(Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide

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(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ginza
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2020-08-27 17:11:50
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I know this is a minor thing, but after all the time my linkshell has been doing Dynamis, we came back from summer break and our first ever volte harness dropped, and I got it! Thanks TLOU!
Time to go over my Liberator AM3 sets with a fine-toothed comb, yet again.

Interesting note, I just tested it's 'Enchantment: TP+1000' effect while wearing my AM3 gear with Harness schlepped on top. When I activated it, I recieved 1790 TP. Store TP clearly affects it!

The reason I wanted this piece was for Haste4 Store TP 10 in a high accuracy body armor, but being able to get over halfway to AM3 with a single button press is kinda convenient, even if it can only be used once every 20 hours. And to confirm, Volte Harness has unlimited uses like a Warp Ring, or more comparitively, a Nexus Cape.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lunafreya
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2020-08-27 18:04:08
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Can’t think of a DRK that deserves it more than you mims. Grats!!
Posts: 13
By levelxplane 2020-09-01 23:17:13
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Apparently I'm not doing too great on the parse during DynaD/Omen, and I was wondering if I'm playing DRK wrong. My gear isn't the best, but I'm slowly building it out based on what I've seen in the High End sets thread.

TP. 1221 acc
ItemSet 375172
Catastrophe set
ItemSet 375173
Cross Reaper(multihit)
edit: I mistakenly listed Cross Reapering using the multihit set. I was actually using the same set Catastrophe uses for Cross Reaper. The multihit set would be used on something like Entropy. Thanks to Mims for pointing that out.
ItemSet 375175
augments = {
        argosy_hauberk = {
            name="Argosy Hauberk +1",
        argosy_mufflers = {
            name="Argosy Mufflers +1",
            name="Carmine Mask +1",
                'Mag. Acc.+12',
                '"Fast Cast"+4',
            name="Carm. Sc. Mail +1",
        odyssean_cuisses_fastcast = {
            name="Odyssean Cuisses",
                'Pet: Attack+27 Pet: Rng.Atk.+27',
                '"Fast Cast"+6',
                'Accuracy+7 Attack+7',
                'Mag. Acc.+3 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+3',
        odyssean_gauntlets_atk = {
            -- since not using GS, put fastcast?
            name="Odyssean Gauntlets",
                'STR+8 DEX+8',
                'Accuracy+16 Attack+16',
        odyssean_greaves_fastcast = {
            name="Odyssean Greaves",
                '"Fast Cast"+5',
                'Mag. Acc.+3',
        valorous_mask_ws = {
            name="Valorous Mask",
                '"Conserve MP"+2',
                'Weapon skill damage +6%',
        valorous_mail_tp = {
            name="Valorous Mail",
                'Quadruple Attack +3',
    capes = {
        drk = {
            double_atk = {
                name="Ankou's Mantle",
                    'Accuracy+20 Attack+20',
                    'Phys. dmg. taken-10%',
            str_ws = {
                name="Ankou's Mantle",
                    'Accuracy+20 Attack+20',
                    'Weapon skill damage +10%',
            vit_ws = {
                name="Ankou's Mantle",
                    'Accuracy+20 Attack+20',
                    'Weapon skill damage +10%',
            int_nuke = {
                name="Ankou's Mantle",
                    'Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20',
                    'Mag. Acc.+10', -- 5 dyes
                    '"Fast Cast"+10',
                    'Spell interruption rate down-10%',

Usually on /SAM. Start fights with LR/Hasso, hit Cata at 1k for the AM(putting me way over Haste cap). From there, it depends on how much damage i'm taking, but i'll usually be spamming Cata at 1k to stay alive, or Cross Reaper at 2k, or try to do Sekkanoki CR + Cata for Darkness. Meditate/LR on cooldown.

I don't usually cast Absorbs. I try to MB Drain III, but either things die too fast, or someone else is on the mob, that cancels the skill chain or kills it before I can cast it. When I do get it off(Usually DSNV Weapon Bash > Infernal Scythe), I usually top out around 4-5k HP (3-4 min), but I have seen it hit 6k before.

I would like to have a TP set for when I have AM up, but I can't seem to make one without completely gimping my accuracy.

I'm using a modified version of the DRK.lua from the high end sets thread.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, so if anyone could give me some pointers, I'd really appreciate it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ginza
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2020-09-01 23:48:20
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I'm on phone right now and phone interface is going to keep me from looking at your post in detail, but the biggest thing that stood out to me at a glance was your cross reaper set. Yes Cross Reaper is technically a 2 hit ws, but all it's damage is stacked up on the first hit. Abandon your existing cross reaper set and replace it with your catastrophe set. You should see an immediate jump in damage.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-09-02 01:54:04
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I'd love to see suggestions on how to keep other members of your alliance off your fodder mob for a simple self-compression/burst drain3. I've tried explaining it from the WHM's perspective of I'm a lot easier to babysit with capped HP, I've tried the "it makes me a wonderful backup tank as my hate will naturally be high", but them damn dual wielders keep screwing with my ***! ;)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-09-02 01:59:59
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After your puller > sleeper > tank do their thing, start a mob that the group isn't fighting. Tank should still be "the tank" and you get your HP.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Aladeus
Posts: 351
By Fenrir.Aladeus 2020-09-02 02:02:19
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
After your puller > sleeper > tank do their thing, start a mob that the group isn't fighting. Tank should still be "the tank" and you get your HP.

i've literally chosen mobs further away etc, and others keep running up and sc'ing exactly when i need them not to. best i can do is yell at them in discord, but a lot of the time it doesnt matter. *** lol
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-09-02 02:15:32
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Fenrir.Aladeus said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
After your puller > sleeper > tank do their thing, start a mob that the group isn't fighting. Tank should still be "the tank" and you get your HP.

i've literally chosen mobs further away etc, and others keep running up and sc'ing exactly when i need them not to. best i can do is yell at them in discord, but a lot of the time it doesnt matter. *** lol

lol this guy gets it ^^ It almost becomes a game for non-DRKs hehe.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-09-02 02:30:14
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It's just like the people who constantly move while fighting making TA impossible. You just use the ones that don't move (geo bard whm etc)

Just have to be faster and/or further. make them all turn off autotarget.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-09-02 07:19:51
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You won’t do the best on the parse with Apoc, but you’ll never die using it. If I switch from Calad to Apoc, I drop to 3rd or 4th depending on what other DDs we have. I didn’t realize the gap was that large until one of the LS leaders brought it to my attention. I only swap over when it’s an oshit moment now.

As for the MB Drain III, good luck lol. The only time I can get the MB off is on the wave 1 boss.
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2020-09-02 10:01:16
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Is the apoc R15? Apoc gets a pretty massive buff from RP.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-09-02 10:22:38
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Crossbones said: »
Is the apoc R15? Apoc gets a pretty massive buff from RP.

I have both Calad and Apoc R15 and I get a pretty significant DPS drop.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-09-02 10:50:12
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Fenrir.Aladeus said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
After your puller > sleeper > tank do their thing, start a mob that the group isn't fighting. Tank should still be "the tank" and you get your HP.

i've literally chosen mobs further away etc, and others keep running up and sc'ing exactly when i need them not to. best i can do is yell at them in discord, but a lot of the time it doesnt matter. *** lol

It's always an issue in Omen :)

Some guys Ifrit is always stalking me on sweet waters
Posts: 417
By Aquatiq 2020-09-02 10:54:54
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you gotta start attacking one mob, give your party about 10 seconds to think that's your mob, then swap to another when they least expect it
that way at least you'll only fail because your drain 3 cast will get interrupted by 2 mobs hitting you all the time. not quite as frustrating
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-09-02 11:00:00
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I personally don't think setting up the MB is worth it the vast majority of the time. You can get 6k+ HP even without an MB, takes a lot less wasted time to setup, has far less room for error or bad luck, and there are VERY few situations where 6k HP won't save you but 9999 will.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Friedrik
Posts: 252
By Asura.Friedrik 2020-09-02 11:05:18
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Yeah, I just free cast it most of the time in groups. I'm alright with settling for 5k-6k HP. I'm still hitting around 9K HP in dread spikes midcast so it really isn't the biggest loss in the world.
Posts: 3653
By Taint 2020-09-02 11:07:33
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Crossbones said: »
Is the apoc R15? Apoc gets a pretty massive buff from RP.

The R15 boost is very large but it’s not touching Cala/Lib from a DPS standpoint. Bang for the buck it’s really solid.
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2020-09-02 15:35:26
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Wasn't asking him was asking the guy who was asking why his dmg was so low with apoc. I already know apoc won't beat calad/lib unless LR is down or something.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-09-03 00:02:26
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Crossbones said: »
Wasn't asking him was asking the guy who was asking why his dmg was so low with apoc. I already know apoc won't beat calad/lib unless LR is down or something.

What is this treacherous BS! Apoc or GTFO!

levelxplane said: »
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, so if anyone could give me some pointers, I'd really appreciate it.
You should get around 30k~ on cata, can go a bit higher but that should be a pretty good avg with buffs. It is not game shattering but it can really add up since your ws frequency should be higer since you can natively 4hit np and 3hit with sam roll. I personally think not having a 4hit set on apoc is giving up to much as overflow does nothing for you if your playing it tight and hitting cata right at 1k.

And yeah unless very easily done, just cast Drain3 and skip the MB, should still sit 6k~ hp and your dps will go up greatly by not messing around.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2020-09-10 19:57:19
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The new augments for Loess Barbuta +1:

[1] Enmity +10
[2] Damage taken -10%
[3] All Attr. +10

Gives a staggering -20% damage taken in the headslot. Of course, there is no magic evasion here, so it's for PDT and enmity sets only. With Loess, Defending Ring, Hjarrendi Breastplate, and two of either Moonbeam Cape/Moonbeam Ring/Loricate Torque +1/Flume Belt +1, we're capping PDT incredibly easily. We can think about pure defense/VIT in other slots. It might be possible to drop Defending. Hjarrendi Head will still have a place in hybrid sets.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Asura.Kronkeykong 2020-10-02 16:58:27
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Bahamut.Keeriyis said: »
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Apocalypse makes you nearly an invincible brick ***house. Weapon Bash > Nightmare Scythe, MB Drain 3, get your spikes up and just laugh. Apoc is one of the funnest weapons to use IMO.

Fun indeed. I used to really squeeze cheeks when I saw Hundred Fists or EES. Now I make sure I have what Ruaumoko on Asura calls 'optimal circumstances" and pretty much shrug them off.

This doesn't work for me at all, it doesn't make a skillchain.

Is there something I'm missing?
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-10-02 17:01:50
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Asura.Kronkeykong said: »
Bahamut.Keeriyis said: »
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Apocalypse makes you nearly an invincible brick ***house. Weapon Bash > Nightmare Scythe, MB Drain 3, get your spikes up and just laugh. Apoc is one of the funnest weapons to use IMO.

Fun indeed. I used to really squeeze cheeks when I saw Hundred Fists or EES. Now I make sure I have what Ruaumoko on Asura calls 'optimal circumstances" and pretty much shrug them off.

This doesn't work for me at all, it doesn't make a skillchain.

Is there something I'm missing?

AF+2~3 gloves probably.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Asura.Kronkeykong 2020-10-02 17:26:54
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Oh +2/3 gives it properties??? Aight I know what I'm buying then.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-10-02 17:33:28
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Ya, you just need the +2 for the skillchain properties to take effect.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [32 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 379
By Galkapryme 2020-11-03 11:36:34
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I just updated my Max Acc set (all UNM gear is R15'd). I REALLY need to get the Seething +1, but I think people are leaving Acc on the table by ignoring the boost you get from combining AF and Regal gear.

ItemSet 376375
Posts: 3653
By Taint 2020-11-03 15:54:12
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I could see myself using that set just about never. :p
Posts: 72
By paladinepsot 2020-11-03 15:58:54
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So grounded mantle r15 is +36 acc and 1-7 dex which translates to an additional 1-5 acc for a total of 37-41 acc.

Ambu cape can have 30 acc, 20 dex (15 more acc from that) making 45 acc, and you get to stack some DA or STP on top of that.

Ambu cape still wins hands down.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2020-11-03 16:12:12
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paladinepsot said: »
So grounded mantle r15 is +36 acc and 1-7 dex which translates to an additional 1-5 acc for a total of 37-41 acc.

Ambu cape can have 30 acc, 20 dex (15 more acc from that) making 45 acc, and you get to stack some DA or STP on top of that.

Ambu cape still wins hands down.

Grounded+1 at r15 is actually Acc+36 and dex+11-17 but while it will be a slight acc gain it isnt worth losing out on the DA or STP from the ambu cape.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aquatiq
Posts: 285
By Asura.Aquatiq 2020-11-03 16:19:41
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following the "anything you need ultra-high acc for can also likely wreck you" philosophy, probably swap out Mache Earring +1 for Odnowa Earring +1 R15 since it gives a chunk of acc with a lilbit of survivability in case of spike damage

maybe for the same reason favor Chirich +1 over UNM ring, idk, how much you value the regen/SB over the course of a fight is entirely your call... probably not much with Apoc but even so it's nice to have the STP in exchange for a bit of acc

same comments about the ambu cape, you can sacrifice just a bit of acc to get a ton of other relevant value

feet - why not flamma+2?

overall i am not going to ***on the set because the use case for balls to the wall acc comes up from time to time, but the amount of both offense and defense you sacrifice by not using odin helm/body when you're able to cap haste so easily thanks to hands/apoc, makes the overall set kind of a head scratcher if we're talking Kirin/WOC/HELMs/DynaWave3
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