(Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide

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(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
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Server: Bahamut
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user: Lorax
Posts: 54
By Bahamut.Ballzack 2017-10-08 15:53:40
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Yeah Ive been bouncing back and forth between 4hit and 5hit for awhile, oddly enough my augmenting luck isnt as great as you think haha, Ive been trying to get nice STP+8 pieces for awhile now but to no avail. I am lost though, how did you end up with only needing 60 STP for a 4hit anguta, unless im reading it wrong somehow. Yeah Im usually not the only DD in our group when we do stuff so SC dmg would be awesome I hardly get em. Ive prolly done more SCing in Ambu VD this month, then I have since Ive gotten the weapon haha
Server: Leviathan
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user: bluecop81
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-10-08 16:19:52
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atm im /sam and get +58 stp and 252 a hit, with 1144 acc prior to buffs and ja, food.

and +30 stp and a 5hit with a TON more multi attack for a loss of 5 acc. My go to tp set is Multi over stp.
Server: Asura
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user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-10-08 16:29:43
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ya 60 is playing it safe with just ratri legs as stp during ws (7stp), AND it being a 1 hit ws like quietus. In real play you technically dont need to use 1hit ws's with anguta, and will be spamming cr/entro/insurgency which all are multi hit and can drive you needing less stp really.

Also you dont really 'need' perfect stp augs, in that set I posted I have 6 stp on legs and 7 on feet and it gets me 61 stp total, which is why I pointed out with perfect you can easily get more multihit. Both sets are viable though, but the only reason to use anguta over a GS is for sc purposes. So I feel its worth taking into consideration.

oh ya sorry, the 60 stp mentioned is NOT INCLUDING angutas, maybe that was confusing sorry.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Lorax
Posts: 54
By Bahamut.Ballzack 2017-10-08 16:37:03
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Oh ok that makes sense I was like 4hit Anguta would be 82 STP from my count spamming CR, before any deductions for lack of a better term E.g.: /sam and anguta
Server: Odin
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user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-10-10 17:02:10
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Has anyone ever messed with Ushenzi or Nullis to test the Dispel rate?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3375
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2017-10-10 17:07:05
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Has anyone used a Raetic Weapon yet? The Scythe may have potential.

FFXIAH still hasn't updated yet -.-

Hard to tell who has one/who is selling one.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-10-11 18:10:01
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Flamma Ring is surprisingly good for TP; since you should almost always have Flamma +2 head on at least, it gives 5 STP, 6 ACC, 8 STR/DEX/VIT.
Server: Asura
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user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-10-11 18:20:03
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I'd still take Petrov for the da if you don't need the acc but ya that's a dang good free ring and super ez to get. Will replace chirich for sure.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-10-20 18:52:21
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So, I've got 100m to burn again, and I'm thinking of two main possibilities.

First, Voodoo Hauberk. According to my spreadsheet, this is about a 0.5%-1% increase in damage for Resolution (depending on if attack is capped or not) over Ignominy +3 (at the expense of like 7 accuracy). Extremely minor (especially since I have Caladbolg and use Torcleaver the vast majority of the time), but it'd be nice to be 5/5 on +1 Argosy.

Second, Ioskeha Belt +1. This gives me 1% more haste, 1% more DA, and 5 more acc in TP, giving me about a 0.4% increase in DPS when acc capped (more when not, obviously). The only swap I can do with the extra haste is Flamma +1 hands to Sulevia +2 hands, which is a similarly small DPS increase.

What do you guys think?
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-10-20 18:53:15
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I'd wait to see what the possible relic +3 brings first, since it might be coming soon.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Witchbane
Posts: 29
By Bahamut.Witchbane 2017-10-24 12:12:35
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Gearswap question.
I have this snippet of code:
Can someone explain to me, in very small words, what and where to make changes to bind F9 to this C1 command for accuracy toggle?

Thanks in advance!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Kealohaa
Posts: 121
By Odin.Kealoha 2017-10-24 13:23:49
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Under your get_sets() function, add the line:
send_command('bind F9 gs c C1')

Then reload your gs and should be good to go.
Hope this helps!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Witchbane
Posts: 29
By Bahamut.Witchbane 2017-10-24 13:28:11
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Odin.Kealoha said: »
Under your get_sets() function, add the line:
send_command('bind F9 gs c C1')

Then reload your gs and should be good to go.
Hope this helps!

Thank you!
Thank you!
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3375
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2017-10-24 15:20:07
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Fenrir.Skarwind said: »
Has anyone used a Raetic Weapon yet? The Scythe may have potential.

FFXIAH still hasn't updated yet -.-

Hard to tell who has one/who is selling one.

BUMP has anyone messed with one yet?

I picked up the Bangles so far. Kinda neat each smack makes you lose extra enmity.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-10-24 21:34:52
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Odin.Geriond said: »
So, I've got 100m to burn again, and I'm thinking of two main possibilities.

First, Voodoo Hauberk. According to my spreadsheet, this is about a 0.5%-1% increase in damage for Resolution (depending on if attack is capped or not) over Ignominy +3 (at the expense of like 7 accuracy). Extremely minor (especially since I have Caladbolg and use Torcleaver the vast majority of the time), but it'd be nice to be 5/5 on +1 Argosy.

Second, Ioskeha Belt +1. This gives me 1% more haste, 1% more DA, and 5 more acc in TP, giving me about a 0.4% increase in DPS when acc capped (more when not, obviously). The only swap I can do with the extra haste is Flamma +1 hands to Sulevia +2 hands, which is a similarly small DPS increase.

What do you guys think?
Belt all the way cause you can offload it if need be, can use for multiple jobs and your overall time spent in it is higher then the berk.

Also what are ppls thoughts on the new Flamma hands vs Sulevia's? (+2s)

Havnt had much playtime last few months so just kinda getting back into it
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-10-24 21:58:32
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I actually ended up going for Tempus Fugit +1, since I managed to haggle a 20m discount on one, and it lets me get 25% Haste with 5/5 Sulevia +2 while still having Staunch Tathlum equipped.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-10-25 00:32:02
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Oh nice trade. What's your dt set looking like then, or your various dt sets? Lol
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-10-25 10:03:23
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My "Standard" heavy DT set is

Sulevia +2/Loricate +1/Genmei/Telos (Or Hearty)
Sulevia +2/Sulevia +2/Niqmaddu/Defending
Ankou (30 DEX/10 DA)/Tempus +1/Sulevia +2/Sulevia +2
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-10-25 20:08:38
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so 60m so that 20% of the time your close to haste cap in a set you use 10% of the time!!! Tisk Tisk, should got them 50m Iosk+1 belts first!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-10-25 21:02:08
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Who's been selling 50m Ioskeha +1s? >.> Back when I bought the belt, the cheapest on the AH were ~90m.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-10-25 22:13:12
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you can nab them for that more or less now bc there is the shield, heck tempus+1 will hit 20m easily now that you can basically HQ it at will haha. Games changing, everythings 'cheap' now.
Posts: 3656
By Taint 2017-10-26 16:33:05
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Basic High End Reso Set:

ItemSet 353973

Which is better:

Argosy+1 legs + Flamma Ring
AF3 legs + Regal Ring
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-10-26 16:43:00
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The latter.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-11-18 18:28:33
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Just thought I'd post this here, from the Raetic testing thread.

Just spreadsheeted Raetic Scythe/+1 vs Anguta vs Caladbolg for my gearsets. For Raetic, I am assuming Entropy is used every 5th WS to keep MP up, with Cross Reaper as the main WS. This is assumed to be in Raisenjima, for the MP+ vorseals.

Non-zerg situation (attack uncapped, accuracy capped, chaos/sam roll):

Raetic Scythe: 3888
Raetic Scythe +1: 4170
Anguta: 4265
Caladbolg (Torcleaver, AM3): 4737

Zerg situation (attack capped, accuracy capped, fighter/sam roll, warcry, crystal blessing):

Raetic Scythe: 8174
Raetic Scythe +1: 8550
Anguta: 8422
Caladbolg (Resolution with AM3 pre-prepped): 8804
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-11-19 12:55:17
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Decided to do the same calculations for Raetic Algol due to a request, using the best parsing WS for that situation. The conditions for each test are the same as in the previous one.


Raetic (Resolution): 4575
Raetic +1 (Resolution): 4889
Caladbolg (Torcleaver, AM3): 4737


Raetic (Resolution): 9613
Raetic +1 (Resolution): 10129
Caladbolg (Resolution, AM3 pre-prepped): 8804

The sets were not completely optimized for the zerg situation, but it should be roughly the same proportion.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-11-19 16:43:46
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thats a huge leap, 2k dps over our top weapon.... seems iffy to me but if it is damn! drks by far #1 then, nones gona touch it
Posts: 48
By afheal 2017-11-19 18:17:07
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How would a Mont+1 hold up in those calculations?
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2017-11-24 00:14:39
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so I have started more seriously gearing DRK since capping CP this campaign. now, my jumping off point is coming from that of carrying over gear from my Warrior, so it's a bit more advanced than one of these posts usually is, and I want to be sure that I am doing this right. the basic impression I have received is to ignore an X-hit and swing for the fences on Multi-Attack, relying on SAM's Roll to lower your rounds to WS. with that in mind, I am using the following:

ItemSet 354644

Notable Augments:
Valorous Mail: Acc/Att +5, Quad. Attack +2
Valorous Greaves: Quad Attack +3
Odyssean Cuisses: DEX 8, Acc/Att +20, Double Attack +4
Ankou: STR 20, Acc +30, Att +20, Double Attack 10

so my question is, should I instead be balancing around a specific amount of sTP (I am getting a 6 hit right now, which seems incredibly long despite the screwiness that is Rag's delay) and despite the sub-par augments on my Disappointment Matter Valorous pieces, I am still at 1127 Accuracy standing in my Mog House. I do not currently own nor plan on getting HQ Abjuration gear, and I know that AF+3 legs look to be a beating for their DA+10 making them an obvious first upgrade (but will be a little while off while I finish getting cards to +3 my WAR body....). additionally, Flamma Ring seems like it would probably do more for me since I think Hetairoi is my only source of Triple Attack.

tl:dr - am I doing this right or gearing completely stupid?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Camlann 2017-11-24 05:32:31
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^There is TA on Flamma Zuchetto.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-11-27 14:56:57
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I updated the values for my Raetic comparisons earlier on this page. Notably, I included Vorseals (because the test was assuming the MP from being in Escha, so I might as well), and I also found out that the STP of the Raetic +1 weapons is MP spent/2, not MP spent, so they give ~27 STP instead of 50.

Of note, Raetic Algol +1 is only ~15% more DPS than Caldabolg in zerg situations, instead of ~24% more, and Anguta now beats Raetic Scythe +1 in non-zerg situations.
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