The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide

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The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-09-17 14:31:58
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SimonSes said: »
Phoenix.Logical said: »
Gearswap would help dramatically with how long your in this set. Your normally only in it for a split second as you midcast. This makes it less likely you would get hit in it and the need for the extra HP (above the tp gearset) and magic eva, -dt etc is much less useful in this set then. However if using ffxi native macros you will be in it for a full second opening the window for those actions to affect you dramatically.

Almost necro comment, but I have seen searching for Kamu set XD
I think you underestimate how long you are in midcast set actually. We would need some person more experienced with data sending in FFXI (Thorny?) to be sure, but I think you are in midcast set for longer than split second. I assume you base your assumption on equipviewer, but equipviewer has short lags and it shows some pieces equipped for shorter time than they actually are.

Actually this was based just on my experience with the old macro system and the gearswap system. I mean the whole reason I switched to the gearswap system was because I could change gear so quickly as I had hit the limitations of the in game system. It wouldn't allow me to change gear fast enough to do things like dual MB with fast cast gear as it wouldn't allow me to change gear until that second was up. It changes gear 4 times in a fraction of a second. For instance... I can hit my Utsustemi: San macro(CTRL)) and at that same moment follow it up immediately with(practically on the same keypress) opening equipment menu (ctrl+e) and by the time the equipment menu loads a fraction of a second later it's already got me back in my TP set or I catch the last milisecond before it swaps me fro mid cast bast to TP. So in that fraction of a moment it swapped me from tp to precast to mid cast and then back to tp all in that split second for the equipment menu to load. All of that happens in less then .5 seconds. So yea that's what it's based on.. I'm only in those sets for a fraction of a moment based upon what I'm seeing.
Server: Asura
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user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2020-09-17 14:45:31
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Phoenix.Logical said: »

Do you ever think that these fractions of seconds are too short to register these boosts and added things due to latency/lag and you're just getting a placebo effect? Curious because I've never used gearswap since I don't have a uber fast connection. I wondered if all this fractions-of-seconds changes even apply. (Legit question. Not flaming or trolling.)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-09-17 14:53:00
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Asura.Aeonova said: »
Phoenix.Logical said: »
SimonSes said: »
Phoenix.Logical said: »
Gearswap would help dramatically with how long your in this set. Your normally only in it for a split second as you midcast. This makes it less likely you would get hit in it and the need for the extra HP (above the tp gearset) and magic eva, -dt etc is much less useful in this set then. However if using ffxi native macros you will be in it for a full second opening the window for those actions to affect you dramatically.

Almost necro comment, but I have seen searching for Kamu set XD
I think you underestimate how long you are in midcast set actually. We would need some person more experienced with data sending in FFXI (Thorny?) to be sure, but I think you are in midcast set for longer than split second. I assume you base your assumption on equipviewer, but equipviewer has short lags and it shows some pieces equipped for shorter time than they actually are.

Actually this was based just on my experience with the old macro system and the gearswap system. I mean the whole reason I switched to the gearswap system was because I could change gear so quickly as I had hit the limitations of the in game system. It wouldn't allow me to change gear fast enough to do things like dual MB with fast cast gear as it wouldn't allow me to change gear until that second was up. It changes gear 4 times in a fraction of a second. For instance... I can hit my Utsustemi: San macro(CTRL)) and at that same moment follow it up immediately with(practically on the same keypress) opening equipment menu (ctrl+e) and by the time the equipment menu loads a fraction of a second later it's already got me back in my TP set or I catch the last milisecond before it swaps me fro mid cast bast to TP. So in that fraction of a moment it swapped me from tp to precast to mid cast and then back to tp all in that split second for the equipment menu to load. All of that happens in less then .5 seconds. So yea that's what it's based on.. I'm only in those sets for a fraction of a moment based upon what I'm seeing.

Do you ever think that these fractions of seconds are too short to register these boosts and added things due to latency/lag and you're just getting a placebo effect? Curious because I've never used gearswap since I don't have a uber fast connection. I wondered if all this fractions-of-seconds changes even apply. (Legit question. Not flaming or trolling.)

It's certainly not a placebo effect. Without gearswap the game doesn't have the ability to use a max fast cast set and max damage set in the same casting if the spell casting it short (such as with San spells)... it just can't change gear that fast so you end up being left in your fast cast gear when the spell goes off. With Gearswap that NEVER happens. It's really a night and day difference between playing the game with gearswap and using the macro system. The difference between the smoothness of the way spells and abilities are used is massive. I for the longest time was a hold out as well and refused to use gearswap until I ran into my issues with fast cast setups and ninja. Gearswap fixed it all.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2020-09-17 14:58:03
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Phoenix.Logical said: »

I may give it a try one day. I've always just relied on just being quick on the draw and never relied on pre/mid/execute sets. I just cast in one thing (macro sets help so much) with as much various cast-boosting stuff as I can stack inside. I don't know. Hard to teach an old WHM new tricks (I know this is the NIN thread, but I like NIN so I read it too).
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2020-09-17 15:37:05
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Phoenix.Logical said: »
Without gearswap the game doesn't have the ability to use a max fast cast set and max damage set in the same casting if the spell casting it short (such as with San spells)... it just can't change gear that fast so you end up being left in your fast cast gear when the spell goes off.

This isn't quite true, you can still do it with a combination of standard Windower functionality + in-game /equipset. Gearswap IS more reliable, but you can work around it without Gearswap use by structuring a macro as:

Line 1: /equipset ## (use in-game equipsets for your precast/FC/snapshot set)
Line 2: spell (or /ra for ranged stuff)
Line 3: /console exec setname.txt (bog standard gear set from base Windower)

No need for a /wait between any of these. It will not work if you do /equipset to /equipset, or windower .txt set to windower set. Gotta do one of each. You may occasionally get some lag messing things up, and mashing a macro may screw things up too. But it's pretty reliable.

One downside though is that you probably do want to add a /wait 1 after the midcast/endcast set to swap back into your TP/idle/whatever gear. So there's a small window of not being in ideal TP/idle gear.

IIRC, I picked up this tip from Afania with respect to ranged preshot sets. RNG has way too much rapid shot to put a 1 sec wait in between preshot/snapshot gear and midshot gear.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-09-17 16:25:02
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Phoenix.Logical said: »
Without gearswap the game doesn't have the ability to use a max fast cast set and max damage set in the same casting if the spell casting it short (such as with San spells)... it just can't change gear that fast so you end up being left in your fast cast gear when the spell goes off.

This isn't quite true, you can still do it with a combination of standard Windower functionality + in-game /equipset. Gearswap IS more reliable, but you can work around it without Gearswap use by structuring a macro as:

Line 1: /equipset ## (use in-game equipsets for your precast/FC/snapshot set)
Line 2: spell (or /ra for ranged stuff)
Line 3: /console exec setname.txt (bog standard gear set from base Windower)

No need for a /wait between any of these. It will not work if you do /equipset to /equipset, or windower .txt set to windower set. Gotta do one of each. You may occasionally get some lag messing things up, and mashing a macro may screw things up too. But it's pretty reliable.

One downside though is that you probably do want to add a /wait 1 after the midcast/endcast set to swap back into your TP/idle/whatever gear. So there's a small window of not being in ideal TP/idle gear.

IIRC, I picked up this tip from Afania with respect to ranged preshot sets. RNG has way too much rapid shot to put a 1 sec wait in between preshot/snapshot gear and midshot gear.

This 100% does NOT work for me. Please go try it and make sure it works for you with any :San Nuke. You will find if you are using max fast cast gear that you will most often still cast with it on... like 80%+ of the time. And forget about dual magic bursting... would work like 5% of the time. Spent weeks trying to get this to work with max fast cast. If I used fast cast only around 50% it would work more reliably but that's sillyness.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2020-09-18 03:04:29
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Phoenix.Logical said: »
Blade: Kamu video is out finally. Blade: Chi/To and the spreadsheet SimonSes made for us will be covered next.

YouTube Video Placeholder

I'm sorry, but I think this whole video might need to be redone. Since this set was almost entirely based on spreadsheet, I actually was curious and went to check it. If you used that one that is linked in currently maintained spreadsheets, then oh boy, so much wrong there with Kamu XD

PM me some contact to you (skype, messenger, discord or something).
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Langly
Posts: 690
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2020-09-18 06:00:49
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Can you outline what needs changed about the WS please?
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2020-09-18 06:18:38
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Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »
Can you outline what needs changed about the WS please?

If what I downloaded is newest one then:

125% attack bonus instead of 31% ("Other Lists" L32)
2.000 fTP to 1.000fTP ("Other Lists" H32,I32,J32)
-25% def to final def for Kamu ("Setup" O5 for Set1. I changed it to
=Floor((N3-FLOOR(N3*(O4), 1))*IF(B24="Blade: Kamu",0.75,1), 1)

Also one general error not related to Kamu. Looks like Set 2 uses defense of target from set1. All cratio cells for WSs and TP and Throwing are the same for both sets, while Set 1 should be for example:

"Data" D140
=MAX(D137/$O$3-$N$3, 0)

Set 2 should be:
"Data" E140
=MAX(E137/$P$3-$N$3, 0)

and it was also $O$3 there which is defense of target from set 1. Its easy to notice when you uncap attack by switching off all attack buffs and frailty, then you switch frailty on in set 1 and dps will raise in set 2.

Cells to fix E76, E140, C76, C140, C203

EDIT: Implication for Kamu set after fixing it is huge. WSD was highly overrated for it with 2.0 fTP on first hit. Also it was under performing a lot in low attack scenario without that 125% attack and 25% ignored defense.

I also suggest to add some pieces of gear because what I found to be bis in 5 main gear slots is:

Herculean with 4%TA,10STR,acc/att augment
Tatenashi Haramaki +1
Herculean with 4%TA,10STR,acc/att augment
Tatenashi Haidate +1
Herculean with 4%TA,10STR,acc/att augment

So "Gear Lists" missing all those pieces.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-09-18 07:25:30
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SimonSes said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »
Can you outline what needs changed about the WS please?

If what I downloaded is newest one then:

125% attack bonus instead of 31% ("Other Lists" L32)
2.000 fTP to 1.000fTP ("Other Lists" H32,I32,J32)
-25% def to final def for Kamu ("Setup" O5 for Set1. I changed it to
=Floor((N3-FLOOR(N3*(O4), 1))*IF(B24="Blade: Kamu",0.75,1), 1)

Also one general error not related to Kamu. Looks like Set 2 uses defense of target from set1. All cratio cells for WSs and TP and Throwing are the same for both sets, while Set 1 should be for example:

"Data" D140
=MAX(D137/$O$3-$N$3, 0)

Set 2 should be:
"Data" E140
=MAX(E137/$P$3-$N$3, 0)

and it was also $O$3 there which is defense of target from set 1. Its easy to notice when you uncap attack by switching off all attack buffs and frailty, then you switch frailty on in set 1 and dps will raise in set 2.

Cells to fix E76, E140, C76, C140, C203

EDIT: Implication for Kamu set after fixing it is huge. WSD was highly overrated for it with 2.0 fTP on first hit. Also it was under performing a lot in low attack scenario without that 125% attack and 25% ignored defense.

I also suggest to add some pieces of gear because what I found to be bis in 5 main gear slots is:

Herculean with 4%TA,10STR,acc/att augment
Tatenashi Haramaki +1
Herculean with 4%TA,10STR,acc/att augment
Tatenashi Haidate +1
Herculean with 4%TA,10STR,acc/att augment

So "Gear Lists" missing all those pieces.

Thanks Simon, this definitely may explain why so many felt the numbers were lower then they should be. If the video needs redone I'll redo it... will wait for Langly to fix spreadsheet first and then go from there. Interesting to see Tatenashi gear as BiS as we hadn't found that for ninja in any situations but Accuracy thus far. Will be interested in playing with that.
Guide Maker
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Brixy
By Bahamut.Brixy 2020-09-18 07:26:29
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Phoenix.Logical said: »
Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Phoenix.Logical said: »
Without gearswap the game doesn't have the ability to use a max fast cast set and max damage set in the same casting if the spell casting it short (such as with San spells)... it just can't change gear that fast so you end up being left in your fast cast gear when the spell goes off.

This isn't quite true, you can still do it with a combination of standard Windower functionality + in-game /equipset. Gearswap IS more reliable, but you can work around it without Gearswap use by structuring a macro as:

Line 1: /equipset ## (use in-game equipsets for your precast/FC/snapshot set)
Line 2: spell (or /ra for ranged stuff)
Line 3: /console exec setname.txt (bog standard gear set from base Windower)

No need for a /wait between any of these. It will not work if you do /equipset to /equipset, or windower .txt set to windower set. Gotta do one of each. You may occasionally get some lag messing things up, and mashing a macro may screw things up too. But it's pretty reliable.

One downside though is that you probably do want to add a /wait 1 after the midcast/endcast set to swap back into your TP/idle/whatever gear. So there's a small window of not being in ideal TP/idle gear.

IIRC, I picked up this tip from Afania with respect to ranged preshot sets. RNG has way too much rapid shot to put a 1 sec wait in between preshot/snapshot gear and midshot gear.

This 100% does NOT work for me. Please go try it and make sure it works for you with any :San Nuke. You will find if you are using max fast cast gear that you will most often still cast with it on... like 80%+ of the time. And forget about dual magic bursting... would work like 5% of the time. Spent weeks trying to get this to work with max fast cast. If I used fast cast only around 50% it would work more reliably but that's sillyness.

I dont use gearswap and this is what I use also when spells are faster than 1 second. There is a slight hiccup where the game chooses not to read the txt file sometimes for a reason I don't know. Its typically if i swap jobs from say smn to brd. I'll type the txt out in chat when I swap jobs and from that point it works no problem (I only use a fast cast txt). Most of the time it works without having to do that though. The swap is immediate and even works with insticast gear to still land in the correct sets for potency/accuracy.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-09-18 07:35:23
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Bahamut.Brixy said: »
Phoenix.Logical said: »
Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Phoenix.Logical said: »
Without gearswap the game doesn't have the ability to use a max fast cast set and max damage set in the same casting if the spell casting it short (such as with San spells)... it just can't change gear that fast so you end up being left in your fast cast gear when the spell goes off.

This isn't quite true, you can still do it with a combination of standard Windower functionality + in-game /equipset. Gearswap IS more reliable, but you can work around it without Gearswap use by structuring a macro as:

Line 1: /equipset ## (use in-game equipsets for your precast/FC/snapshot set)
Line 2: spell (or /ra for ranged stuff)
Line 3: /console exec setname.txt (bog standard gear set from base Windower)

No need for a /wait between any of these. It will not work if you do /equipset to /equipset, or windower .txt set to windower set. Gotta do one of each. You may occasionally get some lag messing things up, and mashing a macro may screw things up too. But it's pretty reliable.

One downside though is that you probably do want to add a /wait 1 after the midcast/endcast set to swap back into your TP/idle/whatever gear. So there's a small window of not being in ideal TP/idle gear.

IIRC, I picked up this tip from Afania with respect to ranged preshot sets. RNG has way too much rapid shot to put a 1 sec wait in between preshot/snapshot gear and midshot gear.

This 100% does NOT work for me. Please go try it and make sure it works for you with any :San Nuke. You will find if you are using max fast cast gear that you will most often still cast with it on... like 80%+ of the time. And forget about dual magic bursting... would work like 5% of the time. Spent weeks trying to get this to work with max fast cast. If I used fast cast only around 50% it would work more reliably but that's sillyness.

I dont use gearswap and this is what I use also when spells are faster than 1 second (literally anything other than stoneskin lol). There is a slight hiccup where the game chooses not to read the txt file sometimes for a reason I don't know. Its typically if i swap jobs from say smn to brd. I'll type the txt out in chat when I swap jobs and from that point it works no problem. Most of the time it works without having to do that though.

Interesting. Guess I will have to try it again as Summoner is the one job I don't use Gearswap because it's so inconsistent in places like Omen. Don't think I'll try this as Ninja as this still sounds like hitting the macro twice (mashing the macro) would mess it up similar to the current FFXI system. Could be useful if I can get it to work for SMN though. Thx Brix and Cap.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Langly
Posts: 690
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2020-09-18 10:01:58
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SimonSes said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »
Can you outline what needs changed about the WS please?

If what I downloaded is newest one then:

125% attack bonus instead of 31% ("Other Lists" L32)
2.000 fTP to 1.000fTP ("Other Lists" H32,I32,J32)
-25% def to final def for Kamu ("Setup" O5 for Set1. I changed it to
=Floor((N3-FLOOR(N3*(O4), 1))*IF(B24="Blade: Kamu",0.75,1), 1)

Also one general error not related to Kamu. Looks like Set 2 uses defense of target from set1. All cratio cells for WSs and TP and Throwing are the same for both sets, while Set 1 should be for example:

"Data" D140
=MAX(D137/$O$3-$N$3, 0)

Set 2 should be:
"Data" E140
=MAX(E137/$P$3-$N$3, 0)

and it was also $O$3 there which is defense of target from set 1. Its easy to notice when you uncap attack by switching off all attack buffs and frailty, then you switch frailty on in set 1 and dps will raise in set 2.

Cells to fix E76, E140, C76, C140, C203

EDIT: Implication for Kamu set after fixing it is huge. WSD was highly overrated for it with 2.0 fTP on first hit. Also it was under performing a lot in low attack scenario without that 125% attack and 25% ignored defense.

I also suggest to add some pieces of gear because what I found to be bis in 5 main gear slots is:

Herculean with 4%TA,10STR,acc/att augment
Tatenashi Haramaki +1
Herculean with 4%TA,10STR,acc/att augment
Tatenashi Haidate +1
Herculean with 4%TA,10STR,acc/att augment

So "Gear Lists" missing all those pieces.

BIG THANK YOU! To note, your fix to the Blade: Kamu def down needs a slight adjustment, as that will remove 25% def for every part of the spreadsheet including melee and throwing.

Instead, Cells C/E 140, and C/E 76 got the Blade: Kamu conditional and updated correct reference. To ensure the WS's DEF down only applies to the WS pdif. Blade: Kamu itself had it's ftp downgraded to 1.0 and it's attack bonus raised to 125%

I suppose when Kamu was changed NOGAF so I never bothered. lol

I've added in the Tatenashi +1 body and legs. I didn't add in the Herc STR things as of yet. But will get around to it soon enough I suppose.

Ty again for helping! Let me know if I screwed up anything else, running on low sleep.

Quick Reference instead of going to page 1:
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-09-18 10:08:30
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Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »
SimonSes said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »
Can you outline what needs changed about the WS please?

If what I downloaded is newest one then:

125% attack bonus instead of 31% ("Other Lists" L32)
2.000 fTP to 1.000fTP ("Other Lists" H32,I32,J32)
-25% def to final def for Kamu ("Setup" O5 for Set1. I changed it to
=Floor((N3-FLOOR(N3*(O4), 1))*IF(B24="Blade: Kamu",0.75,1), 1)

Also one general error not related to Kamu. Looks like Set 2 uses defense of target from set1. All cratio cells for WSs and TP and Throwing are the same for both sets, while Set 1 should be for example:

"Data" D140
=MAX(D137/$O$3-$N$3, 0)

Set 2 should be:
"Data" E140
=MAX(E137/$P$3-$N$3, 0)

and it was also $O$3 there which is defense of target from set 1. Its easy to notice when you uncap attack by switching off all attack buffs and frailty, then you switch frailty on in set 1 and dps will raise in set 2.

Cells to fix E76, E140, C76, C140, C203

EDIT: Implication for Kamu set after fixing it is huge. WSD was highly overrated for it with 2.0 fTP on first hit. Also it was under performing a lot in low attack scenario without that 125% attack and 25% ignored defense.

I also suggest to add some pieces of gear because what I found to be bis in 5 main gear slots is:

Herculean with 4%TA,10STR,acc/att augment
Tatenashi Haramaki +1
Herculean with 4%TA,10STR,acc/att augment
Tatenashi Haidate +1
Herculean with 4%TA,10STR,acc/att augment

So "Gear Lists" missing all those pieces.

BIG THANK YOU! To note, your fix to the Blade: Kamu def down needs a slight adjustment, as that will remove 25% def for every part of the spreadsheet including melee and throwing.

Instead, Cells C/E 140, and C/E 76 got the Blade: Kamu conditional and updated correct reference. To ensure the WS's DEF down only applies to the WS pdif. Blade: Kamu itself had it's ftp downgraded to 1.0 and it's attack bonus raised to 125%

I suppose when Kamu was changed NOGAF so I never bothered. lol

I've added in the Tatenashi +1 body and legs. I didn't add in the Herc STR things as of yet. But will get around to it soon enough I suppose.

Ty again for helping! Let me know if I screwed up anything else, running on low sleep.

Quick Reference instead of going to page 1:

Big thanks Langly and Simon! I'll wait for Simon to look it over and confirm he thinks we are good as well and then I'll redo my gear setups and redo the Kamu video. Thanks again everyone!
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2020-09-18 13:39:06
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Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »
BIG THANK YOU! To note, your fix to the Blade: Kamu def down needs a slight adjustment, as that will remove 25% def for every part of the spreadsheet including melee and throwing.

Instead, Cells C/E 140, and C/E 76 got the Blade: Kamu conditional and updated correct reference. To ensure the WS's DEF down only applies to the WS pdif. Blade: Kamu itself had it's ftp downgraded to 1.0 and it's attack bonus raised to 125%

I suppose when Kamu was changed NOGAF so I never bothered. lol

I've added in the Tatenashi +1 body and legs. I didn't add in the Herc STR things as of yet. But will get around to it soon enough I suppose.

Ty again for helping! Let me know if I screwed up anything else, running on low sleep.

Quick Reference instead of going to page 1:

Phoenix.Logical said: »
Big thanks Langly and Simon! I'll wait for Simon to look it over and confirm he thinks we are good as well and then I'll redo my gear setups and redo the Kamu video. Thanks again everyone!

Everything looks great (beside 2 small typos I found, Tatenashi legs should be 6% Zanshin instead of Kick Attack :D and body should have 6%crit rate instead of 5% :P) and ofc you are right Langly that my ignore def fix had no sense at all XD

Adding herculean should be easy, just copy paste DEX/TA one and add 10 to STR and subtract 10 from dex :)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2020-09-18 14:37:34
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That's great guys, thanks Simon, Logical, Langly! I knew there was something up with Kamu, as the spreadsheets really didn't line up with my experience in practice. I assume I may have some adjustments to my set after tinkering with this. Maybe some motivation for me to work on some of those Tatenashi augments ;)

Bahamut.Brixy said: »
I dont use gearswap and this is what I use also when spells are faster than 1 second. There is a slight hiccup where the game chooses not to read the txt file sometimes for a reason I don't know. Its typically if i swap jobs from say smn to brd. I'll type the txt out in chat when I swap jobs and from that point it works no problem (I only use a fast cast txt). Most of the time it works without having to do that though. The swap is immediate and even works with insticast gear to still land in the correct sets for potency/accuracy.

This is my experience too. An example where it's very noticeable that everything is working fine is BRD. I use the same precast/FC set and midcast set whether or not I'm singing NiTro songs.

If NiTro is down, it's easily visible by eyeballing that (1) your FC set is working, and (2) midcast song duration (and extra song) gear is equipped.

If NiTro is up, songs cast much faster. They will regularly get messed up and not get your midcast gear on in time if you aren't using the above technique (or Gearswap). Can even guarantee instant cast procs if you use Nightingale only (5/5 merits), and the Windower + equipset method still works just fine as easily seen by resulting song duration.

YMMV though, if you're having issues or you find you're constantly mashing macros and running into problems, it may indeed just be easier for you to do everything with Gearswap.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Langly
Posts: 690
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2020-09-18 15:01:18
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SimonSes said: »
Everything looks great (beside 2 small typos I found, Tatenashi legs should be 6% Zanshin instead of Kick Attack :D and body should have 6%crit rate instead of 5% :P) and ofc you are right Langly that my ignore def fix had no sense at all XD

Adding herculean should be easy, just copy paste DEX/TA one and add 10 to STR and subtract 10 from dex :)

Ha ha ha, see what I mean? I'm susceptible to the smallest mistakes when I'm running on little sleep.

Oh, I added in the Herculean as well. :P

EDIT (Saturday): Logical notified me of an incorrect cell on the data page, a casualty of the recent Kamu fixes, affecting Set 2 only. It has been corrected and I gave it about a 30 minute look over and things look to be all aligned.

Sorry for the *** ups! :D
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-09-22 16:06:48
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Thanks to Capuchin for telling us there was an issue with Blade: Kamu damage, SimonSes for finding out what it was and Langly for getting it all fixed in the spreadsheet so quickly! Here is the updated blade: kamu video. Lots of new gear is finally useful in the Kamu WS Set!

YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2020-09-22 17:50:37
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Thanks to YOU, Logical - for helping coordinate and figure out the spreadsheet problems, and for the video(s)!

BTW, gonna drive you crazy and note that you accidentally said to use Balder Earring +1 in your LEFT ear instead of the right one. I don't think that requires another re-done video though ;) Also, you can be forgiven since you correctly said Epona left ring and Gere right ring - doesn't affect DPS one bit, but that's clearly the proper usage.

I guess I gotta make some Tatenashi +1 gear. Legs first since I have the un-augmented +1s, but of course I have no body (and damn mage/support mule/alt has TWO from unity dial coffers...). Time to hope for another unity dial month, or some big luck on Tumult Curator... Despite the set being less impressive than I had hoped for NIN, it's nice to see another use for something other than extreme Acc sets. And it pretty damn good for some WAR applications if you're getting max unity bonus.

In closing, everyone make a Nagi! Kamu sucks less than you probably think (OAx procs on WS and associated weapon bonus really makes it a contender), and it's fun to rapid fire WS with aftermath up anyway. And from a looks perspective, it's top tier - we all know that's the real endgame.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2020-09-22 18:32:26
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
BTW, gonna drive you crazy and note that you accidentally said to use Balder Earring +1 in your LEFT ear instead of the right one. I don't think that requires another re-done video though ;) Also, you can be forgiven since you correctly said Epona left ring and Gere right ring - doesn't affect DPS one bit, but that's clearly the proper usage.

He also used 99 Nagi pics and said its 30% bonus to Kamu, instead of AG pic and info about 49.5% bonus on R15 :D

Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
big luck on Tumult Curator...

I did Tumult with LS at Friday. First 2 boxes were +1 staff and nq h2h. NQ body came like 4 Tumults later. Not gonna lie, I was really REALLY happy, because its no easy to attend those LS events recently while trying to rise 3 years old kid (im from EU and LS operates in NA time. Event started around 2am for me and ended around 5am, kid woke up at 6..). I wish you to have same luck as me Capuchin :)
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-09-22 18:37:40
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SimonSes said: »

He also used 99 Nagi pics and said its 30% bonus to Kamu, instead of AG pic and info about 49.5% bonus on R15 :D

Urgh! Must have somehow ended up on Nagi 99 page on BGWiki and not noticed >< Noted on Video.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2020-09-22 18:43:13
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Phoenix.Logical said: »
SimonSes said: »

He also used 99 Nagi pics and said its 30% bonus to Kamu, instead of AG pic and info about 49.5% bonus on R15 :D

Urgh! Must have somehow ended up on Kamu 99 page on BGWiki and not noticed >< Noted on Video.

I wanted to tell you that after first video, but forgot because of that whole thing with spreadsheet. Sorry! :P
Posts: 129
By Serjero 2020-09-24 02:39:51
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Took NIN on a W3 Dyna-D Jeuno run to mess around w/ Blade: Chi because I'm allowed to do stupid things on our runs and oh boy was it worth it.

Wave 3 Boss + Adds

Had a 3rd DP COR as well that I think tanked the other CORs Leadens on the boss but I'll take it. My party was GEO COR COR NIN/WAR SAM WHM/SCH (SAM was messing around with Jinpu to very varied results).

Rest of the alliance was GEO COR DRK THF WHM WAR, PLD PLD BRD BRD WHM RDM.

Buffs were SV'd HMarch, VMarch, Madx2, Minx3, Dirge in both DD parties. SAM DRK RNG BLM rolls in my party (RNG rolls was left over from rest of W3 should have replaced it with WAR or RDM roll due to SV'd songs). Geo Malaise, Indi Acumen, Entrust Fury in my party, Geo Frailty from the other GEO. Sandstorm and Boost-Str from the WHM.

This is what I had for my Blade: Chi set, could be better still but don't have good Augs on herc hands/feet, body is like 36 MAB 30 Atk, and some amount of M.acc and Acc. Heish is R15.
ItemSet 375606

Obviously single run doesn't mean too much and Dyna-D has numerous other issues in regards to parsing well, but I was really happy with how NIN performed. Rest of W3 overall dmg was a lot closer between having to use Ten on some fetters and NMs and too lazy to switch buffs every-time to accommodate. It was also really convenient being on NIN for certain mobs (NINs mostly) and being able to voke and 1-2 shot my own lesser volte mobs with little to no danger between shadows and Migawari.

Will probably tinker around with it for a bit more and try testing out some different accessories and pieces to try and have Chi be slightly more consistent. Mostly just Acc and M.acc adjustments and potentially slight buff adjustments but who knows.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2020-09-24 04:26:26
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I would say its kinda expected with so many buffs. I have seen the same from Ejin SAM too. He was doing almost constant 99k from Tachi: Jinpu during Bolster on w3 boss. If monster doesnt have skyrocket MDB and you can apply both attack cap and good malaise, hybrid WSs are monsters. If you add multiattack (cor rolls, Ifrit's favor) and/or TP bonus (Crystal Blessing, Savagery) and mab (Wizard's roll, Shiva favor etc.) buffs to that, it becomes totally broken and would probably do like 200k damage avg if not 99k cap. It was always like that tho.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2020-09-24 04:30:23
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Agreed with Simonses.

Sandstorm II from a SCH will add a lot of damage to Chi if you're using the Hachirin or Dorin Obi. +25% damage, +35% if it happens to be Earthsday as well. That will blow Orpheus out of the water... if you manage to bring a SCH to Dynamis. It baffles me how people haven't cottoned onto that yet, it also helps out Gastra RNG a lot as well, especially in Dynamis where you can overcome the x2 Darkness Weather.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2020-09-24 05:13:54
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Ruaumoko said: »
Agreed with Simonses.

Sandstorm II from a SCH will add a lot of damage to Chi if you're using the Hachirin or Dorin Obi. +25% damage, +35% if it happens to be Earthsday as well. That will blow Orpheus out of the water... if you manage to bring a SCH to Dynamis. It baffles me how people haven't cottoned onto that yet, it also helps out Gastra RNG a lot as well, especially in Dynamis where you can overcome the x2 Darkness Weather.

The gain from SandstormII from SCH over SandstormI from WHM/sch is not that big. Also Obi over Orpheus is mostly for consistency. Its almost a break even for avg damage with double weather and it's only significantly better for avg damage with double weather and day.

Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-09-24 09:50:03
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Serjero said: »
Took NIN on a W3 Dyna-D Jeuno run to mess around w/ Blade: Chi because I'm allowed to do stupid things on our runs and oh boy was it worth it.

Wave 3 Boss + Adds

Had a 3rd DP COR as well that I think tanked the other CORs Leadens on the boss but I'll take it. My party was GEO COR COR NIN/WAR SAM WHM/SCH (SAM was messing around with Jinpu to very varied results).

Rest of the alliance was GEO COR DRK THF WHM WAR, PLD PLD BRD BRD WHM RDM.

Buffs were SV'd HMarch, VMarch, Madx2, Minx3, Dirge in both DD parties. SAM DRK RNG BLM rolls in my party (RNG rolls was left over from rest of W3 should have replaced it with WAR or RDM roll due to SV'd songs). Geo Malaise, Indi Acumen, Entrust Fury in my party, Geo Frailty from the other GEO. Sandstorm and Boost-Str from the WHM.

This is what I had for my Blade: Chi set, could be better still but don't have good Augs on herc hands/feet, body is like 36 MAB 30 Atk, and some amount of M.acc and Acc. Heish is R15.
ItemSet 375606

Obviously single run doesn't mean too much and Dyna-D has numerous other issues in regards to parsing well, but I was really happy with how NIN performed. Rest of W3 overall dmg was a lot closer between having to use Ten on some fetters and NMs and too lazy to switch buffs every-time to accommodate. It was also really convenient being on NIN for certain mobs (NINs mostly) and being able to voke and 1-2 shot my own lesser volte mobs with little to no danger between shadows and Migawari.

Will probably tinker around with it for a bit more and try testing out some different accessories and pieces to try and have Chi be slightly more consistent. Mostly just Acc and M.acc adjustments and potentially slight buff adjustments but who knows.

Sounds like fun. Waiting for my time with my LS to give this a try, we just don't have enough Geo's right now to pull it off. Question though, Why gokatai in main hand and heishi in offhand? I normally would swap those two since Heishi TP bonus doesn't work in offhand or do Heishi/Hitaki. Is it purely for the regain?
Posts: 514
By Aerison 2020-09-24 10:06:01
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Sounds like fun. Waiting for my time with my LS to give this a try, we just don't have enough Geo's right now to pull it off. Question though, Why gokatai in main hand and heishi in offhand? I normally would swap those two since Heishi TP bonus doesn't work in offhand or do Heishi/Hitaki. Is it purely for the regain?

They just put Heishi first when making the set, when making sets the first weapon you add gets bumped to sub slot when you add another.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-09-24 10:16:58
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Aerison said: »
Sounds like fun. Waiting for my time with my LS to give this a try, we just don't have enough Geo's right now to pull it off. Question though, Why gokatai in main hand and heishi in offhand? I normally would swap those two since Heishi TP bonus doesn't work in offhand or do Heishi/Hitaki. Is it purely for the regain?

They just put Heishi first when making the set, when making sets the first weapon you add gets bumped to sub slot when you add another.

Oh! That makese sense... I've never made a set in that fashion so was unaware of that. Since we are on the topic, how do people make those gear set inserts? Much appreciated.
Posts: 514
By Aerison 2020-09-24 10:25:16
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Phoenix.Logical said: »
Aerison said: »
Sounds like fun. Waiting for my time with my LS to give this a try, we just don't have enough Geo's right now to pull it off. Question though, Why gokatai in main hand and heishi in offhand? I normally would swap those two since Heishi TP bonus doesn't work in offhand or do Heishi/Hitaki. Is it purely for the regain?

They just put Heishi first when making the set, when making sets the first weapon you add gets bumped to sub slot when you add another.

Oh! That makese sense... I've never made a set in that fashion so was unaware of that. Since we are on the topic, how do people make those gear set inserts? Much appreciated.
ItemSet 109547
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