7 DEX+11 VIT+7 AGI+33 INT+19 MND+20 CHR+41 Evasion+63 Magic Evasion+107 "Magic Def. Bonus "+6 Haste+3% "Regen "+2 "Scherzo "+1 Movement speed +18% Set: Augments songs"
M.acc+30 with the singing/wind/string on hands is huge.
Legs too with 27 M.acc/18 Singing/Song recast delay-8
I didnt expect 18% on the feet to be honest although it's hugely welcome. I didn't think they'd want to piss off the people who chose the movement speed ring.
Shame about no improvement to songs though. I hoped they would have went with +2 to songs or Prelude/Minne/Mambo/Etude/Carol+1.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10298
By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-26 05:24:46
Duration on body got a +1 increase, there's hope the 119 will have another +1.
I can totally see hands becoming best midcast debuff piece, possibly body too (so we can benefit from the increased duration again, compared to Brioso+1)
Also legs could potentially be better than Bihu+1 for Debuffs.
Could have more or less the same overall macc, but with an additional song delay-7.
Alas no song duration on legs, so we'll still have the problem of overwriting other songs with ballads.
Also hope feet 119 gonna have 18% movement speed and regen+3!
Nevermind just saw the +1 stats in the post above -.-
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10298
By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-26 05:30:11
So for the 119 versions:
1) No, body isn't better than Brioso+1 for pure macc. Which is a shame... sigh. Either we accept a macc loss to benefit from the duration+ (for debuffs), or we keep using Brioso+1
2) Hands are *** awesome for debuffs
3) Legs are better than Bihu+1 for debuffs
4) Yai for speed 18% on feet <3
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-03-26 13:11:43
Will update the main sets with these and other stuff that's been mentioned when they're added to the AH.
109 Fili's set bonus seems to be the same values as Aoidos' +2's set bonus.
Also a reminder for those who are using both Fili and Aoidos' +2 until they fully upgrade their AF3+2 into Reforged AF3, Fili does not work with Aoidos' +2's set bonus.
ex. If you have 1 piece of Fili and 4 pieces of Aoidos' +2 and cast Victory March, you'll only get a DEX+3 bonus from 4/5 AF3+2, not DEX+5 as if you had 5/5 Aoidos' +2s. Fili does not contribute.
They are both separate set bonuses and both can be active simultaneously though
If you have 2 pieces of Fili and 3 pieces of Aoidos' +2 and cast Victory March, you'll get a DEX+1 bonus from 2/5 Fili and a DEX+2 bonus from 3/5 AF3+2, for a total of DEX+3.
However you cannot replicate +5 until you have your set at 5/5 again. Not sure if 109 and 119 Fili will interact with each other this way either or not, AF3+1 didn't have the set bonus to try with AF3+2 in the past like that.
Also curious to see if Fili+1's set bonus values are boosted at all.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-03-26 13:25:06
I have a default potency/duration set and a full m.acc set, these can be toggled easily with gs. Duration/potency has the correspknding +1 song equip, and duration gear in every other slot(and m.acc gear in extra slots). So default lullaby will have hands for lullaby+1, followed by duration gear in every slot possible. If mobs resist lullaby heavily, i use full m.acc(lurid mitts). If Trobadour buff is active your gs should default to full duration gear as m.acc is guaranteed. If trying to elegy something, default to emp body for the 10-12% duration, but if you can't land it after 3-4 casts(even with threnody2) should probably switch it up to af body etc. recommend all brds have a default potency/duration set, and then a m.acf set. I say make your default a potency set, because brd songs are generally low recast, fast casting and usually have pretty high amounts of m.acc due to our gear options(and threnody being like -180ish resistance which is huge for m.acc).
By Wickednessss 2015-03-26 13:34:43
So default lullaby will have hands for lullaby+1, followed by duration gear in every slot possible. If mobs resist lullaby heavily, i use full m.acc(lurid mitts).
Curious why you'd use Lurid mitts over Bihu+1 for hands slot in a resist build. For anything resisting wouldn't Macc+13 Wind+11 CHR+23 beat out Macc+23 Chr+19.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-03-26 13:46:32
So default lullaby will have hands for lullaby+1, followed by duration gear in every slot possible. If mobs resist lullaby heavily, i use full m.acc(lurid mitts).
Curious why you'd use Lurid mitts over Bihu+1 for hands slot in a resist build. For anything resisting wouldn't Macc+13 Wind+11 CHR+23 beat out Macc+23 Chr+19.
If we're assuming 1 Wind Skill = 1 Singing Skill(or just simply 1 Magic Accuracy), however it's been challenged in the past that it's not quantified that way, in that it's feasible Wind/Stringed skills have lower values than Magic Accuracy and Singing Skill for debuffs, but never proven.
By Wickednessss 2015-03-26 17:55:25
If we're assuming 1 Wind Skill = 1 Singing Skill(or just simply 1 Magic Accuracy), however it's been challenged in the past that it's not quantified that way, in that it's feasible Wind/Stringed skills have lower values than Magic Accuracy and Singing Skill for debuffs, but never proven.
Makes sense. Never really put much thought into since resists are rare with my current set. I always went with the assumption of 1:1:1. To make it in line with other top rate skills(424 @99) they would need to be calculated at 1/7-1/8(1/7=426, 1/8=419) of their values which would seem to be almost pointless in having the skill in the first place.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10298
By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-28 17:01:26
If we're assuming 1 Wind Skill = 1 Singing Skill(or just simply 1 Magic Accuracy), however it's been challenged in the past that it's not quantified that way, in that it's feasible Wind/Stringed skills have lower values than Magic Accuracy and Singing Skill for debuffs, but never proven. What Bruno said.
Sing Skill, CHR and Macc are roughly more or less the same (they're not, but for the sake of simplification we can say it's 1:1:1)
Wind/String skill instead have a much lower value than the others, so 13 wind, for instance, is worse than 10 macc.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Ragnarok.Zaenon 2015-03-28 17:29:47
This set should be optimal for song precast (capped casting time/FC and as much Quick Magic as possible), assuming no magian staves and without relying on /RDM:
ItemSet 330729
Imagine the head piece is Fili Calot +1.
Ipetam and Linos augmented with Quick Magic+4%, Gendewitha and Telchine with Song Spellcasting Time-.
Assuming perfect augments, this should be at:
Song Spellcasting Time: -55%
Fast Cast: +26%
Quick Magic: +17%
i.e. 1% over cap still (so no need for perfect augments on all three pieces).
That is, assuming Ipetam can be augmented with QM+4%, but since Linos can and Quick Magic isn't specific to it, I don't see why it couldn't. (It can't.)
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Odin.Colway 2015-03-30 08:31:50
unfortunatly QM isnt an augment on the Ipetam.
however fastcast +6% is, which potentially allows you to use a dalmatica / +1 with fastcast +5% and quickmagic +2/+3 %.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Ragnarok.Zaenon 2015-03-30 14:52:27
unfortunatly QM isnt an augment on the Ipetam.
however fastcast +6% is, which potentially allows you to use a dalmatica / +1 with fastcast +5% and quickmagic +2/+3 %.
Ah, pity. Thanks a lot for the correction.
I put Felibre's in instead of FC Ipetam though, because *** augments.
BG Wiki has FC augment on Dramatica going as high as 6%. If that's accurate, the following set should be optimal:
ItemSet 330729
It should be at:
Song Spellcasting time -48%
Fast Cast +32%
Quick Magic +16%
Linos is augmented with Quick Magic+4%, Dramatica with FC+6% and QM+3%, gendewitha and telchine with song spellcasting-. Head is Fili+1.
If BG wiki is wrong and Dalmatica +1 augments only go up to FC+6%, we need to swap out Ogapepo +1 for Swith Cape +1, which allows us to replace Prolix with Lebeche (and we'd land at 1% above cap and 15% Quick Magic).
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 51
By Leviathan.Hyriu 2015-03-30 15:56:57
WoTG earring has a +3% QM augment slot too, if you're not using it for melee jobs.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-03-30 17:48:03
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 685
By Leviathan.Protey 2015-03-30 18:00:14
However you cannot replicate +5 until you have your set at 5/5 again. Not sure if 109 and 119 Fili will interact with each other this way either or not, AF3+1 didn't have the set bonus to try with AF3+2 in the past like that.
Also curious to see if Fili+1's set bonus values are boosted at all.
109 and 119 do not work together for set bonus.
RDM 119 set bonus did not have any improvement over the level 80-90 set bonus so I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it doesn't improve on BRD either.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10298
By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-30 19:01:04
Concerning quick magic in precast sets, it's perfectly handled by Gearswap, but a small and paranoid warning I can share is about using it on Linos.
If you get a packet-loss (they're pretty rare, but alas not avoidable. Some people seem to be getting them more than others, for some reason) you might end up midcasting songs with the Quickmagic Linos.
Happened to me a few times with a Fast Cast Linos, which is why I stopped precasting any instrument except Gjallarhorn.
Someone might say: "That's pure paranoia! The same could happen in all other slots!"
Indeed it could happen, but losing a +5 stat because of lost set bonus or losing a bit of duration or losing a +1 is what I consider an "acceptable risk", it's worth it.
Losing the +4 from Horn is quite a big difference instead, and I don't wanna risk it.
I know it's just paranoia, but just sharing so you know about this and can decide wheter or not you want to take the (small) risk.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Ragnarok.Zaenon 2015-03-31 03:13:41
WoTG earring has a +3% QM augment slot too, if you're not using it for melee jobs. Ah, you're right.
There is no way to keep every QM piece in the above set and use Moonshade, though. The 2% FC lost from dropping one earring puts us below cap, and we'd have to replace another QM+3 or QM+4 piece to reach it again.
However, if FC cap on Dalmatica is 5, which means we're stuck with Swith Cape+1/Leneche Ring instead of Ogapepo+1/Prolix anyway, we can reach casting time and the same 16% QM as the above set by using Moonshade, Prolix and Swith Cape +1.
Realistically though, even if you chose to go with mage augments on Moonshade, wouldn't you pick Refresh for idling instead of QM?
[EDITED TO ADD]: Just ran into a guy with FC+6 on Dramatica +1, so that's confirmed (Muffz on Ragnarok)
Concerning quick magic in precast sets, it's perfectly handled by Gearswap, but a small and paranoid warning I can share is about using it on Linos.
If you get a packet-loss (they're pretty rare, but alas not avoidable. Some people seem to be getting them more than others, for some reason) you might end up midcasting songs with the Quickmagic Linos.
Happened to me a few times with a Fast Cast Linos, which is why I stopped precasting any instrument except Gjallarhorn.
Someone might say: "That's pure paranoia! The same could happen in all other slots!"
Indeed it could happen, but losing a +5 stat because of lost set bonus or losing a bit of duration or losing a +1 is what I consider an "acceptable risk", it's worth it.
Losing the +4 from Horn is quite a big difference instead, and I don't wanna risk it.
I know it's just paranoia, but just sharing so you know about this and can decide wheter or not you want to take the (small) risk. That's pure paranoia! The same could happen in all other slots!
By Nerdgirl101 2015-04-07 02:26:28
I know that SE likes to churn out new gear every 3 months but will we be seeing an update of gear sets on the front page soon? Reading through every page to find out what's good is giving me a brain ache.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-04-07 10:41:54
I know that SE likes to churn out new gear every 3 months but will we be seeing an update of gear sets on the front page soon? Reading through every page to find out what's good is giving me a brain ache.
When March 2015 items get updated into FFXIAH, I will redo the equipment sets :) Sorry for the frustration!
By Nerdgirl101 2015-04-07 13:56:44
Ah cool! Didn't realise FFXIAH was being slow on them, thought it was just ffxiclopedia that was slow on updates hehe.
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By Anna Ruthven 2015-04-07 13:57:59
Scragg is being slow, I'll send him a msg about it.