100,000,000g Bounty

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100,000,000g Bounty
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-12 00:05:53
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Golbez or go home.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-12 00:09:29
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Phoenix.Lillicarnage said: »
You point out that having "half of your listed versatility is from your SJs" well... no ***. It is half your main level so I mean from a mathematics standpoint you are absolutely correct. That is kind of the whole point of having the subjob system.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2012-10-12 00:09:35
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-12 00:24:40
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No way, the void doesn't make any sense!
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-10-12 00:26:24
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can't take an evil tree seriously either!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2012-10-12 00:51:23
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Phoenix.Lillicarnage said: »
[Urteil] doesn't drop the Dark Knight Testimony.
I demand sufficient evidence for this.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 9265
By Odin.Eikechi 2012-10-12 02:48:44
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If I was on his server, I really would play against Urteil for fun, using blu.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Amyrawr
Posts: 5
By Carbuncle.Amyra 2012-10-12 04:56:35
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I wasn't even talking from a mathematical standpoint, half is half, yes. Buffs are non-native, AoE almost all spells is not native, added resist trait among others, fast casts if mage subbed, subli, etc etc. Having a SJ is well more than half of the actual strength of many jobs. I never said a word about my being able to kill him or not, if i could kill him without a SJ I'd have a chance to kill him with a SJ. Weakening him is not the point, if both players are restricted on SJ, they're both weakened. Being just as indestructible should be easy without SJ if he's as good as everyone says. That is all. If he can't win w/o SJ just as well, and easily, and repeatedly as with SJ then he needs to drop the brag a notch or two.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Stevehoe
Posts: 7
By Lakshmi.Stevehoe 2012-10-12 06:01:16
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Need to tell Ruebyy you won't fight him unless he's tossing up the anti, too.

Don't know where he came up with this alternate world where he made someone quit coming on certain jobs, but he's living on the planet by himself.

Just be careful, pretty sure he refers to himself as the second coming of God.

PS: This monk, did have counterstance up. I also don't know where he came up with the insane idea he didn't. I guess if I was as much *** in a bag as this guy, I'd make up ***to make myself look better too.~

Although, I didn't read all of the garbage that spewed from his mouth, so I also failed to see where he said he used Mighty Strikes with it. Did I also miss that, or was did he fail to mention it?

EDIT: COR buffs and food as well. Looking much less impressive now, right?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Mondoggie
Posts: 64
By Phoenix.Cliamain 2012-10-12 08:47:12
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Carbuncle.Amyra said: »
I play the game alot, and you seem really butthurt about the no SJ comment. As for sleep/II, i mentioned that poisonga to eliminate shadows (native shadows) would negate sleeps. I play the game, and do it well, tyvm. A low post count on here cuz I don't usually have much to add or say to convos means nothing.

Why you so upset about no SJ thing? Legion without SJ isn't even a fair comparison, and also not possible. Not using SJ for 1v1 is VERY possible and admirable. Sounds like you already know you'd get wrecked without one. You haven't said anything otherwise, you just went after me.

No magic or melee and you don't get a SJ? That's a HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE statement. You could use anything that is native to DRK. How is this an absurd idea and worthy of such a tirade from you? It isn't. You made no points about how effective or ineffective you'd be without a SJ, you just /butthurtyellfest.

So if were going to do it without a sub job can i just run in with my Aegis/Excalibur with fealty up (fighting a mage) or my ochain (fighting a mnk or damage dealing class) to push your face in? I'll tell you this, your not gonna beat me without a sub job.

For most jobs the mage sub job give them a chance at the bounty that urteil has offered.

P.S. Catastrophe goes through shadows.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-12 08:58:47
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Job = combination of main + sub.

I'm not placing restrictions on the massive amount of job/subjob combinations, therefore opening the floor for crazy combinations like RDM/PLD, RDM/SCH, BLU/SCH etc.

There is far more complexity to master and things I must prepare to deal with.

So if you want to make restrictions I'll make some too:

Why not just set a sub job for each player?
Why not just set a main and sub job for each player?

We'll go SMN/PUP, barehanded, and fight that way, and see who is best.
We'll also wear the same armor, and get the same merits too.
Actually we have to re-roll so we are both the same race, and ensure we have the same skill levels.
Also we can only fight on Earthsday.

That will show everyone who really is the best, since anyone who doesn't use these jobs, under these incredibly limited conditions isn't any good!

The people who do not do this are terrible!
They have no idea how to play the game regardless of their ability to take a dual inter lay between 20 possible jobs, with their own spells/abilities and produce maximum results when faced with over (while not all feasible) 300+ combinations.

So instead of having to deal with 19 other contingencies I now have to technically deal with over 300 possible enemy types/variants, and produce gear/strategies to deal with that.

Realistically there are about 100 job combinations (off the top of my head) that would not be a complete novelty and have actual functionality from their dual combination.

300 > 19

You know what, let's throw out the fluff! This will simplify things!

100 > 19

Beyond that there are specific sets of gear/items that can change the game play of jobs so radically they need to be treated as a new entity entirely! Sagasinger, Aegis, etc.

. . .

Yea man, the way you are going about it requires so much more thought, mastery, and prowess. I bow before you.

/sarcasm laser disengage

PS. Entropy too.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Mondoggie
Posts: 64
By Phoenix.Cliamain 2012-10-12 09:10:37
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Wow, really?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-12 09:10:58
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Yea, Entropy goes through shadows.

As does Quick draw!

Fun fact for people that didn't know Quick Draw ignores -%MDT but not MDB.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Elemosina
Posts: 36
By Phoenix.Elemosina 2012-10-12 09:34:31
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Why are people still whiney about this? I have to admit though, never had so much entertainment at work, haha.

Urteil doesn't have "an ace up his sleeve" or anything. The first time I met him was during PvP after a transfer from Quetz over a year ago. Either you win or lose, its that simple. If naysayers and whiners are insecure with Urteil's proposal, get off FFXI and go play another game.

Treat this guy as a human and he'll treat in kind. Don't, well just grab your ankles and get ready for a wild ride. The real reward from his fights is his mentoring (should you be well deserving).
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4570
By Cerberus.Kylos 2012-10-12 09:37:28
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Urteil, I have been a Dark Knight since 2004, and I wish it could compare to yours.

How you managed to get all the awesome gear for DRK, considering its your only job at max level, that is damn impressive.
I have done some PVP in FFXI before, a long time ago. I really wanted to get into it at one point, but the Hades server never wanted too. I distinctly remember setting up an event where three linkshells came together to celebrate Hades (Just before it was deleted) and we did Linkshell vs Linkshell Brenner.

Now that was awesome, I was on DRK, and was the only person to score in the games, seen as other people had no idea what was going on :P

I can't really afford to come over and have an epic DRK vs DRK battle, but what would be awesome, is if you had the time to show me how to use my DRK better. I am always learning with this job, and watching your PVP antics has inspired me to actually level up my enfeebling and elemental magic!

It makes me want to level Scholar as a subjob, and learn how to use my DRK in ways I never thought possible.

I would be really interested to know your mindset when you play DRK, inside PVP, and outside. I always use my magics when im out in the field, even if others think I should just stand there and swing my big Scythe around...

I have a Redemption, but I will be working on getting a Fulgurante, maybe a Ragnarok if I get round to it. I am more of a casual player, so this may take some time.
I would love to see some of your gearsets outside of PVP, specially your Dark Magic set. Dark Magic is something I always tried to cater too on my DRK, I just love using all the absorbs and Drains.

If I had the chance to challenge you in this, I would do it, even if it meant me dieing one thousand times before I was able to get close to beating you, it would be a lot of fun regardless.
Just like in Chess, one has to play someone better then yourself, to learn and to move forward. I respect your passion for PVP and the game in general. Peace man.

Dark Knight Forever!
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-12 09:47:21
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Urteil, I have been a Dark Knight since 2004, and I wish it could compare to yours.

How you managed to get all the awesome gear for DRK, considering its your only job at max level, that is damn impressive.
I have done some PVP in FFXI before, a long time ago. I really wanted to get into it at one point, but the Hades server never wanted too. I distinctly remember setting up an event where three linkshells came together to celebrate Hades (Just before it was deleted) and we did Linkshell vs Linkshell Brenner.

Now that was awesome, I was on DRK, and was the only person to score in the games, seen as other people had no idea what was going on :P

I can't really afford to come over and have an epic DRK vs DRK battle, but what would be awesome, is if you had the time to show me how to use my DRK better. I am always learning with this job, and watching your PVP antics has inspired me to actually level up my enfeebling and elemental magic!

It makes me want to level Scholar as a subjob, and learn how to use my DRK in ways I never thought possible.

I would be really interested to know your mindset when you play DRK, inside PVP, and outside. I always use my magics when im out in the field, even if others think I should just stand there and swing my big Scythe around...

I have a Redemption, but I will be working on getting a Fulgurante, maybe a Ragnarok if I get round to it. I am more of a casual player, so this may take some time.
I would love to see some of your gearsets outside of PVP, specially your Dark Magic set. Dark Magic is something I always tried to cater too on my DRK, I just love using all the absorbs and Drains.

If I had the chance to challenge you in this, I would do it, even if it meant me dieing one thousand times before I was able to get close to beating you, it would be a lot of fun regardless.
Just like in Chess, one has to play someone better then yourself, to learn and to move forward. I respect your passion for PVP and the game in general. Peace man.

Dark Knight Forever!

The more buffed I am the less I cast, during zergs I'm like every other DD.

Liberator let's me assist the zerg with a -69 drain to Agility to boost critrate/hitrate, or INT to do more damage with Entropy after the initial insurgency.

The spell I touch the most is stun, nukes are pretty nonexistent outside of incredibly low man content, even then the frequency in which I use them is disappointing.

It really is the more low man something is, the more I cast, the more manned something is, the less I cast as I am focused on beating things down. (Again stun is used in emergencies/when needed).

Dark Magic 503 with Merits:

Endark etc. I have not got my hands on a striga crown yet, but this breaks the 500 tier, not sure if there's a higher achievable one.


I have the vampiric mitts, I have had no luck obtaining the boots.

I'd get that OAT fulgrante, its a great weapon, pick up a Ragnarok and shoot for the best gear possible, it will help you everywhere, even in PvP.

DRK/RDM solo is pretty good with Apocalypse, as long as the mob can't TP starve you or hits too hard, can farm forever and its pretty impossible to die to non-NM things.

I have 43% black magic fast cast, 40% other. 28% fast cast from gear when casting Black Magic, 25% other, +15 from the sub.
Aquaveil is also really cool.

Just uh, don't go spamming T3 nukes while in Alliances. Its terrible, and any DRK who does it should feel bad.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4570
By Cerberus.Kylos 2012-10-12 12:17:46
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Oh man, the Dark magic scene has really changed over the years.

I really appreciate you leaving me some feedback on this. I feel the same way as you, the more i'm buffed, the less I cast. Sometimes I like to Drain II a NM before a zerg just so my Souleater is more effective, make sure I got dread spikes on, and then just go all out.

I am really curious as to how you skilled up your elemental and enfeebling skill on DRK. Is it even capped? Or did you just cap the skills out on your subjobs and left it there?

Getting over 500 Dark Magic skill is insane, and I can definitely see how using Liberator with that Absorb AGI is a nice touch to any zerg situation.
It is very rare I ever cast elemental magic. I used to do it on Dynamis Mega Bosses back in the day, we used to just let the BLM nuke them down, and I would use my Drain, Drain II, Stun, then finish with elemental's.

Do you actually use any gear sets for casting enfeebs outside PVP? DRK has pretty bad skill and I can see these effects resisting more times then not.

The sad thing for me though, is that I don't get to use DRK that often. After leveling jobs like THF and BST, I find myself having to use them to do Abyssea, and other content that are not "zerg friendly". It seems in this day and age, DRK is extremely useful, but only for certain niche events like Voidwatch, which is something I have to start. (Currently working on getting Redemption to 90 and acquiring an Armageddon for my COR so I have two options)

Yea I think I will start collecting some of this gear, and even some of that PVP gear you parade around in. Which pieces do you think I could easily just go out and get? I would love to have a full linkshell behind me, getting me nice shinies, but I have to low-man the majority of my content, or tag along to shout groups ; ;
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Bohgo
Posts: 83
By Phoenix.Bohgo 2012-10-12 19:59:21
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Cap merits in Loaded Deck, wait 20 minutes between each fight and you have Random Deal each fight. This will give you 4 quick draws and one wildfire in a very short period of time for each fight. Even with this it's difficult to beat him because he can break you, drain II (which increases his hp cap), stun, and bash you if he's close. What cor has to there advantage is his sublimation will stop ticking if he gets low enough HP and you can light shot him. Firesday is a pretty big advantage fighting him also. I'll continue to fight him, but with my gear right now, probably can't beat him 3/5. Here's a pic of us fighting a few nights ago. He didn't start this fight with break, which he will normally, but this is the type of damage that can be done to him on Firesday. His gear has improved even more since this.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-12 20:53:46
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Phoenix.Bohgo said: »
Cap merits in Loaded Deck, wait 20 minutes between each fight and you have Random Deal each fight. This will give you 4 quick draws and one wildfire in a very short period of time for each fight. Even with this it's difficult to beat him because he can break you, drain II (which increases his hp cap), stun, and bash you if he's close. What cor has to there advantage is his sublimation will stop ticking if he gets low enough HP and you can light shot him. Firesday is a pretty big advantage fighting him also. I'll continue to fight him, but with my gear right now, probably can't beat him 3/5. Here's a pic of us fighting a few nights ago. He didn't start this fight with break, which he will normally, but this is the type of damage that can be done to him on Firesday. His gear has improved even more since this.

Aside from a few pieces here, Bohgo has 99 Armageddon and is using a full blown Offensive setup he is one of the best geared COR's I've seen.

In best of circumstances, Firesday, victory is still far from assured, and was chosen on purpose to test a worse case scenario. The encounter will most likely not happen then.

As planning all my encounters around Darksday is not something I aspire for.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: jettu
Posts: 26
By Phoenix.Jettu 2012-10-12 21:39:11
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Jettu examines you
By 2012-10-12 21:43:17
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-10-12 21:52:55
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I had 50% but QD is not mitigated by MDT, just WF.

Also WF might be a little strange going to do some testing later.
By 2012-10-12 22:00:41
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Odin.Upbeat 2012-10-13 00:17:32
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Here's a few videos I recorded while hanging out with all the guys/gals on Phoenix! Sadly no new Urteil stuff, possibly next time :D


Without resist gear.

With resist gear.


Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Shiomi
Posts: 654
By Phoenix.Shiomi 2012-10-13 00:20:18
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God damn that Shiomi guy. Always getting in on the frame. :\
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Odin.Upbeat 2012-10-13 00:23:47
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I know right?!

At least you aren't like chomey stealing the spotlight, I didn't realize he was in every video I recorded till I had uploaded them lol.
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