You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto

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You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto
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Server: Sylph
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user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2015-02-19 12:39:04
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I tested Water threnody II with G.horn(all songs+4) and measured it to be elemental resist -180.
Server: Asura
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user: Highwynd
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-02-19 13:10:43
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Tenuto is +20 second duration when capped, not sure if it applies only to you, since songs sung wih tenuto still hit everyone. If only hitting one party, shouldn't be a problem hitting Tenuto between songs a few times if it means +20s(+60s when 30/30).

-180 is gigantic, thats a large chunk of -meva.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2015-02-19 13:35:26
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Tenuto Effect only affects yourself.
Posts: 15236
By Pantafernando 2015-02-19 13:38:39
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Sylph.Reain said: »
I tested Water threnody II with G.horn(all songs+4) and measured it to be elemental resist -180.

How did you test that?
Server: Phoenix
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user: mredave
Posts: 7
By Phoenix.Mredave 2015-02-19 13:43:35
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Applies only to Bard sadly. But at least I can just ride nitro when soloing.
By 2015-02-19 13:43:59
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2015-02-19 14:07:15
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I tested by casting on a gnat and having it transfer it to me with pandemic nip with a barspell on. The elemental resist counter in the game doesnt display past -99.

Base is 160. Thenody +4 increases it by 20 so I'd assume each +1 is 5 same as tier I.

With G.horn 180

Is affected by Marcato and Soul Voice.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10296
By Asura.Sechs 2015-02-20 00:53:01
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Phoenix.Mredave said: »
Applies only to Bard sadly. But at least I can just ride nitro when soloing.
There's pros and cons with that.
You get +secs while using Nitro, but you'll have to wait for songs to expire (and then cast fakes again) which is a loss of time. A few seconds only tbf.

If you ask me, still pretty lame category.
But then again most of BRD job points and gifts are pretty lame =/
Posts: 367
By Creecreelo 2015-02-20 01:32:56
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You can reapply Tenuto songs to yourself if you cast them again with Tenuto.

Edit: You can also cast new songs on yourself as long as you cast them with Tenuto.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10296
By Asura.Sechs 2015-02-20 02:36:36
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Oh I didn't know that.
But the point is: is it worth all the effort of everything it gets you under for +20 seconds?

I'm a bit skeptic atm, maybe that's me being lazy (I totally am) but at least in theory I kinda prefer the versatility of being able to swap my songs whenever I want without having to be bothered with all those JAs. Having to pianissimo is annoying enough by itself! :P

But that's just me, I guess it's still an additional option so it can't be that bad.

Are the +20 seconds applied before song duration multipliers, or at the end like the Clarion Call ones?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2015-02-20 11:26:08
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I probably concur. I like having excess Nitro time for sticking debuffs. The only time I use tenuto currently is in Wildkeeper reives to stop other people's trust bards ovewriting my songs.
Posts: 367
By Creecreelo 2015-02-20 21:14:43
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Oh I didn't know that.
But the point is: is it worth all the effort of everything it gets you under for +20 seconds?

I'm a bit skeptic atm, maybe that's me being lazy (I totally am) but at least in theory I kinda prefer the versatility of being able to swap my songs whenever I want without having to be bothered with all those JAs. Having to pianissimo is annoying enough by itself! :P

But that's just me, I guess it's still an additional option so it can't be that bad.

Are the +20 seconds applied before song duration multipliers, or at the end like the Clarion Call ones?

Oh I totally agree. I think the only time it could maybe warrant use is if you use it with SV/CC, but even then, it's still gonna really cut in to your 80sec Nitro timer. Once the categories are raised, then perhaps Tenuto will become more useful.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Highwynd
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-02-20 21:39:11
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Tenuto Effect only affects yourself.

Well to be more clear, songs you sing under Tenuto hit everyone, but I think what you meant is the +duration from tenuto job points only affect yourself am I right?

Granted I was an idiot and capped it when I first saw it because I know for a fact Tenuto songs hit everyone but I shoulda tested if the song duration also applied to others. Oh well. Lullaby Duration is still kinda cool, though I would have wanted Madrigal accuracy.
Posts: 9
By Jajuju 2015-02-21 00:23:14
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Question about march hastes...

If I have 99 Relic Horn + full +2 Empyrean gear I should be able to cap the melee's haste with Haste 1 afterwards right?

I sing Advancing March & Victory March with 99 G-Horn and Empy +2 gear for +5 March with capped bard singing/instrument skills.

Advancing March: 6.3 + a march potency of +5 would make it 14.1 haste

Then I sing Victory March for 9.4 base haste +5 march song potency equals 17.2

14.1 from advancing and 17.2 from victory march is = 31.3

All of this mixed with Haste1 will bring me over the cap for magical haste yea?

Which leads me into what i'm actually asking here. If Soul Voice doubles your potency of March if I were under the effects of Soul Voice how would that also double the +5 potency bonus of having +5 march gear totalling my Soul Voice single song march to 34.4?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
By Cerberus.Fiasko 2015-02-21 00:41:10
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Correct, so you won't need the second march if you are under SV, but most people do it anyways. (If you lose haste or gain slow it hurts more.)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2015-02-22 11:05:22
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Creecreelo said: »
Are the +20 seconds applied before song duration multipliers, or at the end like the Clarion Call ones?

Applied at end like Clarion call. Still only added 20 seconds with troubadour.

Asura.Highwynn said: »
Tenuto Effect only affects yourself.

Well to be more clear, songs you sing under Tenuto hit everyone, but I think what you meant is the +duration from tenuto job points only affect yourself am I right?

Granted I was an idiot and capped it when I first saw it because I know for a fact Tenuto songs hit everyone but I shoulda tested if the song duration also applied to others. Oh well. Lullaby Duration is still kinda cool, though I would have wanted Madrigal accuracy.

I cast 2 tenuto marches on myself and another player in AoE. The marches lasted 20 seconds longer on me.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10296
By Asura.Sechs 2015-02-23 06:46:05
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Don't wanna sound like a party crasher, but Tenuto job points look kinda useless to me.

Back to the Threnody2 topic, you guys sure it's something as huge as -180 element meva for them?
On 130 Gramk-droog I was having issues sticking Fire Threnody II, so I tried sticking a Water Threnody II first (which sticked) but I was still having issues to stick Fire Thren 2 after, took me quite a good while to be able to.
On hunch I'd dare to say it seems like 180 is too big of a number.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: dracosam
Posts: 9
By Fenrir.Dracosam 2015-02-24 06:46:15
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quick question about M.ACC weapon for songs debuff

why using Lehbrailg +2 over Baqil staff ?

is there an hiden effect that i m not aware off cause 45 M.acc seem higher then 20-28
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10296
By Asura.Sechs 2015-02-24 07:04:38
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I suggest you re-read the full list of stats on those two weapons and sum numbers up again.
At that point you'll have the answer to your question ;)
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: dracosam
Posts: 9
By Fenrir.Dracosam 2015-02-24 22:18:19
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magic accuracy skill isn t for skill like WS only ?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10296
By Asura.Sechs 2015-02-25 02:14:19
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Absolutely not. It only works for the Main hand though.
If you have "Magic Accuracy Skill+" in your offhand, it won't be calculated.
("Magic Accuracy+" does, instead)

This doesn't matter when we're talking about staves, of course.
Posts: 152
By kithaofcerb 2015-03-02 14:18:42
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How far out of date are we on front page sets? I see a few updates off the top of my head:

Assiduity nq or +1 pants for idle sets, weatherspoon ring for quick magic/fastcast set, and Artsieq pants anywhere they have Orvail pants for fastcast sets as well.

I'm sure there is gear from the new skirmish as well that outclasses some of this stuffs.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BruHouse
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-03-02 14:58:41
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BRD essential sets should be up to date for the most part, the only thing is like you said, Weatherspoon Ring for both Debuff and Precast sets, also Telchine Feet can get more Song Spellcasting Time- to surpass Bihu Feet so I'll rework the precast sets a bit.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Sekundes
Posts: 4202
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2015-03-02 20:35:38
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This is what I'm using now. I got pretty lucky with my Telchine and got a 7% aug with a few +1 stones.

I'm 2% away from capping without having to use various magian staves.

Improvements on this set would be:
Sheikh Manteel for 1% SCT
Swith Cape +1 for 1% FC
+5 augs on Genewitha pieces for +2% SCT each
Weather. Ring +5% FC
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Highwynd
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-03-02 21:38:12
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How about Linos, can get 6% FC on that.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BruHouse
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2015-03-02 23:35:42
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was seeing if it would be viable to use Dalmatica +1 in a precast set since it can get Occ. quickens spellcasting+3% on it

ItemSet 333737

Only would really see use for this on /RDM, assume 5% on both Gendewitha pieces and 7% on the feet, this set is at 70%, with /RDM you cap off from the added 15%, and have a 16% chance of instacast. Of course, you're 5% overcapped, could take out the earrings or the neck, but they're still in there for leniency with random augments. If you wanted to get really hardcore, could use an Occ. quickens spellcasting+3% Moonshade Earring for a total of a 19% chance of instacast.

With magian staves, this set could also have use with any sub. Before considering weapons, with max augments you're at -64% casting time, so a staff puts you at 78%. Vivid Strap would put you 1% away, but Ionis also would cap you too.

I'm sure reforged AF3 head is gonna be amazeballs for precasts.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10296
By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-09 02:24:00
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Considering next patch we're gonna get an upgrade on Aoidos head, consdiering the -8% song on feet in addition to the -6 base... yes, Augmented Dalmatica+1 is very much useable.
If you already have it then go for it. Not sure I'd suggest people to bother with it if they don't have it already. I also think Linos can get at least up to 3% Quick Magic.

I have very little Instacast in my current BRD precast sets (NQ ogapego, Witful, Weatherspoon ring).
Personally I find insta proc on BRD quite annoying.
Given how easily we can reach the cap and given how fast songs go off, I don't really like those instacast procs.
That's especially true for the instrument slot (which I don't use despite having an Impatiens).

If you get a packetloss (which there is no possible way to avoid) you might end up midcasting songs with impatiens instead of Gjallarhorn, and that's pretty pretty pretty annoying when it happens, and it *** up your rotations.
So even if someone wants to go for the quickmagic route, I suggest to avoid using all slots but the ranged one.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10296
By Asura.Sechs 2015-03-09 02:35:05
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On a different note, what are people's expectations for the reforged Aoidos set?
Mine as follow

Head: Still gonna be best for precast, will likely see an increase there. Likely best for midcast too because of the set bonus, just like now except Paeons. Might become better/equal than Bihu+1 for Debuffs, in which case I might be happy because of Inventory+1

Body: Best for midcast, but that's true even for the normal piece. There's a chance of it beating Brioso+1 for debuffs. I would be happy because of inventory+1 and because that way Debuffs would benefit from additional duration too. Really hope to see a duration bonus increase as well, would make Nitro+Carns manageament even easier

Hands: Best for midcast, there's a chance to become best for debuffs too (yai inventory space!)

Legs: Could become a valid alternative to Bihu for debuffs, if it gets equal overall macc values, we could benefit from that song recast delay-. Wouldn't gain an inventory slot because you'd still want to keep Bihu for SV duration. What I really DREAM this piece could get is Duration+10% so I can finally say goodbye to Marduk+1 and stop getting annoyed by Ballads not overwriting other songs unless you wait X seconds.

Feet: Movement speed +18% yesplz! Don't know what else to expect. Doubt they could become better options than Brioso+1 (Duration) or our other debuff options (Artsieq/Kandza). Maybe a decent Mordant Rime option?

Doubt we're gonna get updates on the Belt/Neck/Earring, but who knows. Even if we do they would be small upgrades since those slots don't have ilevel stats.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 24
By Odin.Colway 2015-03-17 19:40:25
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i roled quickcast +4 on linos. Using Gearswap you can parse the augments so i actually have 3 x linos at the moment.

still working on them, hopping for int mnd on the fastcast linos, and better TP augments on 3rd. With magian staffs i use the Quickcast linos, anything i cant use magian staff with i use the fascast, which is mostly enfeebles and not bard songs so the fastcast linos gets double use as a macc peice for enfeebs. hope this helps would be augmenters.

1 set I highly recommend for any bard that finds themselves casting haste all the time is a full telchine set with as much enhancing magic duration +X on each peice with as much fastcast as you can get (caps are 10 and 5 respectively). Reason i say this is due to the fact that the Ehancing magic duration augment is a % addition and since you'd be equipping it in midcast you'll want all the fascast you can get since you cannot role haste on the gear. I tested the augment and it does infact apply to anyone you cast enhancing magic on. i currently have 5 on head, 8 on body and a crappy 1 on hands, but the 14% adds 25 seconds to my hastes. with (if you can afford it) 50% thats 180 seconds x 150% = 270 seconds of haste. obviosuly it applies to other buffs like stoneskin blink reraise etc etc etc. very usefull for mp conservation if you dont just cast songs. Hope this is of use.
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