(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
By Quetzacoatl 2017-01-03 13:03:37
I tried looking for updated spreadsheets, but i've had no luck. Seems like whoever made them has given up on them, so I'm currently on the lookout for any spreadsheets or spreadsheet-style sources.
By Quetzacoatl 2017-01-03 22:34:56
Whoops. Just noticed I accidentally made the Non-RME Great Sword icons the same as the icon for Montante+1. Fixed that!
By Ruaumoko 2017-01-04 11:20:07
I've been pondering an updated Cross Reaper set and this is the best I have come up with.
ItemSet 348796
Weapon Skill Damage +% adds A LOT of damage to it but the issue we've had in the past is that it's difficult to get Weapon Skill Damage +%, MND and Accuracy on high-end WS pieces like Argosy.
Ignominy +3 set as a whole looks absolutely fantastic for Cross Reaper in particular as 4/5 pieces have extremely high Accuracy, good MND and a whopping Weapon Skill Damage +10% on the body.
This set will of course take a very long time to get given how long it takes to get cards but I can't see much beating it.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-01-04 11:28:52
If you're not PDIF capped by bolster frailty or something (and you don't need the accuracy), Shukuyu Ring should outperform Rufescent Ring.
In addition, Fotia Gorget beats Caro, and Fotia Belt beats Metalsinger if you count the 1% chance of not consuming TP.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 202
By Bismarck.Lothoro 2017-01-05 14:26:18
Question about the current DRK TP set:
Outside of the HQ Abjuration pieces, what is BiS for head and hands? What type of Valorous Mask augments would it take to surpass Flamma Zucchetto+1? Same question with Valorous Mitts augments compared to Sulevia Gauntlets+1. Wondering whether its worth it to use the 6 technique DM augments on valorous head/hands if its going to be a lottery chance of getting something BiS TP.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-05 16:34:40
I've been pondering an updated Cross Reaper set and this is the best I have come up with.
ItemSet 348796
Weapon Skill Damage +% adds A LOT of damage to it but the issue we've had in the past is that it's difficult to get Weapon Skill Damage +%, MND and Accuracy on high-end WS pieces like Argosy.
Ignominy +3 set as a whole looks absolutely fantastic for Cross Reaper in particular as 4/5 pieces have extremely high Accuracy, good MND and a whopping Weapon Skill Damage +10% on the body.
This set will of course take a very long time to get given how long it takes to get cards but I can't see much beating it.
I would still assume that WSD augged odyssean/valo could overtake the head/hands if acc isnt nedded, and even then you dont lose to much if you can get a 30 acc aug with the wsd. However, I think as SE updates/makes omen easier then the set will be obvious for most ;D
By Quetzacoatl 2017-01-06 09:43:03
A Brief Note
Alright, so I know I said I'd get the gear sets updated soon, but since the Omen update dropped, I wanted to wait around and see what's been found. I'll focus on the gear section this weekend, I have saturday off work (also had work over the holidays, but I didn't mind, because I work with dogs and cats).
Also, had a stroke of luck and found a good friend of mine in-game this morning. They'll "drop in a word" asking about where to find Updated DRK spreadsheets, so keep an eye out.
By Teimoli 2017-01-06 10:10:44
For anyone that is interested, I have been working on some spreadsheets for DRK accuracy gear. I have body, legs, and hands complete. I need to find a decent file sharing site or take the time to convert the excel to table format on here.
Eventually, once I don't have so much work to do on my character, I plan on attempting to build a program for gear similar to the item sets on here but with more info and better calculations. This will be a huge upfront endeavor, so don't expect anything soon.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 206
By Ragnarok.Jukiro 2017-01-06 10:25:08
Outside of the HQ Abjuration pieces, what is BiS for head and hands?
I see this question asked a lot on these types of guides, and while it isn't wrong to ask, it doesn't often get answered because everything is so situational. Like Thorva mentioned in the last page, your build should focus on:
acc > haste > sTP (for xhit) > multi-hit
So this means BiS depends how much total accuracy you're getting from your whole set, and is also situational on the content that you're fighting. Given how wildly random reisenjima augments are, saying something is BiS is hard to apply to every single person.
I would like to get my hands dirty and do the work of finding out how much accuracy is needed for specific content, but I know I completely lack the patience to lay down that framework. In a way this information exists... buried between all the job guides.
I do know there is a need to determine this for every job. It would be ideal if someone more mathematically inclined could share how to best derive needed accuracy for specific content. Spreadsheets are great tools, but perhaps something more simplistic as accuracy goal lists would also be useful for most.
By Quetzacoatl 2017-01-06 10:34:14
For anyone that is interested, I have been working on some spreadsheets for DRK accuracy gear. I have body, legs, and hands complete. I need to find a decent file sharing site or take the time to convert the excel to table format on here.
Eventually, once I don't have so much work to do on my character, I plan on attempting to build a program for gear similar to the item sets on here but with more info and better calculations. This will be a huge upfront endeavor, so don't expect anything soon.
This is great news, and a breath of fresh air at that. No pressure either, there's a lot of work I need to do to rebuild the guide as it is.
For file sharing, Dropbox or GoogleDrive is commonly used, so you may want to look into an alternative if you're not keen on those two.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 202
By Bismarck.Lothoro 2017-01-06 11:32:53
Outside of the HQ Abjuration pieces, what is BiS for head and hands?
I see this question asked a lot on these types of guides, and while it isn't wrong to ask, it doesn't often get answered because everything is so situational. Like Thorva mentioned in the last page, your build should focus on:
acc > haste > sTP (for xhit) > multi-hit
So this means BiS depends how much total accuracy you're getting from your whole set, and is also situational on the content that you're fighting. Given how wildly random reisenjima augments are, saying something is BiS is hard to apply to every single person.
I would like to get my hands dirty and do the work of finding out how much accuracy is needed for specific content, but I know I completely lack the patience to lay down that framework. In a way this information exists... buried between all the job guides.
I do know there is a need to determine this for every job. It would be ideal if someone more mathematically inclined could share how to best derive needed accuracy for specific content. Spreadsheets are great tools, but perhaps something more simplistic as accuracy goal lists would also be useful for most.
Good point. I didn't mean to ask the specifics of for a low acc vs high acc BiS set with X-hit accounted for, it was more of a general question of whether Flamma Zucchetto+1 and Sulevia Gauntlets+1 have uses in any type of set (low acc, high acc, etc) or if well-augmented Valorous Mask/Mitts are being used instead.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 206
By Ragnarok.Jukiro 2017-01-06 13:39:43
I understand, they both certainly do have uses assuming you can't get better augments on Valorous/Odyssean. For instance, one Valorous Mask I own has acc+38 atk+32 dex+8 augment on it, but it doesn't quite beat out the benefit of Flamma unless I'm starved for acc on the content. Flamma Zuchetto is kinda hard to beat augment wise, so in many cases its quite good.
I find Sulevia Gauntlets +1 to be useful as a hybrid piece since high acc/DT/DA and decent haste.
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-06 14:35:05
Sorry guys, I just don't answer BiS anymore. The random augment gear is way too powerful and way too random to have an actual answer to that question. It really depends what you get on augments.
Remember the race more often than not will be to 175% tp, not 100% tp, so the more you think about it, the more useless aiming for 100% tp actually becomes.
The number one gear formula is
acc> haste > sTP (for xhit 5 or 6 whatever)> multi-hit
I have seen Quad attack, triple attack, double attack builds with 1200+ acc running 6 hit that have so much multi-hit it doesn't matter the loss of sTP.
I have seen 66% double attack builds, I have seen one guy with 4 ody pieces with +5% aug (was like +38% wsdmg in his set altogether), at least 10 vit per piece and 20~25 acc-attk each and he was railing out 40k+ torc on 145 content.
Most the time I don't even keep up with every possible option anymore because we have a healthy community in the drk forum that can answer the questions. Hell the last tp build I made was based off Azagrth's 55% double attack build. But due to random augments and lack of sTP neck from t3 tree, I took 50% DA build with more acc instead.
Another thing to look at with the multi-attack do the simple math on it, all your DA multiply by 2 and understand the rounds behind it.
55% DA in azagarth's set turns out to be 110/100, that means he will on average get just over 3 hits per 2 rounds. The closer you are to 200/100 the higher your chance to double attack every round.
Also remember not to add in your QA, TA, DA together,
4 QA = 16/100
6 TA = 18/100
38 DA = 76/100
Those are separate numbers, they don't proc together. The are individual values, first attempt is hitting 4% QA, then it will attempt 6% TA, and finally the 38% DA.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-01-06 15:34:11
haste > acc
don't even know wtf you're getting at with x/100 nonsense.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-06 15:44:22
Acc at this point for me endgame (T4) is the most important thing to look at, get that number then do your best elsewhere. While its true lower tier content requires a lot less, I just dont gear for that because if its easy, it will be easy will a set overcapping acc anyhow, so who cares!
Right now my sets (im just running 2 now) are first is a base 1246 High acc build (1400 for me in reisen, 1500 with food, 1550~ with self buffs endark2 hasso and AM active). This is for rag (scythe is similar enough but requires a stp mantle though acc augs to get that high of acc AND have 4 hit) is still a 5 hit and has a beefy 39 DA (can get more easily), no crazy gear like Chririch rings HQ, iso Belt HQ , etc.
My low acc set, still isnt very low :D
It has 1176 acc base ( 1330 acc in reisen, 1430+ with food, nears in at 1480+ self buffs).
Neither build account for the 60~ acc you will get from a NV/DS asbsorb acc you can do in each fight if acc is really still needed. Or if your like me you use diabolic eye also quite frequently if you know your tank isnt crap.
The hardest part if keeping WS sets beefy on stats while maintaining acc, as in I just cant do it haha. Sadly enough Ody/Valo just is to damn hard to get 5% wsd + stats AND 30 acc. Sadly enough even with an aug of 5wsd and 30 acc, you will probably be under acc so you still have to make some decisions on high acc set trades. Luckily for me I find myself in my low acc set normally and it does great for tp acc to ws acc. All my ws's will have +-15 acc from my tp set.
Reso become the hardest WS to gear for at high acc, I can only squeeze 1242 acc from it and Im talking HQ argosy, super augged valo body, acc rings, dex/acc cape, etc etc. Its terrible because my str plummets about 80 to do so to +190~. However my high acc torc set only takes a 40 vit hit to maintain 1250 like my high acc tp set, so I find myself favoring Torc nowdays over reso on any fight where I need to use my High acc set. Honestly though with all the melee's and being able to get in a few sc on mobs, I find torc more useful than reso anyhow which has me upgrading a Caladbolg. This will be a nasty -75 acc hit, but thats also why my sets have such high acc to beggin with. They will be 1100/1170 respectively with calad, which still is great for a drk and with your normal support should even be enough on most T3 and a few T4. I also plan to abuse asborb-acc in these situations more to make up for it.
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-06 15:46:56
haste > acc
don't even know wtf you're getting at with x/100 nonsense.
No, mages and support can haste you not to mention last resort gives haste, most the time you will be overcap on haste with drk.
Secondly if you read what I am talking about you will understand the x/100
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-01-06 15:49:00
Please explain how 110/100 is >30% chance at anything
and magic+JA haste still doesn't cap you, you still need gear haste
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-06 15:51:37
Please explain how 110/100 is >30% chance at anything
You didn't read what I said, 110/100 is 55% double attack, which translates to average of 3 attacks every 2 rounds.
Law of average, 50% chance of something has 100% chance if you do it twice. There for 2 + 0.5 + 0.5 = 3.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 98
By Fenrir.Pertalee 2017-01-06 15:52:06
Flamma Zucchetto+1 and Sulevia Gauntlets+1 are really great as long as you can make up the haste somewhere; however the lack of STP is meh... if you like 4 hit builds; 5 hit build they are really easy to use though and hard to beat the multi hit.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-01-06 15:55:30
and what the *** does 110/100 have to do with it? nothing
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-06 15:57:49
and what the *** does 110/100 have to do with it? nothing
Ok first off, I broke it down already, if you can't understand it. Fine, I won't sit here and debate with you. Secondly drop the attitude, we have had enough of that in this forum and the mods are well as the contributors are flat out fed up with it and I highly doubt the mods are willing to let it continue. We have already had several people topic banned for their attitude. Don't join them.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-01-06 16:00:22
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-06 16:08:33
Again, I won't debate you, kinda feels like a childish tantrum when I put up with people that just want to debate.
However if you want more simplification, hitting the 100/100 mark means you have gained a multi-hit in the gear you are using. Really no extra way to explain it. 100/100 represents 50% double attack, or 33.3% repeating triple attack, 25% quad attack, 20% quintuple attack, or 12.5% octuple attack. However you want to understand it, the magic number is 100/100, that represents an extra attack in the multi-attack gear you are using.
Hence the part where I mentioned.
4 QA = 16/100
6 TA = 18/100
38 DA = 76/100
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-01-06 16:12:18
55% DA in azagarth's set turns out to be 110/100, that means he will on average get just over 3 hits per round. In this sentence I took a round as a round of swings to get to 1K TP, because no amount of DA will get you to attack 3 times per swing.
Also, it would be (before proc reductions)
4 QA = 12/100
6 TA = 12/100
38 DA = 38/100.
You already have the initial hit.
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-06 16:13:35
It is a gear value, not a round value. It is to understand what they will get in several rounds, not one.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-01-06 16:22:11
so what's the point of doubling the DA value and dividing by 100 again?
By Brynach 2017-01-06 16:24:58
so what's the point of doubling the DA value and dividing by 100 again?
I don't think hes dividing by 100. I think, instead, hes converting QA and TA into DA per 100 attack rounds
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2017-01-06 16:25:01
All else aside, it's a bit of a sloppy way to explain it. Your original post also said "55% DA in azagarth's set turns out to be 110/100, that means he will on average get just over 3 hits per round. ", where the bolded is clearly incorrect. You'd average just over three hits per two rounds, yes, but that's still a weird way to express it.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-01-06 16:25:50
so what's the point of doubling the DA value and dividing by 100 again?
I don't think hes dividing by 100. I think, instead, hes converting QA and TA into DA per 100 attack rounds oh, well then he's just flat wrong
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-06 16:27:23
To see if you get the free multi-attack based off your gear.
100/100 (50%) in double attack means an average of 3 attacks per 2 rounds.
100/100 (33.3%) in triple attack means an average of 5 attacks per 3 rounds.
100/100 (25%) in quadruple attack means an average of 7 attack per 4 rounds.
It is just a round-about way to understand how many attacks you will get out of your multi-attack in the time it takes to proc multi-attack. Some people can't immediately understand the percentage values so you explain it with the x/100 values and they immediately understand.