Ashman's Amazon Cart
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By Phoenix.Lxion 2012-11-16 18:57:53
People may flame me for this, but I really enjoyed David Eddings' "The Belgariad" and "The Mallorean". In total, there's about ten books, but it does go by very quickly.
EDIT: There are also two books that came after that add to the story. Belgarath the Sorceror, and Polgara the Sorceress.(Please note my spelling may be off, haha.)
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2012-11-16 19:32:33
I will add my two cents to the duffman reading thread.
I agree with the Kushiel's Series and Kingkiller Chronicles series as listed earlier in the thread. Jaqueline Carrey is a great author and it's one of my auto-recommends to anyone who is looking for new stuff to read. It's a nice take on historic alternative universes with magic thrown into the mix. Be warned it is a 9 book series to date, but each arc of a story is written in a trilogy and the books end mostly completely with a few loose ends to be tied up at a future date. So, reading them slowly and over time isn't a concern.
Patrick Rothfuss' series (King Killer Chronicles) is great but incomplete ATM. It's a bit slow in the beginning but certainly picks up the pace nicely in the second half of it and continues good pacing for the second book in the trilogy-to-be.
If you're looking for an easy (incredibly easy read), I recommend Kristen Britain's "Green Rider" series. Sword swinging equestrian's with magic into the mix. Fantasy setting, simple to read, fairly east to get into, nothing too complex and fairly enjoyable though the author is a slow writer and I hated how she ended her final book. Nonetheless, something I'd consider on the lower end of a wish list if you're running out of ideas.
Finally, the Magister trilogy by C.S. Friedman has a nice take on a high fantasy world, in my opinion. Interesting take on magic and a fairly solid read overall. Bit of politicking here and there as well.
Good luck with the book hunt~
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2012-11-16 21:26:27
On the subject of Stephen King, nothing of his writing will ever surpass (in my opinion) his book entitled "Different Seasons". It contains 4 novellas in one volume, three of which have been turned into movies of varying degrees of success.
The three w/ movies are "The Body" upon which "Stand by Me" is based.
The second is "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption" upon which the obvious "Shawkshank Redemption" is founded.
The third -- and actually most compelling/disturbing -- is "Apt Pupil", which has a movie based upon it of the same name. The movie is probably the -least- recognized of these three, but the story itself is easily the most eerie of the book.
Stephen King is -- in my opinion -- by FAR more compelling when he works within the realms of nature rather than with sci-fi/fantasy horror.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Narshee 2012-11-16 21:29:18
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Duuks 2012-11-16 21:40:36
"Ender's Game" Orson Scott Card
and the whole Ender's Universe, Shadows of the Hedgemon as well, same author and universe.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 28615
By Bismarck.Magnuss 2012-11-16 21:44:37
How about Brave New World by Aldous Huxley? It's a science fiction novel about people being controlled by a substance and a wayward soul brought into a setting he had never anticipated.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 108
By Ragnarok.Littleanimal 2012-11-17 08:43:31
Uhh, just a quick question for all of you. I've been interested in getting one of those e-reader things like a kindle or a kobo. Not looking for anything fancy, a plain ole' E-ink reader is what I need, can anyone recommend one?
p.s. I think amazon phased out their older style e-ink readers for the new kindle fires, but not entirely sure.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xueye 2012-11-17 08:53:20
I'm a huge nook fanboy, but lately, the one to get is the kindle paperwhite.
It's e-ink and has a light.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 34
By Shiva.Ahleah 2012-11-18 18:55:09
Edited my previous comment when I realized I forgot very important details! And so as not to bump your thread needlessly, another recommendation I'll make: The "Mistborn" Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. ("The Alloy of Law" was also a 1-book shoot-off within this same fantasy realm of his that was a very entertaining read, not sure if he plans to expand upon it at a future date)
He's most recenly known for his work with Robert Jordan's wife in helping to complete the deceased author's very popular Wheel of Time fantasy saga. I find his writing style enjoyable, he manages to produce very intricate systems of magic in each of his books that are original, no copy/pase from hundreds of fantasy novels/authors before him. Also, he does a very nice job of handling combat, from small 2 ppl skirmishes to large battles. I find this is important as some authors simply do not have his gift and the action scenes feel glossed over or rushed, while a good author creates action scenes I find myself rereading again and again.
Maybe that is one of my personal standards for good fantasy, but I find the authors like Raymond Feist with his Drizzt Do'Urden series, Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series etc all handle this element well, and keep me reading even through the slow parts.
I saw someone mention David Eddings, and while I always assumed he must be very popular for he large amount of fantasy novels hes written, I've never cared for his books. I gave 2-3 a try, and in each one, it was like he would always be building up towards the final confrontation, and talking it up, talking it up some more, building it up some more....and then not delivering very much.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 4252
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2012-12-06 12:26:45
I just got my amazon stuff all in. Thanks for the help guys. I'll also be re-reading suggestions for my next couple shipments so if i didn't buy something you suggested, that doesn't mean i wont.
"Ender's Game" Orson Scott Card and the whole Ender's Universe, Shadows of the Hedgemon as well, same author and universe.
I think i've read everything the man has written (at least up to...... the 5th shadow book? up to 3-4 years ago anyhow).
I was so mind-*** (not in a bad way) by Memory of Earth that I couldn't do anything else the rest of the day. That series is kinda like Ender's game whereas the sequels are still great books in their own right but will never live up to the first.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 636
By Asura.Escorian 2012-12-06 12:48:38
ugh you guys are making me think about a book series I used to read but cannot remember the name to, And it is really beginning to bug me I can't remember the name.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 602
By Cerberus.Mindi 2012-12-06 12:56:59
Terry Pratchett Disc World is great, if you somehow dont know it yet :) so far there are 39 books (dont get scared!)
this isnt a "i start reading at 1 and finish at last" in the end you can read whatever order you want, some refere to past books, but in the end each is a kinda standalone or atleast.. its not necessary to read all books without skipping one, you only might miss a few jokes or backgroundstory here and there. There are kinda "reading paths" which try to sort those storys with the same main characters. Like you can find here
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 74
By Ragnarok.Takagi 2012-12-06 23:45:22
I just briefly skimmed through the pages, so I apologize if it's already been mentioned.

I read this series, and it was really good. I do believe there are 6 volumes iirc, but it's been a while. It was one of those series where I got so caught up, I would start yelling in my sleep about the book, and piss my family off >.>
edit: ya, added 4-6 to the post as well
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 616
By Valefor.Angeluzun 2012-12-07 00:07:59
so many good suggestions, and I only read pg 1 of this thread.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 4252
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2012-12-26 14:47:41
I'm not singling anyone out here because the series was refered to me several times here and twice by IRL friends on FB:
I have only read The Gunslinger so far (but have bought the whole series) and I felt it was one of the worst books I have ever read.
I'm not saying I am giving up on the series, but I genuinely hope it gets better through the series. I can't believe if SK were another author he would have been able to finish the series, nor can I understand how this book would be a #1 bestseller without the rest of the series to back it up.
why do i care about roland? the character isn't established, his past and history (as well as the present) are all over the place. the impetus isn't there other than I R SWORN TO FIND THIS TOWER YOU KNOW NOTHING R BOUT. I felt like I was watching a tarentino flick but sat down halfway through and O, btw to see why you give a ***: stay tuned next book.
That being said: now that i own the whole damn series I will read it and then re-read it again later to make sure I didn't miss anything. If my opinion changes based on the light shed by the other 6 books I'll make sure to post a retraction. If not this opinion stays at 2/10, would not bang.
*edit* I have a collection of Stephen King (and Anne Rice) books, so it's not just that I "don't like his style".
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 4252
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2013-01-03 15:39:32
I tell you what.... I don't like paperback but amazon aparently thinks my library is predominantly bound in leather/human flesh after buying 2 leatherbound books.
Buy 2 Neil Gaiman books and get 70% of your recommended list filled with it :<
By ScaevolaBahamut 2013-01-03 15:49:54
cormac mccarthy and DFW all the things
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2013-01-03 16:18:32
By Jetackuu 2013-01-03 16:27:13
I don't think I've read a book since:
just can't multitask when reading... It's a shame too.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 1550
By Bahamut.Dannyl 2013-01-03 16:46:34
I'm not singling anyone out here because the series was refered to me several times here and twice by IRL friends on FB:
I have only read The Gunslinger so far (but have bought the whole series) and I felt it was one of the worst books I have ever read.
I'm not saying I am giving up on the series, but I genuinely hope it gets better through the series. I can't believe if SK were another author he would have been able to finish the series, nor can I understand how this book would be a #1 bestseller without the rest of the series to back it up.
why do i care about roland? the character isn't established, his past and history (as well as the present) are all over the place. the impetus isn't there other than I R SWORN TO FIND THIS TOWER YOU KNOW NOTHING R BOUT. I felt like I was watching a tarentino flick but sat down halfway through and O, btw to see why you give a ***: stay tuned next book.
That being said: now that i own the whole damn series I will read it and then re-read it again later to make sure I didn't miss anything. If my opinion changes based on the light shed by the other 6 books I'll make sure to post a retraction. If not this opinion stays at 2/10, would not bang.
*edit* I have a collection of Stephen King (and Anne Rice) books, so it's not just that I "don't like his style".
I will say that the first book was very difficult for me as well. I nearly forced myself to finish it. Kupo~~~Consider it a trial, as drawing of the three become super relevant in addition to wizards and glass.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 4252
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2013-01-04 15:17:31
My friend on skype says the exact same thing. I would say LITERALLY 30%+ of the recommendations I get mentioned the dark tower series. I went in trying not to have expectations and was blown away by how little plot there seemed to be.
I felt like I had just watched Dune without reading/knowing anything else about that world. I must have seen that movie 1000 times before finally reading a bit just to figure out WTF WAS GOING ON (other than spice must flow, and muad'dib).
*edit* just so people are aware I am taking as much advice here as possible. I've placed 4 orders with amazon since starting this thread.
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2013-01-04 15:20:54
I can't stand the second book in The Dark Tower series. Huge let down for me after the first.
Just finished Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Bladerunner), but will have to read again. I think I might have to say the movie is better. Tried getting into Life of Pi, but got stuck and started reading Animal Farm again.
I've been searching for I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (Something Ellison) for ages, but haven't found it in a store and refuse to pay the prices I find online.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-01-04 15:26:59
I read this as "Ashman's amazing cart"...questions popped in my mind as I opened the thread...
but anyway, probably already read/suggested but I'll say anyway A song of Ice and Fire.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 4252
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2013-01-04 18:24:30
I read this as "Ashman's amazing cart"...questions popped in my mind as I opened the thread...
but anyway, probably already read/suggested but I'll say anyway A song of Ice and Fire.
it's alright.... nothing to brag about.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 1335
By Bismarck.Helel 2013-01-04 18:33:39
I'm not singling anyone out here because the series was refered to me several times here and twice by IRL friends on FB:
I have only read The Gunslinger so far (but have bought the whole series) and I felt it was one of the worst books I have ever read.
I'm not saying I am giving up on the series, but I genuinely hope it gets better through the series. I can't believe if SK were another author he would have been able to finish the series, nor can I understand how this book would be a #1 bestseller without the rest of the series to back it up.
why do i care about roland? the character isn't established, his past and history (as well as the present) are all over the place. the impetus isn't there other than I R SWORN TO FIND THIS TOWER YOU KNOW NOTHING R BOUT. I felt like I was watching a tarentino flick but sat down halfway through and O, btw to see why you give a ***: stay tuned next book.
That being said: now that i own the whole damn series I will read it and then re-read it again later to make sure I didn't miss anything. If my opinion changes based on the light shed by the other 6 books I'll make sure to post a retraction. If not this opinion stays at 2/10, would not bang.
*edit* I have a collection of Stephen King (and Anne Rice) books, so it's not just that I "don't like his style".
You care about him because you don't know him. It's usually what is unsaid that is most interesting to readers and writers. King does a good job of creating a character out of nothing, leaving much to be desired. I don't know why his history is even important to you. I stopped reading at book four. I actually found his past to be extremely uninteresting and boring. I almost would have rather not known, or just received a summed up version of it.
Maybe I'll return someday.
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Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Spency 2013-02-15 12:51:14
Bump for book suggestions
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Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Ashman 2014-02-26 16:00:02
Spency babe <3
I just read Dr. Sleep.
As a huge "The shining" fan, I was disappointing, and satisfied. It could probably never ever live up to my expectations of SK, or the original so tbh that's about the best reaction I could have expected. I gave it a 5/5 on amazon.
I also bought 6 books (2 trilogies) by trudi canavan or whatever. I might read those next.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 764
By Lakshmi.Eyrhika 2014-02-26 16:18:30
I can second the Drittz line of book, I enjoy all of the R.A. Salvatore books. Some characters from one book make cameos in others. They are completely separate, for the most part, but it was neat to see a char from another line injected into the story.
Just realized this was a 1 year+ necro >.>
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 4252
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2014-02-27 07:19:22
I can second the Drittz line of book, I enjoy all of the R.A. Salvatore books. Some characters from one book make cameos in others. They are completely separate, for the most part, but it was neat to see a char from another line injected into the story.
Just realized this was a 1 year+ necro >.>
I go through phases of needing inspiration for what to buy, and then having months where I'm backed up with referrals. Some of these I've been putting off due to not being in the mood for "that kind" of book yet.
I've had a stack of graphic novels sitting in my closet for like 10 years ><
For those of you who don't know me (outside of game), I am an insatiable reader, among other things. I periodically put together orders for books to add to my library.
I have recently put another "please recommend books" thread on my FB wall and have added several suggestions to my cart. I have a decent collection of books that were referred, and am now looking for something light to add to the cart. I find when people tell you to read something they try something that they think will impress you (through complexity or size), spoke volumes to them (but may be old hat or hard to get into for someone else), or something that is "this weeks hotness".
Anyhow: I'm looking for some page fodder for my next couple book orders. I've enjoyed books from Twilight to Frankenstein, from 200 pages to 2000. I'll read pretty much anything. HOWEVER, i stereotypically hate detective novels and westerns. I can read something romantic but it stereotypically has to have something else going on. My favorite genre is probably light fantasy (just finished reading several Lev Grossman novels - ie "Harry Potter" stuff if you're not a big reader).
I'm actually looking for that type of book to round out this particular order. Something that a teen could read but you'd consider still stimulating to an adult.
All suggestions are appreciated! If i don't buy your book today I might on a future order!
<3 ~Ashley