Issues With My DNC XML!

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Issues with my DNC XML!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tessy
Posts: 165
By Asura.Eurewyen 2012-11-05 12:11:01
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Hello everyone,

Her is my DNC XML wich I use. I have npt myself created this one, but it works 99% only problem I have is when outised abyssea and are /NIN to main DNC. Everything works accept when casting Utsusemi: Ichi, then I get an error wich says following
Spellcast: Did not find Set: TP-DAGGER-HASTE in group: Outisde.

I know it has to do with a certain set missing in the outside group, just not abel to find it, I'm starring blind trying, so that's why I see your help and eyes to locate what the set is so I can get it in.

And I might add if /NIN in abyssea all works fine, just to rule that part out!

Her is my DNC xml from pastebin thank you!

Server: Lakshmi
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user: Byrthnoth
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-11-05 12:22:57
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Line 76 is:
               <set name="FullEvasion" baseset="TP-DAGGER-HASTE">

Delete: baseset="TP-DAGGER-HASTE"
Server: Asura
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user: Tessy
Posts: 165
By Asura.Eurewyen 2012-11-05 14:38:50
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Hi Byrth,

Okay removed that part thanks for the fast aid, but have to try it out tomorrow to see it works fine :) Thank you sir!

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Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Darkbahamut 2012-12-13 15:55:34
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Hi I'm having issues with my DNC XML in the section for march/Saber dance rules.

It keeps equiping thaumas kecks instead of etoile tights.

	<if Status="Engaged">
		<if advanced='((bool)BuffActive("Haste") AND (bool)BuffActive("March")) OR ((bool)BuffActive("Haste") AND (bool)BuffActive("Embrava"))'>
			<if buffactive="Saber Dance">
				<equip when="engaged|aftercast" set="TP-SDMARCH" />
				<equip when="engaged|aftercast" set="TP-HASTEMARCH" />
			<if buffactive="Saber Dance">
				<equip when="engaged|aftercast" set="TP-SD" />
				<equip when="engaged|aftercast" set="TP-HASTE" />
Server: Valefor
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user: Clairefox
Posts: 87
By Valefor.Clairefox 2012-12-13 16:07:52
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I'd try renaming your "TP-HASTEMARCH" set to something that doesn't start the same as "TP-HASTE" Sometimes I've had problems with names being too similar starting out.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Sekundes
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By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2012-12-13 16:18:29
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Buff ID's are broken (at least partly). I don't have the whole story atm, but from Martel's tests it looks like the slot the buff is in has something to do with spellcast seeing it as the correct buff. As an example of the testing he did, with 0 buffs on, activating AM3 will show the buff as normal but if he has another buff that moves that buff to the second buff slot then it shows as amnesia instead. Obviously buffs not being seen correctly, changing based on where they are on the buff list or them being entirely wrong is going to cause XML issues with any buff active rules.

There are work arounds but they require setting up manual variables and doing them yourself.
Server: Valefor
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user: Clairefox
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By Valefor.Clairefox 2012-12-13 16:24:59
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I'm not sure or don't remember on this part though. Can it work with <else> or does it have to be <elseif>?
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 19
By Bahamut.Darkbahamut 2012-12-13 18:28:58
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Ragnarok.Sekundes said: »
Buff ID's are broken (at least partly). I don't have the whole story atm, but from Martel's tests it looks like the slot the buff is in has something to do with spellcast seeing it as the correct buff. As an example of the testing he did, with 0 buffs on, activating AM3 will show the buff as normal but if he has another buff that moves that buff to the second buff slot then it shows as amnesia instead. Obviously buffs not being seen correctly, changing based on where they are on the buff list or them being entirely wrong is going to cause XML issues with any buff active rules.

There are work arounds but they require setting up manual variables and doing them yourself.

What do you buff id's are broken? So is it impossible to create march+haste if rule?

I have it in my DRK xml with embrava.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [32 days between previous and next post]
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Neptune
Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Tarusofo 2013-01-14 08:04:32
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Hello! Nice to meet you. I have just leveled DNC to 99 and I have a newfound love for the job. It's funny how I always dissed it and now I like to call it my 2nd-most-loved job. Anyway, I tried using some spellcast XMLs I found around (namely Byrth's) and I didn't figure myself out. As a mage-only person, I never had problems with spellcast because it was pretty straight-forward, so I usually created my own simple sheets. Gearsets, some easy-to-set variables and such and used Changespell a bit.

To get to the problem, I've been trying to use dances as spells, and so far it's not functioning as expected. It seems to work for Jig and I don't know why.

I'll explain better. I try to equip AF when casting Samba, so I get those extra delicious 30 seconds (according to Yarnball plugin), but apparently it equips too soon or too late, I am unable to tell. Was hoping someone could help me. For now I'm just still gearing DNC and skilling up Dagger, because I hate being as gimptastic as I am now, so bear with me the fact that I use just one WS set and that it only varies in the fact that I use Tumbler Trunks. It's a work in progress and I'm reading everything I can in these forums.

Here's the XML.

Also, if I could get a couple simple Variable tricks? It'd be amazing. Thanks again and sorry to bother you.
Server: Sylph
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user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-01-14 08:20:35
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Code xml
<action type="equip" when="midcast" setgroup="DNC" set="Samba" />

Can only swap for JA's Precast and Aftercast. Change midcast to precast on all your JA rules and you'll be golden.

Here's my last working XML, last time I logged on, that's the one I was using.

I was working on a new version, but I was having some issues with it (though I forget what exactly they were). If you want to look over it and see if it's any better for you, you're more than welcome.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Neptune
Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Tarusofo 2013-01-14 08:43:06
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Wow, didn't expect that response so soon, thanks! Really? I had no idea, goes to tell you how little experience I have with melee-oriented XMLs! But it makes sense now that I think about it, since there's no real "midcast".

Thanks so much for your XML, I can work on it much better, and I took some rules! I have a bit of problem though, with the Presto utility. It seems to keep repeating to try to use Presto if I accidentally am in MH (and press a step), or if Presto is not up. I think I borked it somehow already!
Server: Sylph
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user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-01-14 11:21:57
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Yeah, basically if Presto isn't up, it'll store the step you're trying to use > pop presto > pop step (forcing it to recheck presto). As soon as Presto goes up (assuming they didn't change the buff name for it), then it'll "use" the step and finish. It should only do that if you're 77+ though, so you have access to Presto.

If you don't want it to use a Step automagically after Presto (which'll stop it from looping), then find:

<command>input /ja "Presto" <me>;wait 2.0;input /ja "$CurrentStep" <t>;</command>

and replace it with:

<command>input /ja "Presto" <me></command>
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Neptune
Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Tarusofo 2013-01-14 15:37:12
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Thanks! I actually kept it like that, as you originally had it, after trying it at a Worms PT while meriting. I totally loved it, thanks!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Neptune
Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Tarusofo 2013-01-17 04:03:12
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Hi! Sorry, it's me again! DNC keeps being a blast, but I've found two problems I can't resolve and idk why.

1) Ustusemi is casted in WS gear. I don't understand, in no way do I reference to it in the Utsu rules, and I can manually change to "Haste" set, using //sc set Haste, but not when I cast Utsusemi (it equips Tumbler Trunks).

2) For some reason the Presto rule before Steps doesn't work anymore?

[Edit]3) New issue, for some weird reason, something was borked but I can't remember now. ._. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. D:

I'm sorry to burden you all with this, but it's really frustrating. ):

Help is again hugely appreciated!
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-01-17 04:26:40
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Try changing all your <elseif weaponskill=""> to <elseif spell="">, I've never seen weaponskill used as a valid check (aside from <if type="Weaponskill">)
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Neptune
Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Tarusofo 2013-01-17 04:32:07
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Oi, that worked! Now the only thing that doesn't work is the Presto rule >:

Thanks so much btw!
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-01-17 04:55:24
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Hmm, the only thing I can think of would be resources. If I remember right, I used some resource files that Byrth changed for a Building Flourish section and then I added the Presto part to my own (using the FM section).

Try replacing your resources/status.xml file with this one. Then //updateresources if you're in-game (it should automatically do it when you log on otherwise) and you should be good.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Neptune
Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Tarusofo 2013-01-17 05:17:04
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Hmm ): Thanks! I'm not that versed though, which file in the resources folder should I replace with this one? I have:

Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-01-17 05:37:11
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