(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2016-10-23 16:38:40
Also something else about Lib AG, I noticed on the BGwiki page it says "Does not stack with other Absorb enhancing gear such as Black Cuisses.". Does this mean all Absorb enhancing equipment is useless with it? Does it mean something like Chuparrosa Mantle is only good for the +20 sec duration?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Asura.Bloodlusty 2016-10-23 17:20:50
My average insurgencys are 20k plus. Have hit them up to 37k, I know throve has hit harder
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2016-10-23 21:06:24
Also something else about Lib AG, I noticed on the BGwiki page it says "Does not stack with other Absorb enhancing gear such as Black Cuisses.". Does this mean all Absorb enhancing equipment is useless with it? Does it mean something like Chuparrosa Mantle is only good for the +20 sec duration? That's definitely wrong.
By Asura.Thorva 2016-10-24 02:20:38
My average insurgencys are 20k plus. Have hit them up to 37k, I know throve has hit harder
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Asura.Ganno 2016-10-24 02:51:39
my LS did Escha-Zitah clear, melee style yesterday.
I should have taken Screenshot but the parse was like:
18000 (80) Cicion RUN Resolution
17500 (81) Lewyo BLU Chant du cygne
16500 (105) Ganno DRK Insurgency
14000 (101) Czephiroth DRG not sure of the ws but has aeonic
12000 (90) Seizan SAM
11500 (85) Twigberry SAM
So Insurgency is good, not too far from Almace BLU or Lionheart ws DMG.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Asura.Bloodlusty 2016-10-24 04:43:32
We need to get the Asura DRK parse done, I get asked this everyday now lol
Please leave a name if you wish to be in the parse. Will schedule it for Friday night 22:00 GMT
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2016-10-24 07:19:58
Also something else about Lib AG, I noticed on the BGwiki page it says "Does not stack with other Absorb enhancing gear such as Black Cuisses.". Does this mean all Absorb enhancing equipment is useless with it? Does it mean something like Chuparrosa Mantle is only good for the +20 sec duration? That's definitely wrong.
Why would someone go to the trouble of putting it and bolding those words if it wasn't true? Can we get some clarification?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-10-24 08:09:30
Funkworkz seems to have added that text, so I recommend asking him.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-10-24 08:38:32
We need to get the Asura DRK parse done, I get asked this everyday now lol
Please leave a name if you wish to be in the parse. Will schedule it for Friday night 22:00 GMT
Is this for AG lib or any DRK AG weapon?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-10-24 08:45:54
What unity is best for drk?
I have been told sylvie, but I am unsure what geo spells she will do for drk (my other jobs are nin blu blm). If its some bs like refresh... ill have to pass.
I currently have used apu for like a year, the curaga is just so nice, but I have been wanting to toy around a bit.
My normal trusts are apu, KoH, qultada, Ulima, August (or koran if im tank).
I assume with sylvie I will need to remove ulima for a healer, who do you all use if you dont have apu?
Sylvie uses Fury/frailty and can use haste and refresh that i know.
I like Karaha as healer, but he has two bad things, he uses AOE dmg and he is near of mob.
In addition to those spells for DRK, Sylvie also has an Acc check on certain mobs and will whip out Precision to help you make up the difference. I specifically remember her using this on Apex mobs.
So she's a really good support trust, if you can survive with Cherukiki/Nashmeira II/Karaha healing.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Asura.Bloodlusty 2016-10-24 09:02:47
Is this for AG lib or any DRK AG weapon?
Anything, just some fun
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-10-24 11:33:31
Can AG Rag if I'm online. Probably will get mopped though :P
By Asura.Thorva 2016-10-24 11:36:16
We need to get the Asura DRK parse done, I get asked this everyday now lol
Please leave a name if you wish to be in the parse. Will schedule it for Friday night 22:00 GMT
Is this for AG lib or any DRK AG weapon? I don't even have lib yet, I just dumped all my gil into mythic AG Murgleis and blurred +1 knife, so worth it though....
Can AG Rag if I'm online. Probably will get mopped though :P Doubt that, you have a solid drk, Azagarth was telling me you guys did a few runs together.
We need to get the Asura DRK parse done, I get asked this everyday now lol
Please leave a name if you wish to be in the parse. Will schedule it for Friday night 22:00 GMT
Ganno I believe that is 3 p.m. my time here in cali, I should be good for that.

So far this is my best ws, of course I was super buffed with idris geos, double cor, double r/e/m brds. Normally I only pull about 35k-40k on kirin/kouryu. Just got lucky and proc some multi-hit this reso.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 132
By Asura.Arnan 2016-10-24 11:42:54
We need to get the Asura DRK parse done, I get asked this everyday now lol
Please leave a name if you wish to be in the parse. Will schedule it for Friday night 22:00 GMT
i'll bring AG rag DRK with 5/5 argosy +1 if im about
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-10-24 12:30:36
I would really love to see the ws avg diff between argosy+1 and NQ, so count me in :D WIll be fun to play around with.
By Asura.Fiasko 2016-10-24 13:01:04
I would really love to see the ws avg diff between argosy+1 and NQ, so count me in :D WIll be fun to play around with.
The STR isn't that different (13? assuming all path A except D on hands?) to it will come down to the Attack, Accuracy, and Set Bonus. Basically it means that the more buffs you have (fury/frailty/minuet/precision/torpor/etc etc) the less of a difference it will be. Even the set bonus won't pull you ahead by very much because of the cap of 2 multi attack procs in a weaponskill.
By Teimoli 2016-10-24 13:23:04
I feel so out of place when reading these forums. I'm lucky to hit 20k resolutions right now. My ragnarok isn't AG yet and my gear is lacking, so that could explain things. I'm curious if anyone has done any testing on building critical rate for resolution. We have access to a lot of critical rate gear now with flamma gloves +1, heathen cuirass +1, yetshila, thereoid greaves, etc. It most likely won't be viable but it sounds fun on paper.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2016-10-24 13:39:57
Resolution can't critical without the use of crit-forcing JAs.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-10-24 13:41:48
I feel so out of place when reading these forums. I'm lucky to hit 20k resolutions right now. My ragnarok isn't AG yet and my gear is lacking, so that could explain things. I'm curious if anyone has done any testing on building critical rate for resolution. We have access to a lot of critical rate gear now with flamma gloves +1, heathen cuirass +1, yetshila, thereoid greaves, etc. It most likely won't be viable but it sounds fun on paper.
As far as I'm concerned, its 100% useless. Resolution is not a crit weaponskill, and tp does not give it a chance to increase critical hits, but rather increases modifier. The only way to force crits on Reso is Sneak Attack (first hit) and Might Strikes (all 5). You should be gearing STR, ACC, DA, and Attk for Resolution.
Edit: Beaten
By Teimoli 2016-10-24 13:51:17
I have been building for STR, just haven't got lucky with drops or augments yet. I always seem to forget about WS needing to be a critical WS for rate to matter.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-10-24 13:55:35
I'm missing 2 HQ Argosy pieces Thorva, so it will certainly fall behind.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2016-10-24 13:57:12
I feel so out of place when reading these forums. I'm lucky to hit 20k resolutions right now. My ragnarok isn't AG yet and my gear is lacking, so that could explain things. I'm curious if anyone has done any testing on building critical rate for resolution. We have access to a lot of critical rate gear now with flamma gloves +1, heathen cuirass +1, yetshila, thereoid greaves, etc. It most likely won't be viable but it sounds fun on paper.
Don't feel bad, as has been said most of the situations that people talk about in here are high buff. (which sometimes people do forget to mention) As a resident non-RMEA DRK I tend to just stick to Torcleaver since I know the damage will be consistent. Reso is fun when buffed out the wazzu but honestly in low-man or soloing situations with trusts it's pretty meh.
Yeah I said it! :D
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-10-24 14:02:07
When I solo'd apex on pre-rag DRK, I always used scythe and saw faster kills than resolution. It was a fun 5-step, and it made drain2/3 a really neat tool for tanking, especially when paired with Dread Spikes. With that being said, Shantotto II is a much better trust when you're 3-5 stepping skillchains, whether it be GS or Scythe. The only problem is you can't make GS 5-step light without Rag.
By Asura.Fiasko 2016-10-24 14:49:56
I feel so out of place when reading these forums. I'm lucky to hit 20k resolutions right now. My ragnarok isn't AG yet and my gear is lacking, so that could explain things. I'm curious if anyone has done any testing on building critical rate for resolution. We have access to a lot of critical rate gear now with flamma gloves +1, heathen cuirass +1, yetshila, thereoid greaves, etc. It most likely won't be viable but it sounds fun on paper.
There is a huge bonus from the 304 base dmg on AG Ragnarok from the 230~ at i119. From there the augments are key to any Valorous/Odyssean piece you want to use in a Resolution build. ACC-STR/ATTACK/DA probably in that order is what you want to shoot for.
EDIT: The Flamma +1 has decent STR and ACC but you will notice the lack of Attack and with the attack penalty on Resolution you won't see those crazy numbers unless you are buffed to high heavens. Beyond that Sulevia's gear set has a good mixture of STR/ACC/ATT but only the hands and legs have multi-attack.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 446
By Asura.Syto 2016-10-24 15:26:09
We need to get the Asura DRK parse done, I get asked this everyday now lol
Please leave a name if you wish to be in the parse. Will schedule it for Friday night 22:00 GMT
I'll be there as a referee.. No biting allowed. Disqualified on the spot if I see you guys start ***.. :P
When too many hyper-power DRKs come together, some crazy ***happens..
By Asura.Thorva 2016-10-24 15:36:28
I feel so out of place when reading these forums. I'm lucky to hit 20k resolutions right now. My ragnarok isn't AG yet and my gear is lacking, so that could explain things. I'm curious if anyone has done any testing on building critical rate for resolution. We have access to a lot of critical rate gear now with flamma gloves +1, heathen cuirass +1, yetshila, thereoid greaves, etc. It most likely won't be viable but it sounds fun on paper. Don't worry yourself too much on what numbers other people are hitting just yet, it will take time and lots of gil to hit those numbers. Just make clear goals and work on them one at a time. Otherwise you will hit a massive overload and potentially give up.
As for non-AG rag, don't use it. Macbain will beat that. Crit reso isn't going to happen without /thf, which really isn't worth the loss of /sam to me. Some people might find it fun and useful, but the fact that you are waiting on SA/TA timers pushes /thf further down the list.
I'm missing 2 HQ Argosy pieces Thorva, so it will certainly fall behind. I am actually still missing body/legs HQ. I haven't been working on drk lately, spent so much time working on rdm, sch, run, cor that drk actually got put on the back burner for a while.
I'll be there as a referee.. No biting allowed. Disqualified on the spot if I see you guys start ***.. :P
When too many hyper-power DRKs come together, some crazy stuff happens.. I bite, this is a known fact.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-10-24 15:43:25
Skip that damn Macbain, go buy a Zulfiqar from a merc. 5m and you can get more bang for your buck with the stones (which are easily farmable solo). The augment system on Macbain is so embarrassingly pathetic, you might end up spending 20-30m worth of stones for augmenting. May as well just save up for AG in that case. Zulfiqar seems easier to augment.
By Asura.Thorva 2016-10-24 15:47:00
Skip that damn Macbain, go buy a Zulfiqar from a merc. 5m and you can get more bang for your buck with the stones (which are easily farmable solo). The augment system on Macbain is so embarrassingly pathetic, you might end up spending 20-30m worth of stones for augmenting. May as well just save up for AG in that case. Zulfiqar seems easier to augment.
Yeah I completely overlooked Zulfigar, I was fortunate enough to have rag ag before I made it to t2 reisen nms.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-10-24 16:56:51
It's odd to me that people overlook Zulfiqar. If accuracy isn't an issue, Zulfiqar(with very good augments) will put out stronger Resolutions and Torcleavers than Ragnarok. Ragnarok just wins out with being able to multistep due to Scourge(Depending on party this might not be relevant) and better white damage. In a situation where you are just one part of the chain( /thf and closing a double light with Torcleaver comes to mind) Zulfiqar can be the better choice. Depends on augments though. Dark Matter Zulfiqar could perhaps be the best greatsword behind Lionheart, but I can't imagine anyone playing that shitty augment game.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 659
By Sylph.Systematicchaos 2016-10-24 17:09:22
Where are you using /thf and closing double light?