A Scholar's Education (Guide)

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A Scholar's Education (Guide)
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Server: Asura
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user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-10-25 09:05:56
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Composure does not work on Klimaform unless they changed it recently. Composure works on Enhancing magic, while Klimaform is Dark magic.
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2019-10-25 09:06:18
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There are tons of things they could do because SCH have so many unique spells.

Hoping they make our best spell better, Regen 5 potency

Also I agree with some sort of adjustment to Klimaform, (probably increase mag acc of Klima by 5, so you could get up to 25 additional)

Also would be nice to make Klimaform scale with enhancing duration.

If they do adjust Strats, it would probably be reduce by 1 second, so if you put 5 in it would reduce by 5 seconds, which doesn't sound like much but its a major boost to book cooldown
Posts: 81
By Onimaru 2019-10-25 09:58:22
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Asura.Sechs said: »
On a serious note what they could do is:

1) Unnerf Modus Veritas
2) Transform some/all of the special merit stratagems into regular ones and put different merit categories that will boost enha duration/helix duration, macc, mab etc
3) Enhance the duration of Klimaform (pretty silly you can get enhanced duration on RDM/SCH but you can't on SCH main)
4) Allow more Enha spells to benefit from Accession
5) Empower Adloquium and/or make it scale with Enhancing Magic Skill
6) Reduce the Stratagems charge time and/or raise maximum amount of strats you can store

Neither of these would break SCH, they would just make it more efficient and more fun to play.
At the same time I doubt any of these will happen, except number 2), which is the most likely to happen and, quite frankly, I think the patch will be just that.

True. THey could add all this and not even shift things around that much. SCH wouldn't replace any other job with this. Just be itself.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2019-10-25 10:33:14
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Asura.Geriond said: »
Composure does not work on Klimaform unless they changed it recently. Composure works on Enhancing magic, while Klimaform is Dark magic.
I'm not sure if it's Composure or something else, I assumed it to be Composure, but RDM has something that increases Klimaform's duration by around 3x times.

Stop arguing and swap to RDM, you'll see it for yourself, I'm not kidding lol, it's true :-P

I think it's Composure btw.
The description says: "Enhancement effects gained through white and black magic you cast on yourself last longer."
Klimaform is a Black Magic (type) and Dark Magic (skill) type of spell, but de facto it's an "enhancing spell" that you cast on y ourself. It's not "enhancing magic" (skill), but a spell that "enhances" yourself. I.e. a buff.
I think composure works on any "buff" spell, be it enhancing magic or not. After all it works on.
Regardless of what it is, Klimaform lasts more on RDM than it does on SCH, and that's pretty silly for poor SCHs ;_;
That was the point I was on about :-)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-10-25 10:50:21
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If so, they must have changed it ssmi-recently; the whole reason I rarely use Klimaform on RDM is because nothing would bring it over 3 minutes.

I can't "swap to rdm" because I'm at work (on break).
Server: Asura
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user: Elizabet
Posts: 496
By Asura.Elizabet 2019-10-25 11:41:03
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If I'm not wrong but I could very well be. Klimaform being dark magic is functioning like an enfeeb effect when you cast something under it (same way the empty boots add their effect) which isn't unlike offensive stratagems.

Composure by itself shouldn't boost its duration, but the augment to composure from rdm empty set bonus works on enfeebling effect and that could be what we are seeing.

Either way, what I would like for sch are some of the following:

- some better way to deal with status effect in Light Arts. Some Form of regen overtime like effect that clears 1 regular -na spell debuffs every tick maybe? Something sch like but competitive with whm status removal abilities.

- Modus Veritas to be relevant again. Maybe when poped, the next helix will have its tock DMG uncapped?

- Something sch like to compete with cureskin but have to stick to LA for it. (Can't just regen and swap to DA kinda stuff)

- Adloquium and Animus spells buffed (a lot)
Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2019-10-25 11:41:22
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I posted this on official forums a week ago for the 0.0001% chance SE reads it.
Suggestions for Job Adjustments: Scholar
Please consider these, at least as concepts to consider whenever making adjustments to scholar. The job just cannot compete with WHM in nearly ANY situation thanks to WHM's larger list of cure spells, Curagas, esuna, Yagrush, Asclepius, afletus solase, misery, multiple pieces of gear that boost doom removal via cursna, and multiple leg pieces with "Converts X% of "Cure" amount to MP". It is also worlds more difficult to gear for Magic Burst as scholar was left off of the Ea set. If nothing else, please for all that is good, do the underlined parts.

Group II
Give access to all Job Abilities, and Job Traits and replace it with:
Magic Accuracy
Magic Attack
Enhancing Duration
Regen Potency
Cure Potency
Fast Cast

Job Abilities
Modus Veritas
Either revert the skill to be guaranteed success rate and to increase duration instead of reduce it, OR adjust the DoT of helix spells to not be cap'd at 9999 every "tock" and leave the job ability as is.

Extend the effect to include Embrava and Kaustra.
Extend range to use the skill to the same range as spells.

1: Adjust the stratagems like you did with RDM's Saboteur. In exchange, cut their duration in half. (RDM saboteur used to only last for a single cast, now it lasts through the duration regardless of casts.)
2: From level 1 to 98, the number of stratagems is: #=(Lv.+10)/20; and the rate is: rate=240 seconds/#
Anyone who reaches Lv.99 can within minutes (if not seconds) be iLv.110+, as such make 99 grant 6 stratagems.
In addition, since there is currently no boost for mastery (2100 job points): at 550 boost max stratagems to 8: or 7 and add one for mastery that gives 8. and correct the recharge rate to reflect the change.


Please adjust the cap, so Haste + Embrava will cap magic haste, OR move the effect to job ability haste.
Also as mentioned in job abilities, add a way to cast outside of Tabula Rassa.


Fix the spell, it was not updated when "Magic Damage" was added to the game. Literally, the term is not in the damage equation at all.
Also as mentioned in job abilities, add a way to cast outside of Tabula Rassa.

Please add to the spell to SCH. We are far behind WHM at status removal even with that added to our list, this would at least make SCH slightly more competitive vs WHM.
Blink, Klimaform, Adloquium, Animus Augeo, & Animus Minuo

add enhancing skill for a varied potency.
*dark skill for klimaform.

Job Points
Light Arts Effect & Dark Arts Effect
combine both into a single category, and with the free'd up slot, add something else, like maybe Magic Attack Bonus or Magic Burst Bonus.

When adding Arbatel +2 & 3, Look at the Ea set as a reference as SCH was left out on that, making it terribly difficult to deal good damage.
Add SCH to list of jobs that can equip Sifahir Slacks, or add a new item with a similar effect for Cures that we can wear. (and RDM)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Highwynd
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2019-10-25 13:39:00
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I always thought it was dumb that WHM is the only real healer in the game. We have several tanks, tons of DPS, several buffers, but like only 1 real healer? I don't understand why RDM and SCH couldn't have gotten Cure V but simply make the reduced enmity property something that only WHM mains get. They've shown they can alter a skill's enmity value depending on the main job, as shown High Jump being 50% enmity reduction on DRG main and 30% on /DRG sub. That, or give RDM and SCH an alternate version of Cure V called Curaja that is a Cure V potency that grants 25% of its potency as a shield.
Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2019-10-25 13:47:16
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I don't think I understand the part about reduced enmity.
WHM, RDM, & SCH mains all get Tranquil Heart.

edit: Cure V would be nice to have available sure, but I'd much rather SE make it so subjob WHM would grant Afletus Solace/Misery access. They could cut the potency in half as a subjob on top of the fact that only WHM has gear that enhances them.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2712
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2019-10-25 13:55:05
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Or give SCH Cures a Phalanx effect proportional to amount cured.

Change Klimaform to Enhancing Magic, and give it its own bonus for White Magic, like the before mentioned Phalanx effect, or enhances accuracy of Cursna, and for Arbatel Loafers, the Klimaform effect gives +15 Cure Potency II.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Highwynd
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2019-10-25 13:56:44
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Another step would be to allow Regens and single Bar spells to be castable on Alliance members. Maybe give SCH a spell like Stoneskin II, which would be a single target version of Stoneskin with a 500ish cap. Making SCH a barrier/regen healer in Light Arts would be nice. Dark Arts specializing in DoTs and boosted ST nukes.
Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2019-10-25 14:00:55
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aren't they like out of spells they can add now?
They should change stoneskin to not have a cap, make it more difficult to boost it the higher its potency gets, and overwrite itself.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-10-25 14:06:54
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After watching Ruaumoko's guide I have a few questions. I've been playing SCH since the Vagary days.

1. I've been using t1 spells to close for years now, but I'd rather close with helix's if the mb window is longer. How long are people waiting on the sc with two helix; like Nocto > Lumino = Transfixion? Would <wait7> be enough?

2. Is there any kind of benefit to using a level 2 sc over level 1?

3. Kaustra is something I have neglected forever. Is there a gearset for this? Or just use it with a standard MB set?

4. Using light and dark skillchains is another thing I have neglected outside of niche fights like Golden Kist. Do we have any examples of fights where these wouldn't be used? Or is literally 99% of enemies better off being targeted by lumino/nocto? I feel like we would only focus on light/dark if we're soloing and didn't have BLM/SMN/GEOs to MB along with us. Do we have any examples of MB gearsets for lumino/nocto?

5. MP on SCH is not something I struggle with on most content, so is it just me .. or is Parsimony, Penury and others (basically anything not Accession/Perp/Manifestation/Ebullience) a waste of time? I could see the enmity one being good on some solo fights, but it's very niche.

I'm also not too bothered about lowering the MP cost of Embrava, mainly because we get that MP back anyways while setting up skillchains for the party. I'd rather use the time available for providing back-to-back skillchains. (Nice tip about using Embrava again late in Tabula though! If needed)

6. How many actually use Focalization with Ebullience on anything? I find myself using Focal for enfeebles if the strategems can be spared, otherwise I never use it for nukes (on very high end content this may change).

Something that wasn't mentioned in the video is if anyone uses Ebullience with Helix?

If you are quick enough, you can set up a skillchain, Ebullience, then hit a stronger than usual helix. We can't always hit 9999 on every target, so it certainly helps to get towards the cap in those cases. You won't always be able to do lumino/nocto all the time either, and some NMs have higher magic defense than others. Something that should be mentioned is, if you're in a party situation, you should solo the first skillchain so the other magic bursters do not MB first and lower your helix potential (resist wall).

8. Some suggest Sublimation is a waste of time these days. Why is it that, and what are these players doing instead?

I may have more, but this will do for now.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Highwynd
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2019-10-25 14:12:03
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They can make Light Arts enhance the effect of certain Enhancing Magic, that way only SCH gets the benefit. Removing the cap might be iffy because it's such a low MP spell.

That or remove a ton of spells that are pointless: like single target bar/protect/shell. That should open up about 20 spell slots in their registry which can then be used to add a bunch of interesting/unique spells.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-10-25 14:28:30
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
Composure does not work on Klimaform unless they changed it recently. Composure works on Enhancing magic, while Klimaform is Dark magic.
I'm not sure if it's Composure or something else, I assumed it to be Composure, but RDM has something that increases Klimaform's duration by around 3x times.
Stop arguing and swap to RDM, you'll see it for yourself, I'm not kidding lol, it's true :-P
Asura.Elizabet said: »
Composure by itself shouldn't boost its duration, but the augment to composure from rdm empty set bonus works on enfeebling effect and that could be what we are seeing.

Sechs is completely correct here. Composure affects Klimaform by increasing the duration exactly 300%, to 9min.

Composure in-game text states that "enhancement effects gained through white and black magic you cast on yourself last longer". Klimaform is black magic, therefore it gets Composure duration.

RDM Empy set bonus (augments Composure) only increases the duration of Enhancing and Enfeebling Magic. Klimaform is neither, therefore no additional increase from RDM Empy set. Along the same lines, Klimaform is not affected by Enhancing duration + gear (Pedagogy Body, Amurrapi, Telchine gear, etc.).

With Compusure being calculated after all other duration bonuses, that's why base 3min duration self-targeted enhancing magic like Haste will last 28min+ on a fully decked out RDM, but Klimaform is limited to exactly 3x the base duration (it still gets composure, but gets nothing from the enhancing duration gear that applies to most other buffs).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2019-10-25 14:43:52
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
After watching Ruaumoko's guide I have a few questions. I've been playing SCH since the Vagary days.

1. I've been using t1 spells to close for years now, but I'd rather close with helix's if the mb window is longer. How long are people waiting on the sc with two helix; like Nocto > Lumino = Transfixion? Would <wait7> be enough?

2. Is there any kind of benefit to using a level 2 sc over level 1?

3. Kaustra is something I have neglected forever. Is there a gearset for this? Or just use it with a standard MB set?

4. Using light and dark skillchains is another thing I have neglected outside of niche fights like Golden Kist. Do we have any examples of fights where these wouldn't be used? Or is literally 99% of enemies better off being targeted by lumino/nocto? I feel like we would only focus on light/dark if we're soloing and didn't have BLM/SMN/GEOs to MB along with us. Do we have any examples of MB gearsets for lumino/nocto?

5. MP on SCH is not something I struggle with on most content, so is it just me .. or is Parsimony, Penury and others (basically anything not Accession/Perp/Manifestation/Ebullience) a waste of time? I could see the enmity one being good on some solo fights, but it's very niche.

I'm also not too bothered about lowering the MP cost of Embrava, mainly because we get that MP back anyways while setting up skillchains for the party. I'd rather use the time available for providing back-to-back skillchains. (Nice tip about using Embrava again late in Tabula though! If needed)

6. How many actually use Focalization with Ebullience on anything? I find myself using Focal for enfeebles if the strategems can be spared, otherwise I never use it for nukes (on very high end content this may change).

Something that wasn't mentioned in the video is if anyone uses Ebullience with Helix?

If you are quick enough, you can set up a skillchain, Ebullience, then hit a stronger than usual helix. We can't always hit 9999 on every target, so it certainly helps to get towards the cap in those cases. You won't always be able to do lumino/nocto all the time either, and some NMs have higher magic defense than others. Something that should be mentioned is, if you're in a party situation, you should solo the first skillchain so the other magic bursters do not MB first and lower your helix potential (resist wall).

8. Some suggest Sublimation is a waste of time these days. Why is it that, and what are these players doing instead?

I may have more, but this will do for now.

7. Yes, Almost always. If your solo (no GEO) youll rarely be gettin 10k helix.
8. Perpetuance -> Refresh
Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2019-10-25 14:45:29
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
After watching Ruaumoko's guide I have a few questions. I've been playing SCH since the Vagary days.

1) I've been using t1 spells to close for years now, but I'd rather close with helix's if the mb window is longer. How long are people waiting on the sc with two helix; like Nocto > Lumino = Transfixion? Would <wait7> be enough?
I think 6s works, 7 should work fine.
2) Is there any kind of benefit to using a level 2 sc over level 1?
Fewer macros and liked by any tank or DD since they usually at least remember what WS they can use after a t2 skillchain to close light/darkness.
3) Kaustra is something I have neglected forever. Is there a gearset for this? Or just use it with a standard MB set?
mDMG isn't part of the equation which sucks and makes INT way more important than other spells...but we already gear INT heavily in normal MBs, so basically just your Noctohelix set with maybe a swap or two, not sure.
4) Using light and dark skillchains is another thing I have neglected outside of niche fights like Golden Kist. Do we have any examples of fights where these wouldn't be used? Or is literally 99% of enemies better off being targeted by lumino/nocto? I feel like we would only focus on light/dark if we're soloing and didn't have BLM/SMN/GEOs to MB along with us. Do we have any examples of gearsets for lumino/nocto, assuming MBs?
I'll come up with some examples if another person doesn't do it before me.
5) MP on SCH is not something I struggle with on most content, so is it just me .. or is Parsimony, Penury and others (basically anything not Accession/Perp/Manifestation/Ebullience) a waste of time? I could see the enmity one being good on some solo fights, but it's very niche.

I'm also not too bothered about lowering the MP cost of Embrava, mainly because we get that MP back anyways while setting up skillchains for the party. I'd rather use the time available for providing back-to-back skillchains. (Nice tip about using Embrava again late in Tabula though! If needed)
If you are casting Embrava on an entire alliance, you'll need penury just to get that 3rd cast in. 20% * accession 2 * parties 3 =120%
6) How many actually use Focalization with Ebullience on anything? I find myself using Focal for enfeebles if the strategems can be spared, otherwise I never use it for nukes (on very high end content this may change).
I used to back before iLv gear was added and we were stunning Tojil because that got me an extra 2~3 stuns in before the resist rate got bad. Now, it's just not worth the strat.
6) Something that wasn't mentioned in the video is if anyone uses Ebullience with Helix?

If you are quick enough, you can set up a skillchain, Ebullience, then hit a stronger than usual helix. We can't always hit 9999 on every target, so it certainly helps to get towards the cap in those cases. You won't always be able to do lumino/nocto all the time either, and some NMs have higher magic defense than others. Something that should be mentioned is, if you're in a party situation, you should solo the first skillchain so the other magic bursters do not MB first and lower your helix potential (resist wall).

I may have more, but this will do for now.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-10-25 14:46:24
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About the answer to 6, often enough I feel like using Focalization on top of Ebullience and x2 Immanence is a bit much. Assassain's Drink, Klimaform and other things should be enough usually, unless ya planning on soloing the highest tier of geas fete/unity/other content? When are you feeling the need to add Focal to the equation?*

*seems you ninja edited this and changed it to an answer for question 8. :p

As a response to the answer to 8, is there any content where Sublimation would be more useful than Perpetuance > Refresh? Or is this for literally everything in the game now? Unless SE buffs Sublimation substantially in the next update.

Moving on to Chimera's answers ..

1) Can anyone confirm 6 seconds works all the time? Would it not screw up sometimes if there's any kind of lag? Is 7 seconds the norm for most people?

2) Ah yes, I remember Corsair sometimes wants to extend the MB window with Leaden Salute. Perhaps someone can provide some examples of skillchains combining with commonly used WS?

3) Anyone able to provide an example of a good Kaustra set?

4) Looking forward to it. Much like how I made a guide for Rune Fencer's to know which runes to use against specific enemies, we could just as easily have a list of preferred skillchains for specified enemies; whether we be solo or in a party situation.

5) As I play on a small server, having three parties in an alliance is CRAZY rare. So yes, I can see it being useful in that situation, but also doing Embrava on three parties greatly reduces the time you have to set up skillchains.

6) I figured as much. Focalization isn't so useful anymore, even when tied to enfeebles. It's hard to see it making any kind of difference, and the time spent popping it, could be spent spamming the enfeeble to force an immunobreak.
Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2019-10-25 14:59:31
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Chimerawizard said: »
I'll come up with some examples if another person doesn't do it before me.
ItemSet 369343
not sure if merlinic hood + amalric body is better.
ItemSet 325978
sacro cord & mujin band swap for noctohelix.

Also not sure if freke ring beats mujin band for either helix; it probably does though for kaustra thanks to the low base damage (no mDMG boosting).
edit: merlinic feet are better than jhakri with a very nice augment.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-10-25 15:08:53
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Do not have Weather Ring, but at least I can set something set up when I get Daybreak. As for Kaustra, it seems pretty simple. You're aiming for the MB cap, while making sure Pixie/Archon are in there with the Obi, along with INT, MACC and MAB in other slots.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2712
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2019-10-25 15:26:04
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I use Focalization and Penury when using Impact, due to the MP cost and losing a lot of M.Acc.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2019-10-25 15:29:29
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Asura.Geriond said: »
If so, they must have changed it ssmi-recently;
Not sure what you mean for "semi-recently" but I can tell you it's been working like this at least since february the 18th 2017.

If you ask me I think it always worked this way since the beginning but I have no record before the one I wrote above so I can't really say for sure :x
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-10-25 15:35:51
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Bismarck.Snprphnx said: »
I use Focalization and Penury when using Impact, due to the MP cost and losing a lot of M.Acc.

Ruau mentioned this and I agree. This might be the only time they would see some use though, at least from my perspective.

Let me see if anything has not been answered yet.

Edit: It's mostly if we can get away with <wait6> on the double helix sc, or if it may sometimes fail to work.

Also, there's deciding when it's best to use lumino/nocto over another helix. To try answer it myself, I would say to use them when solo, or if the target is noticeably weaker to those elements than others? eg. Like Golden Kist having 70% dark, which is higher than any other element.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Elizabet
Posts: 496
By Asura.Elizabet 2019-10-25 17:13:29
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My distortion SC is luminohelix > geohelix is luminohelix wait 6 > immanence > wait 1.5 (gearswap can do fraction) > geohelix. Always goes out fine unless AAEV decides to *** it up.

As far as which helix 2 to burst, solely depends on monster weakness. If there isn't any particular weaknesses, I usually go with whatever the day element is.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-10-25 18:32:13
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What if you don't use gearswap?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Elizabet
Posts: 496
By Asura.Elizabet 2019-10-25 18:54:16
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Round it up to the second.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-10-25 19:06:20
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Thanks for the answers guys :) Let's hope for a nice update to the job next month.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: kasain
Posts: 585
By Ragnarok.Presidentobama 2019-10-30 06:02:36
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I noticed that sch will get adjustments this month. Hoping for regein +10 vs 1 and staff elemental weapon skills added and t5 nukes without adm black, but t6 with, and all t2 meits unlocked.

Oh and banish spella.

Anyone as hyped as me?
Posts: 152
By Unzero 2019-10-30 06:13:38
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Ragnarok.Presidentobama said: »
I noticed that sch will get adjustments this month. Hoping for regein +10 vs 1 and staff elemental weapon skills added and t5 nukes without adm black, but t6 with, and all t2 meits unlocked.

Oh and banish spella.

Anyone as hyped as me?

I'm hyped but I don't think they will change access to T5/T6 nukes. The regain would be pretty awesome. Will have to wait and see!
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-10-30 06:20:12
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Very possible we wont be waiting long too. Campaign for next month are listed to start at 8th and they usually start after update.
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