(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-07-02 15:47:15
Dark Knights have minimal problem with accuracy on WS sets; Ratri, Fallen +3, Ignominy +3, and Argosy all have tons of accuracy.
Quietus is pretty useless unless doing a long multi step solo SC.
By zaxtiss 2018-07-02 16:54:33
using Ratri NQ 4/5 in escha zones atm i get 1322 acc in WS set.
i'd like to hit 1300+ in non escha zones. keep in mind i'm working on Fallen an igno gear sets atm.
main thing is Quietus isn't really used ?
Server: Odin
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Posts: 121
By Odin.Kealoha 2018-07-02 18:40:30
Yeah the only thing I'd used Quietus on is doing Umbra:
CR > Insurgency > Entropy > CR > Quietus.
Even then, it's more for show. GS wins in most cases.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 159
By Asura.Warusha 2018-07-02 19:31:26
Because it's got 40 STR, 40 VIT, and 77 attack. With how much WSDMG you stack in other slots, that 77 attack (which gets multiplied by Smite, Last Resort, Chaos Roll, and attack vorseals) ends up being a bigger percentage increase than the helm's WSDMG, assuming you're not close to attack cap. It's the same reason why Regal Ring beats Karieyh Ring/+1 when not close to attack cap.
For Ody helm to beat it under that situation, you need like 20+ attack, 10+ vit, AND 4-5 WSDMG. (or slightly lower other stats if higher WSDMG from Dark Matter augments), which is very difficult.
I've been using Ratri Sallet +1 for torcleaver in my low accuracy sets. Should I switch to +3 head(need the clear still) when uncapped attack?
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 383
By Leviathan.Nitenichi 2018-07-02 19:37:04
Because it's got 40 STR, 40 VIT, and 77 attack. With how much WSDMG you stack in other slots, that 77 attack (which gets multiplied by Smite, Last Resort, Chaos Roll, and attack vorseals) ends up being a bigger percentage increase than the helm's WSDMG, assuming you're not close to attack cap. It's the same reason why Regal Ring beats Karieyh Ring/+1 when not close to attack cap.
For Ody helm to beat it under that situation, you need like 20+ attack, 10+ vit, AND 4-5 WSDMG. (or slightly lower other stats if higher WSDMG from Dark Matter augments), which is very difficult.
I've been using Ratri Sallet +1 for torcleaver in my low accuracy sets. Should I switch to +3 head(need the clear still) when uncapped attack?
That's what I have been doing since I got the piece finally. It's pretty sweet, well worth getting.
By zaxtiss 2018-07-03 08:52:44
Yeah the only thing I'd used Quietus on is doing Umbra:
CR > Insurgency > Entropy > CR > Quietus.
Even then, it's more for show. GS wins in most cases. i've had better DPS with scythe. i think its due to not having alot of buffs for reso spam. i've made my set pretty close to the ones in the guides too.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-07-03 09:08:18
Properly geared, DRK GSD doesn't do Reso spam, other than on the few NMs where skillchains are bad (Kin, Onchyophora). Torcleaver gives better numbers the vast majority of the time.
By zaxtiss 2018-07-03 09:19:05
hmmm aight guess there is some tweeks i'm missing then.
Thanks yall i'll look into it more.
By zaxtiss 2018-07-03 09:21:26
ok one more question.
i've trying to make a set for a 4 hit using both GS and scythe but i loose alot of DA / TA is a 4 hit worth it?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-07-03 09:26:47
No; x-hits aren't worth sacrificing for when using WSs with decent or good TP scaling. That includes all of DRK's primary WSs.
By zaxtiss 2018-07-03 09:28:00
ok so stick to my 5 hit then. right on thanks!
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2018-07-05 12:26:05
hey all,
so i'm still pretty new to DRK and i was wondering if "Quietus"
was used much?
i know drk's have a hard time to get alot of ACC on WS sets so i would think it would be useful since its a 1 hit WS it gets a acc boost correct?
I use Quietus a lot with my Liberator when my Aftermath 3 is up, as it can solo darkness easily (Transcended NM in Omen die quick to this) and ignores defense. Torc > Torc is always going to be better than Quietus if you got the TP flow.
Lib is better if say, you only have GEO buffs, but you need to keep AM3 up. GS is better if you can cap haste easily (RDM or BRD) and get attack bubbles from the GEO. GS is miles better if you got geo brd cor and temp buffs from Escha; but not everyone gets these luxuries.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2018-07-05 12:33:46
New DRK pieces:
Father Time: DMG:354 Delay:513 HP+130 MP+70 Accuracy+50 Magic Accuracy+50 Magic Damage+217 Scythe skill +269 Parrying skill +269 Magic Accuracy skill +255 Adds 3% of current HP to Attack
Abyssal Beads +2: Accuracy+15 Attack+40 Magic Accuracy+15 Critical hit rate +4%
Father Time scythe is crap. Totally. I'd rather use Redemption. :(
The new neckpiece is actually best in slot for accuracy, as we don't get access to Ej Necklace. I've been using Iqabi for a long while .. but only if I need acc (rare). Just wish it had store tp/dbl atk. on it, so it could replace Lissome. The magic accuracy is useless as Erra Pendant has +17 and dark skill. We got completely shafted this update. So ..
/emo cry.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-07-05 12:47:08
I still use the combined escha torque for accuracy, and not sure I'd find the new neck worth it just as an accuracy piece.
Maybe after it gets augments.
By volkom 2018-07-05 13:09:03
How's the scythe if you had 9999 hp?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2018-07-05 13:56:12
How's the scythe if you had 9999 hp?
DRK's attack is more easily capped in places like Escha, so I can't see it making much difference. Maybe if you're outside with no buffs at all?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 430
By Quetzalcoatl.Orestes 2018-07-05 14:21:37
New DRK pieces:
Father Time: DMG:354 Delay:513 HP+130 MP+70 Accuracy+50 Magic Accuracy+50 Magic Damage+217 Scythe skill +269 Parrying skill +269 Magic Accuracy skill +255 Adds 3% of current HP to Attack
Abyssal Beads +2: Accuracy+15 Attack+40 Magic Accuracy+15 Critical hit rate +4%
Father Time scythe is crap. Totally. I'd rather use Redemption. :(
The new neckpiece is actually best in slot for accuracy, as we don't get access to Ej Necklace. I've been using Iqabi for a long while .. but only if I need acc (rare). Just wish it had store tp/dbl atk. on it, so it could replace Lissome. The magic accuracy is useless as Erra Pendant has +17 and dark skill. We got completely shafted this update. So ..
/emo cry.
While I agree they don't look that promising, but we haven't seen the augments yet either. Jury is still out for me.
Quote: * All the necks are technically incomplete right now. They will be augmentable (single path, RP style system) with the augments planned to be implemented in September. Once augmented, they are no longer able to be sold on the Auction House.
The weapons will be augmentable as well as REMA weapons. I'm psyched to see what they are.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-07-08 17:34:30
Has anyone ever tried out Dyrnwyn/+1 on high level enemies? I'm wondering if the Absorb-Attri procs enough to make it useful on buff heavy mobs, like Dynamis-D Wave 2 bosses.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2018-07-18 06:28:44
Hey all, so I've been reading on and off about DS/NV Drain 3 and I'm a bit perplexed how to get my Drain 3's to last the full duration. I think the best I've been able to get is 3 minutes+ and I'm not sure where I can improve in order to increase the duration.
This is my current Drain 3 set:
ItemSet 360071
Do I need to go full 5/5 Dark Seal? (Currently 4/5 with one in DE) Or are there gear pieces I'm just not thinking of?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Sylph.Darkside 2018-07-18 09:11:18
Yep. You do. Mine last about 5:15
5/5 Dark seal is needed.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-07-18 09:55:33
NV/DS with 4/5 DS and NQ Ratri feet should be 180 * 1.65 = 297 (4:57), so you should have almost 5 minutes as it is. Putting the last merit into DS would increase it to 5:15.
By aisukage 2018-07-18 11:22:05
NV/DS with 4/5 DS and NQ Ratri feet should be 180 * 1.65 = 297 (4:57), so you should have almost 5 minutes as it is. Putting the last merit into DS would increase it to 5:15.
just to clarify since i think Ger may have typoed but that would be with the HQ ratri feet. NQ only give 20%
4/5 DS + NQ feet = 180*1.6 = 288(4:48)
4/5 DS + HQ feet = 180*1.65 = 297(4:57)
5/5 DS + NQ Feet = 180*1.7 = 306(5:06)
5/5 DS + HQ Feet = 180*1.75 = 315(5:15)
I like having mine 5/5 so i can reapply the HP boost Buff before it wears. It's not vital but just a personal preference.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2018-07-18 11:30:25
Hm. If I'm reading correctly, then I should be getting close to full recast time. But I'm not... I don't think I've seen it once go over 4 minutes, so then I must be getting some some serious resists.
By aisukage 2018-07-18 11:35:48
Hm. If I'm reading correctly, then I should be getting close to full recast time. But I'm not... I don't think I've seen it once go over 4 minutes, so then I must be getting some some serious resists.
Resist would only affect how much you drain for. The buff you gain based on how much HP your drain III exceeds over your maximum HP is a static 3 minutes. so the 20% on NQ feet alone makes it 3:36. Then with Dark seal active and Relic head equipped with the augment dark seal. (equipped when drain is going off other wise it won't apply the duration increase) you should be reaching the numbers i posted.
By aisukage 2018-07-18 11:42:00
Hey all, so I've been reading on and off about DS/NV Drain 3 and I'm a bit perplexed how to get my Drain 3's to last the full duration. I think the best I've been able to get is 3 minutes+ and I'm not sure where I can improve in order to increase the duration.
This is my current Drain 3 set:
ItemSet 360071
Do I need to go full 5/5 Dark Seal? (Currently 4/5 with one in DE) Or are there gear pieces I'm just not thinking of?
oh i would also advise looking into eschite legs. Empy legs only need to be worn when activating Nether void. Both empy legs and Eschite legs have dark magic +20 but eschite exceeds empy legs due to the magic acc they have on them.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2018-07-18 11:45:31
Hm. If I'm reading correctly, then I should be getting close to full recast time. But I'm not... I don't think I've seen it once go over 4 minutes, so then I must be getting some some serious resists.
Resist would only affect how much you drain for. The buff you gain based on how much HP your drain III exceeds over your maximum HP is a static 3 minutes. so the 20% on NQ feet alone makes it 3:36. Then with Dark seal active and Relic head equipped with the augment dark seal. (equipped when drain is going off other wise it won't apply the duration increase) you should be reaching the numbers i posted. I will double check whether I've been getting the proper gear swapped in. Thank you all for the feedback, it is greatly appreciated.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2018-07-18 11:48:01
Hey all, so I've been reading on and off about DS/NV Drain 3 and I'm a bit perplexed how to get my Drain 3's to last the full duration. I think the best I've been able to get is 3 minutes+ and I'm not sure where I can improve in order to increase the duration.
This is my current Drain 3 set:
ItemSet 360071
Do I need to go full 5/5 Dark Seal? (Currently 4/5 with one in DE) Or are there gear pieces I'm just not thinking of?
oh i would also advise looking into eschite legs. Empy legs only need to be worn when activating Nether void. Both empy legs and Eschite legs have dark magic +20 but eschite exceeds empy legs due to the magic acc they have on them. Oh, I have Eschite, some of my item sets on here are over a year old and I missed that discrepancy as I was editing it this morning.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Sylph.Darkside 2018-07-18 12:30:25
Also depending on what you are doing. It can get dispelled at very inopportune times so there is that to consider too.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-07-18 13:20:10
I'm sure nobody but me does this, but I swap out main weapon for Misanthropy. It's a DPS loss, but the macc and potency IMO are far more advantageous with the higher potential HP than the 1-2 WS I might lose out on. Not a conventional idea but if you're using it to start out a fight, you can use that also. Then Dread in Dacnomania.
By Brynach 2018-07-18 13:30:26
I added a rule that does that when tp is under a certain amount. So I will either begin a fight with it, or I will do it in between ws.