A Scholar's Education (Guide)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 194
By Cerberus.Natsuhiko 2012-09-12 15:45:02
Bismarck.Tragedie said: »That said, the Magic Damage Calculation page on BGWiki mentions a little about Divine Magic (during 'Calculation of D'), but not much. The Banish Spells page mentions the effects on undead resistance, but nothing about the direct damage formula... I'm assuming it's on par with Elemental Magic. I'd stick with the nuke set (assuming applicable staves, and not using zodiac ring or any other Elemental Magic-specific gear).
Even if Divine Magic skill made a huge difference in damage calculation, I'm do nto think it'd be worth replacing the gear in those slots (aka, replacing savant's gown +2 with Iaso bliaut or rubeus spats with mystagog slacks). Just use your nuke set and you should be good.
Again, I'm strictly talking about gearing for banish spells, not the applicable use for subbing /whm over other subjobs.
I was actually reading about this the other day while trying to finish my light mdmg staff.
Using BGwiki and FFxiclopedia, if I read everything right, Divine Magic works exactly like the Elemental Magic nukes do with one difference, dMND instead of dINT. So use a basic nuke set, but putting MND in places you have INT gear would work. However, base damage on Divine Magic is so low (Holy 2 has a base damage without a Solace bonus of 250, almost a third of an AM2), that I'd lean a litte more toward MND over MAB, or pieces that have both would be best. My understanding is skill doesn't do anything but macc and spell interrupt as well, unless you are a paladin and you use Divine Emblem.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but that's what I got from those two Magic Damage calculation pages.
Edit: Edited for spelling/grammar. Hope this helps ;p
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2012-09-12 16:09:45
Gets what everyone gets /whm. Wouldnt advise anyone to sub whm over rdm or blm. Only thing it adds is banish spells repose and flash would be losing bind blind bio II grav refresh phalanx en-spells sleep 1/2 without having add: black up fast cast and mab II. Lets face it phalanx bind and grav come in handy quite a bit.
Um again, just as some of you have so little knowledge of skill chains and MB's with SCH.
You are seriously lacking the knowledge of all the aspects your job can play.
First off no we don't get flash. That is lvl 50.
Second we do get banishga 1,2 and banish 1,2. And we can use this far better than any pld or whm.
First off Flash is level 45 not 50 so yes we get flash. So am i seriously lacking in knowledge of the job? What we get, what we dont get, what offers more etc?
Secondly using such low damage spells even if we can use them better than a whm or pld is silly even when MBing them. Seems to me you are just trying add something to the topic thats just not needed ever even in the remotest of situations the time of MNK only meripos in KRT are over and done with. Solo SC + MBing isnt hard not even needed in abyssea 8k spells one shot mobs. Dont forget when you are running and casting spells ill have casted faster due to /rdm fast cast even if it doesnt die in one hit a T2 spell will go off before it gets to you.
Can hit 6k Bliz/thunder Vs on an MB out of abyssea so why would you want to waste time with 1200-2500 banishga IIs? Even to then sleep the group of mobs you just hit you would need to switch arts use 2 strats then cast sleep all the while they are attacking you without phalanx up. Sure a quick regen V will put you back to full quickly but still its just not needed.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 194
By Cerberus.Natsuhiko 2012-09-12 18:14:58
Gets what everyone gets /whm. Wouldnt advise anyone to sub whm over rdm or blm. Only thing it adds is banish spells repose and flash would be losing bind blind bio II grav refresh phalanx en-spells sleep 1/2 without having add: black up fast cast and mab II. Lets face it phalanx bind and grav come in handy quite a bit.
Um again, just as some of you have so little knowledge of skill chains and MB's with SCH.
You are seriously lacking the knowledge of all the aspects your job can play.
First off no we don't get flash. That is lvl 50.
Second we do get banishga 1,2 and banish 1,2. And we can use this far better than any pld or whm.
First off Flash is level 45 not 50 so yes we get flash. So am i seriously lacking in knowledge of the job? What we get, what we dont get, what offers more etc?
Secondly using such low damage spells even if we can use them better than a whm or pld is silly even when MBing them. Seems to me you are just trying add something to the topic thats just not needed ever even in the remotest of situations the time of MNK only meripos in KRT are over and done with. Solo SC + MBing isnt hard not even needed in abyssea 8k spells one shot mobs. Dont forget when you are running and casting spells ill have casted faster due to /rdm fast cast even if it doesnt die in one hit a T2 spell will go off before it gets to you.
Can hit 6k Bliz/thunder Vs on an MB out of abyssea so why would you want to waste time with 1200-2500 banishga IIs? Even to then sleep the group of mobs you just hit you would need to switch arts use 2 strats then cast sleep all the while they are attacking you without phalanx up. Sure a quick regen V will put you back to full quickly but still its just not needed.
While I agree that using Divine Magic the way they currently are is of little to no use, and shouldn't be added to the sticky, there isn't much harm in musing about it here.
As it follows the same damage forumla's*, if SE chose to fix the base damage and multiplier of the spells to be more in line with those of the same tier in elemental magic, they would do comparable damage. At the very least it can help with trying to finish trial weapons (I hate nuking something down and then trying to finish with a Banishga 2 and leaving the thing at 1%...so knowing the formula helped my fix it somewhat). It doesn't take much addition gear to change to dMND instead of dINT, so it doesn't really mess with inventory much as well (really the only additional considerations would be things like the afv3+2 boots klimaform affect and the like, as 10% of such a low base damage might not be worth using over something like Nares Clogs at this point).
*Assuming both wikis are right and my reading comprehension wasn't horrible that day.
tl;dr: I still probably wouldn't use /whm for much outside of trials, but there isn't much harm in knowing how they work just to play with them. However I wouldn't add them to the sticky.
p.s.: I ended up using rdm for the the trials I have done on the light mdmg staff for what it's worth, but that was more my preference.
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 78
By Remora.Kyron 2012-09-13 03:44:41
Gets what everyone gets /whm. Wouldnt advise anyone to sub whm over rdm or blm. Only thing it adds is banish spells repose and flash would be losing bind blind bio II grav refresh phalanx en-spells sleep 1/2 without having add: black up fast cast and mab II. Lets face it phalanx bind and grav come in handy quite a bit.
Um again, just as some of you have so little knowledge of skill chains and MB's with SCH.
You are seriously lacking the knowledge of all the aspects your job can play.
First off no we don't get flash. That is lvl 50.
Second we do get banishga 1,2 and banish 1,2. And we can use this far better than any pld or whm.
First off Flash is level 45 not 50 so yes we get flash. So am i seriously lacking in knowledge of the job? What we get, what we dont get, what offers more etc?
Secondly using such low damage spells even if we can use them better than a whm or pld is silly even when MBing them. Seems to me you are just trying add something to the topic thats just not needed ever even in the remotest of situations the time of MNK only meripos in KRT are over and done with. Solo SC + MBing isnt hard not even needed in abyssea 8k spells one shot mobs. Dont forget when you are running and casting spells ill have casted faster due to /rdm fast cast even if it doesnt die in one hit a T2 spell will go off before it gets to you.
Can hit 6k Bliz/thunder Vs on an MB out of abyssea so why would you want to waste time with 1200-2500 banishga IIs? Even to then sleep the group of mobs you just hit you would need to switch arts use 2 strats then cast sleep all the while they are attacking you without phalanx up. Sure a quick regen V will put you back to full quickly but still its just not needed.
When I started out making the light staff, it was for Lumihelix. I was disappointed with my dark staff and that most monsters strong against dark magic. But I knew most monsters were weak to light. When I made the staff I used my blu to charged whisker and then kill shot with radiant breath. I knew nothing of banish.
My friend told me about banish. And I don't MB banishga 2 for 1500-2500. That is non MB. Why would I use it over a t5 spell. One its Ga, two its 100 MP vs 330 thunder 5. If I MB'ed it, it would be quite hard, but do over 3k for 1/3 thunder 5.
So I like the fact it is fast, does good dmg and little mp. If I was going to MB anything dark arts off myself it would be Impact or Kaustra. The rest in my opinion is not MP efficient.
The fact you brought up repose, well that means I can sleep a mob with light arts up. As for phalanx and bio 2. I don't care. I rather have light arts up, and haveour JA to extend regen 5 for 4 minutes. And dai 2 = bio 2 in dmg.
I not going to argue its the best way, but it is a very viable option to have a nuking option whie in light arts curing mode. Or when soloing kite doting a NM.
Today I soloed genbu with nothing more than Banish and luminhelix and dia 2. I actually have a easier time soloing with /whm now than /rdm. Mostly due to regen 5, dia = defense down, and storm JA extended 3x.
550 luminhelix on genbu over one minute is a t4 nuke btw. Or as you put it 3 banishga 2s = 4200. As that is the same MP it cost for one thunder five.
I just made a request, but I think youstill need to learn how to play all aspects of the job before you can make a great guide. two weeks have gone by and you still can't put up a skill chain guide. But then again I guess I am one of the best when it comes to SCing as that's my play style on sch.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2012-09-13 04:31:58
Dia II and bio II dont do the same damage you should probably read up on that. Been a while since i looked at dia II but im pretty sure its def down doesnt effect magic. Bio II reduces attack thus you taking a bit less damage. I cast thunder V at about 50% cast time throw on grav 3-4 thunder spells later its dead with a Ionohelix on it as well.
As with all ga spells unless the mob is on its own you hve a good chance of having a few mobs on you at once. They could wander into the gas range or aggro you. Repose is single target and cant be AoE theres that security that if you do get random aggro you can sleep everything not just 1 mob. You also seem to be forgetting that there is the mp cost strats which lowers thunder V to 133mp. Banish spells will also get them.
Edit: you are getting all your mp costs wrong too ga II is 120 with light arts 108 thunder V is 294 with dark arts 265.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 118
By Odin.Warusha 2012-09-13 05:10:03
Kyron you need to calm down bro. Just because he has yet to add it to the guide doesn't mean he doesn't know how to do it. Have you ever considered that his number 1 priority in life just may not be to finish his guide? I agree that luminohelix and banish spells are terrific, but you don't have to attack anyone who doesn't agree with you.
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 78
By Remora.Kyron 2012-09-13 05:58:27
Kyron you need to calm down bro. Just because he has yet to add it to the guide doesn't mean he doesn't know how to do it. Have you ever considered that his number 1 priority in life just may not be to finish his guide? I agree that luminohelix and banish spells are terrific, but you don't have to attack anyone who doesn't agree with you.
I agree with you. Sorry if I come off strong, but I don't like people saying their is only one way to play a job.
Yea, bio and dia work differently. dai = lower defense and magic defense. If you have -12% legs noting hits you anyway. So bio 2 is not a big miss. You can't attack what you can't hit.
And ok you can get off two banishga 2's what not important over one thunder 5. Again I recommend it for kite or DoT tanking.
Sorry again if it comes off strong, but I do show other ways the job can be played.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2012-09-13 06:14:57
I've never heard of Dia lowering magic defence and I can't see it on Wiki or BGWiki (though I personally don't follow BG forums, so I may have missed something).
Just to check myself, I changed to RDM, unloaded spellcast (just to make sure nothing changed gear) and went out to Sauromugue and nuked the first thing I saw. I got no damage difference at all on the same mob.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-09-13 06:38:35
Why has no one pointed out that this clown is claiming 550 dmg Luminohelix on Genbu.
Do you have any idea how much INT that would take? You would need dINT to be well over 120 *, if Helices even allow that much INT to be used in their D calculation and have no inflection point.
Ignoring the possibility of inflection points and caps, once again, your 1400 Banishga II versus Genbu would require well over 145* dMND (assuming you can somehow get +50 MAB in a divine nuke set /WHM).
tl;dr You are so full of ***you make Mexico City's sewer system jealous.
* I calculated without flooring, so these values are much lower than what they are in reality.
Oh, and I assumed Genbu has 0 MDB, which is also probably not true.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2012-09-13 07:05:02
Dai? Its DIA
Dia II = 80 damage 2 hp a tick over 2mins. Physical defense down.
Bio II = 320 damage 8 hp a tick over 2mins. Attack -10%.
Btw sch doesnt get 12% movement speed legs. Kinda missed that 550 lumino sylow he is just coming out with so much crap. 550 is too high for a helix and before you say rapture, kyron, helix are black magic.
I think hes adding the 60% bonus from rapture for those banish spells still wouldnt use them even if his numbers are right.
Edit: Nicki Minaj has morphed into a mantis?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 529
By Sylph.Binckry 2012-09-13 07:07:12
When I started out making the light staff, it was for Lumihelix. I was disappointed with my dark staff and that most monsters strong against dark magic. But I knew most monsters were weak to light. When I made the staff I used my blu to charged whisker and then kill shot with radiant breath. I knew nothing of banish. Are you talking about a 2-box account...? Or, wat.
The fact you brought up repose, well that means I can sleep a mob with light arts up. As for phalanx and bio 2. I don't care. I rather have light arts up, and haveour JA to extend regen 5 for 4 minutes. And dai 2 = bio 2 in dmg.
I not going to argue its the best way, but it is a very viable option to have a nuking option whie in light arts curing mode. Or when soloing kite doting a NM. Is it really that hard to swap arts? I haven't played SCH in a long time, but it doesn't seem that bad to swap to Light arts, then go back.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-09-13 07:11:07
If you're nuking, yeah it sort of is since you need Addendum: Black for anything above T3.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 529
By Sylph.Binckry 2012-09-13 07:13:36
Ah, makes sense, I haven't been on SCH for the longest time so I couldn't remember if it was bad or not <_>;
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-09-13 07:15:13
It just ends up wasting a stratagem charge.
Is it worth a stratagem to you get a cheaper regen 5 with +24 HP/tic for 48 more seconds?
Is it worth it if I told you that you'll have to do it again in 2 minutes and 48 seconds unless you want to use another stratagem charge?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 529
By Sylph.Binckry 2012-09-13 07:17:24
Is it worth it if I told you that you'll have to do it again in 2 minutes and 48 seconds unless you want to use another stratagem charge? Gross. :(
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 78
By Remora.Kyron 2012-09-13 07:23:06
500-800 luminhelix is easy to do. I am doing it right now in a party.
550 with lights arts up 700-800 with dark arts up.
Guess I have to post some pictures
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2012-09-13 07:25:34
Only time i really bother changing is when i convert then ill stick regen v up as its cheaper than curing to full.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 529
By Sylph.Binckry 2012-09-13 07:26:14
...In Abyssea?
Also, @Creaucent. I love Sylow's avatars. :3
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2012-09-13 07:27:08
You have a party on genbu?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2012-09-13 07:32:08
500-800 luminhelix is easy to do. I am doing it right now in a party.
550 with lights arts up 700-800 with dark arts up.
Guess I have to post some pictures
Yes post load a of pictures out of abyssea. Sylow meeds to come back with some math but that much of an increase just from dark arts just sounds stupid.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 529
By Sylph.Binckry 2012-09-13 07:35:18
I hope this all happens before I have to leave for school. ;(
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-09-13 07:39:24
Dark arts adds +16 to the base damage of Helix at level 99.
Base damage of helices is 25. In Abyssea you're likely going to have 100+ dINT. So you can guess that it's a ~10% increase.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2012-09-13 07:40:16
Im at work lol though i do hope it happans soon just got a warning that im running out for mb on my phone for the month. Yeah he has some good avatars some of the nicki ones makme me lol.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 529
By Sylph.Binckry 2012-09-13 07:47:09
Im at work lol though i do hope it happans soon just got a warning that im running out for mb on my phone for the month. Don't wanna go to my math classes of the day ;( Tutoring 1289471348913 freshmen for Geometry, then Trig, then AP Physics. QQ etccc
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-09-13 07:51:03
But then again I guess I am one of the best when it comes to SCing as that's my play style on sch.
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 78
By Remora.Kyron 2012-09-13 07:51:28
Inside abby and as you can see its 733. I can get it around 800-850 normley or 900-950 if lightsday no temps. I am trying for 1k+
And yes outside abby its 450-600
Why is the picture not loading uo correctly
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-09-13 07:51:52
And yes outside abby its 450-600
No it isn't. That's a mathematical absurdity, or there's something extremely glaring that I'm missing.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-09-13 08:04:44
You linked an image in a folder on your desktop.
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 78
By Remora.Kyron 2012-09-13 08:06:54
This one is not linekd to my desktop. And if you think it is not possible all you are is an embraba noob so there is no need for you to know much more.
I did register with this website.
So maybe it will show up. Why is it so hard to post picture links.