(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 162
By Ragnarok.Rezeak 2017-01-13 20:00:20
For Drain III
Pretty much lists all the potency gear in the game outside of omen ofc.
Really, what it comes down to is you want to use Lugra Cloak +1 +31 potency or Relic Head for +1.5 min duration 5/5 Dark seal needed.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-13 20:07:39
I didnt think 5/5 dark seal worked on drains time?
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2017-01-13 20:14:06
Pixie Hairpin +1 would like a word regardless, shouldn't use Lugra +1.
By Quetzacoatl 2017-01-13 20:48:51
I've always hated cloaks, they have never made up for the lack of a head slot. I just like seeing myself fully equipped. <.<
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-01-13 21:14:56
its all user preference but I would urge a career drk (reason one would read this form) to maximize the job they play /shrug. I dunno, potential tens of millions millions of gil for pitifully (like, .2%) marginal gains on a single weapon skill isn't anywhere near worth it to me.
AG RMEA and HQ Abjurations at least have tangible gains.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-13 22:52:44
Cherche, Not sure where your knowledge base is coming from or if your trolling lol... I really want to help you because if your profile is real I can see your very new and dont even play drk since its listed as lv 49, sub lv. I hope though that drk has peaked your interest and you came here to learn more so you can lv it and play :D if so listen and learn.
I dunno, potential tens of millions millions of gil for pitifully (like, .2%) marginal gains on a single weapon skill isn't anywhere near worth it to me. 80% ws mod is HUGE, the fact your advocating to lose upwards of 60 vit thats with an 80% wsd mod is just... idk...
.2% gains is a random number you have pulled out of no where, and I can promise you its huge gains moving up 60 ws stats on any ws with an 80% mod. Like i previously said you are looking at thousands of dmg per ws which will be a big factor in your dps.
now in terms of your power:gil talk...
Quote: AG RMEA and HQ Abjurations at least have tangible gains AG RMEA is a no brainier and something most drk's in this conversation have/realize they need. Its a reason we have been using 304 base dmg for math :D Howedver, if you have AG with subpar gear you wont do anything better than non-ream wielder who has some good augs. Power per gil, goes normally to well augmented gear. Getting to OMG status of augs however, is yes a "waste" of gil when you have decent augs already and are not using an AG weapon. Priority at that point should go to your AG, which then you can concentrate again on augs.
HQ abj your really advocating over augments too? We are talking about 2 completely different things, Argosy +1 is 60m~ per item and 200m~ on body. Your worried about 10mil on augs and yet advocate a minimum of 60m (6x what 10mil is) for a 2 str 2 dex 10 acc 20 attack 2 DA difference... I hope this is blazing obvious to you that you are wrong. The idea of going from an avg augment to a GREAT augment is normally that big of jump or more.
HQ abj is literally the last thing jobs need to worry about after all the other bells and whistles. This also is even MORE important for drk since you would not use ANY argosy+1 on torc, thus making the convo null. You probably wouldnt on cata/CR/Quitus either unless you have nothing better, or need the acc from a few select pieces. Argosy+1 is really a reso thing and mostly dies off there for drk.
I hope I havent offended you and that you will continue to be open minded and learn about drk job. Its a fun job with a lot of potential. Feel free to pm me for advice as I can see your a bit confused on drk priorities and potential :D
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-01-13 23:26:05
60 VIT? The difference between Fern and Taupe Augments is 4 WSDMG vs 20 VIT (16 base damage) across a full set, excluding body.
Using Rezeaks numbers for base damage:
0.2% in favor of Taupe was wrong. I messed something up somehow. It's actually 1.3% in favor of Fern. Multi-attack procs favor Taupe by a whole 40 damage per additional hit, but even a Quad Attack wouldn't close the gap.
Once you get into significantly higher levels of WSDMG, the balance shifts a bit. Fern vs Taupe at 50% WSDMG beforehand is a 13 damage shift in Taupes favor.
EDIT: 60 VIT at 1000 TP w/Moonshade is only 978.75 damage before WSDMG is taken into account.
Also, everything is assuming capped pDif. Admittedly, the variable would remain the same on both sets assuming the VIT and WSDMG are the only differences.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 162
By Ragnarok.Rezeak 2017-01-13 23:50:29
Pixie Hairpin +1 would like a word regardless, shouldn't use Lugra +1.
Pixie Hairpin +1 is like 3-4% better than Lugra +1 right cause 7 mil for me personally that isn't worth it (like it might be better augmenting Ody stuff read somewhere that was good)
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-13 23:54:48
you initially had put to aug for cata/cr/quit/etc implying str augments, aka NO vit augments which yes, with your above example would be 4 wsd vs 60 vit. You cannot get both str and vit augs simultaneously, these arent skirmish gear.
trying running the numbers with that.... your edit even shows at 1k tp a nearly 1k difference. Grows as your tp does also, thus can be thousands per ws avg difference which is a big deal.
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-01-13 23:59:16
I never said remove the vit augment. Torcleaver is still your best single hit WS by a long shot.
My ascertation was that if you aren't going to make multiple WSDMG sets, Tern for 5% augments is a better all around choice than Taupe for 15 VIT.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-14 01:06:37
One thing I'd like to point out.
Unless you intend to make multiple Valorous sets for single hit WSs, you should probably account for every low hit WS you're likely to use.
That extra VIT might marginally edge out for Torcleaver, but it's not going to do much for Scourge, Quietus, Cross Reaper or Catastrophe.
I understood this to mean augment for scourge/cata/cr/quit BECAUSE it will me marginal for Torc. I think most would understand this comment coming after 2 pages of great torc research and math to be an accurate assumption.
That just seems like a colossal waste of gil and inventory.
as you replied back to me, your comment makes it seem as if having dual sets is a BAD thing. So now we are in trouble still....
if your advocating that you should just augment for TORC and not for the rest.... we come to the same issue that your power 3 scythe ws's will now run 60~ str less, on 3 ws's that really depend on the str. You cant say just use Argosy either , bc those do not have int, which these ws's (most) need too.
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-01-14 08:00:13
If you go the Taupe route with strength, yeah. But the STR mods on these Weaponskills is lower than the VIT mod on Torcleaver. So things are even more in favor or Fern.
Best Situation:
40*0.6 = 24
24/585 = 4%
Not totally insignificant, but debatable worth for the potential price. And absolutely secondary to the benefits from the WSDMG augments.
I've never said you shouldn't make these, but you shouldn't be acting like making multiple sets is absolutely necessary for everyone. I'd place multiple augmented sets behind HQ Abjurations in order of importance, tbh.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Asura.Bloodlusty 2017-01-14 10:02:23
No matter how hard you try reso still trumps it and is the only choice for actual end game zergs by a long margin. Spend the gil on HQ argosy
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-01-14 11:10:43
I dunno, I've got Torcleaver with 14.7% higher fTP at 1000 TP with Savagery and Moonshade, despite assuming an average 1.76 attacks on Resolutions first two swings. Down by 8.4% with 2 guaranteed hits on the first two hits of Resolution.
Add in Torcleaver's vastly superior skillchain properties and well, it's not nearly so clear cut.
Resolution has a higher mod mod that's easier to stack on DPS gear going for it.
But there's now way in hell it's winning by a huge margin, especially if any SCs happen as a result of Torcleavers use.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-01-14 11:35:00
I'm not sure where you got those numbers.
At 1000 TP with Savagery, Moonshade, and Fotia belt/gorget, Torcleaver's fTP is 7.65 (8.65 with 1 DA)
Under the same conditions, Resolution's fTP is 8.30/9.97/11.63 with 0/1/2 DAs.
With Gavialis Helm active, Resolution's fTP is now 8.89/10.67/12.45 with 0/1/2 DAs.
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-01-14 11:41:16
You're ignoring Torcleaver using WSDMG+ which is a straight up multiplier. I used 48%, because I saw it being thrown around on the previous page.
Multi hit being excluded from the WSDMG, of course.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-01-14 11:43:47
Then don't use the term fTP, because WSDMG is a separate multiplier.
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-01-14 11:49:08
It's a direct modifier to the entire equation. If you're going to argue semantics, you're doing yourself a disservice.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-14 12:21:12
I will give you a real example of why torc is awesome nowdays.
Your in omen, you get craver and want to zerg him down fast. You have someone using savage blade, and another last stand. You do torc for 22k~ avg at 1k tp (my reso avg was under this), you sc with both of them, you get 44k lights when you finish, when cor does his 35k last stand you get a 70k light - ***melts in under 2 mins. You wonder why you reso spammed for so long ;D
same scenario when I do melee style on schah, same also in SR, same also in ambuscades, omen bosses that dont absorb, gorger, thinker, cp ws spam pty, the list is long... normally and nearly any event thats not a WOC/Kirin since we run like 8 DD's to get ppl clears and there just is no chance at a sc and I am normally under tp+ effects like warcry, shiva, etc and thus always 2k+ tp at 1k.
If there was only a drk spreedsheet to test these numbers out, because I cannot get my reso to perform as amazing as everyone makes it sound. Yes I can get the cool 50k ws's at 3k tp, I could have also made easily 60k+ in ws by using 3 torc plus light sc dmg.
I still reso tons, when i have 1750+ tp it maxes sense. if am am at 1k tp now I just torc though.
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-14 13:35:42
Don't use reso at 100% tp. Holding to 175% (which becomes 200% if you have moonshade) will make a massive difference in your ws dmg and overall dps, the wait from 100-175 is so minimal when fully buffed it won't matter.
The thought process of nearly 2 reso at 100% vs 1 at 175% is a terrible debate. Full buff you will tp so fast that holding til 175 (which becomes 200% if you have moonshade) won't hurt your dps, it will help.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-01-14 13:54:17
Just as some context, here's a screenshot of my standard Resolution and Torcleaver sets, for use at 1000 TP (With Gavialis helm, DPS when using Resolution with capped haste is nearly identical when WSing at any point between 1000 TP and ~2250 TP.
This is with Last Resort, Endark II, Haste II, and RCB (and nothing else) on a minimally debuffed Tojil (1615 defense).
Just comparing DPS and WS damage, Resolution comes out slightly higher, though I only have +2 Omen body and no super pimped Odyssean WSDMG pieces. Resolution gains more from Fighter's Roll and capped PDIF, so those would make the gap bigger.
So, for me, Resolution is still generally ahead when I'm not in a position to make Light with Torcleaver, such as when my party has too many melees, melees that can't make Light with me, or on mobs like Glassy Thinker and Kin.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 162
By Ragnarok.Rezeak 2017-01-14 14:06:36
I'll try and calculate Torc vs Res DMG.
I'll do them both at 200% tp (175tp)
For Torc i'll use 48% WSD 330 VIT 304 Base
304+0.8 VIT + 42(fstr) = 610
So 610
610*7.58*1.48 = 6771 DMG
For Res i'll use 350 STR 50 DA (to factor in all Multiattack for simplicity)
(0.85 350 + 304 + 42)= 635
50 DA will make Resolution a 6 hit WS on average
So 1.5 ftp*6 = 9 ftp
Also add 8% WSD so 1.5*0.08=0.12
635*9.12 = 5791 DMG
+ savagery
1.75*6 =10.5 + 8%WSD = 10.7
635 * 10.7 = 6794 DMG
Like if someone wants to do the math properly that's fine but it basically seems that Torc is better than Resolution "unless" you have Savagery up and even then all it would take is Torc to close 1 skillchain and it's becomes the better WS.
I understand why Res eyeballs like a better WS cause it's spike DMG will be a lot higher but if you consider avgs Torc seems like the go to WS for DRK.
Bear in mind for the avg person you can get near best gear for Torc in a day because of sul+1, Argosy HQ has no alternative and for some it unobtainable making Torc for most the better WS anyway.
Edit: with fighters roll say +20 DA
at 70 Da Res is 6.4 hit WS on avg
1.5*6.4 = 9.6
9.62*635 = 6108
+ Sav
1.75*6.4 = 11.2
11.2*635 = 7112
So yea with Fighters + Sav Res will win most of the time.
Ps. pDif should have no effect of DMG difference if both is capped infact if it isn't capped Res would be at a slight disadvantage cause it has a penalty (I think).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Asura.Bloodlusty 2017-01-14 14:17:55
If you are doing timed skillchains for low man events then yes torcleaver should pull ahead for sure
If you are zerging for endgame content i.e 18 man alliance groups then resolution will deal significantly more period as the STR boost alone pulls ahead. If you feel you have time to skillchain in a zerg situation you're missing the point
Resolution needs top tier gear for it to work as it should though and its what you should aim for if you are a career DRK
Those are the facts, update the guide to reflect it and move on
By volkom 2017-01-14 14:27:51
but what if you never do 18man alliance zergs? then should you just aim for top tier torcleaver set?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Asura.Bloodlusty 2017-01-14 14:29:17
but what if you never do 18man alliance zergs? then should you just aim for top tier torcleaver set?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 162
By Ragnarok.Rezeak 2017-01-14 14:41:06
Boost stat doesn't really change the order of things.
With perfect gear
If you have Savagery or Fighters
Res = Torc
If you have Sav + Fight
Res > Torc
In all other cases
Torc > Res
If you don't have HQ Ag and maybe NQ Ag
Torc > Res
What do you get for the 100s mil gil spent on HQ
+10% DMG only when you have a COR and WAR in a party
For most that is not worth it. Like i'm happy to say I'm a lesser DRK for not using HQ Vale or even bothering with it but from a group perspective w/ Torc gear I'm still competing strongly in the DPS parse and filling DRKs role to what is expected of me. Also my group probably likes me more cause I'm using my Gil towards a Nirvana instead <3 ^^.
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-14 15:14:32
If I had all the perfect gear for drk, I know for a fact I would favor torc over reso, I know the overall dmg for torc + sc will most likely beat reso.
Only reason I mentioned the 175% tp for reso is because someone, (no names mentioned but you know who you are) was using reso at 100% and had better torc numbers at 100%, I know what they use for gear and their dmg would have been better off at 175% on reso than spamming 100% torc.
Unfortunately I don't think anyone at the current moment has the perfect torc set for a few reasons.
1. Very few people will have af+3 body
2. Random augments take our gil for ransom and send us on a wild goose chase instead.
3. We don't 100% know what the perfect torc set will look like, we can paper napkin math, but until we get some testing with high end gear/augments, we won't know.
The fTP alone will have reso winning, that is a given. It is when you add in all the ws dmg gear and sc dmg that we know torc will win. Even still, the raw power of reso with DA% will still compete with a perfect geared torc.
Problem is, it is about 3 1/2 *** to gear torc perfectly, and expensive as hell to gear reso perfectly. I know for a fact I don't have either geared perfectly, in fact I haven't been working on drk gear in months, so it will be a few months before I even start for perfect torc and finish reso. As it stands, I am satisfied with the gear I have on drk for now and I will take the dmg I have, especially since it is still serious dmg.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 162
By Ragnarok.Rezeak 2017-01-14 15:48:52
Only reason I mentioned the 175% tp for reso is because someone, (no names mentioned but you know who you are) was using reso at 100% and had better torc numbers at 100%, I know what they use for gear and their dmg would have been better off at 175% on reso than spamming 100% torc.
I think it's me you're referring to and Torc spamming is still better than Res at 175% tp for me because of my gear access :).
This is mainly down to Sulv+1 being near Top Tier gear for Torc (high VIT and WSD/Skillchain DMG) for very little effort. With that set it's really hard to see any gear that could make Resolution beat it outside of HQ Vale which like I said seems too much effort for the results.
NQ Vale could I guess but it would more likely get me to the same level of Dmg i'm doing now.
My next goal on DRK atm is Ody gloves because there super sexy ^^ and do some more Omen
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-14 15:59:56
Nah wasn't you, but shame on you too!
I agree though, torc is much faster to get better numbers on, saves the cost of hq abj. And sulv+1 is a God send for a lot of new/returning drks. (I am lazy and use 5/5 in tank set, works wonders)
Don't let that dissuade people from getting NQ argosy though, that is still a pretty large gain on reso.
This should be the minimal standard for reso. Even with this, use 175% tp
ItemSet 348981
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-01-14 16:34:26
If you are doing timed skillchains for low man events then yes torcleaver should pull ahead for sure
If you are zerging for endgame content i.e 18 man alliance groups then resolution will deal significantly more period as the STR boost alone pulls ahead. If you feel you have time to skillchain in a zerg situation you're missing the point
Resolution needs top tier gear for it to work as it should though and its what you should aim for if you are a career DRK
Those are the facts, update the guide to reflect it and move on You're completely full of ***if you expect me to believe unintentional skill chains don't occur. Obviously not from you, because Resolution doesn't Sskill chain worth a ***with other top tier wrspon skills, but not at all is complete and utter bull.