Post here your most frustrating, irritating, awful, hated or downright despised (high) notorious monster(s).
Be that for a certain item it JUST WON'T DROP, the way it is popped/claimed/spawned, the beast itself just being a total pain or any other reason.
Now I'll be honest and haven't played that much Voidwatch yet, but I'm pretty experienced in everything else when it comes to notorious monsters, so here's just my 50 cents:
It took me about 10 kills to finally get the dang abyssite. Stupid death, stupid doom aura ><
I have a general hate towards the entire monster family Mantid but this thing just... ARGH.
and for lolz...
After 10 years I still don't have the boots...
There's probably a ton more but those are the first that popped into my mind and I don't want to make this first post that much longer.