A Scholar's Education (Guide)
By SimonSes 2022-11-10 16:14:30
is that +40 from the Ebullience from Stratagem 3 category?
From before edit it was yeah. I was a little distracted with kid.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Asura.Epigram 2022-11-10 17:58:09
Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »So real talk.
Is Tupsimati worth it?
With AM2 it obviously has some applications, same with AM1. But are those applications worth it for sch who has r25 Bunzi rod?
And yes you have access to myrkr while nuking but I just wonder if that's enough to make a mythic investment. So I have one and I use it and like it but I don't exactly recommend it for how most people play SCH, I think you really have to play into it's strengths for it to be worthwhile.
The Pros:
1) Myrkr. It is more important for SCH than BLM, you have more Occult Acumen and otherwise you may have to use Seidr Cotehardie unless you are getting a lot of refresh for nuking scenarios.
2) High mag acc, given SCH's lower skills this ends up helping a decent amount
3) Meleeing/Cataclysm/Omniscience/Shattersoul This is how I get capped Cataclysms and being able to drop strong Omnisciences and melee in a pinch even without getting a special subjob is very handy. Shattersoul gives a very helpful debuff. Also fairly often I can get away with meleeing and using ws's with strats to use a lot fewer strats.
The Cons:
1) If you swap weapons a lot it basically wipes out 1 and 3 pros. I still swap for Musa but try to make that like a once every 10min+ thing when I get all the important buffs refreshed.
2) Bunzi can beat it even with AM2 for pure nuke damage as long as It doesn't force you to use Seidr Cotehardie.
3) Its a lot of work/money.
The Pros:
4.) Not a bad lock-style for those that traded the wrong staff while making a Nirvana >.>;
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-10 18:19:18
ItemSet 388203
This set is coming out on top for me at the moment, I might be missing some gear, though. I used 115 base INT, don't know off the top of my head what an ML0 Taru has, but BLM/SCH is 117, so somewhere around there. I used 265 INT for the mob, CP level mob-ish stats, and with no regard for m.acc since you cap pretty easily on a mob of this tier. I used Thunder V and a mob resistance of 100%, which gives a 2.2 MB multiplier, 1.25 for double storm, and klimaform. Food gets optimized out of the two options I put, so snow cones is what it used. No GEO or BRD buffs, since those might be going towards melee to make an SC in this scenario, so things might change.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 116
By Asura.Neviskio 2022-11-10 20:44:56
I can repurpose my BLM optimizer to get you ideal sets for magic bursting easily if you need @neviskio
I imagine you're already doing this but yeah would be lovely. Free nuke is also a bit of a problem for me on SCH cause I usually set up my gearswap for low tier nukes vs high tiers (I like optimizing things if I can) so while magic burst I kinda get something going on for me/wiki guide but free nukes is complicated cause yeah... just learning mages as I go :P
I'll update the guide with whatever results soon once you are happy tho if that's okay. I just don't like having jobs abandoned for new players since I still get a few in the LS I'm in mainly and helps me help them if I can update guides xD
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 229
By Leviathan.Boposhopo 2022-11-10 20:51:35
ItemSet 388203
This set is coming out on top for me at the moment, I might be missing some gear, though. I used 115 base INT, don't know off the top of my head what an ML0 Taru has, but BLM/SCH is 117, so somewhere around there. I used 265 INT for the mob, CP level mob-ish stats, and with no regard for m.acc since you cap pretty easily on a mob of this tier. I used Thunder V and a mob resistance of 100%, which gives a 2.2 MB multiplier, 1.25 for double storm, and klimaform. Food gets optimized out of the two options I put, so snow cones is what it used. No GEO or BRD buffs, since those might be going towards melee to make an SC in this scenario, so things might change.
Head shocked me a little bit, I really thought Relic head would win out, maybe I've been sleeping on Agwu head without even realizing it.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-10 20:56:37
Leviathan.Boposhopo said: »Head shocked me a little bit, I really thought Relic head would win out, maybe I've been sleeping on Agwu head without even realizing it. When I turn off agwu's head, it produces a set with relic+3 head and agwu's body instead, and the difference is only 855 damage(1.22%).
My program runs every possible set through the damage formula and prints out the highest combination, can restrict it to meet a certain m.acc requirement as well. Which is why when you turn off one piece, it makes another piece better, like the bodies swapping places when you're restricted to relic+3 head.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-11 01:08:10
Austar, I assume to be able to use your tool one needs to be comfortable with python, right?
If you're feeling bored would you mind turning off a few items to see which the next best options would be?
I'm curious about MBB set turning off Agwu R25, to see if unaugmented Agwu and Amarlic+1 Body/Hands still hold a place somewhere.
Also what would change in a Helix MB set, other than the obvious waist slot?
I can se R15 Acuity+1, Skrymir+1 and Sacro Cord pretty close but I'm unsure which would win there.
Any other differences?
Last but not least, if to keep the MBB cap you're forced to sacrifice one of the two ring slots to equip, I assume, Locus ring, what would one sacrifice, Freke or Meta+1 R15?
Beyond these options which are pretty close on first and second place that we discussed over these last few pages, I wonder if Merlinic with really good augs still have a place somewhere with the versatility they grant to reach the MBB cap, but I assume it's harder to test those things because there are no fixed stats , since they depend on the quality of the Augs on them.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 6
By Asura.Flaminglegion 2022-11-11 03:32:14
Hi Austar, is your optimizer available for us to play with? I tried searching but couldn't find it, sorry.
I'd be interested to know what it finds against Ongo and Sortie bosses with buffs.
Is the other food option Tropical Crepe?
If you're looking at helix sets for Sechs have you added Arbatel Earring +1?
By SimonSes 2022-11-11 04:08:14
ItemSet 388203
This set is coming out on top for me at the moment, I might be missing some gear, though. I used 115 base INT, don't know off the top of my head what an ML0 Taru has, but BLM/SCH is 117, so somewhere around there. I used 265 INT for the mob, CP level mob-ish stats, and with no regard for m.acc since you cap pretty easily on a mob of this tier. I used Thunder V and a mob resistance of 100%, which gives a 2.2 MB multiplier, 1.25 for double storm, and klimaform. Food gets optimized out of the two options I put, so snow cones is what it used. No GEO or BRD buffs, since those might be going towards melee to make an SC in this scenario, so things might change.
I would be more curious about targets like sortie EFGH bosses. Damage on CP mobs is irrelevant, especially with Thunder V, because you will probably cap damage anyway right?
Stats for bosses if you can check them:
I will edit this in a sec
HP: 1.6~M
INT: 494
MND: 427
DT: Wind -50%
SDT: Fire, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Water, Light, Darkness 5%
70% to current weakness (ex. to Water after Flaming Kick)
MDB: 122
Evasion: 1613
Triboulex DRK/BLM
HP: ~1.5M
INT: 504
MND: 367
DT: Wind -50%
SDT: Light 70%
Fire and Lightning 60%
Water 50%
Earth 40%
Ice 30%
Dark Absorption
MDB: 100
Evasion: 1581
Gartell MNK/BLM
HP: ~1.6M
INT: 350
MND: 394
DT: Wind -50%
SDT: Fire, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Water Light Darkness 5%
Wind mode: 70% ice Wind absorption
Lightning mode: 70% earth Lightning absorption
MDB: 100
Evasion: 1613
Dhartok WAR/BLM
HP: ~1.56M
INT: 363
MND: 338
DT: Wind -50%
SDT: Earth 85%
Fire, Wind and Lightning 70%
Ice 50%
Darkness 5%
Water Absorption
MDB: 100
Evasion: 1581
Source: https://twitter.com/long_horned?s=20&t=6M-1hoXeETjXyILefJjSuA
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-11 07:33:33
Austar, I assume to be able to use your tool one needs to be comfortable with python, right? Not really. If these make sense to you, then you're fine.
Code base_int = 115 + 90 + 84 # Base + GEO + BRD
base_macc = 0 # Base Skill/Merits/ML, Gifts
target_int = 265
mab_buffs = 0
target_mdb = -32
sc_multiplier = 2.2
target_mdt = 1
day_weather = 1.25
macc_required = 0 # -100 for Burst Code {
"Name": "Peda. M.Board +3",
"MP": 82,
"INT": 39,
"Magic Accuracy": 37 + 15,
"MAB": 49,
"Elemental Skill": 19,
"MB Damage II": 4,
I'm curious about MBB set turning off Agwu R25, to see if unaugmented Agwu and Amarlic+1 Body/Hands still hold a place somewhere. They do without agwu and +3 empyrean. I don't have them added at the moment, but I can check later if you have specifics. Also what would change in a Helix MB set, other than the obvious waist slot?
I can se R15 Acuity+1, Skrymir+1 and Sacro Cord pretty close but I'm unsure which would win there.
Any other differences? Probably other pieces with more flat magic damage.
Asura.Flaminglegion said: »Hi Austar, is your optimizer available for us to play with? Yeah, but it doesn't use the same copy and paste for gear that some of my others use, so you have to type in the gear or edit the names on the stats.
Asura.Flaminglegion said: »Is the other food option Tropical Crepe? Yeah it is, but doesn't select it unless m.acc is needed. I don't recall the base skill and elemental gifts that SCH gets, so at the moment I was just checking and manually verifying damage on a CP target so m.acc wasn't something I put into consideration.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-11 07:42:56
I would be more curious about targets like sortie EFGH bosses. Damage on CP mobs is irrelevant, especially with Thunder V, because you will probably cap damage anyway right? If you have -MDB from GEO, yeah.
Stats for bosses if you can check them: Yeah, I can in a bit. Will want to add some other pieces probably to check, like AF items for m.acc choices. Are the resistance values pre-SC and Rayke modifiers?
By SimonSes 2022-11-11 07:51:09
Are the resistance values pre-SC and Rayke modifiers?
Yeah its base stats afaik
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-11 08:37:57
what does an ML0 mastered skill SCH have for elemental, and what m.acc total do they get from gifts?
By SimonSes 2022-11-11 09:09:24
what does an ML0 mastered skill SCH have for elemental, and what m.acc total do they get from gifts?
and with dark arts
42macc from gifts
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-11 09:14:10
Are the resistance values pre-SC and Rayke modifiers?
Yeah its base stats afaik Do you know which resistance rank those m.acc numbers are for?
If not, I can probably generate close values for each rank from the known values we have for other mobs
By SimonSes 2022-11-11 09:40:48
Do you know which resistance rank those m.acc numbers are for?
If not, I can probably generate close values for each rank from the known values we have for other mobs
I dont understand the question, but also I dont know anything beyond the stats there.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-11 09:49:13
Do you know which resistance rank those m.acc numbers are for?
If not, I can probably generate close values for each rank from the known values we have for other mobs
I dont understand the question, but also I dont know anything beyond the stats there. Each resistance rank has it's own m.acc. Then you have the additional +100 macc on a burst. using this chart as an example, if 1 level 136 content mob has 85% resistance normally, then a single step SC burst would need 967 macc. you get one free rank from the burst itself, and 100 m.acc additional
so knowing which resistance rank they are using for those values would change the require m.acc potentially by a lot
By SimonSes 2022-11-11 12:33:20
Ok but I gave you resistence ranks, not macc right? I don't understand what you mean by "those m.acc numbers"? short answer is I dont know specific macc values required and just know Resistance Ranks I wrote there. I dont think I have seen any specific macc values required written on that Twitter, but I don't have much time to look into details lately (newborn kid).
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-11 12:35:38
Yes, but which resistance rank is that magic accuracy applicable to? If that's the 30% resistance value, then you would need quite a bit less to cap m.acc with rayke and magic bursting
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-11 13:07:31
They do without agwu and +3 empyrean. I don't have them added at the moment, but I can check later if you have specifics. Well, how can I explain, let's see.
I'm planning to get this set before the end of the year, and eventually (much) later on the set you posted.
Atm I'm still using my very old set which is a mixture of Amalric+1, Merlinic and what not.
I was trying to see if I could improve my set already using some R0 Agwu pieces or not.
I think the answer is "nope" but I wanted to check in a more unbiased way.
This is the set I have atm for my MB nukes Head: Merlinic (augments={'Mag. Acc.+20 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20','Magic burst dmg.+7%','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+10',}}
Body: Amalric+1 path A
Hands: Amalric+1 path A
Legs: Merlinic (aug Macc+10, Mab+30, MBB+9%)
Feet: Empy+2
Ring1: Locus
Ring2: Freke
Ammo: Ghastly+1 R15
Neck: Mizukage-no-kubikazari
Ear1: Regal Earring
Ear2: Malignance
Weapon: Akademos
Sub: Enki Stripe
By SimonSes 2022-11-11 13:10:00
Repeating the question that I don't understand won't help :)
I already told, that those are base resist ranks, so without +1 rank from MB and +3 ranks from Rayke.
I still don't understand why you ask me about magic accuracy values. You are the only one who brought any macc values in that table. I haven't wrote and macc values, just base resist ranks. Unless you think the evasion I posted was magic evasion? It's normal evasion for physical attacks. Maybe I shouldn't have post it, so it wouldn't be confusing idk.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-11 13:16:56
i don't know why you gave physical evasion either, i was assuming those were magic acc values, that's why I was repeating it since it makes zero since to include physical evasion when every other stat you posted for the mobs would be for magical purposes. i will generate new values for those levels and get estimates then for the m.acc requirements.
By SimonSes 2022-11-11 13:50:39
i don't know why you gave physical evasion either, i was assuming those were magic acc values, that's why I was repeating it since it makes zero since to include physical evasion when every other stat you posted for the mobs would be for magical purposes. i will generate new values for those levels and get estimates then for the m.acc requirements.
I simply gave all the info provided on that Twitter, just better formatted and translated. I would call magic evasion "magic evasion" tho :)
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-11 15:52:05
what buffs/debuffs are being used for SCH bursting on the above bosses?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Asura.Flaminglegion 2022-11-11 16:21:28
For Sortie I've been getting
COR: wizard warlock
GEO: acumen malaise
SCH: storm2 edit: klimaform zzz
RUN: rayke gambit sometimes
If Ongo, usually at least 1 SV INT song
By SimonSes 2022-11-11 16:22:15
what buffs/debuffs are being used for SCH bursting on the above bosses?
Usually Geo-Malaise and Indi-Acumen. Wizard/Worlock rolls.
Burn is only an option for Dhartok and Triboulex. Aita would need to be in right mode. Impact is not really an option for all but Triboulex afaik. No idea if MDB down from Shattersoul or Vidohunir works.
Rayke/Gambit kinda hard on B and D bosses, because they change element.
StormII/Klimaform are obvious I guess.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-11 16:51:56
This is what I got for Dhartok. I used just dunna for GEO buffs and +7 for rolls, only bonus for the Wizard's roll, no bolster/crooked/etc. No rayke or gambit, either. Default is 85% resist tier, so 100% on a burst which gives 1.95x. GEO-INT gave a higher result than GEO-MAB, so posting the GEO-INT result. Using known values for m.acc and scaling it up, I estimate 1307 m.acc on a resist tier of 100%, then -100 required on a burst. I ran it with weaker buffs and ML0 since it sounds pretty feasible to do with mules or lesser geared players.
Code Dhartok:
Stone V
Wizard's Roll: 54
Warlock's Roll: 22
GEO-MDB: -30
SC Modifier: 1.95
Macc: Est. 1307-100 #Burst
Code Top Valid Set:
{'Name': 'C. Snow Cone', 'MP': 100, 'INT': 5, 'MAB': 13}
{'Name': "Bunzi's Rod", 'MP': 98, 'INT': 28, 'Magic Accuracy': 343, 'MAB': 98, 'Magic Damage': 248, 'MB Damage': 10}
{'Name': 'Ghastly Tathlum +1', 'MP': 35, 'Magic Damage': 21, 'INT': 11}
{'Name': "Agwu's Cap", 'MP': 59, 'INT': 33, 'Magic Accuracy': 50, 'MAB': 58, 'Magic Damage': 33, 'MB Damage': 7}
{'Name': 'Arbatel Gown +3', 'MP': 97, 'INT': 50, 'Magic Accuracy': 64, 'MAB': 59, 'Magic Damage': 34}
{'Name': "Agwu's Gages", 'MP': 73, 'INT': 33, 'Magic Accuracy': 50, 'MAB': 58, 'Magic Damage': 20, 'MB Damage': 8, 'MB Damage II': 5}
{'Name': "Agwu's Slops", 'MP': 59, 'INT': 49, 'Magic Accuracy': 50, 'MAB': 58, 'Magic Damage': 20, 'MB Damage': 9}
{'Name': 'Arbatel Loafers +3', 'MP': 90, 'INT': 34, 'Magic Accuracy': 60, 'MAB': 50, 'Magic Damage': 30, 'Elemental Skill': 33, 'MB Damage II': 5, 'Klimaform': 25}
{'Name': 'Argute Stole +2', 'Magic Accuracy': 30, 'MB Damage': 10, 'INT': 15, 'Magic Damage': 25}
{'Name': 'Regal Earring', 'MP': 20, 'INT': 10, 'MAB': 7, 'AF Set': 1}
{'Name': 'Malignance Earring', 'INT': 8, 'Magic Accuracy': 10, 'MAB': 8}
{'Name': 'Metamor. Ring +1', 'INT': 16, 'MP': 60, 'Magic Accuracy': 15}
{'Name': 'Freke Ring', 'INT': 10, 'MAB': 8}
{'Name': "Lugh's Cape", 'INT': 30, 'Magic Accuracy': 20, 'Magic Damage': 20, 'MAB': 10}
Magic Damage:
Magic Accuracy:
Magic Atk. Bonus:
Magic Burst Damage:
Magic Burst Damage II:
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Asura.Shaedhen 2022-11-22 08:11:20
HP: 1.6~M
INT: 494
MND: 427
DT: Wind -50%
SDT: Fire, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Water, Light, Darkness 5%
70% to current weakness (ex. to Water after Flaming Kick)
MDB: 122
Evasion: 1613
So I just came across this.
Does the DT : Wind -50% still applies when Aita goes into "weak to wind" mode, making a wind weakness very bad no matter what ?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2022-11-22 12:58:30
The Wind-50% there actually means geomancy resistance 50%.
By SimonSes 2022-11-22 15:33:48
The Wind-50% there actually means geomancy resistance 50%.
That makes sense. It was strange they all had wind element MDT.