A Scholar's Education (Guide)
By eeternal 2021-03-05 11:37:44
if you hate Oseem and want a good set for MB, would Agwu's be good? or a combination between it and Amalric +1?
From reading the forum, I assume Peda. M.Board +3 is bis for MB, so what would you guys recommend for the other main 5 slots (+weapon)?
Thank you
By Chimerawizard 2021-03-05 14:38:23
all 5 agwu's are excellent. Purely INT & MAB Peda M.Board+3 seems to win, but including magic damage+ and r30 I want to say agwu may be slightly better damage.
Here's what I'm thinking about transitioning to.
ItemSet 367722
ItemSet 367705
Will likely use a mix of amalric & agwu while augmenting each piece.
Would you say Mpaca's Staff is the best for general nuking or just for Helix? I've got Daybreak/Maxentius with Ammurapi in the back pocket here. I'm not very well versed in SCH, but Helix is stack as much 'Magic Damage' as possible, yes? I'd guess pure damage: Bunzi rod > Daybreak > Mpaca Staff.
Staff also can afford you Myrkr or Cataclysm however giving it other benefits for cleaving or in a longer fight w/o aspir.
By Wyrmnax 2021-03-18 11:58:08
Should I still be using Arabatel feet +1?
I understand it is supposedly still one of the biggest damage pieces you can have, but the lack of Macc is.... bad, to say the least.
Ive been dusting off my sch on the recent months, and there is a lot of places it fell behind....
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 357
By Shiva.Berzerk 2021-03-18 12:03:03
I've been using Amalric +1 feet in tandem with other set pieces after testing myself and seeing the difference was super small or leaned toward Amalric +1, I don't remember exactly but the lack of Macc was an issue for me at the time, too.
By Chimerawizard 2021-03-18 13:38:54
arbatel loafers +1 vs Agwu's pigaches
INT & mDMG are tied to spells base damage, their % increase varies by spell & target. Going to skip those.
MBB+9 in traits, +13 in gifts.
MAB+36 in gifts. +24 from subjob BLM or RDM.
Going to use the numbers on the MB acc set mentioned above on this page. I didn't slap it with the MP return body and the set is overcap'd on MB1, so the feet slot should be a lower % of total damage.
gear: MB+37, MB2+17, MAB+216, (aug)MAB+140
excl. feet totals: MB+76 MAB+416
incl. feet totals: MB+79 MAB+476
There's still INT+6 mDMG+20, doubt they'll do much though.
Then there's the mACC+55 instead of arbatel's skill+23.
~1.5% DMG loss for mACC+32. worth it.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 220
By Quetzalcoatl.Avengers 2021-03-20 20:41:15
Hey guys, looking to potentially get into sch, looking for a nice mage class (that isn't bard or whm, using those on alt account) that I can assist my LS with low man events and other such. Sch seems like a good choice, but this guide seems pretty dated to use. I haven't put much effort in a mage job since pre Seekers era.
Which of the AF/Relic/Empy armors are worth using, best merits, which gear should I seek our for what, best updated weapons now. I know it feels like i'm asking for much, but just need pointed in the right direction for what to follow.
By Chimerawizard 2021-03-20 22:13:42
Before suggesting gear, I'll suggest other jobs: GEO or RDM, they can both provide better support and can use Ea for better damage nukes. SCH is generally stuck being a gimp WHM or makes skillchains for others to MB when in a group.
Arbatel +1: hands all things perpetuanced > Head regen > rest in case +2 is amazing.
Pedagogy +3: Body all enhancing & cursna > hands cures > Feet Stun recast > head MB > legs aspir.
Academics +3: all magic accuracy heaven > hands FC > legs cure & cursna
You're planning to use it in a group, so how much do they plan to use it for?
If you're just there to make skillchains for stuff, no staff needed... in fact sometimes it's a hindrance, FC and done.
If they want regen + embrava before dropping, FC + Regen midcast + embrava midcast. (telchine mostly for both)
If you plan to nuke alongside the BLM... probably don't. Unless you're setup with a multibox BLM that will always finish casting before you, you'll probably do more harm to their damage than you'll add. Only exceptions to this being Helix2 & Kaustra. Kaustra being extremely difficult to increase dmg thanks to mDMG being excluded from its dmg formula.
Merits: group 1: Helix acc/dmg & either sublimation+ or arts-
group 2: Stormsurge & either Enlightenment or Focalization.
weapons: chatoyant staff cures, Musa regen and mACC, Mpaca nukes, Raetic club cures, Raetic staff nukes, Daybreak luminohelix and nukes, Marin staff Anemohelix, Contemplator enfeebling.
A.Skirmish: Head, body(maybe), legs, feet.
Abjuration: Amalric nukes & myrkr, Kaykaus cures.
SU3: body & legs are FC pieces that aren't required but may save an inventory space or 3.
Gaol: Nyame turtle, Agwu nuke.
Is agwu actually able to get r30 or is the BGwiki trolling? I see that most stuff shows the r20 aug but those sets show r30.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 220
By Quetzalcoatl.Avengers 2021-03-20 22:46:39
Yea, forgot no to Geo too lol. My 2nd character is Whm/Bard/Geo, has a ghorn already, and working towards Idris atm. I thought about Rdm as well, friend of mine has a damn good RDM and does pretty well with it.
Can't really say for sure to the extent, but mostly back up healing and some nuke support. Don't really have any other black mages so no issue there.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2021-04-06 15:49:12
Does any of the new gear fit in with MB helix?
What would a current endgame MB helix set look like? Thinking for like ongo v15. Assume r0 on new gear.
By Chimerawizard 2021-04-06 16:34:15
Does any of the new gear fit in with MB helix?
What would a current endgame MB helix set look like? Thinking for like ongo v15. Assume r0 on new gear. I tried getting the old magic damage thing to work. put in a bit of new gear. couldn't seem to get amalric +1 set bonus to register for some reason.
No idea what t6 & ra3 formulas are to add even if I wanted to.
think I put in MAB & MB of a master sch in some spots in data.
think you may need to make a copy to edit anything.
hope it helps.
google sheets
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2021-04-06 16:38:27
Does any of the new gear fit in with MB helix?
What would a current endgame MB helix set look like? Thinking for like ongo v15. Assume r0 on new gear.
This is set i plan on taking in:
ItemSet 379183
pants aug is like 15macc/30mab/10mbb. Rod is r5
Haven't taken it in to test yet on v15, body is auged to rank6ish from r5/10 kill and failed attempt with different comp when i was on rune.
By SimonSes 2021-04-07 03:30:56
Is agwu actually able to get r30 or is the BGwiki trolling? I see that most stuff shows the r20 aug but those sets show r30.
bgwiki was updated with data mined R30 first, then when we realized R30 is not actually in game, it was reduced to R20 on most set on bgwiki. I guess someone forgot to do it for Agwu.
EDIT: Its R20 on bgwiki now tho.
By SimonSes 2021-04-07 03:35:41
Does any of the new gear fit in with MB helix?
What would a current endgame MB helix set look like? Thinking for like ongo v15. Assume r0 on new gear.
This is set i plan on taking in:
ItemSet 379183
pants aug is like 15macc/30mab/10mbb. Rod is r5
Haven't taken it in to test yet on v15, body is auged to rank6ish from r5/10 kill and failed attempt with different comp when i was on rune.
Legs should be Agwu too. Maybe not R0, but at some rank they starting to be better. You might lack 1% Magic burst Bonus, but higher INT/MAB/MDMG is simply better.
EDIT: Unless ofc you have like +40mab, +10INT, +10MBB augment then maybe its not worth to get Agwu because you would need to then R20 them to almost break even.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2021-04-07 11:18:09
Good Afternoon!
Revisiting my Occult Acumen set on Scholar.
ItemSet 379193
-merlinic pieces are +11 occult acumen
-back has +10stp
thunder5+blizzard3 (1073tp) = 377mp (cost) and 604mp return (myrkr)
thunder5+thunder3 (1105tp) = 397mp (cost) and 623mp return (myrkr)
thunder5+crooked11sam (1480tp) = 301mp (cost) and 760mp return (myrkr)
My ask is suggestions on set improvements. Im trying to not add Bloodrain Strap + lissome torque because its 10stp total and a cost of 2 inventory slots. But I want to make sure I'm not missing any other "out of box" ideas. All other accessories in my drobes are warranted on other jobs.
By Chimerawizard 2021-04-07 12:18:26
are you hoping to reduce inventory on the set or to get greater TP returns?
greater MP>TP return would be swap body for seidr cotehardie to reduce effective MP cost for the TP and grip for Khonsu so your low mAcc set doesn't suffer to even greater resists. (same for BLM but w/ AF+3)
no SAM roll? Nyame (a20) hands+feet should provide more TP. Would definitely not take that path for this alone but if your other jobs see more benefit from that path, it's an extra inv+2. the belt could also be swapped for a sTP+5 belt you probably already own for another inv+1.
with sam roll, they're a bit worse, but probably not going to be the make or break factor.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2021-04-07 12:42:57
are you hoping to reduce inventory on the set or to get greater TP returns?
greater MP>TP return would be swap body for seidr cotehardie to reduce effective MP cost for the TP and grip for Khonsu so your low mAcc set doesn't suffer to even greater resists. (same for BLM but w/ AF+3)
no SAM roll? Nyame (a20) hands+feet should provide more TP. Would definitely not take that path for this alone but if your other jobs see more benefit from that path, it's an extra inv+2. the belt could also be swapped for a sTP+5 belt you probably already own for another inv+1.
with sam roll, they're a bit worse, but probably not going to be the make or break factor.
just looking for options with no subjob in odyssey for either MP or 3k shellcrusher/shattersoul things.
It also seems we can cap FC without main/sub.. which is nice. Volte Brais would be an improvement. Other thoughts??
This set doesn't account for the 10% arts reduction... and i'd like alittle more haste.
ItemSet 364079
81% fastcast
21% haste
8% quickcast
By Chimerawizard 2021-04-07 13:16:33
I see: arts+25, quickcast+8, fastcast+56.
I'd like to know if you're finishing your cast @20% or 33~34%.
To answer your original question, not without sacrificing haste or quick cast.
If you can live without QC, it's easier to cap FC and haste.
FC+5 belt, FC+2 ring, Haste+2 ammo, haste+4 grip OR
haste+5~6 belt, FC+2 ring, FC+2 ammo.
if you can live without haste, pinga+1 body & pants exist.
then there's your neck. it's not much improvement, but there's a FC+5 neck.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2021-04-07 13:28:44
20-ish... its hard to exact the bar but 20-21% i would say.
edit: 20ish with the spell relative to the arts activated.
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2021-04-12 18:55:59
Does any of the new gear fit in with MB helix?
What would a current endgame MB helix set look like? Thinking for like ongo v15. Assume r0 on new gear.
This is set i plan on taking in:
ItemSet 379183
pants aug is like 15macc/30mab/10mbb. Rod is r5
Haven't taken it in to test yet on v15, body is auged to rank6ish from r5/10 kill and failed attempt with different comp when i was on rune.
Finally got around to doing v15 ongo, Helix dmg was very inconsistent even inside of rayke (21k to 5k in rayke, 5kish outside). Set would probably need more macc or bring a brd for thereno.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2021-04-12 21:34:49
Does any of the new gear fit in with MB helix?
What would a current endgame MB helix set look like? Thinking for like ongo v15. Assume r0 on new gear.
This is set i plan on taking in:
ItemSet 379183
pants aug is like 15macc/30mab/10mbb. Rod is r5
Haven't taken it in to test yet on v15, body is auged to rank6ish from r5/10 kill and failed attempt with different comp when i was on rune.
Finally got around to doing v15 ongo, Helix dmg was very inconsistent even inside of rayke (21k to 5k in rayke, 5kish outside). Set would probably need more macc or bring a brd for thereno. Really need all the fixins’ to get 10k helix the highest I’ve got is 18k but also had some for <1k
BLM impact burn
Geo malaise int acumen
Run gambit/rayke
What I noticed is ongo eats the geo-bubble like crazy or our geo didn’t have a proper pet dt set, he was having to recast it so much he was running out of MP.
That being said on SCH my best burst was 68k but normally was seeing 12-20k for tierV
Edit: I think an extra entrust of languor on the RUN in the waiting room would get the party off to a nice start
By fleshrender 2021-04-25 15:09:15
ItemSet 379508
ItemSet 379507
ItemSet 379506
ItemSet 379505
ItemSet 379504
ItemSet 379502
ItemSet 379503
looking for some feed back or improvements i could make on a few sets the empty slots in the idle set are actuallt Nyame peices the werent in the database for some reason.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Asura.Lioncourt 2021-04-26 02:55:26
Id change all freenuke and burst sets except Luminohelix to marin staff +1 and grip, that way you can lock weapon and use the tp gained for Myrkr. Its not the end all weapon but its really good for just about everything.
Edit: also, theres one piece of empy gear that enhances regen, idr which, you want that one in your set.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 281
By Asura.Ramsy 2021-05-23 22:38:53
Just curious as I haven’t played sch in a while but is SC ending in helix still have a longer MB window?
By Asura.Jdove 2021-05-24 03:47:25
Is Akedemos severely out classed by new options now? Still seems to give quite a lot of INT over the odyssey ones with no augments (but less macc skill) for a magic burst set and has that weather bonus thing. I seem to get better numbers with Akedemos than I do the Mpaca staff I haven't tried the rod yet. Also was testing on easy Lilith idk if that's a great mob to test on.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18
By Asura.Kuumihumi 2021-06-06 13:23:41
which staff should i use for MB/nuke when Myrkr is needed?
By Shichishito 2021-06-06 13:45:48
not sure what the andoa/beatific earring in the regen set are for but if any magic skill does anything for regen i suggest one of the earrings from zurim instead, otherwise i suggest FC in that slot.
you can leave main/sub/range swaps in your sets if you setup a weaponlock toggle, that way you can decide from situation to situation if myrkr or the weapon swaps are more important.
By suuhja 2021-07-02 13:53:00
I just went out and tested Oneiros Rope (credit to Slibby for making me fact check this,) and it seems like it's 20 occult rather than 2, quite a bit better than people have been giving it credit for.
Thunder 5 gave me 888 tp back with the below set, which is consistent with floor(306 * 2.06 * 1.41).
I get 103 TP return from a Cataclysm, so that's incredibly close to being able to Thunder 5 -> Cata -> Thunder 5 -> Cata. Might be able to do it with a store TP grip or just a little store TP in the cata set.
edit: just took epami ring out of my cata set and it's 115 tp return, so that's actually just enough to cata again :) not the worst solution, though unfortunate. since the numbers are so tight you can actually use adloquium as a crutch here.
Very fun in Dyna.
75 scholar
30 khatvanga
7 seraphic
11*3 merlinic
11 mallquis head
30 perdition
20 oneiros rope
5 telos
8 dedition
2*6 chirich+1
10 cape
2 oneiros rope
4 lissome neck
sub="Enki Strap",
ammo="Seraphic Ampulla",
head="Mall. Chapeau +2",
body={ name="Merlinic Jubbah", augments={'Mag. Acc.+22','"Occult Acumen"+11','INT+9',}},
hands={ name="Merlinic Dastanas", augments={'"Occult Acumen"+11','INT+10','Mag. Acc.+6',}},
legs="Perdition Slops",
feet={ name="Merlinic Crackows", augments={'"Mag.Atk.Bns."+2','"Occult Acumen"+11','MND+9','Mag. Acc.+15',}},
neck="Lissome Necklace",
waist="Oneiros Rope",
left_ear="Dedition Earring",
right_ear="Telos Earring",
left_ring="Chirich Ring +1",
right_ring="Chirich Ring +1",
back={ name="Lugh's Cape", augments={'INT+20','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','INT+10','"Store TP"+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}},
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2021-07-12 09:44:16
This set has been big help for me with myrkr actually.
you can get a pretty good return on mp with a strong myrkr set after a quick thunder5.
That's why I try to lock all my sets to marinHQ. Always maintain that TP.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-07-12 09:57:48
I thought the Oneiros Rope thing was common knowledge. It was tested as 2% because listed TP was 1/10th the value it was now, so when our display changed, so would the shown conversion from Occult, but it's still the same actual effect.