Artemicion said:
I'm on the fence about the whole armor repair things. Would be alot easier and more satisfying for everyone to not have to worry about another form of costly upkeep but, frankly I'm all for realism in a fantasy game. Otherwise it's just candy coated eye candy with no substance.
I too am on the fence now instead of being against the idea. After reading everyones thoughts (especially Aramina's in relation to Morrowwind) I think this idea has real potentil
if done right.
The tools to repair weapons/armour could be akin to shihei, cheap and available in large quantities, or perhaps a whetstone that has 100 uses. Put limitations on the amount of damage weapons can take, so that for all those lazy *** who never repair, their armour/weapons will still be of some use.
Cheaper gear wears out faster. Repair should be very cheap, so that only cheap shitty gear ever gets thrown out instead of repaired. However, having people throw out cheap gear occasionally would open up a larger window for people trying to break into the crafting community.
Different weapons and armour types would take more or less damage depending on what you're fighting. If you're fighting bunnies, it doesn't matter a damn what weapon/armour you're using, you're not gonna take a lot of damage. However if you're fighting a pld in steel plate armour, your weapons will take a lot more. Metal armour will take more damage from blunt weapons than from slashing weapons (which also leads to being more effective against slashing than blunt), and the repair of some weapon types won't be as important as others. If you're using a great katana or sword, weapon upkeep is very important to keep a good edge on your sword. If you're using a great axe, it's not going to matter so much because you'll still cleave someones head in half with a blunt, notched up axe.
The main feature I think that would prevent this from sucking is never making anything useless from the damage it takes, and not having to spend a lot of money on repairing it.
I think it would be really good if you had to rotate your melee out of fighting in a merit party occasionally to hone their swords in order to keep going.
All in all, if done well, I think this idea could be really good. If done badly, I think it could suck majorly.