The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 52
By Cerberus.Mirlikovir 2014-03-11 14:06:13
i've done every fight as nin, and its quit easy as long as you stack acc.
MR is the hard one, you've got to bae at her back, innin full time, sadows up, if you can /run for more acc (swoedplay) if play well, you can be on top of parse.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 52
By Cerberus.Mirlikovir 2014-03-11 14:07:21
sorry, got keyboard issue lol
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2014-03-11 15:35:06
Cerberus.Mirlikovir said: »i've done every fight as nin, and its quit easy as long as you stack acc.
MR is the hard one, you've got to bae at her back, innin full time, sadows up, if you can /run for more acc (swoedplay) if play well, you can be on top of parse. Swordplay is only up for 2 of 5 minutes and takes half a minute to be a better accuracy buff than Aggressor (which lasts for 3 minutes). Wouldn't it be better to go /WAR with the better stats and also be able to use Berserk when THF uses Feint?
Also, doesn't Swordplay kinda work counter-intuitively with Innin? Innin ramps down while Swordplay ramps up. Doesn't seem like a good way to maximize dps.
I am not trying to carry a condescending tone of any sort. I truly don't know. I haven't played NIN for any AA or Divine Might fight yet.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 659
By Sylph.Systematicchaos 2014-03-11 15:39:59
If you're playing a DPS, I too would think Bergressor would be a better combination. Mathematically, I see no reason /rune would win out. You miss the attack buff of berserk, the longer accuracy buff of aggressor, and the double attack from traits.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 52
By Cerberus.Mirlikovir 2014-03-11 15:56:59
You may need a strong THF and PLD, because actually, you going to get hate prety fast, and nin here, is a DD, not a tank.
I'm just saying from my experience that i rather go /run, than /war. It provides me the tools for a safe fight.
I'm not talking about perfect set up, or to beat the record, just a way to get it done properly.
In fact, I was mostly the third DD, and most players were amazed from what a nin can do (/run ofc).
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 659
By Sylph.Systematicchaos 2014-03-11 16:16:29
If you're worried about hate, wouldn't drg be a better support job choice? Shed 30% of your hate every 2minutes, and a consistent accuracy bonus (small).
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 52
By Cerberus.Mirlikovir 2014-03-11 17:00:28
can't say, i don't have that sub
Server: Asura
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Posts: 395
By Asura.Kese 2014-03-11 18:14:14
Cerberus.Mirlikovir said: »You may need a strong THF and PLD, because actually, you going to get hate prety fast, and nin here, is a DD, not a tank.
I'm just saying from my experience that i rather go /run, than /war. It provides me the tools for a safe fight.
I'm not talking about perfect set up, or to beat the record, just a way to get it done properly.
In fact, I was mostly the third DD, and most players were amazed from what a nin can do (/run ofc). ofc this guy is french, smh
Server: Asura
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Posts: 356
By Asura.Fiv 2014-03-11 18:44:51
Tanking and DDing are the same thing unless your a relic ranger, and NIN excels at the tanking aspect when it is DDing for multiple reasons. The only valid arguement for RUN sub i think would be for cloudsplitter, but you can eat that and migawari the second one so the skillchain doesn't kill you, from what i've seen anyway.
By Otomis 2014-03-14 15:59:15
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 3621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2014-03-14 16:03:26
Mmm, Sange effect.
Can we petition SE to change the way Dual Wield interacts with the delay reduction cap? It's gotten to the point that Ninja benefits practically none at all from a support line in terms of Haste.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 16
By Siren.Chinzu 2014-03-21 09:54:35
What augment do you need on Otronif Gloves +1 to beat Mochizuki Tekko +1 for TP and WS? On my spreedsheet I have Mochizuki beating Otronif.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 56
By Odin.Karizo 2014-03-25 10:23:45
hi all, first time posting here. I have 2 questions if anyone knowledgeable can shed some light on.
1. what's the interaction between migawari threshold and equipments that cause DT+/-? is it considered after the DT+/-? or would it interfere with it somehow? i.e. say threshold was 90%, I have 1000 HP and was hit by something that does 901. would a DT-5% cause the migawari to not take effect since the damage would be reduced to 856? and say if I take 856 instead, would rancor collar (DT+5%) trigger migwawari?
2. for acc options, it seems to be buremte gloves might be a good option. I understand not sacrificing body/leg due to dual-wield, but as far as I know hands slot doesn't have DW available, right?
thank you for any and all feedbacks!
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2014-03-25 14:28:31
For your first question, unless it's changed from when I still played, DT- would push the dmg below threshold and migawari would not process.
By Kyler 2014-03-25 14:41:46
hi all, first time posting here. I have 2 questions if anyone knowledgeable can shed some light on.
1. what's the interaction between migawari threshold and equipments that cause DT+/-? is it considered after the DT+/-? or would it interfere with it somehow? i.e. say threshold was 90%, I have 1000 HP and was hit by something that does 901. would a DT-5% cause the migawari to not take effect since the damage would be reduced to 856? and say if I take 856 instead, would rancor collar (DT+5%) trigger migwawari?
2. for acc options, it seems to be buremte gloves might be a good option. I understand not sacrificing body/leg due to dual-wield, but as far as I know hands slot doesn't have DW available, right?
thank you for any and all feedbacks!
1. Rancor is +10% dmg taken 5% crit.
And yes migawari processes after all gear. The conundrum is making sure something other than the devastating dmg you are hoping to avoid doesn't either:
A. Trigger mig early
B. Make you take too much dmg in the meantime
Also, like scherzo or EA I believe migawari only works on single hit TP moves spells etc~
2. Buremte gloves are great for acc. As for dual wield, you only need 3% in gear with capped magic haste IE, you can cap with AF+1 legs which are also a great acc option.
In most situations where you aren't capped magic haste, you shouldn't need to much acc either
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2014-03-25 16:41:47
Isuka Auguments Path A , B , and C ? Anyone ?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 323
By Bismarck.Keityan 2014-03-25 17:00:19
you only need 3% in gear with capped magic haste IE, you can cap with AF+1 legs which are also a great acc option.
+1 for this. Did not know this was the threshold.
Here's a question though. Let's say in a battle, you were Slow IIed (with a bunch of other stuff that is hard to get rid of- so it's not easy to just erase it). Will overstacking haste/dual wield overcome the slow? I think it would, but I don't know if anyone had actually went out and tried it.
I ask because during Wopket, it does AOE Slow 2. Rather than just constantly erase and re-haste, I think it would be better if the bards did double marches (with soul voice, even if it wasn't necessary to have both marches.)
For NIN, it would be as easy as going to a higher Dual Wield set on the guide-- even with marches (but with Slow II). Would this work?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 125
By Leviathan.Vow 2014-03-25 20:22:51
2. for acc options, it seems to be buremte gloves might be a good option. I understand not sacrificing body/leg due to dual-wield, but as far as I know hands slot doesn't have DW available, right?
thank you for any and all feedback!
There may exist times when trading dual wield for accuracy is a good idea. It's a question of attacking quickly or attacking accurately, and there are points where they balance out: if I attack at some rate and land hits 100% of the time, I would see no difference if I instead attacked twice as fast but only hit 50% of the time.
You can compare given values of accuracy and delay reduction for two sets (sets 1 and 2) by doing the following:
[Accuracy(1)]*[1/(1-[Delay Reduction(1)]/100)] = [Accuracy(2)]*[1/(1-[Delay Reduction(2)]/100)]
As an example, consider the case where you're fighting a very evasive mob with the 20% Magic/JA haste set from the front page of this guide. There is a point at which it might be wise to switch from Emyprean to Whirlpool mask (a gain of 32 accuracy).
In that set you have 25% gear haste and 65% dual wield. Your delay is reduced to: (1-(.2 magic haste)-(.25 gear haste))*(1-.65 dual wield)=0.2 (since .1925 is below the cap). That means your delay is now 20% of what it was unbuffed and you're attacking at the delay cap.
Switching to Whirlpool is a loss of 5% dual wield and your delay is increased marginally to 22% of it's original value.
Plugging in numbers: [Accuracy(1)]*(1/.20)=[Accuracy(2)]*(1/.22)
This means it would be beneficial to make the change at the point where you would gain 10% accuracy from the mask (any time your accuracy is less than 86.4%). I ignored the Innin enhancement, but hopefully you get the idea.
I made a quick graph which shows damage (or hit speed) vs. haste for different accuracy values.

Someone with access to a fancier graphing program could do a better job, but you can see that at 80% haste and 85% accuracy, your damage would be roughly the same as at 78% haste and 95% accuracy.
By Kyler 2014-03-25 21:22:36
you only need 3% in gear with capped magic haste IE, you can cap with AF+1 legs which are also a great acc option.
+1 for this. Did not know this was the threshold.
Here's a question though. Let's say in a battle, you were Slow IIed (with a bunch of other stuff that is hard to get rid of- so it's not easy to just erase it). Will overstacking haste/dual wield overcome the slow? I think it would, but I don't know if anyone had actually went out and tried it.
I ask because during Wopket, it does AOE Slow 2. Rather than just constantly erase and re-haste, I think it would be better if the bards did double marches (with soul voice, even if it wasn't necessary to have both marches.)
For NIN, it would be as easy as going to a higher Dual Wield set on the guide-- even with marches (but with Slow II). Would this work?
Potentially however since they are separate functions in the same equation (by that I mean the totals are calculated individually) it would be hard to overcome even with dual wield but definitely beneficial. You can set up gearswap to detect if you have slow, probably not differentiate slow 1 vs 2 but not a big deal.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 323
By Bismarck.Keityan 2014-03-26 01:09:37
Someone with access to a fancier graphing program could do a better job, but you can see that at 80% haste and 85% accuracy, your damage would be roughly the same at 78% haste and 95% accuracy.
I'll be honest to say that I didn't scrutinize your math but the trends look generally right. I came up with a similar answer.
80% Reduction = (100/20) =5x Faster than base
78% Reduction = (100/22) =4.54x Faster than base
How many hits different are they? Since accuracy is linear, 4.54x/5x = .908.
This means that at 80% haste, you can miss 9.2% of all your hits and be equivalent to 78% haste.
By Kyler 2014-03-26 01:58:54
You can actually miss more than that because of the 95% acc cap
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 323
By Bismarck.Keityan 2014-03-26 02:41:47
This means that at 80% haste, you can miss 9.2% of all your hits and be equivalent to 78% haste.
You can actually miss more than that because of the 95% acc cap
What I wrote is confusing. This is rephrased better: At 80% haste, you can miss 9.2% more of your hits compared to 78% Haste and they would be equivalent.
By digiEndLS 2014-03-26 02:49:19
Bismarck.Kuroganashi said: »Isuka Auguments Path A , B , and C ? Anyone ?
A: Atk +10 Str +7 Dmg +3
B: Acc +10 Dex +7 Dmg +3
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2014-03-26 04:06:13
Bismarck.Kuroganashi said: »Isuka Auguments Path A , B , and C ? Anyone ?
A: Atk +10 Str +7 Dmg +3
B: Acc +10 Dex +7 Dmg +3
Finally some info, TYVM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is very appreciated Sir.
Doing Path A then ^^ looks nice for Main Hand Katana.
By Kyler 2014-03-29 02:16:17
Stupid question which i remember reading an official SE post about but can't seem to dig up.
Dual wielding 2 katanas(or any of the 2 same type for that matter) uses main hand skill only for determining acc/attack for both hands correct?
Ex: your offhand acc/attack won't be lower using a 215 or 188 skill or even a level 99 weapon vs a 242 as long as your main hand is 242?
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2014-03-29 06:49:28
Stupid question which i remember reading an official SE post about but can't seem to dig up.
Dual wielding 2 katanas(or any of the 2 same type for that matter) uses main hand skill only for determining acc/attack for both hands correct?
Ex: your offhand acc/attack won't be lower using a 215 or 188 skill or even a level 99 weapon vs a 242 as long as your main hand is 242? No, the accuracy/attack will be determined individually for each weapon. This was part of their reason for making the skill something different from older gear that added the combat skill directly to our character when equipped.
By Arziet 2014-03-29 09:47:00
Raimitsukane still best non RME Main hand? with Kannakiri +2 (+9 Damage +2% Crit/Dbl) best off hand for pure dps, and Isuka (Path B for Needing Acc)?
Or is Kannakiri +2 (+9 Dmg +2% Crit/Dbl w/ 10% WS) Damage best main hand?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 49
By Asura.Gippali 2014-03-29 17:47:56
Kannakiri+2(with aug's you mentioned) for main, raim for offhand. Isuka path B is a great option, 119 upgrade from Kaitsuburi.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2014-03-31 07:48:22
Stupid question which i remember reading an official SE post about but can't seem to dig up.
Dual wielding 2 katanas(or any of the 2 same type for that matter) uses main hand skill only for determining acc/attack for both hands correct?
Ex: your offhand acc/attack won't be lower using a 215 or 188 skill or even a level 99 weapon vs a 242 as long as your main hand is 242? No, the accuracy/attack will be determined individually for each weapon. This was part of their reason for making the skill something different from older gear that added the combat skill directly to our character when equipped. What is your source? Last I heard, your combat skill came from the +skill on your main weapon only. I could have been totally duped though because I can't find confirmation for either atm.