The Parthenon: A Warrior's Kyklos

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The Parthenon: A Warrior's Kyklos
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9987
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-21 17:48:22
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Asura.Azagarth said: »
never have had an issue

You won't until you do and then your *** as you frantically try to figure out whats broke as the NM is smashing your group around. I've seen too many people screw themselves and their group over by using gearswaps that play the game for you. It's not that hard to bring up your equip screen and change Weapon + Grip, takes 5s and you don't risk screwing yourself and your group over at some unforseen time in the future.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-05-22 00:41:45
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so wanted to play with my new AG bravura and see what it could do, so I went out to solo apex bats at bat bowl (was empty). peaked at 5.6m/hr then over 45 min I avged 4.6m/hr 100% solo with only trusts, no food, no cp mantle or rings.

Before I could only get around 2.8m/hr max due to the dmg taken (trust would run out of mp, so recall times etc), so bravura def has a niche if your still finishing off cp and every PUG pty has been 3m at best lol :D

this is my bravura -dt set.

ItemSet 351163

Its at -49% DT (50 with HQ ammo), has 40 stp with my current augs which gives me a 5 hit (ws+4), 1220 acc 71%da 4TA. I cant really see any clear changes to make atm, any advice?
Posts: 9
By sirel 2017-05-24 09:00:33
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I had a question about resolution WS. Does WSD not really factor in much? I noticed that Valerous gear was not included in any of the gear swap sets for resolution. Is DA the most important factor along with strength when it comes to resolution WS? Thanks!
Posts: 3612
By Taint 2017-05-24 09:15:23
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sirel said: »
I had a question about resolution WS. Does WSD not really factor in much? I noticed that Valerous gear was not included in any of the gear swap sets for resolution. Is DA the most important factor along with strength when it comes to resolution WS? Thanks!

WSdmg only applies to the first hit. Its good for 1 hit WSs, but falls behind on multi-hit.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9987
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-24 10:09:41
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sirel said: »
I had a question about resolution WS. Does WSD not really factor in much? I noticed that Valerous gear was not included in any of the gear swap sets for resolution. Is DA the most important factor along with strength when it comes to resolution WS? Thanks!

Everything you can get with Argosy you can also get with Valorous / Odyssean. Argosy is just known values that are very high, while the other two are crazy annoying, random and you never know if your even going to get what you want. Resolution copies it's fTP multiplier to all of the original five hits and to any additional hits that are proced. WSD gear only effects the first hit and thus has a minor impact on multi-hit WS's while Multi-Attack adds hits with full fTP multipliers.

STR / Multi-Attack / Accuracy / Attack for Resolution.
Posts: 4028
By Blazed1979 2017-05-24 10:51:54
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Asura.Saevel said: »
You won't until you do and then your *** as you frantically try to figure out whats broke as the NM is smashing your group around. I've seen too many people screw themselves and their group over by using gearswaps that play the game for you. It's not that hard to bring up your equip screen and change Weapon + Grip, takes 5s and you don't risk screwing yourself and your group over at some unforseen time in the future.
That's why, specifically for tanking in fact, I still have my vanilla macros and windower macros. Much more control of the situation. I'm sure someone out there has a very advanced PLD lua that accounts for all situations. I'm fine with unloading gearswap and going back to old-school CTRL/ALT smashing (it definitely keeps me from falling asleep on most content)

sirel said: »
I had a question about resolution WS. Does WSD not really factor in much? I noticed that Valerous gear was not included in any of the gear swap sets for resolution. Is DA the most important factor along with strength when it comes to resolution WS? Thanks!

My Reso sets priorities = Acc check/STR/MultiHit/ATK in that order on war. Have different sets for when zerk is up on off. When its off I'll push ATK to top of the priority list after accuracy.
Posts: 9
By sirel 2017-05-24 11:48:35
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So if I am reading that right, you could technically have a 10 hit resolution? You won't see it obviously but it will have same damage effect of double? If thats the case, does that also work with one hit ws like fudo?
Posts: 9
By sirel 2017-05-24 12:10:07
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Quote from Bg wiki "This weaponskill has its fTP transferred across all hits, making Elemental Gorgets and Elemental Belts excellent neck and waist gear options." So wouldn't anything that gave WSD also do the same or is it just the fotia gear?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 61
By Sylph.Padisharcreel 2017-05-24 12:12:05
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You can only have a max of 2 MA on a WS iirc, and WS are subject to the 8 hits per round limit.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Dunigs
Posts: 83
By Bismarck.Dunigs 2017-05-24 12:18:52
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sirel said: »
So if I am reading that right, you could technically have a 10 hit resolution? You won't see it obviously but it will have same damage effect of double? If thats the case, does that also work with one hit ws like fudo?

You cannot exceed 8 hits in a single volley. If you're question is "will a 2-hit Fudo be literally double a 1-hit Fudo" the answer is no. Resolution, and other typically used WS, have a property which makes their FTP transfer across hits. This not only makes Belts/Gorgets a strong choice for them (because the bonus touches each hit), but also means multi-attack is a very strong option for them.

Fudo, Rudras, and other strong 1-hit WS with high FTP do not benefit as much from Gorgets/Belts because their high FTP means additional FTP does not provide as much of an increase (going from 1->1.1 is a 10% increase, 8->8.1 is only a 1.25% increase). They also do not benefit as much from multi-strike because without this "FTP spread" property, the extra hit is incredibly weak compared to the first one (I believe it is the same as FTP = 1.0?).

WSDamage and FTP are completely different things as far as WS damage is concerned. In many cases FTP also only applies to the first hit as well, but Resolution and others with the caveat you mentioned from BGWiki share across hits. There is no known WS to my knowledge where WSDamage +% spreads across hits, its only assumed to apply to the first hit ever. This makes it good for things like Rudra's/Fudo because mathematically their damage comes from beefing up that single hit as much as you can. With Resolution you're better off stacking STR over WSDamage because each subsequent hit is equally important as the first hit.
Posts: 9
By sirel 2017-05-24 14:13:59
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So just to confirm, fotia is the only gear that transfers over all hits? Even though the wording is the same on the warrior cape augment (for example). The WSD from the cape is only applied to the first hit where the fotia neck and belt transfer to all? Has this been confirmed in testing?
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-05-24 14:17:30
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yes. I've even tested to see if fTP transferring WS would transfer WSD over all hits and they do not.

I did not test with a fotia piece and extra WSD from other sources to see if the fotia items forced WSD to transfer, though. Too lazy to go back.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2017-05-24 14:23:49
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sirel said: »
So just to confirm, fotia is the only gear that transfers over all hits? Even though the wording is the same on the warrior cape augment (for example). The WSD from the cape is only applied to the first hit where the fotia neck and belt transfer to all? Has this been confirmed in testing?

Weaponskill Accuracy goes through all hits iirc.
Posts: 9
By sirel 2017-05-24 14:35:12
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thats crazy that they use the exact same wording on gear yet they would have different effects on WS then.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9987
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-24 21:39:48
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sirel said: »
thats crazy that they use the exact same wording on gear yet they would have different effects on WS then.

Yes it's really bad translation, but it's not the only item like that.

That does the same thing Fotia neck / belt do but only if the day is the same as an SC property of the WS, which is extremely confusing for a lot of people. For Resolution it's +0.3 fTP on Earthsday, Windsday, and Lightningday.
Posts: 9
By sirel 2017-05-25 12:26:47
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If it's not too much trouble, would you mind sharing your war lua gs file with me via PM? I appreciate all the help guys. Thanks!
Posts: 3612
By Taint 2017-05-25 19:37:13
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Asura.Saevel said: »
sirel said: »
thats crazy that they use the exact same wording on gear yet they would have different effects on WS then.

Yes it's really bad translation, but it's not the only item like that.

That does the same thing Fotia neck / belt do but only if the day is the same as an SC property of the WS, which is extremely confusing for a lot of people. For Resolution it's +0.3 fTP on Earthsday, Windsday, and Lightningday.

So this helm is a must have for Reso spam??
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9987
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-25 20:57:49
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Taint said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
sirel said: »
thats crazy that they use the exact same wording on gear yet they would have different effects on WS then.

Yes it's really bad translation, but it's not the only item like that.

That does the same thing Fotia neck / belt do but only if the day is the same as an SC property of the WS, which is extremely confusing for a lot of people. For Resolution it's +0.3 fTP on Earthsday, Windsday, and Lightningday.

So this helm is a must have for Reso spam??

On the appropriate days yes.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-05-25 22:14:42
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With its lack of other stats, is it really going to perform much better than say Argosy+1? I never saw the math on it, but I stopped looking to use it because inv-1 for a situational piece of gear that would be used on lower lv mobs anyhow who should melt regardless.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-05-25 22:19:49
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0.3 - 2.4 additional fTP on Resolution.

So, yes.

herp derp, I know how to math.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2017-05-25 22:23:02
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Just to clarify, it's a 30/256 fTP boost, not a .3 fTP boost.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-05-25 22:28:18
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for comparison, it would be 120/1024 where gorget and belt are 100/1024 each.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9987
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-26 10:11:57
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Odin.Llewelyn said: »
Just to clarify, it's a 30/256 fTP boost, not a .3 fTP boost.

Thanks clarified some weirdness I was getting. SE and their inconsistent changes.

30/256 = 0.117 fTP on a WS that copies fTP is pretty big.


STR 21 (17.85 WSC)
DEX 25 (2.5 WSC)
Atk 25 (40.75)
Acc 25 (43.75)
+30/256 fTP

Argosy +1 Path D

STR 30 (25.5 WSC)
DEX 42 (4.2 WSC)
Atk 35 (57.5)
Acc 50 (81.5)
DA 5
Store TP 7

Resolution 0.71875 / 1.5 / 2.25
Belt + Gorget = +0.2
Moonshade +250 = +0.19531 (under 2K)
fTP at 1K spammage = 1.11406, with G helm = 1.23106 a 10.5% increase.

The stats from HQ Argosy are not close to a 10.5% increase unless accuracy is an issue, and it very well could be.

But we are WAR's and WAR's like to use Warcry which changes things a bit.
950 TP Bonus = 2450 total TP for a 1.8375 fTP per hit.
Belt + Gorget = 0.2 for 2.0375 fTP per hit
Helm adds 0.11718 for 2.15468 a 5.7% increase which HQ Argosy might be close to but not likely to be better then, again assuming accuracy isn't a big issue (big *** assumption I know).

HQ Argosy head has +29.7 WSC 5% DA and 7 Store TP
Gavi Helm has +20.35 WSC and +0.11718 fTP

To give an idea of what Base DMG would look like, here is me standing outside of my moh house in western with just hasso up.

HQ Argosy head
STR 114 + 256 = 370 = 314.5 WSC
DEX 101 + 198 = 299 = 29.9 WSC

Gavi head
STR 114 + 247 = 361 = 306.85 WSC
DEX 101 + 181 = 282 = 28.2 WSC

Rag is 304 base and using a target with 250 VIT
HQ Argosy 304 + 314 + 29 + 31 = 678 BDMG
Gavi Helm 304 + 306 + 28 + 28 = 666 BDMG

HQ Argosy's head is only 1.8% higher from it's STR/DEX. The real difference is how much 5 DA and that extra accuracy vs 5 ~ 10.5 bonus damage on every hit including Multi-Attack procs. The only time I've ever seen Gavi losing is when accuracy comes into the picture, and that very well could be an issue as I've stated many times in the past.

I type all this ***to hopefully get people into analyzing their own gear and situation and then to make their own decisions on what works best at that time, instead of just taking some random dude off a forum's word for it.

Noticed that Gorget / Belt are actually +0.09765 fTP each instead of the 0.1 value we've been used to using. It's close enough for the math to still be accuracy though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9987
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-26 10:43:21
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Ok so going over my Reso sets and this is the Multi-Attack rate I have.

Normal Set = 3% QA 75% DA
Resolution Day Set = 3% QA 70% DA

At that high of a DA rate we've already started to marginalize further increases so 5% isn't a very large increase percentage wise.
Posts: 30
By tarujedi 2017-06-01 15:02:28
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hi guys,

can i request someone post or inbox me their LUA.

preferably one with working capacity points mode (lots of grinding to do)

Have ragnarok if it makes a difference to the LUA.

Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Atigevomega 2017-06-09 17:29:36
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Hello all, Finally able to get back into xi a bit, after tons of fun with nvidia optimus..... However in my rounds with this pc, I lost all my old spreadsheets and most of my lua's thankfully i had a mostly current (as of dec) lua for war, however looking for an at least semi up to date spreadsheet, anyone able to help?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3325
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2017-06-10 02:16:46
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So I'm having first world problems. I got both of my rings recently, would be nice to make both work in my high accuracy set.

ItemSet 351835
Body is Acc+40 Attack+25 STP+4

Without the mantle I am sitting at:
Double Attack: 45% + 33% From JT/Gifts/Merits
Triple Attack: 4%
QA: 3%

Debating on just doing a Dex/Acc/Store TP cape since I'm at an 85% Multi Attack rate without it. Should also have -26% DT and -7PDT with my aftermath up.

It seems like my only option to use my AF Legs/Feet/Utu Grip/Rings and keep a very comfortable 5 hit.

I suppose this would be a maximum accuracy set.

It seems like once you are able to +3 your legs/feet you can change your cape augs around a bit. Prior to Omen DA seemed like a no brainer. But now having 28% DA on the waist/leg/feet slot makes things a little more flexible.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Fiasko 2017-06-13 10:25:35
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Fenrir.Skarwind said: »
So I'm having first world problems. I got both of my rings recently, would be nice to make both work in my high accuracy set.

ItemSet 351835
Body is Acc+40 Attack+25 STP+4

Without the mantle I am sitting at:
Double Attack: 45% + 33% From JT/Gifts/Merits
Triple Attack: 4%
QA: 3%

Debating on just doing a Dex/Acc/Store TP cape since I'm at an 85% Multi Attack rate without it. Should also have -26% DT and -7PDT with my aftermath up.

It seems like my only option to use my AF Legs/Feet/Utu Grip/Rings and keep a very comfortable 5 hit.

I suppose this would be a maximum accuracy set.

It seems like once you are able to +3 your legs/feet you can change your cape augs around a bit. Prior to Omen DA seemed like a no brainer. But now having 28% DA on the waist/leg/feet slot makes things a little more flexible.

If I mathed correctly you are going to want Telos Earring over Brutal as well as the cape change. The 10STP alone from the cape won't put you at a true 5 hit with Metatron Torment.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9987
By Asura.Saevel 2017-06-13 10:46:37
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Asura.Fiasko said: »
If I mathed correctly you are going to want Telos Earring over Brutal as well as the cape change. The 10STP alone from the cape won't put you at a true 5 hit with Metatron Torment.

Trying to figure out the purpose of his build. Bravura is not used for damage, it's inferior to many other options. Bravura is used for reducing damage intake by using the AM effect to create a very good hybrid build. So any sets that don't involved 50% DT (20% AM + 30% gear) aren't really valid.

sets.TP.DTAM = {ammo="Staunch Tathlum",
			    head=Acc_Head,neck="Loricate torque +1", ear1="Cessance earring", ear2="Telos earring",
			    body="Souveran cuirass +1",hands="Emicho Gauntlets +1",ring1="Moonbeam ring",ring2="Defending Ring",
			    back=DA_Back,waist="Ioskeha belt",legs=TP_Legs,feet="Valorous greaves"}

So 10% from body, 10% from D ring, 6% from neck and 4% from Moonbeam ring. The rest is full of Multi-Attack and Store TP to let me continue doing damage.

So WAR's need to be focused a bit differently when gearing Bravura sets, your a pseudo-tank when your doing that.
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