The Parthenon: A Warrior's Kyklos

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The Parthenon: A Warrior's Kyklos
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Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-04-02 07:24:54
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Autocast said: »
Thanks for the info.

As far as key capes I currently have:

Str30, acc/atk20, DA10
Str30, acc/atk20, WSD10
dex20, acc30/atk20, DA10
vit30, acc20/atk20, WSD10

What other capes am I looking to make?

Reading back about the discussion on shining one for war, what was the consensus on war usage outside of warcry, 2k TP like samurai? WS set similiar to savage blade set?

Again, appreciate the help.

And I'm blind, I see there is impulse WS sets posted not very far up

Really depends what you want to do with the job.
Niche capes would be:
DEX+20, MEVA+40, DA+10% (hybrid and full MEVA set)
DEX+20, FC+10%, Macc+30, SIRD 10% (Fast cast, Full/Armor Break, Sird cape. 3 in 1 pretty much. Can be broken down into more if you want to go even more hardcore)

ShiningOne without warcry should be used at 2000+ yeah and set is STR/WSD.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2019-04-02 07:39:28
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Autocast said: »
Thanks for the info.

As far as key capes I currently have:

Str30, acc/atk20, DA10
Str30, acc/atk20, WSD10
dex20, acc30/atk20, DA10
vit30, acc20/atk20, WSD10

What other capes am I looking to make?

Reading back about the discussion on shining one for war, what was the consensus on war usage outside of warcry, 2k TP like samurai? WS set similiar to savage blade set?

Again, appreciate the help.

And I'm blind, I see there is impulse WS sets posted not very far up
A pretty awesome cape is 80 MP 10 DA 20acc/attk for raetic reso spam.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2019-04-02 10:05:33
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Looks like nandaka doesnt need to use Ground strike to get the stat down effect to land. So the question I have, does it affect every mob hit by shockwave and does sleep count as a "downgrade"?
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2019-04-02 10:09:50
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if it works like the sword did i imagine any negative effect would work though im not sure if additional effects happen on hit or after hit. Any word on the def down potency though?
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2019-04-02 10:13:59
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Nariont said: »
if it works like the sword did i imagine any negative effect would work though im not sure if additional effects happen on hit or after hit. Any word on the def down potency though?
With the Khonsu grip, the shockwave sleep lands on a lot of stuff. I regularly sleep wave 2 mobs in dynamis WITHOUT those two items. Might be a really interesting mob control weapon tbh. Have sleep AND a defense down land at the same time might be kinda nice.

I have not heard anything on the potency of "downgrade".
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2019-04-02 14:16:45
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Spaitin said: »
With the Khonsu grip, the shockwave sleep lands on a lot of stuff. I regularly sleep wave 2 mobs in dynamis WITHOUT those two items. Might be a really interesting mob control weapon tbh. Have sleep AND a defense down land at the same time might be kinda nice.

I have not heard anything on the potency of "downgrade".

Is it a unique defense down effect? does it stack with armor break, step, dia ect ect?
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-04-02 14:18:25
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Is it even a debuff or it's just an effect of ignoring defense on WS, just poorly translated?
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Divinedarkness 2019-04-02 16:39:55
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chango or bravura at this point in time
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2019-04-02 17:59:58
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Bismarck.Divinedarkness said: »
chango or bravura at this point in time
if your goal is to hurt things, chango.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2019-04-02 18:21:10
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Bismarck.Divinedarkness said: »
chango or bravura at this point in time

Chango is for damage, especially multi-step SC damage. Bravura is a special case weapon so if you have to ask then it's not for you.
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2019-04-03 20:48:01
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Outside of head, what are the uses for the other relic+3 pieces? Any of them used in niche sets/BIS in certain situations?

Also would anyone mind posting mighty strike sets for the various weapons? Impulse drive, savage, upheaval, reso, decimation. Just looking to see what augs to start chasing to finish some sets.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2019-04-05 05:29:18
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Autocast said: »
Outside of head, what are the uses for the other relic+3 pieces? Any of them used in niche sets/BIS in certain situations?

Also would anyone mind posting mighty strike sets for the various weapons? Impulse drive, savage, upheaval, reso, decimation. Just looking to see what augs to start chasing to finish some sets.
Impulse is basically going to stay the same but for the rest, there are two methods to go by. You can go the lazy way and just use boii feet and yetshila +1. or you can spend a lot of time augmenting stones with crit damage and the modifier for the WS. Meaning 5/5 val gear on all Deci/reso. Can mix and match a bit more on upheaval. Pretty much that simple. Savage doesnt really need to change much either.

For me personally on upheaval. I use boii feet yetshila+1 and an augmented val legs. Everything else I keep the same.

The agogee gear has niche uses for all the pieces. All of which are pretty obvious. Decide which ones you want to use.
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2019-04-05 17:23:23
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I dont mind going for multiple sets of augmented gear if its the best, I was just making sure for like upheaval, the 10% WSD pieces weren't still better than vit/crit damage/acc/atk valorous, or if they were close enough to the point that perfect augs are required to beat them, Likewise for emp+1 feet.
By 2019-04-06 16:09:52
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Posts: 432
By Autocast 2019-04-06 16:14:01
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the wording implies any buff will increase the attack bonus applied to weapon skills. (and in practice this seems to be the case)
By 2019-04-06 16:36:35
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By 2019-04-06 16:39:45
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Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2019-04-08 19:54:56
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Was playing with a r15 conqueror war the other day. They geared their tp set with as much sTP as possible. I think we have been sleeping on that weapon. You can get a legit 3 hit build with an 80%+ chance of a MA proccing. It is actually super strong. Glad to see that weapon isn't worthless. Sam/Fighters roll was used and had 3k TP before every fight.
By 2019-04-08 20:36:30
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2019-04-08 22:34:49
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Spaitin said: »
Was playing with a r15 conqueror war the other day. They geared their tp set with as much sTP as possible. I think we have been sleeping on that weapon. You can get a legit 3 hit build with an 80%+ chance of a MA proccing. It is actually super strong. Glad to see that weapon isn't worthless. Sam/Fighters roll was used and had 3k TP before every fight.

Chango can already get that but with over 100% MA proc (2.10 average attacks per round). Conq's bonus to Berserk is worth more then it's AM effect for Warriors. The AM effect is only worthwhile if your starting with 3K and doing a quick KJ -> Upheaval -> KJ SC cause it's actually helpful for the WS's while being virtually useless for TP gain.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2019-04-09 05:14:03
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It certainly isnt better than chango. I am just pointing out it is a solid weapon. The AMIII loses about 60% of its value because of the natural DA war has and the fighters roll with the TP set they were using. But it still does a decent chunk for TP gain.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2019-04-09 07:38:28
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Spaitin said: »
But it still does a decent chunk for TP gain.

It's in the low single digits percentages, it does practically nothing for WAR. The 80% you posted is actually lower then what WAR already has access to which is 110%.

We've already speced our Conq and it's a decent enough weapon for spamming KJ. The role it fills is one that's already covered by Montante +1 Reso spam or even Chango R15.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2019-04-09 07:59:28
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Spaitin said: »
But it still does a decent chunk for TP gain.

It's in the low single digits percentages, it does practically nothing for WAR. The 80% you posted is actually lower then what WAR already has access to which is 110%.

We've already speced our Conq and it's a decent enough weapon for spamming KJ. The role it fills is one that's already covered by Montante +1 Reso spam or even Chango R15.
I am somewhat confused by the point you are trying to make. I am stating that it is a solid option. Not really sure what you are going on about. You are trying to point out that chango and motante are better? Yeah I can agree with that. But doesnt really have anything to do with the point I was making. Conq isnt worthless is the point I was going with.

You seem to be assuming a high MA set for conq in AMIII. Going by your lua, you have WAYYYYY more MA in the TP set than the other war. So you are seeing significantly lower benefit from the AMIII than the set I am referring to which only has 12 DA. With your set, yes in the low single digits. In the set I am referring to it is closer to 15%. You appear to be using your own TP set for conq to determine the overall value of AMIII off of conq.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2019-04-09 08:24:50
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Spaitin said: »
I am somewhat confused by the point you are trying to make.

You stated.

Spaitin said: »
Was playing with a r15 conqueror war the other day. They geared their tp set with as much sTP as possible. I think we have been sleeping on that weapon. You can get a legit 3 hit build with an 80%+ chance of a MA proccing. It is actually super strong. Glad to see that weapon isn't worthless. Sam/Fighters roll was used and had 3k TP before every fight.

I pointed out it's nothing we didn't already know and that your numbers weren't anything special. This conversation has been had about once every six to twelve months by someone thinking they've "discovered" something the entire Warrior collective missed. They are always wrong and always get personal and angry about it.

Spaitin said: »
Going by your lua, you have WAYYYYY more MA in the TP set than the other war.

I have the standard amount of MA which is optimal for TP gain, it's all about TP gain.

You seem to be under the assumption that AM3 is 100% TA or something like that, it's not.

20% Oa3 / 40% Oa2.

This only procs if no other MA procs, meaning it only procs on your SA attacks which WAR gets very little of. Trying to strip your character of MA ends up actually being a DPS loss for WAR due to how much MA it's best TP pieces already come with.

WAR has 33% naked, an additional 29% comes from three pieces you would be wearing anyway. Then we have an extra 7 from a neck you should be wearing. That's 69% DA from gear that your not changing leaving only a 31% Single Attack rate where the 20/40 Mythic could proc. The AM3 would only consume 16.12% of that remaining SA leaving 14.88%. This is without counting QA 3 from ring or TA 5 from head.

Basically Mythic AM3 is a losing battle as far as WAR is concerned, low single digit gains. Now AM3 during WS is a different story since WS normally focus's more on STR/VIT/WSD stuff and the two rolls can proc extra hits. Conq's primary focus would be spamming KJ in a similar way to how Mont +1 spams Resolution.

Your here bragging about 80% MA rate (1.8 average attacks per round) ... which is something I expect a DRK or newbie WAR to have. My slowest TP set, which is Rag, has 1.87, so congrats you've nerfed Conq to Rag levels. Everything else, including the DW options, have 1.9 ~ 2.17 and Samurai's Roll pretty much ends the Store TP discussion.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2019-04-09 08:36:17
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So, yes you are assuming that they are using your standard TP set. Then you are using that TP set to determine value of AMIII.

You quoted a post of me saying 80%+ MA procc rate and then suggested I am possibly assuming 100% TA from AMIII in the same post???????????. Weird thought. Why would you think i said 80%+ instead of 100% chance of MA if I thought AMIII had a TA of 100%?

And no, you never pointed out that conqueror was something we already knew about. You just stated that chango can do it better. Which i agree with. Are you conflating my posts with other posts from other people in other threads?

Yes the conversation comes about every fixe to six months. So does new gear and augments on rema weapons. That argument is also kinda strange.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2019-04-09 08:51:39
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Spaitin said: »
So, yes you are assuming that they are using your standard TP set.

No the standard as a base, meaning the AF Legs + Feet + HQ Ioska Belt + HQ2 JSE Neck, those are items that are BiS regardless. The rest is situational and free to adjust accordingly. Head is likely not to be better then Flamma +2 and QA +3 Ring dominates in that slot leaving even fewer slots for STP stuffing. The back, regardless of augment, gives any DA procs +20% damage to both the hit and the proc.

You got
Ear1, Ear2, Body, Hands, Ring2, Back

Dedition is a decent earring option but your gonna have to take Telos as your second giving you another 1% DA. Body is valorous for another 2% DA even with STP augments. Hands could be Emicho +1 for a safe 7 Store TP. We already use a Store TP ring so no change there. Back would be 10 Store TP cape.

That gives us a 1.85 MA rate with a %25.802 single attack rate. AM3 can only proc on SA's so yeah the needle barely moves. 20% of 25% is 5.16% for Oa3 leaving %20.6 for a 40% Oa2 proc at 8.25%. Mythic AM3's work poorly when SA rate is low, they used to be great because SA rates were generally high and people could get great returns by shedding a few points of Multi-Attack for Store TP. That's no longer the case, notice that nobody is using AM3 for it's TP gain on any job, not even DRK who gets the most out of it.

You didn't think of anything that wasn't thought about last year, or the year before, or the year before that. Every time it comes to the same points and to the same conclusion we all came to years ago. The only thing that's changed is Chango finally beats out Mont +1 for WS spam.

But hey new account, low post count, gets defensive... where have we seen this before.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2019-04-09 09:00:25
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Spaitin said: »
So, yes you are assuming that they are using your standard TP set.

No the standard as a base, meaning the AF Legs + Feet + HQ Ioska Belt + HQ2 JSE Neck, those are items that are BiS regardless. The rest is situational and free to adjust accordingly. Head is likely not to be better then Flamma +2 and QA +3 Ring dominates in that slot leaving even fewer slots for STP stuffing. The back, regardless of augment, gives any DA procs +20% damage to both the hit and the proc.

You got
Ear1, Ear2, Body, Hands, Ring2, Back

Dedition is a decent earring option but your gonna have to take Telos as your second giving you another 1% DA. Body is valorous for another 2% DA even with STP augments. Hands could be Emicho +1 for a safe 7 Store TP. We already use a Store TP ring so no change there. Back would be 10 Store TP cape.

That gives us a 1.85 MA rate with a %25.802 single attack rate. AM3 can only proc on SA's so yeah the needle barely moves. 20% of 25% is 5.16% for Oa3 leaving %20.6 for a 40% Oa2 proc at 8.25%. Mythic AM3's work poorly when SA rate is low, they used to be great because SA rates were generally high and people could get great returns by shedding a few points of Multi-Attack for Store TP. That's no longer the case, notice that nobody is using AM3 for it's TP gain on any job, not even DRK who gets the most out of it.

You didn't think of anything that wasn't thought about last year, or the year before, or the year before that. Every time it comes to the same points and to the same conclusion we all came to years ago. The only thing that's changed is Chango finally beats out Mont +1 for WS spam.

But hey new account, low post count, gets defensive... where have we seen this before.
So what point do you think I was trying to make? And why do you think I am defensive. The only thing I disagreed on was the AMIII. You seem to be quite sensitive about this subject.

Conq is a solid option, agree/disagree. you are going off on super weird tangents.

You also didnt answer why I would say 80%+ MA rate if you thought I believed AMIII gave 100% TA. I would like to know how your mind works on that one lol.

The only thing I am getting from your responses is that you are such a giant narcissist that if anyone mentions something that was mentioned 6 months ago, instead of just ignoring it, you find yourself compelled to insert yourself into the conversation. You could have just said "other options are better". Sure, we can agree.
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2019-04-12 18:24:31
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what are the numbers to shoot for on Ody hands/legs for Impulse/upheaval to make them beat other options?

I know what stats to go for, just curious at what point they overtake other options, (talking STR/VIT and WSD numbers here, I know I want a lot of acc/atk as well, but curious about the raw damage stats assuming capped acc and capped or near capped attack)
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Server: Ragnarok
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user: Ejin
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2019-04-13 04:36:53
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Can I get a list of the most relevant fights or mobs that Tomahawk is most useful for. I know it's amazing for Iroha MT and mobs like Skeletons that have a slight Slash resist and I remember using it for the Botulus in Legion but outside of that it'd be nice to have a list of NMs WARs should be using Tomahawk on.

List so far:
Skeleton: 12.5% resist to Slash.
Corse: 12.5% resist to Slash.
Ghost: 25% resist to Slash.
Botulus: ?? resist to Slash.
Iroha: Bypasses her massive DT by ???.
Server: Sylph
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user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2019-04-13 10:08:27
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Old wiki covers some: (recommend adblock)

And BG covers some in the resistance section on the right, e.g.

JPs seem to have damage resistances listed here too: (will need google translate, there's more pages in the sidebar)
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