(Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide

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(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Evihime
Posts: 273
By Ragnarok.Evihime 2013-03-03 17:07:15
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Then theyre good. Id just change the /WAR am set

On fodder ***this set is beast

But I dun understand y u dont use apoc on high stuffs.
Sometimes survival > dmg bro

try to put em on spreadsheet
Server: Odin
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user: R3G1STRY
Posts: 430
By Odin.Registry 2013-03-03 17:18:11
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Ragnarok.Evihime said: »
Then theyre good. Id just change the /WAR am set

On fodder ***this set is beast

But I dun understand y u dont use apoc on high stuffs.

On fodder that set is better, as well as anything that needs more accuracy, but I wouldn't use that set on something that needs accuracy anyway.

Anything in between (Dyna DC, Pil, Qilin, etc.), the set I posted is better.

What I do like about that set is that it's far more obtainable. I need to get off my *** and finish my goldsmithing since I've got at least 5 synths lying around for Huginn and I just haven't seen any reasonably priced Phos+1s on Odin.

As far as why I wouldn't use Apoc on things that matter... I usually have a competant WHM with me for those events, so (in those situations), survival rate with an Apoc is no different than with a Rag.

Though, that really isn't an argument I want to get into. Rag has it's uses and Apoc has it's uses, I'm going leave it at that.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Evihime
Posts: 273
By Ragnarok.Evihime 2013-03-03 17:38:17
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Better for u then bro :D
I just tend to use Apoc when I feel like I can drop some DMG to survive more, for anything else Rag all the way
Server: Cerberus
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user: Taint
Posts: 1514
By Cerberus.Taint 2013-03-04 08:41:33
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Here are my active PDT/Hybrid sets I use.

26% Haste TP Hybrid set. Anytime I'm not capped from Haste/Embrava/Marches/LR)

Capped Haste Hybrid set.

Oshit PDT - Red HP, Stunned, Terrored, can't TP etc

Slight room for improvement but work very well in practice.
Server: Odin
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user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2013-03-04 16:21:06
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I have a question concerning Caladbolg and Torcelaver. I always assumed the Apathy Gorget/Ele Belt combo was the way to go, but I am wondering if Caudata Belt had any room for the waist slot. Am I wrong for insisting on using an ele belt for Torc? Ty
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Evihime
Posts: 273
By Ragnarok.Evihime 2013-03-04 16:36:28
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Prolly depending on buffs and what u fighting, maybe when u dont cap attack or u have low buffs might be nice. Gotta ask ppl to do math tho.
Server: Odin
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user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2013-03-04 16:42:44
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Precisamente il mio intento ;P
Server: Fenrir
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user: Leoheart
Posts: 3012
By Fenrir.Leoheart 2013-03-04 16:54:38
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Edit # 6261962351634:

Caudata belt loses to elemental belt when you've capped attack and fstr.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Evihime
Posts: 273
By Ragnarok.Evihime 2013-03-07 15:42:48
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The 6 hit multyattack /WAR posted in the guide is not an actual 6 hit if u Cata in Bomb Core/Grenade, needs Kokou's Earring to be.
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Raelia
Posts: 1707
By Diabolos.Raelia 2013-03-07 15:50:24
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Ragnarok.Evihime said: »
The 6 hit multyattack /WAR posted in the guide is not an actual 6 hit if u Cata in Bomb Core/Grenade, needs Kokou's Earring to be.
Just had a discussion about the lack of context, no TP+WS pairings or sensible combinations, and mishmashing of sets in the guide.

And who the hell is 6-hitting Apoc in this era?
Guide Maker
Posts: 3251
By Quetzacoatl 2013-03-07 16:04:02
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Ragnarok.Evihime said: »
The 6 hit multyattack /WAR posted in the guide is not an actual 6 hit if u Cata in Bomb Core/Grenade, needs Kokou's Earring to be.
In terms of TP from 0 to 100%, it's a 6-hit. But technically after WS, wouldn't it be 5 hits after WS to 100% at that point, making it a 5-hit?

Forgive me if I got that wrong, my brain might be a little fried today.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Evihime
Posts: 273
By Ragnarok.Evihime 2013-03-07 16:04:57
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@raelia /WAR 6 hit multyhit shits on 5hit in some situations.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Evihime
Posts: 273
By Ragnarok.Evihime 2013-03-07 16:08:06
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Quetzacoatl said: »
Ragnarok.Evihime said: »
The 6 hit multyattack /WAR posted in the guide is not an actual 6 hit if u Cata in Bomb Core/Grenade, needs Kokou's Earring to be.
In terms of TP from 0 to 100%, it's a 6-hit. But technically after WS, wouldn't it be 5 hits after WS to 100% at that point, making it a 5-hit?
What? After WS it gets u to 99, u need to use Kokous to make it work, or either WS in Hagneia.
Also 6 hit means 5 hit after WS, 5 hit means 4 hit after WS.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: R3G1STRY
Posts: 430
By Odin.Registry 2013-03-07 16:45:56
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The 7-hit /WAR Ragnarok set that's posted is also incorrect.

It should have a Phos Belt +1, not a Goading Belt.

And as everyone else suggested, I'd put something in with each set about what buffs you have and what subjob, since that sort of matters quite a bit.

and... Instead of the proposed swaps you have listed, one step down would be the set someone posted a couple pages back. It looked something like:

Ace's instead of Wrathwing is also fine.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 66
By Quetzalcoatl.Scruffyballs 2013-03-07 16:48:31
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Diabolos.Raelia said: »
Ragnarok.Evihime said: »
The 6 hit multyattack /WAR posted in the guide is not an actual 6 hit if u Cata in Bomb Core/Grenade, needs Kokou's Earring to be.
Just had a discussion about the lack of context, no TP+WS pairings or sensible combinations, and mishmashing of sets in the guide.

And who the hell is 6-hitting Apoc in this era?
While its not in the guide, the gear set has comments when you click on it.
"DRK - Apoc - Aftermath /??? 6-hit multi-attack gear - 6-hit set based on using multi-attack gear with any sub. Weapon skill in Rajas, Brutal, Hag. Can drop Hag if using Kokou's Earring for TP"
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: R3G1STRY
Posts: 430
By Odin.Registry 2013-03-07 16:52:24
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Most of them don't have anything listed.

It's quite confusing and a few of the sets posted under optimal are no longer optimal (mainly looking at a couple of the rag sets, but I guess I could be comparing the sets I'm using to the wrong ones since I'm not 100% sure what sets go with what buffs).

That being said, I mean not to insult on the OP. I'm sure it'll get done at some point, but in the meantime I'd post something saying I haven't had the chance to update things.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Taint
Posts: 1514
By Cerberus.Taint 2013-03-07 17:05:07
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Odin.Registry said: »
Most of them don't have anything listed.

It's quite confusing and a few of the sets posted under optimal are no longer optimal (mainly looking at a couple of the rag sets, but I guess I could be comparing the sets I'm using to the wrong ones since I'm not 100% sure what sets go with what buffs).

I mean not to insult on the OP. I'm sure it'll get done at some point, but in the meantime I'd post something saying I haven't had the chance to update things.

DRK gear sets are such a cluster *** it will never be correct.

Different sets for 3 level of buffs, 3 levels of mobs, scythe and great sword. PDT,MDT,different Hybrid levels and subjobs. Then to tier them all, there would be an easy 100 gear sets in the OP.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2013-03-07 17:07:31
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Cerberus.Taint said: »
Odin.Registry said: »
Most of them don't have anything listed.

It's quite confusing and a few of the sets posted under optimal are no longer optimal (mainly looking at a couple of the rag sets, but I guess I could be comparing the sets I'm using to the wrong ones since I'm not 100% sure what sets go with what buffs).

I mean not to insult on the OP. I'm sure it'll get done at some point, but in the meantime I'd post something saying I haven't had the chance to update things.

DRK gear sets are such a cluster *** it will never be correct.

Different sets for 3 level of buffs, 3 levels of mobs, scythe and great sword. PDT,MDT,different Hybrid levels and subjobs. Then to tier them all, there would be an easy 100 gear sets in the OP.

So much more gearsets on DRK than my other jobs..
I use the same XML for WAR and DRK, and my DRK xml is more than twice as long, just because of gearsets.
1100ish vs 2400ish lines lol -_-
And I don't even have specific sets for everything yet :<
Posts: 779
By itchi508 2013-03-07 17:09:01
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Question and advice please:
Drk/sam: Caladblog & Ragnarok.

Aftermath-LR-Embrava up:

for legs Whirlwind fit here as phorcy doesnt offer anything that isnt all-ready covered under these conditions (LR/Embrava) correct me if im wrong!

Aftermath-LR-Embrava down:


Legion hybrid: still working on improvements for this set any advice?

DT/PDT set:

I no are's can fit in a few areas i have covered but i havnt had time to work on it yet. besides that.. feel free to list any/all improvemnts i could make/change! Thanks in advance all!
Posts: 377
By luckycharms1877 2013-03-08 12:52:42
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itchi508 said: »
Question and advice please:
Drk/sam: Caladblog & Ragnarok.

Aftermath-LR-Embrava up:

for legs Whirlwind fit here as phorcy doesnt offer anything that isnt all-ready covered under these conditions (LR/Embrava) correct me if im wrong!

Afermath-LR-Embrava down:


Legion hybrid: still working on improvements for this set any advice?

DT/PDT set:

I no are's can fit in a few areas i have covered but i havnt had time to work on it yet. besides that.. feel free to list any/all improvemnts i could make/change! Thanks in advance all!

Hmm really not sure on the Aftermath-LR-Embrava Up so i wont get into that one, But I really think Phorcys still pulls ahead I could be wrong not exactly a math wizard.

On the Aftermath-LR-Embrava Down. You seem to have too much haste hmm 28% seems to be. My guess would be something like this maybe?

TP Build-LR-Embrava Down

For Hybrid Legion set hmmm maybe this is instead

Hybrid Legion-Capped Haste, got some pdt and Acc in there

Hmmm now that i think about it Rajas Ring + Phorcys Dirs would prolly still win. For your Aftermath-LR-Embrava up. I personally wouldnt even bother using Sljor Ring
Posts: 779
By itchi508 2013-03-08 13:15:41
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Ya just curious as working on build im still missing enif mala and bomblet so haven't even tested it, Curious if that would be a viable set for those conditions or is it just useless over kill of DA. Embrava down set was built as if had Armada or Valkeries. But used porthos/Askar in place. same with placing enif there. Thats Only reason haste is over cap. Haven't though of using ogiers tho since bale gauntlets have more to offer.
Posts: 377
By luckycharms1877 2013-03-08 13:20:35
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itchi508 said: »
Ya just curious as working on build im still missing enif mala and bomblet so haven't even tested it, Curious if that would be a viable set for those conditions or is it just useless over kill of DA. Embrava down set was built as if had Armada or Valkeries. But used porthos/Askar in place. same with placing enif there. Thats Only reason haste is over cap. Haven't though of using ogiers tho since bale gauntlets have more to offer.

Puts you @26% with the embrava down set I posted. Hopefully that helps
Guide Maker
Posts: 3251
By Quetzacoatl 2013-03-08 13:36:38
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Cerberus.Taint said: »
Odin.Registry said: »
Most of them don't have anything listed.

It's quite confusing and a few of the sets posted under optimal are no longer optimal (mainly looking at a couple of the rag sets, but I guess I could be comparing the sets I'm using to the wrong ones since I'm not 100% sure what sets go with what buffs).

I mean not to insult on the OP. I'm sure it'll get done at some point, but in the meantime I'd post something saying I haven't had the chance to update things.

DRK gear sets are such a cluster *** it will never be correct.

Different sets for 3 level of buffs, 3 levels of mobs, scythe and great sword. PDT,MDT,different Hybrid levels and subjobs. Then to tier them all, there would be an easy 100 gear sets in the OP.

Agreed on this.

The guide serves to give a general idea of the sets to aim for in the situations one might find themselves in. It's not saying these are the end-all-be-all setups, because there are so many circumstances to adjust gear accordingly.

So for those who are extra-specific in their gearswaps, feel free to explore those options, just don't say they're incorrect.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 141
By Bismarck.Stani 2013-03-09 19:02:00
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Quetzacoatl said: »
The guide serves to give a general idea of the sets to aim for in the situations one might find themselves in.

And yet the gear section is populated with specific sets and sparse context.
Server: Odin
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user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2013-03-09 20:03:09
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luckycharms1877 said: »
Aftermath-LR-Embrava Down

Forgive me but what exactly makes this an Aftermath set, and since when did you ever use Scourge anyway?
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 259
By Sylph.Dasanuffadat 2013-03-10 10:01:13
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OP: You reversed Parsimony and Alacrity in the /SCH subjob section.

Parsimony reduces MP cost and Alacrity reduces cast time.
Posts: 779
By itchi508 2013-03-10 11:26:36
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Odin.Jassik said: »
luckycharms1877 said: »
Aftermath-LR-Embrava Down

Forgive me but what exactly makes this an Aftermath set, and since when did you ever use Scourge anyway?

Go back a and read b4 quoting about a set. I already mentioned i have caladblod and ragnarok and use both situational. And fyi that set even has caladblog built in it not ragnarok.....
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Leoheart
Posts: 3012
By Fenrir.Leoheart 2013-03-10 11:29:09
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Forgive my ignorance, but what situation would caladbolg be better than rag?

Edit: Your original quote has ragnarok listed in that set too.
Posts: 779
By itchi508 2013-03-10 11:35:58
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My original quote also mentioned i have both GS.
Caladblog can keep up with ragnarok, not to mention ride LV3 aftermath and the ODD effects all hits on the weapons skill. Only situation i could think of is just a embrava LR aftermath set where you will only ws at 300% and ride that for strictly for overall dps. Besides that its still a set that could be use on ragnarok for LR Embrava, you will swing like you have a multi hit sword. Set only applys for a zerg when conditions are capp attack embrava LR Songs or rolls and acc is not a issue. Somthing like say prov or adl. And im not posting makeing accusations im asking for advice. I cant parse nor am good at math so i would not no the out come of the set im refering to. I tryed it out it seems great i was impressed but thats only a eyeball wile doin prov+3cats since i cant meet those conditions for testing i can only test it During such random content, so over with all acc/att dps and fluctuating weaponskills im not able to make a comparison.
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