I immediately ran off to nuke with it and build a set around it.
Seems legit...

Disclaimer: This is for RoE/salvage/WKR and other 'not srs bizness' things.
I was pleasantly surprised at the helix damage with /sch >.>
Missing Ker Hands, AF2+2 Body, Zuuxowu Grip to have a perfect mab+magicDmg set.
This is what I use atm.
ItemSet 319536
I'm not sure if AF2+2 body or Ker hands would be worth going after since you'd lose 46int to get 20mab. Absorb-INT and the +INT from all the wayfarer pieces seems to be an essential ingredient to get consistent max damage nuke/dot on adoulin targets.
If you /sch and self storm, bliz 3 will give highest peak damage since you cant self thunderstorm.
I love this scythe, i need to redo my merits and get 5/5 entropy again >.>