(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 440
By Ragnarok.Returner 2014-03-24 11:46:10
I agree with that, however, that's where your PDT or Hybrid set is for. If we want to consider mobs hitting back, then all together we wouldn't use last resort cuz that has a much bigger impact to our defense than any gears can cover. And if we don't use LR, then we might as well not come DRK.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 105
By Phoenix.Ayrendel 2014-03-24 11:48:31
Ragnarok.Returner said: » If we want to consider mobs hitting back, then all together we wouldn't use last resort
But you're going to use Last Resort. That's assumed. So do you want to be using Last Resort with the defensive stats of Xaddi or of Pak?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 709
By Bismarck.Hsieh 2014-03-24 12:01:10
Quote: So yeah id use xaddi over pak +1 considering drk could use the extra defensive stats
Similar to the Thaumas vs Qaaxo comparison. Thaumas wins in absolute damage, but the extra defensive stats from Qaaxo make it the far better body piece. Pax being level 100~101 makes it not much better then 99 era gear. The time of pretending the target doesn't hit back when doing gear sets has pretty much come to an end. I had the same thoughts and completely agree. I highly doubt when you using last resort + souleater you'll want to take damage in a pak corselet +1 than an xaddi body with Path A.
In addition I think the other jobs on xaddi mail would appreciate the stats as well.
By Otomis 2014-03-24 21:07:02
Has anyone made full 119 set for apoc drk yet they would care to share, I think I might start on xaddi now that I am finished with Qaaxo set. Also ahs anyone found Drk to be useful in newer delve? We are currently using Rng Mnk, but Drk would be a warm welcome to do some fast catching up.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 209
By Ragnarok.Legendarycloud 2014-04-01 09:06:41
Has anyone tested Fallen's Sollerets? I'm wondering what exactly the effect of Last Resort+1 will be. Is it the same as the relic where you would have to keep it equipped while last resort is active?
By Zaeeth 2014-04-01 09:21:41
I have the Fallen's Solleret's +1; basically it just lowers the defense down effect of Last Resort. I'm not on the game right now but so I can't tell you how much less but it is quite significant. I have been TPing in the boots with Last Resort up and found the effect beneficial.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 209
By Ragnarok.Legendarycloud 2014-04-01 09:23:30
Hmm ok thanks for the quick reply! I was hoping I would be able to just macro them in when I pop Last Resort and then wear my normal boots. :(
By Fafnir 2014-04-02 13:07:22
Updated sets.
Windbuffet belt can be swapped in during Haste capped situations in all sets.
High accuracy:
ItemSet 321657
Xaddi hands are Path C
Xaddi legs/feet are Path A
Mid accuracy:
ItemSet 321587
Xaddi hands are Path C
Cizin legs have DA+2
Xaddi feet are Path A
ItemSet 316752
Cizin hands when no MP.
Cizin legs have DA+2
Active Mekira-Oto is superior for Mid/fodder content.
High accuracy:
ItemSet 321658
Mid accuracy:
ItemSet 321502
ItemSet 316754
By Fafnir 2014-04-02 13:16:49
Has anyone made full 119 set for apoc drk yet they would care to share, I think I might start on xaddi now that I am finished with Qaaxo set. Also ahs anyone found Drk to be useful in newer delve? We are currently using Rng Mnk, but Drk would be a warm welcome to do some fast catching up.
Due to the bonuses for slashing damage, DRK is one of the more effective jobs to bring for Yorcia delve, up there with SAM. There are accuracy issues, notably on Ircinraq, so Ragnarok has a noticeable advantage.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2014-04-02 13:40:36
Thanks Fafnir, gives me something to work towards on my DRK. Just a question, if you can't get a Pak +1 would you just use Xaddi Mail instead?
Also why use that grip? Wouldn't Bloodrain be better?
By Fafnir 2014-04-02 14:01:13
If Delay+% is calculated after haste is applied, the grip is devalued, if before (As the DPS spreadsheet is suggesting), then it comes in ahead.
I haven't found any definitive testing on this, as delay+ is a fairly new stat.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2014-04-02 14:05:47
I would have thought it would only be used to increase a weapons delay making it easier to get a specific hit build. Think i'll just stick with my bloodrain for now. My only issue with some of those sets you posted there is a lack of STP, but then again, whether STP is really an issue anymore is of debate, if you are fighting anything worthwhile, the more defensive stats and/or accuracy will be much more beneficial.
This guide seems to have died lately. It's just like on my server where I was told the other day i'm almost the only DRK left who still plays. This guide needs more testing of TP/Reso sets with the latest equipment.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 709
By Bismarck.Hsieh 2014-04-02 14:12:23
I would have thought it would only be used to increase a weapons delay making it easier to get a specific hit build. Think i'll just stick with my bloodrain for now. My only issue with some of those sets you posted there is a lack of STP, but then again, whether STP is really an issue anymore is of debate, if you are fighting anything worthwhile, the more defensive stats and/or accuracy will be much more beneficial.
This guide seems to have died lately. It's just like on my server where I was told the other day i'm almost the only DRK left who still plays. This guide needs more testing of TP/Reso sets with the latest equipment. I think the problem is acquiring all the new equipment and testing before the next update when new equipment is added and needs to be retested. It is probably faster to determine with DPS sheets.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2014-04-02 14:23:33
That is a good point. I still have quite a few of the new equipment to get. Only Xaddi Mail so far. Not even got around to doing Kamlanaut or Ealdnarche lol. Would be cool to see more dark knights posting their sets though, so we can get a general idea of what to aim for.
Edit: I'll post my own Rag 119 sets later and highlight what i'm looking to upgrade soon.
By Fafnir 2014-04-02 14:35:48
With the airlixir prices on my server, it would cost roughly 7.8mil to upgrade each piece, I would probably use NQ Pak, and make use of Fallen's Cuirass+1/Ignominy gauntlets+1 to TP in for acc uncapped situations, since those pieces are still useful even if you have access to HQ Pak, whereas I don't see a place for Xaddi mail when you have access to Mes'yohi haubergeon.
The Tungl set should be a 5-hit, for what its worth.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2014-04-02 15:23:36
Yea.. I already got Xaddi to rank 13 lol. Going to finish it soon and use that til I can upgrade. Haubergeon might take time to get as I'm not quite finished with the angels.
Here are my sets:
ItemSet 280988
Xaddi is Rank A (13) att+13 acc+ stp+2 so far. Mufflers have dbl.atk +1 and pdt-3. Mikinaak feet are STR path (15). (Also have DEX path Mikinaak feet if needed)
ItemSet 281005
Miki hands STR path (15).
ItemSet 311654
504 dark magic skill. I just use it for any dark magics really. Bring in bale body for dread spikes, hands for Abs-TP. Fallen's Finger Gauntlets +1 next target on that.
ItemSet 311655
Cizin hands (-3pdt) legs (-3pdt) feet (-3pdt).
Dark ring #1 pdt mdt -5 #2 pdt-6 bdt-4.
Black Earring (-1) Darkness (-1).
Do have an idle set.. mostly for twilight/regen/refresh but not too important. Missing certain pieces like Letalis, any Fallen +1, Igno hands +1 and the hauby.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 440
By Ragnarok.Returner 2014-04-02 20:04:02
Updated sets.
Windbuffet belt can be swapped in during Haste capped situations in all sets.
High accuracy:
ItemSet 321657
Xaddi hands are Path C
Xaddi legs/feet are Path A
Mid accuracy:
ItemSet 321587
Cizin hands have DA+2
Xaddi legs/feet are Path A
ItemSet 316752
Cizin hands when no MP.
Cizin legs have DA+2
Active Mekira-Oto is superior for Mid/fodder content.
High accuracy:
ItemSet 321658
Mid accuracy:
ItemSet 321502
ItemSet 316754
For mid accuracy TP, wouldn't xaddi hand with path C and Cizin legs with DA +2 have more fire power? The rest of the set looks great. I might need to reconsider the grip. I was just worrying about the white damage since you can 6 hit with bloodrain with pretty much the same setup but lentus grip reduces your white damage and likely WS frequency.
By Fafnir 2014-04-02 22:30:27
Hmm, it does come out ahead on my sheet as well, didn't consider that. Thanks
Edit: updated the Mid-acc to reflect that
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 95
By Sylph.Limlight 2014-04-22 19:18:39
question since i've been getting my drk caught up after a long hiatus. With 119 apoc is entropy overly useful? I'm strapped for merit ws so the best I could do is 1/5. How do other ws stack up to cata with it's boost? I was curious about insurgency when drain isn't needed.
By Guts007 2014-04-23 17:17:56
Looks like 1/5 Entropy is winning if capped acc. Make sure to use WS gorget and belt and moonshade with tp bonus if you have.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 112
By Fenrir.Mewgoat 2014-04-24 02:23:24
i know this wont be popular, but has anymore gotten the Cronus yet?
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1707
By Diabolos.Raelia 2014-04-24 02:33:55
i know this wont be popular, but has anymore gotten the Cronus yet? All I know is it has the Enforcer model/skin. Safe bet the en-drain is pathetic and probably entirely blocked by Endark usage and all our other on-hit crap that doesn't stack.
Look at using lolQuietus or even Guillotine. Raw base damage has put a lot of old WS back into play. I'll wait til I have an Anahera to take Scythe seriously again though.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 112
By Fenrir.Mewgoat 2014-04-24 02:56:48
i was figuring about 50hp like 17% proc. enforcer model isn't too bad though, figured i might be interested in it until i can get ahold of a Anahera or apoc myself
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 48
By Quetzalcoatl.Harmless 2014-04-29 14:53:08
I just decided to dust off DRK again and haven't touched it in over a year. Was wondering if anyone knew what the ideal Apoc and Ragnarok sets are currently and would be willing to share. I'm mostly interested Apoc sets at the moment since Fafnir and Kylos have recently posted some Ragnarok sets that can get me started. Thanks!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2014-04-29 15:18:48
Sorry, but it appears this guide has died in the past few months. I don't have Apoc, so all I can do is post my latest Rag sets.
ItemSet 280988
Cizin Breeches +1 are new, and have Crit +1 PDT -4 MDT -4 so far. I did get attack +7 on them on the first attempt augmenting. Someone told me double attack is possible. Still better to use then my Are's Flanchard +1 due to the severe defense boost.
Xaddi is new as of last night. Rank 15 A Path - STP Attack Accuracy.
Can be improved with Ginsen, an ammo that drops from Tenzen v2. Will replace Hagneia Stone. The stats are Accuracy+5 Attack+10 "Store TP"+3.
ItemSet 281005
Decided to use Whirpool in place of Mikinaak feet, and replaced Mikinaak Hands with Igno Hands +1. Can't think of anymore improvements at this point. I am glad to be rid of Mikinaak completely.
Sets change depending on accuracy, and this set is good for Normal to Difficult battlfields, but any higher then I may need more accuracy from reforged Fallen's armour, Xaddi, Letalis etc. Hope that helps.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 48
By Quetzalcoatl.Harmless 2014-04-29 16:21:30
Thanks Kylos, that does help. I really should have given more attention to DRK over the past year but I just had a hard time using that over other jobs that I had available. Fortunately it seems that a lot of gear from other jobs roll over into new DRK sets so I should really need to just focus on reforge armor and maybe a few high-tier battle drops.
In anticipation of me finishing Nirvana in the coming weeks I have changed my Moonshade Earring from TP Bonus to Refresh. Do you think Brutal / Trux would be the best combo for people not using TP Bonus?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2014-04-29 18:11:27
Quetzalcoatl.Harmless said: »Thanks Kylos, that does help. I really should have given more attention to DRK over the past year but I just had a hard time using that over other jobs that I had available. Fortunately it seems that a lot of gear from other jobs roll over into new DRK sets so I should really need to just focus on reforge armor and maybe a few high-tier battle drops.
In anticipation of me finishing Nirvana in the coming weeks I have changed my Moonshade Earring from TP Bonus to Refresh. Do you think Brutal / Trux would be the best combo for people not using TP Bonus?
Yes, that combo should be fine.
By kithaofcerb 2014-05-01 03:18:21
Any sign of updated Apoc sets?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 49
By Asura.Gippali 2014-05-01 13:13:18
What I am using currently for TP/AM/CATA.
For some reason Ginsen ammo is not loading on AH.com so I just put in H. stone for the time being. Sets focus on ACC and a decent amount of Def. I threw in my sam's roll 7+ tp set and my Quietus set as well. Didn't feel a need to do Entropy since it is still more of less what is on the front page.
ItemSet 322831
This set is ACC heavy
Xaddi Legs/Body/Feet are Path A
Xaddi hands are Path C
TP Sam roll 7+:
ItemSet 323063
Could also use new Hauby (I don't have it yet) if you can take the STP from another slot
Xaddi Feet in this set are Path C
You could also use this as an AM set if cor rolls are on
ItemSet 318060
Again could use new Hauby if you can swap STP somewhere
ItemSet 318059
ItemSet 323065
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 317
By Ragnarok.Azryel 2014-05-04 18:44:22
Hi, I was curious about some tiered builds... What I have going as of right now:
Base TP:
ItemSet 278188
(Xaddi Pieces and Mikinaak Greaves are Path A Rank 15)
Mid Acc: Letalis Mantle
High Acc: Iqabi Necklace, Buremte Gloves, Patricius Ring, Dynamic Belt +1, Whirlpool Greaves.
Mid Acc Resolution:
ItemSet 272927
Low Acc: Boor Bracelets and Otomi helm, but thinking Atheling might be a nice fit as well.
High Acc: Mikinaak Cuisses (Path A Rank 15), Letalis Mantle, and Whirlpool Greaves.
Is there anything obvious that I'm missing? I don't generally play this job a lot, but I'd kind of like to have a better working theory on my gear sets should the need arise.