A Scholar's Education (Guide)

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A Scholar's Education (Guide)
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Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2022-06-18 14:50:53
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Asura.Wolfiex said: »
Been following the BG guide for gearing up sch, one thing I did not see however is what augment path people are using for the amalric +1 pieces. Can anyone help me out :D ?

path A or D, your preference.
Generally go w/ A for Myrkr potency, but hands most everyone does D.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Snprphnx
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By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2022-06-18 16:23:55
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The good thing about those, it’s cheap to swap. So you can try each path, and see what’s best for you
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
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By Asura.Bippin 2022-06-18 16:29:04
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Can just buy more then one its a really nice system to be honest.
Posts: 11
By Annikkia 2022-06-19 12:36:28
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Hello! I started now gearing my sch, where I can find an actual equipment guide?

Server: Asura
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user: Disclai
By Asura.Disclai 2022-06-19 14:04:45
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Annikkia said: »
Hello! I started now gearing my sch, where I can find an actual equipment guide?


Server: Asura
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user: Efan
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By Asura.Trickflo 2022-06-20 02:18:48
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Hands D rest A boots can be A or D D probably better for nukes but A doubles as a Myrkr piece the difference is pretty small for both sets tho
Server: Asura
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user: Efan
Posts: 34
By Asura.Trickflo 2022-06-23 17:44:44
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Does anybody know how grimoire casting time works with fast cast? I did some testing and it seems like going from 65% fc 10% grimoire to 71%fc no grimoire is faster casting time so my assumption is that its (cast time*100-fc)*Grimoire casting but cant find the formula anywhere and eyeballs are somewhat unreliable thanks.
Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2022-06-23 18:21:33
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casting teleport-yhoat in rabao w/
*FC+0 & no arts: hands up at 73~74%
*FC+0 & arts: 66~67%.
*FC+50 & no arts: 37~38%.
*FC+50 & arts: 35~36%.
*FC+50 & arts+12: 29~30%.
*FC+50 & arts+13: 29~30%.
*FC+50 & arts+25: 28~29%.
*FC+80 & no arts: 15%.
*FC+80 & arts: 13~14%.
*FC+80 & arts+12~25: 11~12%.

someone else math it out...my brain quit on me. M.SCH31/WHM55.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-06-23 21:03:49
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grimoire is it's own term(multiplier) on cast time with fast cast. Both are subject to an overall 80% reduction in cast time.

If you have just base grimoire, you need 78% fast cast to cap cast time reduction. If you have 25% grimoire from gear (which is grimoire cap), you need 74% fast cast to get to 80%

It can be represented by the equation:
cast time = (1 - fc) * (1 - gr)
fc = total fast cast (fast cast, cast speed)
gr = total grimoire (10% base + gear amount up to 25% total)
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2022-06-24 05:07:47
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Has it been tested if excess FC (above 80%) can compensate for negative bonuses?
For example casting a healing spell when in dark arts and vice-versa.
But... I guess we could apply the same logic for a situation where you're affected by Addle.

I always was under the impression that while you cannot exceed 80% FC, if you have more than 80 it "works" to compensate other negative statuses and allow you to still reach the 80% cap.
But I've never seen thorough tests about it so I wonder if my assumption was right or wrong.
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
Posts: 1433
By Asura.Toralin 2022-06-24 06:32:20
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I built 2 sets

If spell matches arts use .Grimoire else use fastcast
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2022-06-24 06:53:39
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Your sets exist under the assumption that my hypothesys is correct, I suppose, but is it?
I've always taken it for granted but I don't think I've ever read tests about it...
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
Posts: 1433
By Asura.Toralin 2022-06-24 07:06:54
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I remember years ago testing with the grimoire set about getting a tier5/4 in on my own sc, but with my fastcast set I couldnt get it in. So I think it was generally accepted that the grimoire set breaks the cap
Server: Asura
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user: Efan
Posts: 34
By Asura.Trickflo 2022-06-24 13:38:31
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So my testing combined with chimeras testing seems to verify that if your fc isn't capped FC is better then grimoire casting time but grimoire casting time does exceed the cap.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Jakey
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By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2022-06-24 13:48:45
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Yes Grimoire definitely exceeds the cap and is a sperate multiplier which means basically always cap fast cast first, I remember some debate about if the base 10% from just light/dark arts goes over cap or not as its really hard to definitively say if you are casting at 20% vs 18% of base casting time but with the gear you are definitely going past the cap.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-06-24 14:37:06
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The cast bar is not an accurate measure of cast speed in that way.

edit: case in point
FC+0 & no arts: hands up at 73~74%
Server: Asura
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user: Yottaxa
Posts: 178
By Asura.Yottaxa 2022-06-24 23:34:39
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
The cast bar is not an accurate measure of cast speed in that way.

edit: case in point
FC+0 & no arts: hands up at 73~74%

Is there any reliable way we can test? I was quickly looking at this today trying to use os.clock() timestamps difference calculated directly from gs, between the precast equipping and aftercast triggering, and there was a lot of variance even on longer casting spells, which I would assume is the randomness of the packet returning indicating spell cast complete.?
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-06-25 11:53:23
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I'm going to correct myself. I've just done a bunch of testing and light_arts does definiely break the 80% cap.

There is definitely variance on os.clock() or socket.gettime() when trying to measure it but, the results are pretty conclusive imo.

I tested using Teleport-Holla, which has a 20 second cast time.

I used a set that has 80% FC, and here are the results: casting multiple times to get a range
80% FC, no arts: cast between 4.08 sec and 4.4 seconds range
80% FC, light arts: cast between 3.6 sec and 3.8 seconds
80% FC, light arts + celerity: 1.27-1.3 sec

Edit: Here is the code I used if anyone is interested.
local res = require("resources")
local socket = require("socket")

cast_data = T{}

function action_handler(action)
    local actionpacket = ActionPacket.new(action)
    local category = actionpacket:get_category_string()
    local current_time = socket.gettime()

    if category == "casting_begin" then
        local spell = actionpacket:get_spell()

        cast_data.spell = spell.english
        cast_data.cast_time = spell.cast_time * 1000
        cast_data.time_start = current_time

    elseif category == "spell_finish" then
        local spell = actionpacket:get_spell()

        cast_data.time_end = current_time
        cast_data.actual_cast_time = math.floor((cast_data.time_end - cast_data.time_start) * 1000)


Server: Asura
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user: Neviskio
Posts: 116
By Asura.Neviskio 2022-07-03 06:32:26
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Is kaustra considered a helix for the purpose of hachirin-no-obi not being needed as helix spells automatically have the effect of the weather? Finding conflicting info and not sure what belt to use <.<. The wiki community guide uses hachirin for example and the page for helices doesn't mention kaustra being a helix so I assume it isn't?

edit: also is the set used on the community guide good? feels strange not using any agwu pieces or bunzi's rod but akademos but I'm not super good at this xD
Server: Sylph
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user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2022-07-03 10:24:06
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Asura.Neviskio said: »
Is kaustra considered a helix for the purpose of hachirin-no-obi not being needed as helix spells automatically have the effect of the weather? Finding conflicting info and not sure what belt to use <.<. The wiki community guide uses hachirin for example and the page for helices doesn't mention kaustra being a helix so I assume it isn't?

edit: also is the set used on the community guide good? feels strange not using any agwu pieces or bunzi's rod but akademos but I'm not super good at this xD

Kaustra is not a Helix, it does damage and then applies a DoT at 1/3 initial damage. Kaustra operates on ticks (3 seconds), not ticks (10 seconds). Kaustra is also 20% of your MP which is why the cotehardie is in the set. The Kaustra page could have told you most of this pretty easily.
Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2022-07-03 10:35:25
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Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
Asura.Neviskio said: »
Is kaustra considered a helix for the purpose of hachirin-no-obi not being needed as helix spells automatically have the effect of the weather? Finding conflicting info and not sure what belt to use <.<. The wiki community guide uses hachirin for example and the page for helices doesn't mention kaustra being a helix so I assume it isn't?

edit: also is the set used on the community guide good? feels strange not using any agwu pieces or bunzi's rod but akademos but I'm not super good at this xD

Kaustra is not a Helix, it does damage and then applies a DoT at 1/4 initial damage. Kaustra operates on ticks (3 seconds), not tocks (10 seconds). Kaustra is also 20% of your MP which is why the cotehardie is in the set. The Kaustra page could have told you most of this pretty easily.
fixed, also cotehardie isn't good since its DoT is uncapped, you want as high a dmg kaustra as possible. MP cost be damned. can do up to 24,999/tick... actually getting that much damage is nightmarish.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2022-07-03 11:19:57
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Chimerawizard said: »
Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
Asura.Neviskio said: »
Is kaustra considered a helix for the purpose of hachirin-no-obi not being needed as helix spells automatically have the effect of the weather? Finding conflicting info and not sure what belt to use <.<. The wiki community guide uses hachirin for example and the page for helices doesn't mention kaustra being a helix so I assume it isn't?

edit: also is the set used on the community guide good? feels strange not using any agwu pieces or bunzi's rod but akademos but I'm not super good at this xD

Kaustra is not a Helix, it does damage and then applies a DoT at 1/4 initial damage. Kaustra operates on ticks (3 seconds), not tocks (10 seconds). Kaustra is also 20% of your MP which is why the cotehardie is in the set. The Kaustra page could have told you most of this pretty easily.
fixed, also cotehardie isn't good since its DoT is uncapped, you want as high a dmg kaustra as possible. MP cost be damned. can do up to 24,999/tick... actually getting that much damage is nightmarish.

Thank you for that clarification. Appreciated.

Someone should mosey on over and fix that then. lol
Server: Asura
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user: Meeeeeep
Posts: 167
By Asura.Sensarity 2022-07-09 17:40:46
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When bursting Lumino/Nocto-helices, do you replace one of the rings with Weatherspoon/Archon? If so, which do you prioritize?
What about Pixie +1?
Server: Bismarck
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user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2713
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2022-07-09 19:58:45
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Asura.Sensarity said: »
When bursting Lumino/Nocto-helices, do you replace one of the rings with Weatherspoon/Archon? If so, which do you prioritize?
What about Pixie +1?
Pixie Hairpin +1 and Archon for Nocto, Weatherspoon for Lumino, other ring should be Mujim Band is MBing
Posts: 630
By Meeeeeep 2022-07-09 20:49:39
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Bismarck.Snprphnx said: »
Asura.Sensarity said: »
When bursting Lumino/Nocto-helices, do you replace one of the rings with Weatherspoon/Archon? If so, which do you prioritize?
What about Pixie +1?
Pixie Hairpin +1 and Archon for Nocto, Weatherspoon for Lumino, other ring should be Mujim Band is MBing
Thank you.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Belkin
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-07-12 12:41:29
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Softball question: Academic's Gown +Dark Arts. Does it need to be worn on activation only or do you need to also cast in it to get the bonus elemental magic skill?
Server: Asura
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user: Patriclis
Posts: 389
By Asura.Patriclis 2022-07-12 12:52:07
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Bahamut.Belkin said: »
Softball question: Academic's Gown +Dark Arts. Does it need to be worn on activation only or do you need to also cast in it to get the bonus elemental magic skill?

need to cast in it
Server: Bismarck
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user: Xagashi
Posts: 29
By Bismarck.Xagashi 2022-07-12 18:52:10
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Anyone having issues with their 6-step sc after this past update? Running into the problem of where the stratagem feels like they are taking longer to recharge.
Server: Asura
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user: Efan
Posts: 34
By Asura.Trickflo 2022-07-18 14:14:36
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Does Tupsimati have any good uses or is it a waste of time/money??
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2022-07-18 14:30:12
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