(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
By SimonSes 2018-10-11 04:12:15
First time see someone confused about this.
119 II is ilvl 119 version of your Afterglowed lv 99. It's VERY rare, because it requires to afterglow a 99 REM which is VERY expensive and generally none do it anymore.
119 III is afterglowed REM weapon after 10000 beitetsu/pluton/boulder stage.
Augmented 119 III is something that has no simplified name yet.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Asura.Misakune 2018-10-11 04:53:06
Sets for drk in order of priority would be TP, WS, DT, Drain/Aspir Endark, Dreadspikes, Absorbs
Depends on what content you are doing. Ambu gear mixed with augmented Escha zitah/ru'an and reisenjima would be what I would go for. If you shout and provide your own pop sets, people will be more likely to join you. Even if you have no idea what you are doing. Looking up strats and kill videos is easy enough. Is Nishida geared enough to aoe stuff on blu?
The augmented jse capes are an easy thing to do. Getting flamma and sulevia to +2 is another easy goal. Start with volume 2, unless you know some people that will let you tag along on volume 1 stuff that is better reward for your time. As a drk you will need to have a few TP sets with that allow you to take a hit or two. You are going Apocalypse, work on getting that to item level 119 with the afterglow, aka (Level 119 II). There is Level 119 3, that requires Dynamis Divergence currencies and to have certain KI from wave 3 bosses. https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Oboro#Step_3:_REMEA_.22119_III_Augmented_Stage.22_Upgrade_Process
Good luck, Nishida-kun
P.S. Two boxing is a faster way to cap ambuscade stuff, but having people drag your undergeared self is even easier, just be super grateful most people get bored easily and help out the less furtunate. They themselves were once in your situation.
Haha! Nishida is gone. I sold that account. This is a new account I made because I realized I still wanna play this game for some dumb reason. That's why I was asking about pre-omen gear..I'm behind the curve currently playing catch up.
I know where the gear I need comes from, just not which pieces go with which set basically. For example, a 119 AG Apoc needs how much STP for 5-hit? How much haste do I need if I have the Aftermath up? Things like that. I was hoping the gear sets in the OP were good, but after looking I notice some discrepancies like using Seething Bomblet +1 and Kentarch Belt +1 instead of Ioskeha/Ginsen.
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
Posts: 26
By Alexander.Humpo 2018-10-11 06:59:34
Haha! Nishida is gone. I sold that account. This is a new account I made because I realized I still wanna play this game for some dumb reason. That's why I was asking about pre-omen gear..I'm behind the curve currently playing catch up.
I know where the gear I need comes from, just not which pieces go with which set basically. For example, a 119 AG Apoc needs how much STP for 5-hit? How much haste do I need if I have the Aftermath up? Things like that. I was hoping the gear sets in the OP were good, but after looking I notice some discrepancies like using Seething Bomblet +1 and Kentarch Belt +1 instead of Ioskeha/Ginsen.
Check out the other popular DRK thread "High end sets/LUA" or some title like that. The sets there seem to be a bit more up to date, and there are more recent ones posted if you start at the end of the thread.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Asura.Misakune 2018-10-11 22:05:52
Haha! Nishida is gone. I sold that account. This is a new account I made because I realized I still wanna play this game for some dumb reason. That's why I was asking about pre-omen gear..I'm behind the curve currently playing catch up.
I know where the gear I need comes from, just not which pieces go with which set basically. For example, a 119 AG Apoc needs how much STP for 5-hit? How much haste do I need if I have the Aftermath up? Things like that. I was hoping the gear sets in the OP were good, but after looking I notice some discrepancies like using Seething Bomblet +1 and Kentarch Belt +1 instead of Ioskeha/Ginsen.
Check out the other popular DRK thread "High end sets/LUA" or some title like that. The sets there seem to be a bit more up to date, and there are more recent ones posted if you start at the end of the thread.
Yeah already checked that thread everybody there is wearing omen and later gear and I am looking for gear sets pre omen
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 132
By Asura.Arnan 2018-10-12 01:40:15
just replace the omen drops with the next best thing...
Utu grip = Duplus grip or the STP one from one of the AA's or there are even STP or haste ones from AH
Niq ring = can replace with Hetori ring if you want multi-attack or ifrit +1/titan +1/shukuyu for ws
Regal ring = replace with ifrit +1/titan +1/shukuyu for WS or ramuh +1/chrich +1 for high acc
Knobkierrie = seething bomblet +1 is very good and you'll want it for reso if the WSD bug ever gets fixed
hope that helps
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2018-10-12 09:25:54
You're Mileage May Vary... Artifact and Relic +2/3, Flamma and Sulevia +2, and NQ/HQ Ratri pretty much bumped off quite a bit of the Argosy set's utility (Especially post WSD bug). It still has it's uses but you'd basically have to use HQ Argosy to get any fair use out of it at this point.
By Ruaumoko 2018-10-12 23:48:40
Lost Sickle from this month's Login Campaign.
A strong contender for the best looking Scythe, it suits the Relic set really well.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 121
By Odin.Kealoha 2018-10-13 05:21:37
is the argosy set worth picking up? i dont see much of it used on the front page soooo It is, however, the lack of MEVA can present a problem in any real content.
By Ruaumoko 2018-10-13 05:57:39
is the argosy set worth picking up? i dont see much of it used on the front page soooo Just don't get caught in it during a TP attack.
Seen that kill so many players, especially without the Max HP Boost from Drain III.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 228
By Ragnarok.Galiber 2018-10-13 07:02:27
is the argosy set worth picking up? i dont see much of it used on the front page soooo Just don't get caught in it during a TP attack.
Seen that kill so many players, especially without the Max HP Boost from Drain III.
As a Hauberk +1 owner, I kinda wonder though... Worth it for what now?
I would use it basically just for Reso on DRK and WAR, but AF+3 bodies are far superior now...
Hands are probably still good though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2018-10-15 23:47:11
Hey obviously I have been away for awhile. I am positing here and on the advanced thread the same thing. If you would like to post updated sets I will gladly update the sets there. With so much new things out I am probably not the wisest to ask as my knowledge is a yr old already haha.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 124
By Odin.Archaide 2018-10-16 13:30:25
Liberator at R15 with Insurgency spam is so broke right now. Last night did Dynamis Windurst and rocked it. I'm sure other groups can do better but I was pretty happy with this at least until SE fixes the WSD glitch or maybe they won't? SB from the Wave3 boss.
Hovered around 5k dps for most of the fight but had to back off a bit from stealing aggro at 82%, 62% etc. Ceinwyn is DP Cor, Pudgy is Calad Drk, Rafai and Korlat War, Inkydo Cor.
ItemSet 362189
Emicho is path B
Neck is R17
ACC = 1267 (no buffs)
STP = 50
DA with AM3 = 78
TA with AM3 = 31
QA = 3
ItemSet 362190
ACC = 1198 (no buffs)
WSD = 72 w/belt
DA with AM3 = 40
TA with AM3 = 20
So if you have a Liberator, rank it up!, Enjoy it while it lasts.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2018-10-16 14:22:53
^ Yus! Lib #1. Hope they never fix it.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 156
By Bahamut.Nebohh 2018-10-16 14:32:38
Maintenance tomorrow to fix this (I hope not. Lol)
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2018-10-16 15:57:15
Maintenance tomorrow to fix this (I hope not. Lol)
The maintenance is for network equipment, so probably will be the same.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2018-10-17 14:37:01
Apparently I need to 119 my Calad and Redemption to be a "real drk", but what's the point when Libs performing so well? Only time I see Calad beating it is when super buffed (geo, cor, dream brd etc) which never happens for me nowadays.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-10-17 14:47:54
I don't have a rema scythe or calad (I have ragnarok), but I have found myself using Raetic Scythe +1 instead of reso/mont torc spam. It's just a load of fun, and insurgency when buffed is pretty damn strong. I haven't compared them to each other in an endgame scenario, since I mainly use scythe for something like infernal's attack down, but Insurgency is amazing right now, especially if you're a non-rema user and you pre-buff it with abs-str/int
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2018-10-17 14:57:53
I was using Insurgency really well before this "update", so now it's a no-brainer. Libs +30% modifier is very noticeable. Or was it 40%? Someone said it was 40 .. so the new III stage is +55%?
Yet to change my gearsets to accommodate for it though. Sadly it's made my Argosy +1 purchase pointless. Ratri +1s have become a lot more appealing.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-10-17 15:10:58
That's what I'm saving for also, Ratri+1. Argosy is all but useless, but hands have a hefty amuont of STR on them, and it would take some really high wsd to beat the str/att from that to ratri, though it does come with high scythe skill. The legs are also still good too iirc, but drk would be using ratri legs or relic+3, so it's kind of useless now. I'm in the same boat as you there.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2018-10-17 15:14:27
I'm lucky because I had the feet given to me for free, and the same guy did a decent price for me on the head. Didn't bother with the rest. And I'm so glad I didn't. Got my use out of them anyways this year, so not a total loss. Unluckily I'm on Cerb where literally nothing sells, especially HQ gears.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2018-10-18 11:22:58
I'm glad to see someone else using Liberator in Wave3 Dyna Archaide.
Also glad to see a rank15 Lib, mine is only rank7 at the moment, been trying to only use self-farmed detritus to level it up. Our Insurgency sets are identical, last Dynamis-Jeuno I had a parsed average of a bit over 33k Insurgency vs the wave3 boss, so I like seeing the difference 8 more levels of ranks ups make. Also, whats your subjob? For me /Sam is a flat out no-go on the survivability front for wave3, so I've been either /Nin or /Drg. Dragoon sub seems ideal for the doing the Mega Bosses, as High Jump keeps hate to a managable level. I still take hate every once in a while, but in general it lets me keep the damage throttle open instead of relying on shadows, DT sets, Catastrophe, or all of the above to keep me alive.
That said, your TP set could afford to be split into two sets for AM3 up and AM3 down. As it is your multiattack numbers during AM3 are way off. DA/TA/QA in gear takes priority over AM3 OA2-3x procs, which renders a large amount of their benefit redundant, or even arguably counterproductive. Personally my AM3 set stacks accuracy and store TP over everything else. I aim for 87 total store TP before Samurai Roll to maintain a 3hit even while using a single hit WS, then past that QA followed by other multiattack.
On the topic of Liberator AM3, I've been mulling over the idea of writing a full guide to Liberator. I know its a pretty niche topic considering how many Drk mythics are in circulation, but an LSmate of mine wants me to do it, and the Liberator users I have seen have been a pretty mixed bag ranging from "A+ doing everything right" to "Oh god what are you doing?" I realize a full guide would include a lot of pretty basic info that people should know already, so I've been torn on whether or not to put one together.
So, I want your opinions Drk forum, should I write an in-depth guide to Liberator?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 124
By Odin.Archaide 2018-10-18 13:17:10
I'm glad to see someone else using Liberator in Wave3 Dyna Archaide.
Also glad to see a rank15 Lib, mine is only rank7 at the moment, been trying to only use self-farmed detritus to level it up. Our Insurgency sets are identical, last Dynamis-Jeuno I had a parsed average of a bit over 33k Insurgency vs the wave3 boss, so I like seeing the difference 8 more levels of ranks ups make. Also, whats your subjob? For me /Sam is a flat out no-go on the survivability front for wave3, so I've been either /Nin or /Drg. Dragoon sub seems ideal for the doing the Mega Bosses, as High Jump keeps hate to a managable level. I still take hate every once in a while, but in general it lets me keep the damage throttle open instead of relying on shadows, DT sets, Catastrophe, or all of the above to keep me alive.
That said, your TP set could afford to be split into two sets for AM3 up and AM3 down. As it is your multiattack numbers during AM3 are way off. DA/TA/QA in gear takes priority over AM3 OA2-3x procs, which renders a large amount of their benefit redundant, or even arguably counterproductive. Personally my AM3 set stacks accuracy and store TP over everything else. I aim for 87 total store TP before Samurai Roll to maintain a 3hit even while using a single hit WS, then past that QA followed by other multiattack.
On the topic of Liberator AM3, I've been mulling over the idea of writing a full guide to Liberator. I know its a pretty niche topic considering how many Drk mythics are in circulation, but an LSmate of mine wants me to do it, and the Liberator users I have seen have been a pretty mixed bag ranging from "A+ doing everything right" to "Oh god what are you doing?" I realize a full guide would include a lot of pretty basic info that people should know already, so I've been torn on whether or not to put one together.
So, I want your opinions Drk forum, should I write an in-depth guide to Liberator?
Thanks for the info on the AM3 up/down, I'll play with my Lua and test things out. I'm always /sam due to having perma Drain III up. I've just gotten used to WS then hit emergency -dt set or Thirdeye when it's up. But the group I run with is pretty good, I mean the trash mobs aren't alive for more than 3-5 seconds. Guides are always good, would turn some people to play Drk that don't already.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 11
By Phoenix.Garaku 2018-10-18 13:25:50
I'd absolutely love to see an in-depth guide for Liberator, especially for Wave 3. My numbers are tops, but any chance to maximize my potential is greatly appreciated!
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-10-18 13:54:59
I was using Insurgency really well before this "update", so now it's a no-brainer. Libs +30% modifier is very noticeable. Or was it 40%? Someone said it was 40 .. so the new III stage is +55%?
Yet to change my gearsets to accommodate for it though. Sadly it's made my Argosy +1 purchase pointless. Ratri +1s have become a lot more appealing.
Some testing is showing the new augment is a separate term for WSD outside of other wsd/hidden boosts on RME.
So it would be (damage * 1.40) * 1.15
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-10-18 14:50:54
The set you posted Archaide is so sick, i'm gonna drop some money on emicho stuff when I get home. I was rocking some augmented valorous for a while, but I like those sets you have. Puts you in a higher base HP set, keeps acc high, and you get +9DA from it. The addition of Sulevia+2 legs + Hetaroi are interesting, I wouldn't have thought of that, but when your'e riding acc that high you can make choices like that.
Dont have a lib but it's an interesting build that I might consider. My cape is dex/stp though, but i still can steal some of those ideas. Real cool.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2018-10-18 19:09:27
Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll get back to working on my Liberator guide, hopefully I can have the first version posted tomorrow.
In the mean time, on the topic of Liberator, have some gear sets!
Insurgency set:
ItemSet 360043
62% WSD in gear (70% WSD with JP gifts)
1,242 total accuracy before food/buffs, assumes Rank15 Liberator
Back can be either STR+30 Acc/Att+20 WSD+10% or Dex+20 Acc+30 Att+20 WSD+10%
I have both backs and am currently using the high accuracy Ankou's to bring Insurgency's accuracy closer to parity with my TP set.
AM3 set:
ItemSet 360024
Back is Dex+20 Acc+30 Att+20 Store TP+10%
74 Store TP in gear (89 with /Sam)
1,262 total accuracy before food/buffs, assumes Rank15 Liberator
7% Double attack in gear
7% Triple attack in gear
3% Quadruple attack in gear
25% haste in gear (You can swap in Ioskeha Belt/+1 if you prefer)
Maintains 3hit build even when using a single hit WS
I'll go into more detail when I get the guide up.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 124
By Odin.Archaide 2018-10-18 20:33:34
Took your advice made this set for AM3.
ItemSet 362283
Back is Dex+20 Acc+30 Attk+20 DA+10
Body is Acc+36 STP+6
Legs are Acc+29 STP+7
65 STP in gear (81 w/Sam, neck not capped will be 82)
30% DA
5% TA
3% QA
Haste Capped
Will be interesting with 12% crit as well. Do you think I should still lower the DA more and add STP by making a new mantle or?