The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Asura.Mewwgoat 2020-06-12 03:02:49
speaking of, anyone got a good example of a blade: ku set? wanna compared with my current gear using gotaki vs 121 kikoku.
By eeternal 2020-06-13 16:35:30
I've been thinking of gearing NIN lately for 2 main reasons:
1- Niche Tanking (Ambuscade)- Main reason
2- Dynamis wave 3 volt (Blade:Chi)
I have read most of the NIN thread and it has been incredibly helpful.. thank you all. I won't be asking about gearsets, since most of them are posted in the 1st page but I would like to reconfirm the following (with minimal investment on REM Weapons):
* Tanking Purpose: Fudo/Gokotai? is the way to go?
* Hybrid WS (Dynamis D): Heishi Shorinken/Gokotai?
* DD: Now this had a bit of a debate, would Blade:Ku ourparse Ten with max buffs? chaos/sam/fighter's/any other roll, fury etc
Thank you in advance for reading/replying.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2020-06-13 17:20:41
DD question: you mean Gokotai's Ku vs Heishi's Ten? With lotsa buffs, close to the att cap or past it? I'm not sure but I'm pretty confident Heishi's Ten is gonna win.
By eeternal 2020-06-13 17:27:21
Sorry if it wasn't clear, yes Gokotai's Ku vs Heishi's Ten, I'd say att cap for the most part (Ageha, rolls.. songs.. bubbles)
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-06-13 17:57:04
Ku will almost never beat Ten with max ideal buffs per weapon. Heishi Ten is the top of the line for ninja DPS. I used both in a parse on an omen boss and Ku was good, but not ahead of Ten. Set wise, I think I just repurposed my Shun set since it prioritizes the same things to an extent. Dex ACC MA
Anyways, it really depends on your tanking setup and what you have available. Some others have mentioned Shigi is an offhand option, which it actually does well considering the huge accuracy bonus. For something like this months ambuscade, shuhansadamune is probably ideal because accuracy is not really important, since it will feed TP to the boss and create more issues overall. It comes with some amazing tank specific stats which cannot be matched with an offhand in it's class. If you have neither, gokotai will suffice. But I think Tauret is the DPS offhand of choice, and If you're focusing on hybrid and don't have an issue with racc, it works best
By eeternal 2020-06-13 19:04:10
Thank you so much very clear, I was kind of surprised when people were saying Ku was doing 40-70k on Dynamis, so thought it would be the preferred option, but then some say its not consistent. I guess Ten is the way.
By pawnoee 2020-06-13 19:43:48
Anyone care to share a blade: chi set?
So far I can only hit 30k on Apex mobs without support (only trusts).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2020-06-13 19:47:30
Hybrid ws like chi need the right buffs, without them don't bother. Malaise and frailty to begin with.
If you're getting just physical buffs stick to Ten, Ku or Shun
By pawnoee 2020-06-13 20:07:56
Hybrid ws like chi need the right buffs, without them don't bother. Malaise and frailty to begin with.
If you're getting just physical buffs stick to Ten, Ku or Shun
Well I expect to have buffs one of these days :) I just wanted to see some sets to get an idea since the Chi set on the ninja guide doesn't seem to display correctly :/
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2020-06-14 00:58:36
I guess the perf set will be custom Herculean gear with max WSD, then Att then Mab?
I can show you the set I'm using right now for To, Teki and Chi but it's nowhere close to an ideal set, more like a set I made up with stuff I already had:
ammo="Seething Bomblet +1",
Head="Hachiya Hatsuburi +3",
neck="Sanctity Necklace",
ear1="Friomisi Earring",
ear2="Moonshade Earring",
body="Samnuha Coat",
hands="Leyline Gloves",
ring1="Regal Ring",
ring2="Dingir Ring",
back=AndartiaWS, (30STR, 20 Acc/Att, 10WSD, it's my Ten cape basically)
waist="Engraved Belt",
legs="Hizamaru Hizayoroi +2",
feet=HercFeetWS (It's a Dex+8, Acc/Att+15, Mab/Macc+15, WSD+7 piece)
On wave 1 with capped attack, Idris Frailty and Idris Malaise down I manage to hit for over 70k pretty solidly if I recall (sorry, it was a long time ago), with some occasional 99k but I'm not sure if those were multiattack procs or maybe we had BoG bubbles or whatever else.
By pawnoee 2020-06-14 07:18:10
I guess the perf set will be custom Herculean gear with max WSD, then Att then Mab?
I can show you the set I'm using right now for To, Teki and Chi but it's nowhere close to an ideal set, more like a set I made up with stuff I already had:
ammo="Seething Bomblet +1",
Head="Hachiya Hatsuburi +3",
neck="Sanctity Necklace",
ear1="Friomisi Earring",
ear2="Moonshade Earring",
body="Samnuha Coat",
hands="Leyline Gloves",
ring1="Regal Ring",
ring2="Dingir Ring",
back=AndartiaWS, (30STR, 20 Acc/Att, 10WSD, it's my Ten cape basically)
waist="Engraved Belt",
legs="Hizamaru Hizayoroi +2",
feet=HercFeetWS (It's a Dex+8, Acc/Att+15, Mab/Macc+15, WSD+7 piece)
On wave 1 with capped attack, Idris Frailty and Idris Malaise down I manage to hit for over 70k pretty solidly if I recall (sorry, it was a long time ago), with some occasional 99k but I'm not sure if those were multiattack procs or maybe we had BoG bubbles or whatever else.
Thank you!
By eeternal 2020-06-16 19:25:06
Would NIN be decent tanking Black and White Master Trial? I know having multiple enemies removing ur shadows would be challenging, but it was something i was thinking about
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14
By Asura.Laboob 2020-06-17 20:06:04
Anyone have suggestions for a BiS evasion tanking set (with main/offhand included)?
Been looking at the past few pages and didnt find much.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-06-17 20:43:51
I wouldn't use this set as a whole, but here's the high evasion pieces you can cherry-pick from. Could be some better pieces here and there. The important thing to note is the Malignance set as a whole is what really matters, everything else just fills around it. Wouldn't go out of my way to make one though.
ItemSet 373863
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14
By Asura.Laboob 2020-06-18 01:33:39
I wouldn't use this set as a whole, but here's the high evasion pieces you can cherry-pick from. Could be some better pieces here and there. The important thing to note is the Malignance set as a whole is what really matters, everything else just fills around it. Wouldn't go out of my way to make one though.
ItemSet 373863
Thanks. I replaced the Shigi in with the Achiuchikapu in my set because it does not have the enmity -10.
Definitely missed out on some of the accessories you included.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 291
By Carbuncle.Lunatone 2020-06-22 03:59:13
What do you guys think about this for Nagi w/ AM up?
ItemSet 373889
Also does anyone know if Het ring triple dmg effects "occ att thrice" I just assumed it did so stuck it in there
Server: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Austar 2020-06-22 04:10:13
it doesn't
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2020-06-22 06:52:49
Carbuncle.Lunatone said: »What do you guys think about this for Nagi w/ AM up?
I've recently R15ed Nagi myself, so I've been playing around with it a lot lately (one surprise: Kamu is actually way less crappy than I expected based on its lackluster performance with other weapons - the Nagi associated weapon bonus and Mythic AM procs on WS make it a lot less of a liability, and it plays nice with Shun for easy light SCs)
As for your set question... while STP does play well with OAx, and multi-attack loses some of its benefit, that doesn't mean you need to be terrified of multiattack for a Mythic AM3 up set. There are still multiattack pieces that are worth using since their stats are otherwise strong enough to beat STP-focused gear. DA is worse than TA, since order of operations is that multiattack is calculated before OAx... but TA is still the same number of hits as the best Mythic AM "attack thrice" proc, and if TA fails to proc you get another shot at multiple attacks from Mythic OAx. Also, don't forget that your offhand doesn't get OAx from Mythic and is important for TP generation too.
For your set, the glaring issues are rings/waist.
Rings: Gere is easily the best TP ring, Mythic or not, and Epona is next. Really don't get the logic of ever using a Hizamaru Ring - even if you were assuming STP is the only concern, there are obviously better options like Ilabrat or Chirich +1 (both of which are solid).
Waist: I get Sailfi Belt +1 (R15) slightly above Windbuffet +1 as the top options.
With respect to Malignance armor, I also personally like it for a Nagi TP build. It's still somewhat competitive DPS-wise (offensively, it falls behind less with Mythic than it does for other mainhands), and has big defensive advantages in DT/Meva/Eva. I also don't discount the perks of ensuring high Acc if that's important in the given situation (which can even change within an event: for example, wave 3 Dyna THF mobs being a lot more evasive than some other targets), and the possible utility of PDL+ if ever capping attack (which is likely less common than people assume, especially considering the overwhelming lack of atk in the rest of the gearset).
However... Malignance isn't necessarily optimal DPS. In general, I still get non-Malignance gear performing better in every slot if only thinking about DPS. Yes, even for Nagi.
Head: Adhemar +1 > Kendatsuba +1 > NQ Kendatsuba > Malignance
Body: Kendatsuba +1 > NQ Kendatsuba > Malignance.
Hands: Adhemar +1 > Malignance
Legs: Samnuha (max) > Ken+1 > NQ Ken > Malignance
Feet: Kendatsuba +1 > Herculean > Malignance
Personally, for capped delay TP sets I tend to do:
* Malignance TP set (4/5, I actually don't have hands yet so I just rock Adhemar +1 or Kendatsuba +1) with Nagi or if tanking with Fudo Masamune C.
* 5/5 Kendatsuba +1 set for most stuff, with all other weapons. I still occasionally swap in Adhemar +1 head/hands for stuff where I want max offense, can deal with lower acc, and am not at all concerned about defense... but honestly, that kind of stuff dies so fast anyway that I rarely bother changing from Ken+1 for the incremental offensive boost.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 448
By Asura.Psylo 2020-06-22 07:55:41
I wouldn't use this set as a whole, but here's the high evasion pieces you can cherry-pick from. Could be some better pieces here and there. The important thing to note is the Malignance set as a whole is what really matters, everything else just fills around it. Wouldn't go out of my way to make one though.
ItemSet 373863
ItemSet 366702
With R15 hands, i think its BIS on all slot.
Mujin Path D, and of course full eva cape.
With this, full eva and 36 DT (not perfect but enough)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2020-06-22 09:06:37
Did you guys remember to factor AGI>Eva conversion?
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-06-23 17:38:18
A Guide to Ninja: Elite Enmity Gearsets is out. Sorry for the delay on this one. Blade: Metsu is next!
YouTube Video Placeholder
By mhomho 2020-06-23 19:59:18
...So someone finally teste enmity in the offhand? Far as I remember that was a no.
By SimonSes 2020-06-23 20:03:15
Yeah, I heard the same in this thread few times now, that enmity from Nagi doesn't work in offhand.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-06-23 20:25:39
...So someone finally teste enmity in the offhand? Far as I remember that was a no.
Really!? I simply went by it not being under the "Main Hand" Heading. I admittedly did not test this yet as Nagi is the last one I'm working on but now that I know this is the case I'll verify it with Cap who recently finished his Nagi before me and has Fudo Path C. Will make a note on the video right now about this. If this is true it makes me sad as it really does limit the usefulness of Nagi. Thanks for pointing this out, didn't see this noted anywhere on bgwiki info or ffxiclopedia.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2020-06-23 20:59:01
Only Empyreans and Aeonics (the STP only in this case, not the TP bonus) have loosened restrictions on what works in the offhand- other RMEA are stripped down to their base damage/delay/+combat skill/+mdmg.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Shiva.Liam 2020-06-23 22:19:26
wow, that kinda sucks that it's not more clearly stated on the weapons, just checked with Kikokus attack+60, and it is indeed not applied when OH
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-06-23 22:22:50
It's crazy that 20 years later there is still ***that people don't know despite being stated thousands of times.
Idea: make items blank and only reveal stat bonuses when equipped mainhand, or remove them when offhanded. Simple, easy, 100% confusion elimination.
....or like, stop removing stats in the offhand, because that's dumb, nothing is exceedingly broken, if it's fine for /kannagi to have +50 agi, it's fine for /kikoku to have +60 attack (paralysis and even ODT is fine too tbh, none of it so excessive) "White damage" is like 10% of total damage with this regoddamndiculous levels of power creep anyway.
Would it ruin the already non-balance giving 60 attack and odt offhand since 2handed jobs can't do it? not really, utu grip is more excessive than any rema to offhand.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-06-23 23:23:46
wow, that kinda sucks that it's not more clearly stated on the weapons, just checked with Kikokus attack+60, and it is indeed not applied when OH
I too am shocked by this... just did some test with my other REMA and was like ... omg it's really not getting that bonus. Now frankly I rarely use REMA in offhand so I guess it's not overly surprising I haven't noticed this before. But this means no Store TP+10 for Heishi in offhand. Not exactly something I would use it for but based on how I always read it I assumed that it did work. Now obviously stats like the weapon skill bonus and TP bonus I had heard before didn't transfer and understood that but to see all the other stats not transfer as well... even attack. And the fact that empy's somehow get around this restriction... The Ambuscade weapons also have several stat bonus's that transfer. I definitely missed this lesson sometime in the last 18 years >< Thanks for clarifying it for me everyone!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2020-06-23 23:29:14
The store tp from heishi actually works if I recall, the tp bonus dies not
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-06-23 23:30:00
The store tp from heishi actually works if I recall, the tp bonus dies not
Seriously!? hahaha How confusing can this be! :)
So let me get this straight. When used in offhand.
Ambuscade - Stats and anything before Main Hand Transfers
Relic - Nothing transfers
Empyrean - Stat bonus transfers
Mythic - Nothing transfers
Aeonic - Some of it transfers?
Is that right? lol