The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-08-26 17:45:18
which kinda does go with Utsu casting, to give you a chance to parry and avoid getting interrupted
Tactical parry does not improve parry rate. All it does is give you TP from the parry. You're not parrying any more with Tactical Parry than you would without it.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-08-26 17:55:29
Fair enough point that Gaol 4th augs are supposedly coming. Personally, I hate Odyssey enough that strong alternatives existing is a fantastic thing in my book. But yes, Empy+3 and Gaol 4th aug are both speculation at this point.
Because it doesn't match the piece. You can argue that Tactical Parry fits with Utsusemi midcast to a certain degree. But WSD is an offensive stat.
I honestly don't care if a single piece pulls double duty to do two things. There are lots of examples of pieces that serve multiple very different purposes. BLU relic legs were best WSD piece AND the best nuke piece (until Empy+2). RNG AF+3 head is a great WS piece (WSD+10%) as well as a killer preshot piece (Rapid Shot +18). RDM AF hands are an enhancing duration piece and they got WSD. None of those bother me at all, and neither does one pair of NIN boots being good for casting shadows and for WS.
I think your logic for other stats that would have been a better fit on feet is correct. But since that didn't happen, oh well, I can cast and WS in the same pair of shoes.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-08-26 18:05:11
But I can't really get that mad by seeing a top WS option that will only get better at +3, to the point of saying stuff like:
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Feet - 1/10
My rage boils over looking at this piece, even moreso than the hands. Just...why..would you put WSD+8% on a midcast piece?
I just hate this piece in the worst way.
Because this is just another instance of repeat offenses by SE with poor placement of stats on JSE that two seconds of review could have resulted in a better spot. We've outlined several of them, at this point it's infuriating that they keep doing this.
I honestly don't care if a single piece pulls double duty to do two things. There are lots of examples of pieces that serve multiple very different purposes. BLU relic legs were best WSD piece AND the best nuke piece (until Empy+2). RNG AF+3 head is a great WS piece (WSD) as well as a killer preshot piece (Rapid Shot +18). RDM AF hands are an enhancing duration piece and they got WSD. None of those bother me at all, and neither does one pair of NIN boots being good for casting shadows and for WS.
I don't have a problem with a piece pulling double duty either, plenty pieces do that already. There's a use for most stats on gear, if you minmax or theorycraft enough situations to fit it into. That's not what I'm talking about. I am talking about SE having a habit of putting useful stats in awkward spots for NIN garb for non optimal results. NIN is a lower-tier job when not considering hybrid use, so miffs like that are annoying, to say the least.
I think your logic for other stats that would have been a better fit on feet is correct. But since that didn't happen, oh well, I can cast and WS in the same pair of shoes.
You can also debuff in the same headpiece as you can WS, but every single ninja is annoyed at AF+3 mask's stats, and we don't care that it saves us 1 inventory spot.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-09-01 12:28:03
Can't believe I forgot one complaint (which I've ranted about before!): feet shoulda had movement speed+. Prob 12% at the +2 level, and 18% at +3. It's infuriating to me that outside of dusk-dawn with AF, we're still using non-ilevel Danzo Sune-ate. Same goes for SAM. They better add an ilevel Danzo replacement!
And hey, that actually would have gone fine with the utility nature of Empy feet. Could have retained Utsusemi shadows, added movement speed, and maybe if we're getting cRAzY toss some fast cast on there too. Perfect oddball utility piece. And then they could have stuck WSD on the body instead, to make that piece useful.
So yes, I do understand Buukki's complaint lol. I'm not so irritated as to be displeased with good WSD feet, I'll take that - and honestly, I do think it's the first priority to upgrade for most NINs. But it IS sort of infuriating from the point of view of what would have been a more logical fit.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2022-09-01 12:40:10
the movement speed should've been on the AF+3
18% base working all day long
25% dusk til dawn
But noooooo
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2022-09-01 14:21:59
They better add an ilevel Danzo replacement! The ring, but then I dont have weatherspoon which is maddening but it does make idle sets way better for all 22 jobs
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2022-09-01 14:38:57
Allow us to get a second ring (NQ only).
There, solved the issue XD
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-09-01 15:14:39
Oh, so NOW y'all know understand my irritation behind this set? That's all I asked for was understanding.
(I'm still making the whole set so it is what it is, but I can still rant)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-09-01 15:43:25
They better add an ilevel Danzo replacement! The ring, but then I dont have weatherspoon which is maddening but it does make idle sets way better for all 22 jobs
Well, not quite? Because half of the jobs in the game already have ilevel 18% movement speed options (and 13 have 18%, even if BST DNC have to use non-ilevel Skadi's boots with worse defensive stats). There's no good reason we should have to sacrifice the Adoulin ring reward for a QoL convenience piece. I don't mind it existing as a way to get all 22 jobs at once & save inventory space, or to give to a mule that doesn't care much about the valuable stats on other rings, but as the only way for many jobs? That sucks.
I still hold out some hope that they'll add updated versions of some of the other pre-ilevel movement speed pieces, with 18% and decent def/meva/stats, to capture all jobs.
Currently exists:
JSE +3 gear: THF RNG GEO BRD (or Jute+1 for THF RNG)
Carmine Cuisses +1: RDM PLD DRK DRG BLU COR RUN (and RNG again)
Make ilevel upgrades/replacements for:
Skadi's Jambeaux +1 (18%): BST DNC (and THF RNG COR RUN again)
Hermes' Sandals (12%): WAR MNK PUP (and COR RUN again)
Herald's Gaiters (12%): WHM BLM SMN SCH (and MNK again)
Danzo Sune-Ate (12%): NIN SAM
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-09-01 17:14:45
JSE +3 gear: THF RNG GEO BRD (or Jute+1 for THF RNG)
The contempt they have shown for Ninja. Geomancer, by all accounts a stationary job (with an immovable bubble), gets an 18% movement speed, full-time. You guys may think I'm being unreasonable with some of my gripes, but the minor annoyances here and there have built up so much that it's laughable at this point.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-09-01 17:17:30
Well, not quite? Because half of the jobs in the game already have ilevel 18% movement speed options (and 13 have 18%, even if BST DNC have to use non-ilevel Skadi's boots with worse defensive stats). It still makes idle sets better for every job, because it means you can put on Sakpata or Nyame for amazing defensive stats rather than using a squishier 18% movement speed piece.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2022-09-01 18:08:21
It still makes idle sets better for every job, because it means you can put on Sakpata or Nyame for amazing defensive stats rather than using a squishier 18% movement speed piece. This is the real reason btw. Even with ilv new items it would still be a better idle with the ring.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-09-02 00:05:37
Eh, it's better. But the jobs that do have ilevel movement speed gear can still generally cap DT- without the legs/feet slot that gives movement+. I mean, 4/5 Nyame excluding feet + all jobs Loricate+1, Staunch Tathlum +1, and D.Ring is one way to hit DT-50% without even considering JSE cape, 2nd ring slot, earrings... Yes, the DEF/Meva is better if you can use a better piece in that one slot instead of your movement speed armor, but this isn't a dealbreaker - even with pre-ilevel gear.
I can honestly count on one hand the number of times I've died in idle/movement set in the past decade or so, where I would have survived if only for better defensive stats on that one piece. IMO, there's certainly more overall benefit in the stats on other rings that actually have an impact in battles. To me, the draw of Shneddick is more (a) in the inventory savings, and (b) only needing to acquire one piece. And it's a cool option for just running around town on a non-crafting mule (but even for mules, if they craft I'd go with that ring instead).
And besides, Sheneddick Ring takes up a slot too, where you can put other xDT- rings or other useful items. Personally, I like to mix some regain into my idle sets to fill TP while I'm running around, so Karieyh+1 is a idle piece for Regain+5 as well as being a very useful WS ring.
Anyway, I'm kinda talking myself into lower defensive stats on your one movement speed piece in an idle set not really being that big of a deal. It's just obnoxious. The real irritating part is 9 jobs being stuck on 12% unless you waste the Adoulin reward on the movement ring. That's just dumb at this point, it isn't breaking anything to give every job in the game the convenience of an 18% piece without gating behind the opportunity cost of missing out on all of the other Adoulin reward options.
Geomancer, by all accounts a stationary job (with an immovable bubble), gets an 18% movement speed, full-time.
To be fair, GEO does have Indi-spells too. So being able to keep up with other jobs using 18% movement speed while running around is somewhat reasonable, IMO. And I don't wanna say any jobs need to NOT get movement+18%. EVERY job should get it.
As someone who plays dualbox a lot, I like my GEO alt to be able to keep up with my [pick a job]. And as someone who plays dualbox a lot, it's really freaking annoying to have ONE of my characters idle in 18%, and the other in 12% and get stuck on walls as I slowly pull away when running around!
But yes, I totally see your point on these little annoying gripes. But /rant <off> for now lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2022-09-02 00:27:09
It good to rant and we should have options, agreed feet for nin would have been a no brainer.
With that said.... I will use a very simple, but accurate example that extends to not having Shneddick ring.
While nin isnt on them the most common movement speed item for jobs that take most damage would be Carmine legs which have 27 eva 17 agil vs Nyame 85 eva 34 agil (66 eva difference) and for jobs that can malignance its 70 eva more. Both of these legs come with massive DT too and other beneficial stats like Meva.
Even the most evasive movement speed feet, Thf af+3, fails to Malignanc by 18 eva and massive DT and other stats.
We are at the point in this game wher DT is very commonly capped making DT rings not as applicable as before, and I am looking to toss as much eva/meva/Regen into my Idle sets as possible.
Generally if you are worried about your movement speed its because you are pulling Omen/Ody/CP or something else where 1250 eva can actually become the best way to prevent damage. This is neraly impossible to get on a job not utilizing the leg/feet slotts.
Just food for thought. Its probably the correct choice at this stage in the game to get Shneddick ring. I cannot get myself though to replace weatherspoon as I use so many jobs that deal light damamge. I wont lie though I have been leaning each day closer to take the leap and exchanging it... 70 eva at this point would be so nice on jobs I aoe on for $$$ events.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-09-02 00:48:39
Just food for thought. Its probably the correct choice at this stage in the game to get Shneddick ring. I cannot get myself though to replace weatherspoon as I use so many jobs that deal light damamge. I wont lie though I have been leaning each day closer to take the leap and exchanging it... 70 eva at this point would be so nice on jobs I aoe on for $$$ events.
I can't agree that there is any one "correct" choice, because people use different jobs and play styles. A hardcore PUP might want to stick with Thurandaut Ring and is rarely gonna be evasion tanking/pulling anything, but movement speed is nice for the convenience. A RNG with 18% movement options is probably going to get more use out of Weatherspoon (Trueflight) or even Karieyh (Savage Blade, idle regain) than freeing up a slot for a little extra Eva/Meva/DEF where they shouldn't be getting hit anyway.
But like... why not just give the option? There's still value in the ring being all jobs, but why does that have to be the ONLY way to get 18% on many jobs (besides rank 1 bonanza exclusive Kupo body)?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2022-09-02 01:01:33
I agree I have my weatherspoon for mostly what you have outlined, plus all the other benefits it gives. Each day though events show me how little use the weatherspoon is getting anymore though, and how much of a QOL change Shneddick ring would be.
I could pull more mobs in Omen which means faster kills and a chance I actually have time to do an extra event per day. It also would help in Sortie as you can eva pull most of that too, and that means better muffins. Also carries over to Ody the days I dont do C and would like to pull B in mass for hides. The list goes on...
Nothing is 100% but the use cases for me have been pointing at Shneddick ring non stop as of late. For those with mules I assume just the fact it can save them getting stuck on some jobs the we dual box with, or provide a massive defense boost is usually enough reason.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-09-02 01:24:01
I do waffle on whether I want to drop my Karieyh +1 for a Weatherspoon (almost exclusively for Gastra RNG purposes), so at the very least a Weatherspoon user not being that impressed with it makes me feel a little less bad lol.
I like the Karieyh though. WSD+4% is still a top 2 ring for a lot of WS, even now that I have Epam. Ring (though that made it quite a bit less compelling). And I just love idling in sets with high DT- and stacking on the Regain (right now I'm on DNC with 18tp/tick from Turms +1 head, 3/5 Gleti's set, and... Skadi+1 feet lol). Running around in something like Odyssey and having a WS ready when I otherwise wouldn't is good stuff.
But yeah, glad some people can see great uses for Shneddick. I still don't think that should mean NIN has no other way to get above 12% movement speed with non-ilevel shoes during the day though. All I want is an alternative (and it sure would have fit nicely on Empy feet)!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2022-09-02 03:37:42
Weatherspoon is crazy good where it can be used, that is why it is so hard to give up (higher epeen numbers). It also allows many jobs that cant cap FC a way to get there. I would anyday take this over a Karieyh and suggest doing so, that ring offers so little nowadays if anything past the small and nearly negligable regain. This game isnt about maxing dps anymore, everything melts from a melee blm at this point and such. What can hinder dps the most anymore is dying, or magic, or the real factor of who engages first.
Thats why if you gave someone a ring with 70 eva and about the same Meva, 7-8 DT and stat vomit this would be one of the most impactful items in the game. Now the thing is we do in essence get this with Shneddick ring but only while running around which actually can be the biggest dps factor in an event.
We tend to run a fair amount anymore in this game grabbing large pack of fodder on non tank jobs. Omen is mostly solo farm for astrals at this point, and on jobs like BLU and THF you never need to engage, but your eva is a massive concern to reduce dmg taken and evading itself translates to higher overall dps.
Ody farming A/B is also benefited by super evasion tanking it, heck can even do it on C with mambos though most wont do that. Even if you are not pulling the mobs, just being able to run on all the 12% jobs faster will net you tons more dps than any gear really will due to more ws and tp from the few seconds saved between mobs. This is actually a major factor for common seg jobs like war/drg/nin/sam and will in a run translate to more dps than any other ring for dps jobs, and is a must if you want to do cool stuff like evasion tanking on run.
Sortie looks like we will end up just pulling zones at some point and AOE them down to complete gear fast. The bottleneck is the muffins as the earrings are kind of like Omen bodies at this point and I am sure most people once they +2 all 22 jobs will just not care anymore and that will only take a few months since not all the gear is even great. Can alrady clear pretty much everything with 10-15 on clock left and the ring just makes the long running less painful (higher dps for a full hr that way).
Dyna D, welp yeah you can already basically just pull the zone too and eva tank it on run and such which is silly.
At this point there is not much other endgame than the above, and in all cases you probably are getting better dps using Shneddick ring which is the silly part since its not actual dps as a spreadsheet will show, but will probabky have a real effect of producing more dps than most "DD" items could in this game.
Then if all the enhanced effective dps isnt enough, the protection isnt enough, the inventory savings isnt enough.... you still get to just move around quicker while in town which save real life time as virtually no cost now.
By SimonSes 2022-09-02 06:39:58
I agree with Azagarth. I would add that WAR is the worst here because Retaliation slows you even more, to the point that you need to cancel it between camps, unless they are next to each other.
Karieyh would be like my 8th choice to me right now.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-09-02 10:06:45
I third the comment about Karieyh's value not being so high anymore. There's too many other viable options that make it not so much of an upgrade over other rings. I'm also in the Weatherspoon vs Schneddick boat, and I can confidently say that Schneddick is the clear winner in a general sense. ML cleave parties also usually require the Tank pulling, so having to swap to Carmine legs is a huge defensive hit (there's a case to be made that you could build around Hippomenes Socks +1 for pulling and use something more tanky in the legs slot instead, but that's another topic). That's when you're the most vulnerable, when you can't defend or block attacks, or cure yourself. That's when you're taking the most damage. As far as Weatherspoon ring, the FC is certainly nice, and you will use it across many jobs, but you won't in the least bit miss the FC value in your sets to any noticeable degree. It's more about the Light damage, which I only really use it for TF/Koki at this point.
If not for the fact that Weatherspoon made casting easier on all of my light DD jobs (which may not be as important anymore, since everything wipes shadows), I would have swapped to +18% movement speed a long time ago.
(Back to Ninja things)
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Bismarck.Mazurat 2022-09-05 10:14:43
Hey all. Returning (off/on again) player and decided to fire up and play on my old love of Nin. I would like to hear some input from everyone to see what’s the most efficient/recommended (IE Bang for your buck with the biggest improvements) route to getting Ninja ready for harder content. I’ve already researched most of the gears I’ll need to make Nin viable for the (forced) group play to complete gear upgrades. Paragon cards, Dyna D (Relic +2/3 unlocks, Neck RP, REMA R15). I’ve already made a Kikoku to help out the early stages of this process. Currently mid-process of upgrading it to the 119AG stage.
So I have a bit of a a list, what order would you guys do things?
The list:
119AG Kikoku
Unlock Utsusemi: San
Unity NM’s for pieces needed in sets
D/VD HTMB’s for stuff
Goketai (if recommended)
WS sets
MB sets
Job Mastery
AF +1/2/3
Relic +1/2/3
Empy +1/2 (already 109’d em)
Aeonic (Difficult with time constraints but possible over time with the LS)
Odyssey fun (unlikely to come Nin for this)
Edit: Ambu capes
Ninja Nodawa +2
I understand this will take me a while, but CP will be mostly done solo with a SC/MBx2 setup.
Edit 2: Also is NQ Kendatsuba acceptable because the HQ will destroy my funds for a while
Edit 3: Thought I would mention I already have some decent fall down pieces from Thf already. Adhemar +1 head/hands, Herc vest, Near max Samnuha tights etc
Thanks in advance for your input
By SimonSes 2022-09-05 10:29:19
You have cp campaign in several days. Probably best to wait with job mastery until then and also I would prioritize it when campaign hit.
I would say NIN without Nyame R20+ is just super far behind atm. It's just too good. Hybrids without Nyame are just meh and Name even as path B is still 3/5 of your best burst set. It's also your set for savage blade and partially for many other WS including metsu, ten etc. It's your top priority imo as NIN those days.
I would focus on Aeonic before empy or mythic for sure too.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Bismarck.Mazurat 2022-09-05 14:49:02
Yes I've seen the sets available from Odyssey and I have to do a bit more research to see what pieces I'll want for which jobs and which paths. But Oddysey looks like its a fair distance in the future based on current jobs/gears. I'm not confident my current best geared job is worth bringing
Also yes! I just saw the update details for the 13th. I fear my time will most likely be spent finishing up other stuff (HMP's, Pulse weapons to finish Ambu weapons, Plouton/Beit/Rift) while the campaigns are active because other jobs will be able to progress a bit more. But I will most definitely try to squeeze in as much CP as I reasonably can. Who knows. I might get enough time to finish decent TP/WS/MB sets and make CPing more efficient. I focused most of my attention last time I played to getting all the CP point bonuses. The only thing I'm missing is an Incursion cape with 31%-50% CP bonus and 1-2% of the max behemoth cheer effect
Appreciate the input and will see what I can do about gearing up for Odyssey on other jobs. I think thats a better option than taking nin that needs the gear from there to max out ws's and hybrid ws's and Nin nukes ..... (>_<)
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 445
By Quetzalcoatl.Khajit 2022-09-05 15:05:04
The good news is that Nyame is actually pretty easy if you have lsmates with enough spare time/segments to help that are willing/free. The initial kill is just you spamming savage blade if you have no other job for the setup and afterwards you can just leech with a moogle amp active as a bst knocks off 10% of it's hp until at least rank 20 Nyame.If you have 2 jobs that are useful for any other fights in Odyssey, you can fight those as well to charge up the amps for even faster RP farming.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-09-06 16:08:46
Quetzalcoatl.Khajit said: »The good news is that Nyame is actually pretty easy if you have lsmates with enough spare time/segments to help that are willing/free. The initial kill is just you spamming savage blade if you have no other job for the setup and afterwards you can just leech with a moogle amp active as a bst knocks off 10% of it's hp until at least rank 20 Nyame.If you have 2 jobs that are useful for any other fights in Odyssey, you can fight those as well to charge up the amps for even faster RP farming.
This requires someone with v20 access to get you into the fight though, so YMMV on whether you have friends who can carry you for that.
Even without any Nyame augments for hybrid WS, NIN is still pretty good on stuff like Sortie. I think that to get the most out of NIN in the current game, you definitely DO want to put together a good nuke set though. Un-augmented Nyame works great for that in 3/5 slots, with relic +3 head/feet (and really, Empy+2 hands is a very solid option too even if not BiS for non-Futae nukes).
For WS, there are also very good non-Nyame options for head (AF+3), legs (Relic+3, even Ambu+2 legs), feet (Empy+2). Body/Hands would rely on Herculean augments as next best alternative. Not ideal pieces for the slots, but certainly capable of getting some quality use out of NIN pre-Nyame B augs.
Re: the earlier Adoulin reward ring discussion that started to veer pretty far off topic from NIN forum stuff, I put some thoughts in a separate post in the general forum.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
By Bahamut.Kacil 2022-09-06 16:46:45
I had a couple people crap their pants when they saw my 18k Blade: Shun to 18k Blade: Shun > 28k light > 30k magic burst > 20k magic burst in Sortie. Definitely worth getting that fast cast and magic burst set.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-09-06 16:52:02
Technically you only need 60% FC since you get -20% Ninjutsu casting time via job points. That should be doable enough to not need Weatherspoon. I’ve since traded mine in for Shneddick. Though not particularly ninja specific, the discussion recently convinced me to make the change. Thanks guys.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-09-06 16:57:09
This requires someone with v20 access to get you into the fight though, so YMMV on whether you have friends who can carry you for that. You only need someone with V1 access to be able to augment Nyame up to R15.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 38
By Bahamut.Orinthia 2022-09-14 22:09:03
Sooooo i got the earring +2, kinda nuts augs:

aug'd with dex/agi+7, acc/macc+16, store tp+6