The Parthenon: A Warrior's Kyklos

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The Parthenon: A Warrior's Kyklos
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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2020-07-10 21:40:33
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ATM I am just trying to get the answer for 60k avg judgments, there’s no way Sylvie doubles your damage. Calamity was there for reference as it is considered the high dmg axe WS for fencer.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-07-10 21:43:14
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Shiva.Eightball said: »
ATM I am just trying to get the answer for 60k avg judgments, there’s no way Sylvie doubles your damage. Calamity was there for reference as it is considered the high dmg axe WS for fencer.
Frailty could deff double your damage. Do you use ygnas? he helps with attack as well. did you have chaos and fighters the entire time? were you wiffing? were you using acc food or attack food?

Basically trusts are a rough one to get a good read on.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2020-07-10 21:50:35
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Frailty from an Idris GEO maybe, frailty from Sylvie is only 17.5% and while it looks like she will use fury as well which is 37.5%, I can see that being pretty good but doubling your avg WS? Idk about that.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-07-10 21:52:32
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Shiva.Eightball said: »
Frailty from an Idris GEO maybe, frailty from Sylvie is only 17.5% and while it looks like she will use fury as well which is 37.5%, I can see that being pretty good but doubling your avg WS? Idk about that.
Did you armor break the mob? can cap attack with just trusts. and if you math it out. Should be at 50kish at 3k TP. Depending on weapon. then add an additional 25% damage to it for blunt weak. at 50% if you are doing a mob like thinker. Did you have warcry up for everything? i did in my one run.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2020-07-10 21:56:41
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I held tp to be sure I had capped tp, no I didn’t armor break I was using club.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-07-10 21:59:46
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Shiva.Eightball said: »
I held tp to be sure I had capped tp, no I didn’t armor break I was using club.
So you were more than an idris frailty different for attack cap than I was
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2020-07-10 22:06:29
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No, Sylvies potency is slightly over 900skill, so slightly below non Idris GEO.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-07-10 22:11:19
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Shiva.Eightball said: »
No, Sylvies potency is slightly over 900skill, so slightly below non Idris GEO.

Sylvie is 17.5

Armor Break is 25%

so 42.5% + the attack boost that ygnas gives with is like 25%

42% down and 25% up is more than idris. Unless it doesnt stack with berserk? i think it does though.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2020-07-10 22:26:12
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Idris itself is +27% on your base for indi frailty, but anyways judgment is not super OP and might beat out savage blade and calamity and upheaval on blunt weak mobs, it took this long but basically we are now at that it’s a good option for blunt weak mobs but others will proly beat it unless target resists slashing and HTH is a bit behind unless /mnk.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-07-10 22:36:02
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Shiva.Eightball said: »
Idris itself is +27% on your base for indi frailty, but anyways judgment is not super OP and might beat out savage blade and calamity and upheaval on blunt weak mobs, it took this long but basically we are now at that it’s a good option for blunt weak mobs but others will proly beat it unless target resists slashing and HTH is a bit behind unless /mnk.
My argument is it will beat h2h dragon kick and is a nice blunt option. of course the other options will generally beat it.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2020-07-10 22:41:43
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Yea, basically we mostly agreed from the beginning but your number claims seemed way off, I think we got it all worked out.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2020-07-10 23:02:35
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Was just looking over my tp set with both hjarrandi pieces ioskeha +1 and the new seething bomblet +1 aug, I get 26% haste with 5 hit and 98 DA (war beads +1), with 5 merits and master JPs. Can probably forget fighters roll now.

Edit: also yay for mostly useless brazen rush...
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-07-10 23:18:31
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Shiva.Eightball said: »
Can probably forget fighters roll now.
or just swap out pieces for more STP and get a considerably better TP build.

Shiva.Eightball said: »
Edit: also yay for mostly useless brazen rush...
Brazen rush and fighters roll do their best work in your WS sets...
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2020-07-10 23:29:38
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Well if you have capped DA you could use chaos as many groups prefer that anyways or runeist, allies, Rouges, magus, monks.

War can easily get 60-70 DA in WS set which is plenty to get your 2 procs in for say a 4 hit WS.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-07-10 23:31:34
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Shiva.Eightball said: »
Well if you have capped DA you could use chaos as many groups prefer that anyways or runeist, allies, Rouges, magus, monks.
Fighters roll is a bigger boost to other jobs than it is to war. Chaos is a waste most of the time unless you are with gimp buffers. Then yeah go with that I guess.
Fighters is popular on war because chaos is generally 100% a waste in good parties.

Fury Frail and dia should cap your attack on most ambu with most jobs. if it isnt. just add a debuff WS to it.

Armor break fury frail dia usually put you at WAYYYY over cap for most content for most jobs using most WS. I am talking 6 man setups. 7+ man setups is a giant can of worms. on monk I capped attack with just fury frail dia light shot and bard songs with berserk on onychophora. No bolster. Attack is not as needed as you might think. We are usually WAYYYY over cap. Unless gimp buffers. IDC about gimp buffer situations.
ItemSet 367123

With sam/fighter this set gives you a 3 hit build with most weapons and 100 DA.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2020-07-10 23:37:49
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I would say for most people 80-90% of content is not with perfect or even close to it buffs. In a lot of stuff I goto I’m lucky to have haste.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-07-10 23:39:01
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Shiva.Eightball said: »
I would say for most people 80-90% of content is not with perfect or even close to it buffs. In a lot of stuff I goto I’m lucky to have haste.
On asura, in pugs. Usually have iGEO 4 Song HM bard and regal+ cor. It is kinda easy these days. If you are talking a gimp party. then idk. maybe you are right? but i dont care about it.

Looks like you are on shiva, so perhaps it is pretty hard on that server.

Like i said. if you have gimp buffs, go with chaos. or if you are just trying to include less geared people, then chaos probably is the overall better option. But I am talking maxxed out situations only. there are too many non ideal situations to deal with.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10012
By Asura.Saevel 2020-07-11 10:55:48
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It boils down to Geomancy.

If Geo-Frailty can be at full power, then Chaos is a waste. If the target / event nerfs Geo-Frailty then Chaos is likely going to be needed. I've always preferred Fighters Roll over Chaos as it's a large increase to our WS damage.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2020-07-11 12:17:13
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Shiva.Eightball said: »
I would say for most people 80-90% of content is not with perfect or even close to it buffs. In a lot of stuff I goto I’m lucky to have haste.

This is just because you're still running with that gimp *** LS lol
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-07-11 17:37:58
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So been reworking my DT/Hybrid sets.

This is what I would generally consider the best one. You can make some swaps for volte, but volte doesnt really do anything unless you stack lots of pieces. This set doesnt sacrifice much DPS at all and has 50 DT. weakness is enfeebles. Adding a piece of volte wont help with that though. Focus is more on TP gain after reaching that 50 DT. With sam/fighter. 3 hit build.

ItemSet 367123

This is basically how volte goes. No imagination in it. Just stack all of it. Can swap a few pieces for more TP gain or swap some for more MEVA. depends on what is more important in the fight. Strong against enfeebles, but TP gain is considerably slower than the other one. Even if you swap accessories for more TP gain. Really good, but not the endall be all imo. I rarely use any of the volte anymore. Don't find a very big need for it.

ItemSet 368526

This is kinda like a superturtle set for physical damage. 50 DT and 39 counter. Makes you pretty durable. Will not TP very well though.

ItemSet 374325
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10012
By Asura.Saevel 2020-07-11 22:49:30
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Upgraded Seething +1 gives so much room for hybrid sets, gonna one of the first items I upgrade.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Darkvlade
Posts: 203
By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2020-07-17 10:08:21
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Hi Guys, need some assistance on Upheaval set, mine feels like DMG is too random, looking for ways to improve set, see below, thanks in advance

head="Agoge Mask +3",
neck="War. Beads +2",
ear1="Moonshade Earring",
ear2="Thrud Earring",
body="Pumm. Lorica +3",
waist="Ioskeha Belt +1",
ring1="Epaminondas's Ring", or ring1="Regal Ring",
ring2="Niqmaddu Ring",
feet="Sulev. Leggings +2"})

legs= name="Odyssean Cuisses", augments={'Weapon skill damage +4%','Crit. hit damage +2%','Accuracy+19 Attack+19','Mag. Acc.+1 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+1',

hands= name="Odyssean Gauntlets", augments={'Weapon skill damage +4%','VIT+14','Accuracy+2','Attack+15',}}

back= name="Cichol's Mantle", augments={'VIT+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','VIT+10','Weapon skill damage +10%',}}
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2020-07-17 10:17:25
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Your set looks good. Make sure you have capped acc in ws set. If you miss the first hit of upheaval (will happen 1/20x no matter what) you do basically no dmg since it doesn't transfer ftp and the bulk of the dmg comes from the first hit. Different tp values will also radically change your avg. From my experience upheaval is not a consistent ws.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-07-17 15:56:52
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Ring one should be gelatinous or regal. Epa is bad for war. If you are spiking high and low then it sounds like a buffing issue. Most likely acc
Posts: 10
By Drorond 2020-07-18 08:07:13
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Hi, i came back to the game recently and i'm updating my WAR gear. I'm currently using Ukon. Are the gear sets for TP and WS up to date on the first page of this guide ? If not, could someone post their TP/WS set please ?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-07-19 15:24:29
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From what I remember, Full Break has a higher buff/debuff priority than the more potent individual debuff WSs, so some mob buffs get blocked by Full Break but not by Weapon/Armor/etc Break.

Does anyone know any mob WSs where this applies?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Senaki
Posts: 1185
By Odin.Senaki 2020-07-20 16:00:34
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Can Tomahawk reduce Dyna-D Wave 3 boss' resistance build up to Weapon Skills?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hiraishin
Posts: 91
By Asura.Hiraishinsenna 2020-07-20 16:24:54
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Asura.Geriond said: »
From what I remember, Full Break has a higher buff/debuff priority than the more potent individual debuff WSs, so some mob buffs get blocked by Full Break but not by Weapon/Armor/etc Break.

Does anyone know any mob WSs where this applies?

Full Break blocks quadav and yagudo def/eva boost move in Dynamis Divergence while Armor Break doesn't
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Lavid
Posts: 70
By Cerberus.Caius 2020-07-25 23:06:18
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Hey is there a general rule or target for augments with the Valorous and Odyssean pieces? I know they can be customized and can get multiples of the same pieces, but just looking at where to start. Putting my war together and wondering what specific augments are best on which slot. Thanks.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: daviant
Posts: 60
By Gilgamesh.Daviant 2020-08-06 10:55:03
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I'm a bit new to WAR. Are the sets on the first page still what i should go by, or should i be focused on some of the other builds like fencer or decimation. I understand having all the sets is eventually good to have, im talking about intro to war 1 weapon type at a time.
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