You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto

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You Spoony Guide! - A Troubadour's Libretto
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Server: Lakshmi
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user: Veikuri
Posts: 49
By Lakshmi.Veika 2014-08-15 00:43:12
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How hard is that to get?
Server: Odin
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user: Calipso
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2014-08-15 01:33:08
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Pretty sure the +3 is shopped.

The +2 on the other hand, is stupidly easy to get.

Our first run, we had 3 linos drop, and I went 1/1 on a +2 augment.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: valli
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By Quetzalcoatl.Valli 2014-08-15 02:41:22
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If +2 is very easy to get it stands to reason that the +3 is the rare/legit aug
Server: Asura
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user: Folant
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By Asura.Folant 2014-08-15 05:34:59
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Not sure if this has been asked before, or if it's even possible, but there's a lot of information and, confuses me. lol

Fresh 99 Bard, getting some gear together for precast, midcast and all that good stuff. But wondering if someone could help with my ranged slot.

Is there a way to equip something in the ranged slot, then re-equip whatever was in there before automatically?

(Or alternatively, a way to automatically equip say, 3-song harp if there's only two songs active, but automatically equip song+ if there's 3 already active and need refreshing?)
Posts: 15227
By Pantafernando 2014-08-15 05:59:05
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Asura.Folant said: »

Not sure if this has been asked before, or if it's even possible, but there's a lot of information and, confuses me. lol

Fresh 99 Bard, getting some gear together for precast, midcast and all that good stuff. But wondering if someone could help with my ranged slot.

Is there a way to equip something in the ranged slot, then re-equip whatever was in there before automatically?

(Or alternatively, a way to automatically equip say, 3-song harp if there's only two songs active, but automatically equip song+ if there's 3 already active and need refreshing?)

The only song you need to cast with terpander/daurdabla is dummy, all the rest need to be sang with instrument+ so, personally, i dont have this issue. My marchs and minuets are macroed with my +song instrument and only my carol is macroed with my 3 songs.
Server: Valefor
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user: bob
Posts: 160
By Valefor.Psykopat 2014-08-15 06:06:14
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Odin.Calipso said: »
Pretty sure the +3 is shopped.

The +2 on the other hand, is stupidly easy to get.

Our first run, we had 3 linos drop, and I went 1/1 on a +2 augment.

Maybe you was extremely lucky going 1/1 ^^ Cannot say before several people goes 1/1.

I myself am 0/2, not even getting a all songs +1
Posts: 60
By Tylaar 2014-08-15 06:50:31
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Yea, nothing about SE luck can be called stupidly easy. Ive put in 7 -dim so far, and saw no song + at all.
Posts: 614
By Aikawa 2014-08-15 07:05:22
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Quetzalcoatl.Valli said: »
If +2 is very easy to get it stands to reason that the +3 is the rare/legit aug
Personally I do think, the +3 augment exist, would have den more screenshots around, and the other reason is the terpander just add one extra song, why would se give us a flute that can replace the relic but no the empy?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
By Cerberus.Fiasko 2014-08-15 07:10:44
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Aikawa said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Valli said: »
If +2 is very easy to get it stands to reason that the +3 is the rare/legit aug
Personally I do think, the +3 augment exist, would have den more screenshots around, and the other reason is the terpander just add one extra song, why would se give us a flute that can replace the relic but no the empy?

SE replaced the Lv. 90 Empy, which they have done with every other job (minus shield). There are very few relics that have been completely replaced on the level that a +3 augment would do for Ghorn and brds.
Server: Odin
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user: Calipso
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2014-08-15 07:12:42
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While you can argue the 90 version of emp was replaced, the 99/final form of the emp certainly hasn't been.

Most of the first attempts I saw people were getting +2 in the first couple stones. Hope your bad luck doesn't hold out :/

Also at other questions in the the thread, I think Mote's GS has a song-counter thing built into it (where you would automatically swap into Daur/Terpander after 2 songs). I've personally never used it because I've had my macros and what not set up a certain way for years, and change..blah!
Server: Cerberus
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user: Spiraboo
Posts: 516
By Cerberus.Spirachub 2014-08-15 07:51:45
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Asura.Folant said: »
Is there a way to equip something in the ranged slot, then re-equip whatever was in there before automatically?

Check what you were wearing before you swap into a precast set, store that in a variable and make it equip that in midcast. This should do what you want.

Something like (warning: untested code)
function precast(spell)
    if spell.type == 'BardSong' then
        midcast_instrument =
        <whatever you do to determine precast set>

function midcast()
    if spell.type == 'BardSong' then
        <whatever you do to determine midcast set>

Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: bukasmith
Posts: 280
By Carbuncle.Bukadan 2014-08-15 08:33:03
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Bahamut.Chrius said: »
Freshly burned bard about to start skilling up and gearing. I see empy 5/5 is important. Is there a generic ordering of AF/relic to reforge? Just like, mandatory / very useful (even if for just 1 macro) / occasionally useful) Does it change if I have no intentions of making a 4 song?
Brioso (Reforged AF)
Head => useful just for the Paeon augment, can skip it honestly
Body => Aim for 119, really nice debuff body
Hands => 119 is a viable debuff option but there are other arguably better ones
Legs => Skip it
Feet => Aim for 119, it has +duration, should use it on almost all songs except Scherzo. Also a decent option for debuffs but there are better ones.

Bihu (Reforged Relic)
Head => Aim for 119, best debuff piece atm, nice for PDT too (but this goes for all Bihu)
Body => get at least 109 (if you don't have augmented Relic +2 already) for the Troubadour augment. It's an awesome TP body but if you don't intend to DD on BRD you don't really need it for that purpose
Hands => 119 I think it's the best debuff option for wind instrument, but not really that much ahead of other options. I'd focus on something else first.
Legs => 119 is the best debuff option. Also gives Soul Voice +30 seconds
Feet => 119 Best piece for precast. You should get at least 109 (if you don't have augmented relic+2) for the Nightingale Augment. It's also a really nice option for string instrument debuff. Personally I like Kandza Gaiters for the -3 song delay, another option would be Artsieq R15 Macc.

Bihu is good for pdt. if you dont have pdt sets then your bard is laughable. ghorn/+4 sonngs or not
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Spiraboo
Posts: 516
By Cerberus.Spirachub 2014-08-15 08:59:24
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Only Bihu body is best for PDt, the rest of the slot you can get comparable or better pdt on skirmish gear. Of course Relic may still wins if you count the magic evasion and stats vomit. But skirmish +1 pieces will get you the -mdt as well.

For a starting bard I wouldn't worry that much, getting pieces that help your functionality is a lot more important. I idle with refresh pieces over DT pieces, and would really be switching into a full DT set if I feel i'm in real danger of dying.. which is almost never if you play/stand smart (pianissmo buffing pld, never stand in conical range, know your songs' distances - if you really have to run in and you feel like you'll get 1 hit killed - consider pianissmo scherzo/stoneskin). Most of the time you're standing with the mages playing support, you're not really in much danger.

You're really only exposed to danger when you're buffing melees. when you're buffing, you wouldn't really be using any bihu pieces anyway. -song cast gear is probably more worthwhile so you can get away from danger zone faster. If you want to work on DT, it's much more worthwhile to get the non buff duration/buff related slots first(dring, dark ring with good augments, earrings etc). In fact you can get a -50 pdt idle set without using any pdt on armor pieces if you idle in earth staff. Get DT armor pieces last should you need them.
Posts: 614
By Aikawa 2014-08-15 09:15:48
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Cerberus.Fiasko said: »
Aikawa said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Valli said: »
If +2 is very easy to get it stands to reason that the +3 is the rare/legit aug
Personally I do think, the +3 augment exist, would have den more screenshots around, and the other reason is the terpander just add one extra song, why would se give us a flute that can replace the relic but no the empy?

SE replaced the Lv. 90 Empy, which they have done with every other job (minus shield). There are very few relics that have been completely replaced on the level that a +3 augment would do for Ghorn and brds.
Names the relics that were replaced? Don't recall any other weapon to have their aftermath or hidden effects
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: bukasmith
Posts: 280
By Carbuncle.Bukadan 2014-08-15 10:29:04
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you change to pdt idle set when youre running out to pull mb's, so you can sleep the adds after its pulled away, so you can still contribute with dispells if you need to, and little intangible things. bards with a pdt set they can swap into show situational value. its a very easy set to make, throw some +1 stones into gendewitha when you hit 99. youre only casting for minimal time so spending the rest of that time in pdt when you have situational need (which is quite often) is valuable. i mean i advocate using cure pote recieved in addition to capped cure pote in cure macro as well. not to mention cure cast time/fast cast for 50% cure pote cures.

you run in, stand in pdt, and when the mob ws's, immediately start casting songs, stop when the mob is about to ws again, then continue. youll never be "that bard" that dies every time mobs aoe.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Spiraboo
Posts: 516
By Cerberus.Spirachub 2014-08-15 11:10:56
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Not saying a dt set isn't important, I'm saying Bihu isn't the best (cheapest) way to get it and it's def. not the no.1 focus for a bard.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Veikuri
Posts: 49
By Lakshmi.Veika 2014-08-15 18:51:41
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Meh, just ignore him. Elist trying to be elite. If you want to newbie PDT set then just grab a Earth Staff, Twilight Torque, Cherviot(spelling) Cape,2x PDT rings(Jelly Ring, Augmented Dark Rings,AA ring, etc) for the time being.

I'd take a 4-song/relic horn BRD over a 50% PDT/MDT idle 2/3 song brd any day.
Posts: 614
By Aikawa 2014-08-16 00:32:55
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Carbuncle.Bukadan said: »
you change to pdt idle set when youre running out to pull mb's, so you can sleep the adds after its pulled away, so you can still contribute with dispells if you need to, and little intangible things. bards with a pdt set they can swap into show situational value. its a very easy set to make, throw some +1 stones into gendewitha when you hit 99. youre only casting for minimal time so spending the rest of that time in pdt when you have situational need (which is quite often) is valuable. i mean i advocate using cure pote recieved in addition to capped cure pote in cure macro as well. not to mention cure cast time/fast cast for 50% cure pote cures.

you run in, stand in pdt, and when the mob ws's, immediately start casting songs, stop when the mob is about to ws again, then continue. youll never be "that bard" that dies every time mobs aoe.
Or... use scherzo on your self if you are afraid to get oneshoted, coz for anything else you can just move out and heal your self.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: bob
Posts: 160
By Valefor.Psykopat 2014-08-16 02:31:54
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Now after 7 stones +2 and 6M+ still no sign of all songs augment (not even +1) so I will definately not classify it at "stupidly easy to get" lol
Posts: 233
By Warviper 2014-08-16 06:03:36
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Valefor.Psykopat said: »
Now after 7 stones +2 and 6M+ still no sign of all songs augment (not even +1) so I will definately not classify it at "stupidly easy to get" lol

Did you only use snowdim stone +2 ???? or did you also, at the same time, trade a leafdim stone +1 like it seems many others did???

Maybe you need to trade a pair of stones to get the +2 songs augment.

And has anyone tried trading Snowdim stone +2 AND a leafdim stone +2 at the same time???
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Calipso
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2014-08-16 07:11:26
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Posted this in the other thread, I only traded 1 stone at a time for my augment. Again, just luck based like most other shitty aspects of this game.
Posts: 233
By Warviper 2014-08-16 10:32:35
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So far ive used 4 "snowdim stone +2" on my Linus.

All ive gotten so far is:
Magic Accuracy+14
Magic Accuracy+10
Magic Evasion+10
Attack+10 (i think it was or some other #¤"##"#"##).

Havent even seen all songs +1 yet ;;;
Posts: 15227
By Pantafernando 2014-08-16 10:47:19
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Warviper said: »
So far ive used 4 "snowdim stone +2" on my Linus.

All ive gotten so far is:
Magic Accuracy+14
Magic Accuracy+10
Magic Evasion+10
Attack+10 (i think it was or some other #¤"##"#"##).

Havent even seen all songs +1 yet ;;;

YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Waff
Posts: 376
By Quetzalcoatl.Waffless 2014-08-16 10:52:50
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Odin.Calipso said: »
Posted this in the other thread, I only traded 1 stone at a time for my augment. Again, just luck based like most other shitty aspects of this game.

Does this mean you got the +3 augment?

Edit: I guess you might be referring to this from your earlier post? "Our first run, we had 3 linos drop, and I went 1/1 on a +2"

Just reading your last post kind of made it look like you got the +3.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Calipso
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2014-08-16 11:21:19
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Yes --- only augment I got was a +2. Just meant to say I was trading one stone at a time. Can you actually even do multiple augs at once?
Posts: 233
By Warviper 2014-08-16 11:34:28
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Warviper said: »
So far ive used 4 "snowdim stone +2" on my Linus.

All ive gotten so far is:
Magic Accuracy+14
Magic Accuracy+10
Magic Evasion+10
Attack+10 (i think it was or some other #¤"##"#"##).

Havent even seen all songs +1 yet ;;;

Just tried 2 more Snowdim Stone +2 ...... And you can add:

Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Veikuri
Posts: 49
By Lakshmi.Veika 2014-08-17 08:25:25
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NQ Leaftip gave me -1% PDT
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Chrius2
Posts: 9
By Odin.Xami 2014-08-22 10:10:41
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leafdim+2 for cure cast-5%
Followed by a stack of snowdim+2 garbage with macc+10 showing up 4 or 5 times, some mab~13 and maybe some magic evasion
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Crunkie
Posts: 189
By Ragnarok.Crunkie 2014-08-23 11:48:00
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So, I have a friend that is trying to get the +2 songs on the new Skirmish instrument. Is it Snowdim +2 that is getting the Songs+ augment or the Leafdim +2? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aikawa
Posts: 86
By Asura.Gabba 2014-08-23 12:29:56
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Snowdim +2
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