The Parthenon: A Warrior's Kyklos

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The Parthenon: A Warrior's Kyklos
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-03-16 10:48:30
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Did you go path B on Emicho Hands/Body?

Also, what is the HQ Body's Path D?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-03-16 16:45:28
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Asura.Saevel said: »
You absolutely do not want to TP in argosy ever.

Yeah man, those unresisted Sonic Booms from Apex Bats are killer. Too bad we don't have spells to remove debuffs.

If perhaps my point isn't clear, there are plenty of times you can TP in Argosy, and if you have the +1 it's quite good as far as TP gear goes. Blanket statements are bad. Just think about what you are fighting and make logical choices.
Posts: 105
By Dsuza 2016-03-16 17:51:06
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Did you go path B on Emicho Hands/Body?

Also, what is the HQ Body's Path D?

I went path B on both hands and body.

As for path D for the HQ body, is just pet junk:

Pet: HP+125
Pet: INT+20
Pet: "Regen"+3

Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
You absolutely do not want to TP in argosy ever.

Yeah man, those unresisted Sonic Booms from Apex Bats are killer. Too bad we don't have spells to remove debuffs.

If perhaps my point isn't clear, there are plenty of times you can TP in Argosy, and if you have the +1 it's quite good as far as TP gear goes. Blanket statements are bad. Just think about what you are fighting and make logical choices.

I don't know, I use Path D for the +1 Head for TP in High Acc content. If/when I pull hate or if my HP goes yellow from a AoE TP move I just switch to my DT set until I'm healed up/don't have hate anymore. I was using the +1 feet for a while too, but recently I got a great augment on Val feet so I don't anymore, but it was fine when I did.

That being said it probably isn't the best idea to be TPing in 4/5-5/5 etc on a high lvl NM that spams AoE, but that's about it I think.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2016-03-17 11:11:18
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Did you go path B on Emicho Hands/Body?

Also, what is the HQ Body's Path D?

Path B as it's HP +65 DEX +12 Accuracy +20 for the HQ, NW is DEX +10 Accuracy +15. Set bonus is DA +4/2/2/2 but you'll never use more then two pieces since the rest are pretty bad for TP. Path A is +STR / Attack which is a huge waste seeing how bad for WS this set is, Path's C and D are usually +pet *** and even worse then Path A. The Body + Hands have great accuracy and DA / sTP which makes them good TP items, especially if you can HQ them and get the DA+4 set bonus.

Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »
Yeah man, those unresisted Sonic Booms from Apex Bats are killer. Too bad we don't have spells to remove debuffs.

Actually resisting that is easy, just have your healer do Barwater and suddenly it only lands 1/10 of the time. Never, EVER, TP in argosy gear reguardless if you have the +1 or not. That ***has noob-alert written all over it. Nobody cares how much damage you do to delve monsters, the places where we do care about your damage also happen to be places where you can and will eat AoE magic damage and status ailments.

Here are the stats of HQ Argosy vs NQ Emicho hands

So you are giving up defensive stats for some extra attack during your TP phase.

Here are the defensive stats that are missing (these from NQ Emicho, Valorous could have different)
VIT +32
AGI +7
INT +16
MND +30
CHR +19
Evasion +24
Magic Evasion +32
MDB +1

Of note is the Magic Evasion along with the dINT/CHR/MND stats which also add magic evasion. And just to give everyone an idea of the numbers were dealing with.

With 900 skill (maximum potency): +65 magic evasion

Eminent Bell grants an additional: +18 magic evasion
Dunna and Nepote Bell grant an additional: +30 magic evasion
Idris grants an additional: +60 magic evasion

32 Magic evasion + dSTAT is kind of important when the big picture is taken into account. The way accuracy vs evasion works is linear. On a magic attack that use's dINT you are looking at ~40 magic evasion difference which is a 20% land rate difference. For an additional effect use's dMND you would be looking at 47 magic evasion or 23% land rate difference. And because magic gets multiple checks, from two to four, that difference gets multiplied across all of them and can significantly impact how often you get a status ailment that you don't want. This is no longer the game of "wear the most offensive set possible and zerg EVERYTHING!", shits actually dangerous now.

And about that bat example, since I happen to use that camp for all my non-MB merit groups. Attack down is a water based enfeeble with a potency of about 15~20% and those bats spam it. Stacking iLevel gear and Barwater you can prevent it from hitting you and thus ensuring you get max damage on each SC without needing a yagrush WHM to spam their erase macro. And it's not like NQ Emicho are hard or expensive, the abjuration drops off Bia and the cursed item is 1.5 mil gil, pocket change when compared to HQ gear.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-03-17 12:07:45
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If only there was some way we could dynamically alter our stats to mitigate incoming damage and debuffs when needed, and focus on damage output when not.

Choosing not to utilize it is certainly your prerogative, but such absolute statements are foolish.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-03-17 12:50:26
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Most meaningful strategies that rely on magic evasion carry the penalty of a one shot if you fail to evade. You could theoretically swap out of Argosy regularly, wait for the TP move to land, and swap back to it, but there are options with magic evasion comparable to Argosy that do not require perfect, anal retentive play.

Good luck doing Maju with Argosy. Every backdraft is a potential oneshot without enough magic evasion.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-03-17 13:07:13
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I'm not arguing that you should always TP in Argosy. That too is foolishness. There is room for thoughtful play however, and such things potentially allow for intelligent, situational use of different options. You likely wouldn't use Argosy on Maju regardless since Emicho offers more accuracy alongside its defensive benefits. If such factors combine to an extent that one does not find Argosy a practical use of inventory space then that is once again their prerogative, but otherwise I see little difference between such considerations as this and things like using Thaumas Coat on a light armor job when the opportunity presents itself. Situational certainly, but not entirely without merit.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2016-03-17 13:10:37
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For a MS onry build which is better: firangi/blurred shield+1 or ragnarok ag?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-03-17 13:16:55
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Did you go path B on Emicho Hands/Body?

Also, what is the HQ Body's Path D?

Path B as it's HP +65 DEX +12 Accuracy +20 for the HQ, NW is DEX +10 Accuracy +15. Set bonus is DA +4/2/2/2 but you'll never use more then two pieces since the rest are pretty bad for TP. Path A is +STR / Attack which is a huge waste seeing how bad for WS this set is, Path's C and D are usually +pet *** and even worse then Path A. The Body + Hands have great accuracy and DA / sTP which makes them good TP items, especially if you can HQ them and get the DA+4 set bonus.

Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »
Yeah man, those unresisted Sonic Booms from Apex Bats are killer. Too bad we don't have spells to remove debuffs.

Actually resisting that is easy, just have your healer do Barwater and suddenly it only lands 1/10 of the time. Never, EVER, TP in argosy gear reguardless if you have the +1 or not. That ***has noob-alert written all over it. Nobody cares how much damage you do to delve monsters, the places where we do care about your damage also happen to be places where you can and will eat AoE magic damage and status ailments.

Here are the stats of HQ Argosy vs NQ Emicho hands

So you are giving up defensive stats for some extra attack during your TP phase.

Here are the defensive stats that are missing (these from NQ Emicho, Valorous could have different)
VIT +32
AGI +7
INT +16
MND +30
CHR +19
Evasion +24
Magic Evasion +32
MDB +1

Of note is the Magic Evasion along with the dINT/CHR/MND stats which also add magic evasion. And just to give everyone an idea of the numbers were dealing with.

With 900 skill (maximum potency): +65 magic evasion

Eminent Bell grants an additional: +18 magic evasion
Dunna and Nepote Bell grant an additional: +30 magic evasion
Idris grants an additional: +60 magic evasion

32 Magic evasion + dSTAT is kind of important when the big picture is taken into account. The way accuracy vs evasion works is linear. On a magic attack that use's dINT you are looking at ~40 magic evasion difference which is a 20% land rate difference. For an additional effect use's dMND you would be looking at 47 magic evasion or 23% land rate difference. And because magic gets multiple checks, from two to four, that difference gets multiplied across all of them and can significantly impact how often you get a status ailment that you don't want. This is no longer the game of "wear the most offensive set possible and zerg EVERYTHING!", shits actually dangerous now.

And about that bat example, since I happen to use that camp for all my non-MB merit groups. Attack down is a water based enfeeble with a potency of about 15~20% and those bats spam it. Stacking iLevel gear and Barwater you can prevent it from hitting you and thus ensuring you get max damage on each SC without needing a yagrush WHM to spam their erase macro. And it's not like NQ Emicho are hard or expensive, the abjuration drops off Bia and the cursed item is 1.5 mil gil, pocket change when compared to HQ gear.

Why are you talking about Delve mobs? No one was talking about that. I've seen you mention that before, but no one else has said anything about it. Why do you keep making arguments no one else is arguing? Why would you use path A for TP? Path D is for TP. The hands in particular are quite useful as they have 3% haste, which you need for most heavy armor sets to cap. Path D on Argosy hands actually have more STR than path A, they just don't have the Dex or extra attack. 3%DA though, so still pretty solid for STR based WS. If I'm not planning to spam Reso, no real reason to have them in Path A. It's like 3k silt to change paths I think? Not really an issue.

All that said, I use Emicho probably 95% of the time. Most of the rest of my ***is Valorous or Odyssean. I just happen to have Argosy and there are times(or certain builds I play with) that I'd use them for TP. Like for 100% DA 6(3) hit builds.

But outright telling people that it's bad is the wrong way to think. Everything in this game is situational. Healers don't really have that much to do in an apex party(Mine don't anyway), throwing down an erase isn't a big deal. Much less so if you are solo chaining and having mages burst.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-03-17 13:21:13
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geigei said: »
For a MS onry build which is better: firangi/blurred shield+1 or ragnarok ag?

Ragnarok. Multi hit WS produce fantastic results with MS, and Resolution is stout as hell anyway. You have the added benefit of WSing far more often with GS than Sword+board combo.
Posts: 105
By Dsuza 2016-03-17 13:39:08
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »

Good luck doing Maju with Argosy. Every backdraft is a potential oneshot without enough magic evasion.

What are you talking about, as long as the tank is standing as far away from Maju as they can without it moving toward them, Backdraft won't hit the meleess if you stand far enough away while behind it. I usually stand 4.6.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2016-03-17 15:16:29
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And now we know who hasn't brought WAR to anything remotely dangerous.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2016-03-17 16:30:25
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Would someone mind answering the original question I asked btw? How does a perfectly auged purgation/blurred shield combo fare against an instigator upheaval build or a resolution build? I really do appreciate the advice on tanking equipment, even though I specifically said I don't do Resinjima content. But what I really wanted to know was how the different weapons compared, and in all these replies not one person has so much as touched on this.
Posts: 4028
By Blazed1979 2016-03-18 00:28:27
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I didn't understand the question.
Resolution/Rag build is a fraction behind WAR's best dps output option, Conqueror. actually, that statement undersells Rag and Reso post update. 60% of the time, or maybe 55% conq will win. But Rag is so close a second, it might as well be a tie.

So if you're asking if your sword/shield fencer decked out options are going to compete with that? maybe in Abyssea? but even in more recent but not end game content like delve or wkr or SoA content, Rag is going to win.

I did a 66k Resolution against Tchuka just now, it made me hard.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2016-03-18 08:08:45
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I should probably put things into perspective.

I returned two months ago after a long break and currently do capacity level content and escha zitah/ru'an farming with a close friend. I need to build my warrior from the ground up. The most relevant warrior gear I had available when I checked my mog house last week was Ilvl 113 cizin equipment, which I promptly threw it away, plus a Minos and a maulers mantle with a good aug. Since then I've farmed vale body, hands, and feet abjurations. That's all I have for now. I do have all 5 vagary clears, so I can Ilvl 119 my empyrean set, and I can farm the vale legs and head abjurations easily enough. I can farm anything in the emicho set as well. It would just take me some time. I could feasibly build usable gear sets in a couple weeks, but I won't be tanking resinjima mobs and I'd like to farm capacity points before considering anything tougher. REM weapons are not feasible right now at all. It sounds like rather than farming for an instigator my time would be better spent gathering a group to kill Sarama and farming for a Montante +1. Would you agree with this?

I've always liked warrior and I'd at least like to play it half decently. The quickest options I have available to me to get caught up appear to be in escha ru-an or with vagary pieces. Thanks for the recommendations by the way. I do appreciate the advice.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2016-03-18 08:32:43
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Blazed1979 said: »
I didn't understand the question.
Resolution/Rag build is a fraction behind WAR's best dps output option, Conqueror. actually, that statement undersells Rag and Reso post update. 60% of the time, or maybe 55% conq will win. But Rag is so close a second, it might as well be a tie.

So if you're asking if your sword/shield fencer decked out options are going to compete with that? maybe in Abyssea? but even in more recent but not end game content like delve or wkr or SoA content, Rag is going to win.

I did a 66k Resolution against Tchuka just now, it made me hard.

I heard savage does stupid things with MS, assuming good gear. I get 12k savages as run and not even trying, pimped war in sp does way more but i really dont know how much more or less than MS resolution.
Posts: 10
By Hammel 2016-03-19 05:42:19
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Hey guys, quick question. For a Rag resolution ws build, would valorous with acc and weapon skill damage be worth using? I have a mask with +5 WSD and legs with +4 at the moment. Or would something like argosy (assume nq for now) or well augmented Odyssean with more DA/TA, or even Boii mask +1 end up winning out in the long run? Thanks.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2016-03-19 06:39:08
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Hammel said: »
Hey guys, quick question. For a Rag resolution ws build, would valorous with acc and weapon skill damage be worth using? I have a mask with +5 WSD and legs with +4 at the moment. Or would something like argosy (assume nq for now) or well augmented Odyssean with more DA/TA, or even Boii mask +1 end up winning out in the long run? Thanks.

WSD only effects the first hit of a WS, which makes it useful for single hit high fTP WS's but really bad for multi-hit ones like Resolution. The "best" gear for Resolution is Argosy +1 path A, there simply isn't anything else that gives as much STR, Attack, Acc and DA. After that various combinations of NQ Argosy and Valorous / Odyssean come to mind.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2016-03-19 06:45:56
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Fenrir.Melphina said: »
I should probably put things into perspective.

I returned two months ago after a long break and currently do capacity level content and escha zitah/ru'an farming with a close friend. I need to build my warrior from the ground up. The most relevant warrior gear I had available when I checked my mog house last week was Ilvl 113 cizin equipment, which I promptly threw it away, plus a Minos and a maulers mantle with a good aug. Since then I've farmed vale body, hands, and feet abjurations. That's all I have for now. I do have all 5 vagary clears, so I can Ilvl 119 my empyrean set, and I can farm the vale legs and head abjurations easily enough. I can farm anything in the emicho set as well. It would just take me some time. I could feasibly build usable gear sets in a couple weeks, but I won't be tanking resinjima mobs and I'd like to farm capacity points before considering anything tougher. REM weapons are not feasible right now at all. It sounds like rather than farming for an instigator my time would be better spent gathering a group to kill Sarama and farming for a Montante +1. Would you agree with this?

I've always liked warrior and I'd at least like to play it half decently. The quickest options I have available to me to get caught up appear to be in escha ru-an or with vagary pieces. Thanks for the recommendations by the way. I do appreciate the advice.

Minos is a great weapon to use if you don't have one of the REMA's. Get it augmented with 300 riftborn boulders and you have a solid option that will carry you until you do have a REMA. For gear, get your hands on Valorous Head / Hands / Feet and Odyssean legs. Only Emicho Body / Hands are worth using, they are fairly cheap and make a good TP set. Try to get high amounts of accuracy on the Valorous and Odyssean gear, at least 30 per item, all other stats are secondary to getting high accuracy.

For CP, the first 500~700 are going to be rough, you can get them in Escha but that'll be slow. Try to get friends to help you CP against Apex Crawlers and Raptors in Moh Gates, those are 126~129 and have a lower base acc requirement, 1030~1050 then the Apex crabs / pugils / bats in Doh Gates (1100). There are some different sets you can try for, stuff involving Cloudsplitter or Savage, but GAXE would be sufficient for you to make SC's with a partner and some BLM's boosted with Malaise to kill it.
Posts: 10
By Hammel 2016-03-19 09:36:46
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Hammel said: »
Hey guys, quick question. For a Rag resolution ws build, would valorous with acc and weapon skill damage be worth using? I have a mask with +5 WSD and legs with +4 at the moment. Or would something like argosy (assume nq for now) or well augmented Odyssean with more DA/TA, or even Boii mask +1 end up winning out in the long run? Thanks.

WSD only effects the first hit of a WS, which makes it useful for single hit high fTP WS's but really bad for multi-hit ones like Resolution. The "best" gear for Resolution is Argosy +1 path A, there simply isn't anything else that gives as much STR, Attack, Acc and DA. After that various combinations of NQ Argosy and Valorous / Odyssean come to mind.
Asura.Saevel said: »
WSD only effects the first hit of a WS, which makes it useful for single hit high fTP WS's but really bad for multi-hit ones like Resolution. The "best" gear for Resolution is Argosy +1 path A, there simply isn't anything else that gives as much STR, Attack, Acc and DA. After that various combinations of NQ Argosy and Valorous / Odyssean come to mind.

Thank you ^^
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 134
By Asura.Evildemon 2016-03-19 18:05:59
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Hammel said: »
Hey guys, quick question. For a Rag resolution ws build, would valorous with acc and weapon skill damage be worth using? I have a mask with +5 WSD and legs with +4 at the moment. Or would something like argosy (assume nq for now) or well augmented Odyssean with more DA/TA, or even Boii mask +1 end up winning out in the long run? Thanks.

WSD only effects the first hit of a WS, which makes it useful for single hit high fTP WS's but really bad for multi-hit ones like Resolution. The "best" gear for Resolution is Argosy +1 path A, there simply isn't anything else that gives as much STR, Attack, Acc and DA. After that various combinations of NQ Argosy and Valorous / Odyssean come to mind.

So what combo would you recommend for those who only have nq argosy
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Ollette07
Posts: 48
By Quetzalcoatl.Harmless 2016-03-20 17:47:33
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Anyone by chance have a more updated lua than the one in the OP? Preferably something with sets for fencer builds as well and typical sets? Thanks in advance!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2016-03-26 01:01:27
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Finished my Rag Warriors set


ItemSet 342759

Emicho +1 Path B
Odyssean Cuisses: VIT +7 Acc +31 Atk +29 Store TP +4
Valorous greaves: STR +7 Acc +35 Atk +23 Store TP +7

Total Acc: 1162
Total Store TP: 67 (15 from sub)
Total DA: 64% (2% TA from belt)
STR 114 +153
DEX 101 +138
Crit Hit Rate: 39% before dDEX or AM, 49% with AM, 64 with capped dDEX
Crit Hit Damage: +29%


ItemSet 342760

Argosy +1: All Path B
Total Acc: 1141 +20 WS ACC
Total Store TP: 42 (15 from sub)
Total DA: 57%
STR 114 +242
DEX 101 +196

If anyone's curious I can post some of my other sets.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2016-03-26 04:02:45
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Do you have a Uko set and Uko's fury set?
My set for Rag is similair to yours but I have crit hit rate on odyssean legs and valorous feet instead of atk. Also I have NQ Emicho, getting HQ on my server is impossible. My resolution set is identical except I use ravager's orb.

Also, reading some previous posts - I'm also getting huge Uko Fury after last upgrade. Its performing like it was before the crit hit rate downgrade on the ws. Not as great on average as resolution, but seems to be better than Upheavel.

My resolutions average 15-23k and sometimes ridiculous spikes of as high as 38k. (outside of Might strikes of course)

Uko's lows are 12k and highs are 25k. The occasional high 20's happens but very rarely. However Uko>steel>upheavel>uko>uko destroys Rag overall dmg. With right support and good blm/geo you can almost take anything outside of T4's down to 10-25% of HP with a GA setup SC > MB
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2016-03-26 04:51:09
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Odinz said: »
Also, reading some previous posts - I'm also getting huge Uko Fury after last upgrade. Its performing like it was before the crit hit rate downgrade on the ws. Not as great on average as resolution, but seems to be better than Upheavel.

It's eyeballing mostly. Ukko's is going to average pretty low as it's 2+1 but on occasion you'll get double DA procs on the WS for 2+1+1+1 and if you get lucky and crit on the first and several of the extras, then you will get a very big number. On the other hand you can also get unlucky and just have a 2+1 hit WS with no crits.

SE did not secretly update Ukko's nor did they secretly change Ukon to enhance Ukko's.

Upheaval in contrast is very consistent, at the same TP. It's a four hit WS with the first hit being 1.0/3.5/6.5 fTP . With just moonshade your looking at 1.6+1+1+1 for 4.6 fTP, vs Ukko's 3.0. Extra DA's tack on more +1's but without the chance for crits you don't see this random "WTF was that" number pop up. At higher TP values it pull's ahead even more. It's only downside is being 85% VIT vs Ukko's 80%, yet now that iLevel stat vomit exists my Upheaval set has nearly as much VIT as my Ukko's set.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2016-03-26 04:58:04
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I'm sitting at around +276 str in my Uko's set. Vit for Upheaval I think I'm at 250sh. Need to check when I get home.
Maybe I'm doing it wrong with upheaval and need to swap in more VIT . What's a good upheaval set look like?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2016-03-26 05:01:12
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Odinz said: »
I'm sitting at around +276 str in my Uko's set. Vit for Upheaval I think I'm at 250sh. Need to check when I get home.
Maybe I'm doing it wrong with upheaval and need to swap in more VIT . What's a good upheaval set look like?

You either got godly augments on every Valorous or your sacrificing too much accuracy / crit / ect. Or you could be inside escha with vorseals up. All my sets are done sitting in town.

UF Set

ItemSet 342761

DMG: +26, STR +2, Accuracy +25, Attack +7, WSD +1%

STR 114+201
Total Accuracy: 1085 (+10 WS Acc for 1095)

Still playing around with different parts to try for optimal, having a hard time keeping accuracy up while also getting +Crit.

My rule of thumb is to have the same accuracy in WS that I do in TP, and that not to leave the MH without somewhere near ~1100 in accuracy. Basically everyone's "mid accuracy" set is my "base accuracy set" as anything that would require less accuracy isn't worth worrying over.

In contrast my Upheaval set has VIT 104+183 and 1088 (+20 WS Acc for 1100) accuracy.

My TP Set with Aganoshe has 1144 accuracy base.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2016-03-26 05:26:01
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Now I've been experimenting with Rag and SC's, and it had a better SC potential then I thought.

Resolution is Fragmentation
Scourge is Fusion
Ground Strike is Distortion

Scourge is no longer a lolWS, it's not as powerful as resolution but it's still pretty strong after SE updated it's WSC.

Scourge : 3.0 fTP 40% STR 40% VIT. Rag adds 40% so it functions similiar to a 4.2 fTP WS, though that 40% bonus also gets added to extra hits so functionally +1.4 for each DA. The result is pretty solid damage.

That leaves Ground Strike and there isn't anything that can make this WS "good". It's 50% STR / INT with only the STR being useful. A bit 75% attack bonus for a lowish fTP even at 3000TP. Just pile on STR, WSD and Store TP, it's only a linker.

Resolution -> Ground Strike -> Scourge -> Resolution.

The goal is to use the previous SC's to open a 200% light SC off a pumped up Resolution via Savagery Warcry. Really big numbers though I find for most fights just Scourge -> Resolution is sufficient for light spammage.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2016-03-26 06:56:49
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Odinz said: »
I'm sitting at around +276 str in my Uko's set. Vit for Upheaval I think I'm at 250sh. Need to check when I get home.
Maybe I'm doing it wrong with upheaval and need to swap in more VIT . What's a good upheaval set look like?

You either got godly augments on every Valorous or your sacrificing too much accuracy / crit / ect. Or you could be inside escha with vorseals up. All my sets are done sitting in town.

UF Set

ItemSet 342761

DMG: +26, STR +2, Accuracy +25, Attack +7, WSD +1%

STR 114+201
Total Accuracy: 1085 (+10 WS Acc for 1095)

Still playing around with different parts to try for optimal, having a hard time keeping accuracy up while also getting +Crit.

My rule of thumb is to have the same accuracy in WS that I do in TP, and that not to leave the MH without somewhere near ~1100 in accuracy. Basically everyone's "mid accuracy" set is my "base accuracy set" as anything that would require less accuracy isn't worth worrying over.

In contrast my Upheaval set has VIT 104+183 and 1088 (+20 WS Acc for 1100) accuracy.

My TP Set with Aganoshe has 1144 accuracy base.

I'll post my set, and I do think I eyeballed it in escha Ruan. But just eyeballing your set, we do have differences in head/feet.
I go full argosy+1 and 2x Ifrit+1 rings. The tonberry ring eludes me. So on my back I have the tonberry cape instead of maulers.
I know i'm loosing a lot crit % and crit % dmg, but I gain more str and accuracy. On TI-T2 I think your set would flat out win, and its an option i have macros (minus the ring).

Ground Strike on DRK is pure win. copy paste Catastrophe set and you're gold - relatively speaking. 10-12k is still good dmg for a place holder weapon skill.

GS SC's won't beat GA SC's. We've tried this relentlessly on Apex Crabs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2016-03-26 07:17:09
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Odinz said: »
GS SC's won't beat GA SC's. We've tried this relentlessly on Apex Crabs.

That's your problem right there. Crabs are PLD's and extremely unfriendly to melee damage, Resolution is very sensitive to attack / defense buffs. Instead do Apex bats, they are right around the corner and are far squishier, weak to fire / light also. They do have one annoying move, a 15~20% aoe attack down that can be blocked most of the time with a 200~230 barwater. Apex raptors are even easier though they give 10~20% less CP per kill depending on chain. Just got done doing them and one four step GS SC would kill one off.

WAR (me)
WHM (my mule)
BRD (friend, pulling)
GEO (friends mule, doing Indi-frailty + Geo-Fury and curing me for hate)

Moogle trust for refresh
KoH for Haste II / Dia III, eventually got rid of him cause he kept spamming Firaga IV which messed up the BRD's staging of slept mobs for me.

Was basically colibri camp v2.0 with me just four stepping each of the raptors. I had capped JP but I needed JP on my WHM mule and my friend needed them on both their characters. Ground Strike is much weaker then Scourge. Scourge was doing 8~11K with Reso doing anywhere from 16~30K depending if the mule was able to cure me in time and get on hate list. Now this is all with a thrown together setup just so we can screw around and not worry about others, imagine how awesome it would be with players actually playing the different jobs and a second DD like a DRG, THF or NIN to help link with.
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