The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide

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The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-12-22 11:45:58
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Does anyone have a good nin spellcast base with accuracy toggles, march TP, and normal TP sets?
Server: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-12-22 17:15:05
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Also under what situations is it worth using Blade:shun over Blade:hi?
Posts: 257
By Kyler 2013-12-22 18:43:12
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The situation where you have not unlocked blade hi yet.
Server: Odin
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user: Jassik
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By Odin.Jassik 2013-12-22 18:55:53
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Kyler said: »
The situation where you have not unlocked blade hi yet.

Or against anything with crit defense or when crit rate is low due to dDex. Shun beats Hi in a lot of situations.

Hi has a pretty high fTP, Shun's is pretty low, but it also transfers across all hits. More favorable mod helps a lot as well.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-12-26 18:09:32
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It would be worth adding in some accuracy TP/WS sets in this guide, ninja is a very solid DD for the ark angel fights.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Thandar
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By Fenrir.Thandar 2013-12-27 11:26:45
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Would Toro Cape not be the best nuking back?
Server: Leviathan
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user: Kincard
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By Leviathan.Kincard 2013-12-28 13:58:38
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Fixed. I admit I didn't really put much thought into that nuking set at all lol. Someday if they come along and fix NIN's spells other than Utsusemi maybe I'll pay more attention though.

Yeah, NIN's a decent DD for the AAs especially if you don't have a pocket Ochain, time's not really an issue except possibly a couple of the very difficult fights, unless you wipe.

Threw together some stuff containing some accuracy options I could think of, let me know if I missed something.

As for the spellcast, I can post mine if you want me to, although my coding's probably pretty lol because I had 0 programming background when I started screwing with spellcast. I do have accuracy toggles on it though.
Server: Phoenix
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user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2013-12-28 17:22:52
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Leviathan.Kincard said: »
Yeah, NIN's a decent DD for the AAs especially if you don't have a pocket Ochain, time's not really an issue except possibly a couple of the very difficult fights, unless you wipe.
Have you tried it?
Server: Leviathan
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user: Kincard
Posts: 1442
By Leviathan.Kincard 2013-12-28 21:58:00
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I haven't tried any very hard fights, just normal and hard. I also go in pugs so I imagine if you have a regular group to go with you probably will have a very different experience than I have had. I just know that if you wipe on a normal/hard fight that tends to mean you'll run out of time unless you wiped at the very start for some reason. Based on my experience of normal/hard and what I've read of very hard, NIN probably wouldn't be suitable to kill those in time.

As far as melees go I've done them on MNK and NIN and I think it depends on what your group wants. In my experience a few like HM like to go "loluded" for me so I might actually prefer going NIN on those. Inner Strength can protect me when I'm on MNK but the fight lasts way longer than that. Again, this is assuming you don't have a pocket Ochain which it feels like just about every LS has these days.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2013-12-28 22:32:43
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normal can be dropped in under 5 minutes and difficult in under 10, so there is plenty of time to wipe/restart and nin is still suitable for vd(though you'd need i118-119 weapons for both hands to have reasonable acc)

whether it's ideal is questionable, but using all nin for dd is a working strategy for sure
Server: Leviathan
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user: Kincard
Posts: 1442
By Leviathan.Kincard 2013-12-28 22:48:49
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I guess the groups I run with just arn't very good then, because I just remember taking like 10 minutes to down a normal HM the last time I did it, and that was with 3 MNK/NINs. Buffs were just a 2 song BRD though, and I dont know what food the other guys were using, so lolidunno.
Server: Phoenix
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user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2013-12-29 02:33:24
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Thanks, I was just curious how things were going for you. The majority of my AA spamming experience now is vs Difficult MR with this setup: NIN MNK/NIN MNK/NIN WHM BRD SMN. Usually our BRD only has three songs (4 with Clarion), but we "cheat" buff with another BRD outside if there isn't zone congestion-- madrigal x2, minuet5, march x2, scherzo, and I forgot the last one. Here are some clear times as a rough metric of overall group performance:
It's Drama's NIN as implied earlier and so far I haven't been able to beat his NIN a single time as MNK/NIN since he got the MR Katana. NIN has consistently had higher overall damage than any of the two MNKs that have joined the party on MR, regardless of how things are filtered or who died or who got charmed. Usually it's something like 34/30/30. I'm still using Oatixur. 119 Vere or something would do better, but so would 119 REM for NIN.

Also, even with a maximum accuracy, NIN ends up with higher accuracy than MNK between Innin and Aggressor. NIN also is able to Ni->Ni most of the time whereas MNK has to Ichi a lot more (or even turn if necessary).

We did a Difficult HM with NIN MNK/NIN MNK/NIN BRD BRD WHM tonight and the results were similar. MNK did even worse there, maybe because it was going through our shadows much faster so we had to hybrid and play a lot more defensively than on MR, which caused accuracy to go the gutter (80% NIN, MNKs were 61% and 56%). With some deaths, it ended up as 42(NIN)/32/23, but even NIN died once but guess who got back into the fight faster? Mr. Mijin Gakure.

I'm finding it difficult to believe that NIN NIN MNK X X X wouldn't yield superior results on the fights were NIN is a viable tank. Or even NIN NIN NIN, assuming you don't need Mantra. Maybe even NIN NIN THF or NIN RNG RNG or basically any setup that avoids MNK/NIN. It's possible that my MNK just sucks but even with maximum accuracy gear, I'm still not capping accuracy. This is even with Ej Necklace, Gaubious Ring and sometimes breaking the earring set for another +8 acc.

It's possible that my observations don't really apply beyond MR, as I have little experience with the others. I can say we had a rough time with Hume but it was our first try with this setup and some song optimization would have definitely made things smoother.

I'm looking forward to hearing others' experiences.
Posts: 17
By digiEndLS 2013-12-29 20:17:29
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Are you just eating charm and hoping bard is on top of lullaby before another dd dies?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2013-12-30 00:14:13
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digiEndLS said: »
Are you just eating charm and hoping bard is on top of lullaby before another dd dies?
Yes, although hope is only required with a pug BRD.
Posts: 17
By digiEndLS 2013-12-30 01:57:30
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Hope and a prayer w ShivaAuralei at the wheel. Also wtf nin threads.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 79
By Odin.Terren 2014-01-05 01:14:20
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Dosis tathlum is a big damage boost for nuking over Ombre, though a little more rare/expensive.
Posts: 865
By Otomis 2014-01-08 23:04:29
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If using set from front page OP.
San: V(134) ~ M(1.5)
Dint = [Your Int(209) - Mobs Int(96)]

Assuming (8/8 Merits) (0/5 Int) (Mithra) (No Food) (Sub Dnc)
Having 82 Base INT. Chapuli Lv.100(96 Int)

For Skill above 275(cap 475) Ninjutsu(San) 'Boost' Damage.
(446 - 275) *.5 = (85.5) 85% floor
V + [M*(Dint)]
134 + (1.5*113)
134 + 169 = 303
303 * Boost%
303 * 1.85 = 560

After testing a known Int range of mobs it seems tome the additional step of adding MAb comes to be a % increase, IE 10 MAB = ~10%.

This does not work out perfect but neither does the base equation as it can be off +/- a small degree for factors I have not figured out when comparing 200+ nukes adding and subtracting various pieces of gear and recalculating to compare results to equation. It is never off by enough to make it in correct. Also, is Magic Damage working in the same way as MAB? It seems to be but not 100% sure.

So the final step would be adding the MAB damage.

61 Total MAB
560 * 1.61 = 901 damage.

Can anyone confirm or correct my thinking on this. I tested all the known mobs from Tiny Mandies nekkid -> Chapuli 102. Using Motenten's Magic sheet to collect mob INT, and BG for base equation. I was having trouble finding anywhere online a full equation run down including MAb for ninjutsu or a calc of some sort for it. so just started messing around out of curiosity and boredom with the game in general. IF Motenten's was feeling so kind he could add a ninjutsu calc to the Ninja Sheet, Hint. \(*^.^*)/
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Zerowone
Posts: 6949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2014-01-08 23:22:22
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Phoenix.Suji said: »
Thanks, I was just curious how things were going for you. The majority of my AA spamming experience now is vs Difficult MR with this setup: NIN MNK/NIN MNK/NIN WHM BRD SMN. Usually our BRD only has three songs (4 with Clarion), but we "cheat" buff with another BRD outside if there isn't zone congestion-- madrigal x2, minuet5, march x2, scherzo, and I forgot the last one. Here are some clear times as a rough metric of overall group performance:
It's Drama's NIN as implied earlier and so far I haven't been able to beat his NIN a single time as MNK/NIN since he got the MR Katana. NIN has consistently had higher overall damage than any of the two MNKs that have joined the party on MR, regardless of how things are filtered or who died or who got charmed. Usually it's something like 34/30/30. I'm still using Oatixur. 119 Vere or something would do better, but so would 119 REM for NIN.

Also, even with a maximum accuracy, NIN ends up with higher accuracy than MNK between Innin and Aggressor. NIN also is able to Ni->Ni most of the time whereas MNK has to Ichi a lot more (or even turn if necessary).

We did a Difficult HM with NIN MNK/NIN MNK/NIN BRD BRD WHM tonight and the results were similar. MNK did even worse there, maybe because it was going through our shadows much faster so we had to hybrid and play a lot more defensively than on MR, which caused accuracy to go the gutter (80% NIN, MNKs were 61% and 56%). With some deaths, it ended up as 42(NIN)/32/23, but even NIN died once but guess who got back into the fight faster? Mr. Mijin Gakure.

I'm finding it difficult to believe that NIN NIN MNK X X X wouldn't yield superior results on the fights were NIN is a viable tank. Or even NIN NIN NIN, assuming you don't need Mantra. Maybe even NIN NIN THF or NIN RNG RNG or basically any setup that avoids MNK/NIN. It's possible that my MNK just sucks but even with maximum accuracy gear, I'm still not capping accuracy. This is even with Ej Necklace, Gaubious Ring and sometimes breaking the earring set for another +8 acc.

It's possible that my observations don't really apply beyond MR, as I have little experience with the others. I can say we had a rough time with Hume but it was our first try with this setup and some song optimization would have definitely made things smoother.

I'm looking forward to hearing others' experiences.

I would have to agree. I have done MR with a 119 Kannagi/Eminent Ninja who would pull the hate from PLD over an Oats MNK. Their HI's were between 2.5-2.8k on Normal and 1.8-2.1k on D. I would wager that outside of EV, Ninja is the better overall DD choice when PLD and RNG are not available as an option. 9 shadows instead of 6 with flexible sub job options make it a viable tank/DD option for most AA fights. Only problem is community as whole is closed minded and pigeon holes jobs without ever really testing them in scenarios. I wouldn't even know how good it is if I hadn't joined a PUG being organized by a Ninja.
Posts: 8
By Genkai 2014-01-09 01:05:29
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"but even NIN died once but guess who got back into the fight faster? Mr. Mijin Gakure." Just trolled the *** out of the MNKS right there...

Ninjas was written off by everyone, even from Adoulin itself. Thanks to Ark Angels, a fire will rise! The legend ends. The Shinobi rises.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Minjo
Posts: 2269
By Fenrir.Jinjo 2014-01-09 01:17:41
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Nah son
Posts: 516
By Kooljack 2014-01-19 00:06:11
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Can we get the formula to determining haste needed to hit delay cap based on your DW percentage?

whyyy is this formula so damn hard to dig up; when its critical element too gearing ninja no? just irritating, sicky it in the OG post plzzzzz
Server: Fenrir
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user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2014-01-19 02:51:53
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1 - (20% / (1-DW))
Posts: 1721
By Lye 2014-01-28 23:36:30
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Is 1 mACC = 1 Ninjutsu skill? I realize that it may be difficult/impossible to test but how certain are we of the answer to this question?

Since the February update has "add text commands to check undisplayed parameters" slated, what other potential experimentally proven values would be nice to see for the purpose of confirmation?
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-01-28 23:47:00
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0 certainty, high probability

It's either 1:1, or (skill-200)*.9 + 200

I tend to believe it's the former
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Kincard
Posts: 1442
By Leviathan.Kincard 2014-01-29 02:12:56
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Even with the new displays, unless they plan on adding a magic accuracy stat display for every magic type (ie /enfeeblingmagicaccuracy etc) it's going to remain a mystery. Probably just going to have a generic magic accuracy stat and then you'll have to figure out how INT/MND/skill contribute to it from there.
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-01-29 02:14:46
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would be easy to figure out if they did that. INT/MND/whatever won't be added as those rely on the target's stats, but maybe skill.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Kincard
Posts: 1442
By Leviathan.Kincard 2014-01-29 02:24:56
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I was thinking it's probably just going to be whatever "base" magic accuracy you have from your level plus what you get from equipment, so INT/MND/skill wouldn't be included at all. So to figure out how much skill is helping out you'd have to test it basically in the exact same way you'd have to right now.

Pretty much the downfall when you have crazy complex mechanics like XI has, displayed information only tells you so much unless you have an extra column for "what this means on a monster of equal level" or something like some RPGs have.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-01-29 02:30:09
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Only issue with them adding macc from skill would be having to add multiple magic accuracy readouts since your magic skills and weapon skills would be different.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-01-29 04:09:32
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Leviathan.Kincard said: »
I was thinking it's probably just going to be whatever "base" magic accuracy you have from your level plus what you get from equipment, so INT/MND/skill wouldn't be included at all. So to figure out how much skill is helping out you'd have to test it basically in the exact same way you'd have to right now.

Pretty much the downfall when you have crazy complex mechanics like XI has, displayed information only tells you so much unless you have an extra column for "what this means on a monster of equal level" or something like some RPGs have.

You don't have any "base" magic accuracy from level. It's skill + magic acc gear + dTerm (if exists). You have base magic evasion from level, which is taken as a C rank stat for players. There is also high probability of there being some form of LCF when the target is higher level then you are. For ninjutsi it would be Ninjitsu skill + magic acc gear + dINT vs the enemies magic evasion. For weapon skills it use's the skill of that weapon (Great Axe / Axe / Sword / Staff / Katana / ect..) as the skill term. The only thing I can think of would be stuff like "Charm" which seems to have a magic accuracy "skill" of whatever level BST is.

It'll be interesting because you don't have one magic accuracy term, you have several depending on the spell and ability being used.
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