A Scholar's Education (Guide)

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A Scholar's Education (Guide)
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Posts: 15211
By Pantafernando 2014-04-01 15:35:04
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Asura.Railbender said: »
I would be in a party situation, 2x march from brd and whm haste prob only. No second stunner, No GEO. DD's would be good enough. At least all 119 but for example, 2x Yoichi SAM, BLU, WHM, RDM, SCH, BRD for the Delve Bee say.

Would you have a set to suggest in that situation? I pretty much just posted the OP there on the main page, but im looking pretty much for advice here, never really played SCH. I will remember the key points though that if i'm at 8 sec to stack Macc, still be nice for the best one to shoot for though, if you don't mind.

Taberifx pretty much create an optimal stun set with current pieces some posts above.
Just swap the mythic lol for a feasible staff.
The good macc options for that set are:

- ammo: av ammo or kalboron stone if youre poor;

- hands: hagondes cuff with 20+ macc augment

- legs: bokwus slops

- grip: mephitis grip
Server: Ragnarok
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user: kasain
Posts: 585
By Ragnarok.Presidentobama 2014-04-01 21:04:53
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Hello all,

I have a few questions. When should we switch out the twilight cape and belt weather obis? I mean how much Mab, INt or plus dmg sould replace them? Or do we always use?

I ask this question also for the new drain aspir belt with +8 potency. I don't know if I should use that or my sea obi.

Advice would be helpful.

And a second issue I like to bring up. As scholar can not stun much of the delve2.0 monsters, I have made the fast recast dark staff to spam absorb tp, drain, aspir, and other dark magic. Without any JA it is 30 seconds, with Alcamany it is 20 and with embrava it is 10 seconds. My gear is not the best as I am sure I could get it between six and eight seconds.

This brings up another way to stun though as every ten seconds four 3.5 minutes or so I can absorb tp every 10 seconds, and I am stealing anywhere from 30-80+ tp on skirmish lvl 3, delve 2.0 and so on.

Would this new form of stun be viable for todays new content? As a monster who has no tP can't use it? Its pretty much like drk JA soul enslavement, but you do it every 10 seconds.
By 2014-04-01 21:15:40
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Taberif
Posts: 208
By Quetzalcoatl.Taberifx 2014-04-01 21:52:46
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Asura.Railbender said: »
ItemSet 280256

Would Twebuliij or Ngqoqwanb beat out Apamajas II for stun set ?
Acc staff on Bee Delve
rest apamajas II is fine
Server: Ragnarok
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user: kasain
Posts: 585
By Ragnarok.Presidentobama 2014-04-02 22:36:13
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No one still mentioned if being an absorb TP, drain *** every 8-10 seconds would offer an effective use or spot in endgame party content.

I have played around in low man. In my testing with it in VW, delve 2.0 and even a little in AA fights, namely the taru. Taking his tp the melee feed it prevents his AOE weapon skill.

In return for taking all this tp, you can absorb tp, drain, stun or cure. With the TP, myrkr or just keep it. Just because we steal it doesn't mean we have to use it. But in some events I have found this helpful.

In testing I would steal close to 300 TP in 30 seconds from Kaggen, hence even when !! unproced over, he didn't get off a TP move.

On the big Monkey in Skirmish, as well as the demon and cereous NMNMs only got off 2-3 vs 5-6 TP moves before dead.

I currently have 480 dark magic, drk magic hands what would take me to 495.

Sorry for the bad typos earlier, was on my smart phone. But if you do this you need the fast cast dark fast recast staff.

Am I am my few friends who seen me do it the only ones who see this as practical?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Taberif
Posts: 208
By Quetzalcoatl.Taberifx 2014-04-03 01:08:55
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Ragnarok.Presidentobama said: »
No one still mentioned f being an absorb TP, drain *** every 8-10 seconds would be an effective use when you can't stun a monster.

I have played around low man in testing with it in VW, delve 2.0 and even a little in AA fights, namely the taru. Taking his tp the melee feed it prevents his AOE weapon skill.

Am I am my few friends who seen me do it the only ones who see this as practical?
Obligatory Thanks Obama.
Will try this out on a few runs :)
Server: Asura
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user: Marila
Posts: 10
By Asura.Marila 2014-04-09 09:59:54
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Whats lowest recast time on stun with alacrity and without it?
and thx Taberifx for help with updated sch sets!!
Posts: 15211
By Pantafernando 2014-04-09 13:46:03
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Asura.Marila said: »
Whats lowest recast time on stun with alacrity and without it?
and thx Taberifx for help with updated sch sets!!

Suposing an "ideal" set, where its possible to cap haste and fast cast we would have:

reduction= (1024-256 (haste from gear)-448 (haste from magic)/1024

Reduction= 0,3125

Suposing fast cast capped (80%), the total recast reduction is 40%, so:

Totalreduction= 0,3125*0,6

Totalreduction= 0,1875

Stun is a 45 recast magic, so, the theoric min recast is 8,4375 secs.

I dont know how apajamas ii affect this number though, if the -recast reduce as a separated term independent of fast cast, or if its considered the same as fast cast, so capping at 40%.

Alacrity just cut this to half.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Spiraboo
Posts: 516
By Cerberus.Spirachub 2014-04-09 14:45:53
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Pantafernando said: »
Asura.Marila said: »
Whats lowest recast time on stun with alacrity and without it?
and thx Taberifx for help with updated sch sets!!

Suposing an "ideal" set, where its possible to cap haste and fast cast we would have:

reduction= (1024-256 (haste from gear)-448 (haste from magic)/1024

Reduction= 0,3125

Suposing fast cast capped (80%), the total recast reduction is 40%, so:

Totalreduction= 0,3125*0,6

Totalreduction= 0,1875

Stun is a 45 recast magic, so, the theoric min recast is 8,4375 secs.

I dont know how apajamas ii affect this number though, if the -recast reduce as a separated term independent of fast cast, or if its considered the same as fast cast, so capping at 40%.

Alacrity just cut this to half.

Afaik, alacrity only cuts this to half iff you have thunderstorm up and is using AF2+2 (or better).

At least from what I've seen, my recast is still ~9s with alacrity unless thunderstorm is up.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Inference
Posts: 417
By Bismarck.Inference 2014-04-09 16:21:31
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This is a more detailed look at stun casts under certain conditions while capped on haste/fast cast. Haste is easily achieved with Marches since most ilvl gear options have haste baked into them.

Without Staff :
No Arts : 8.43
Dark Arts : 7.58
Alacrity(No Weather): 4.2166
Alacrity(Weather, non-i119): 2.95
Alacrity(Weather, i119): 2.866

With Staff:
No Arts: 6.46
Dark Arts: 5.81
Alacrity(No Weather): 3.23
Alacrity(Weather, non-119): 2.25
Alacrity(Weather, i119): 2.183

As far as I'm away you can't achieve capped fast cast and haste simultaneously on anything except RDM.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Marila
Posts: 10
By Asura.Marila 2014-04-09 19:16:46
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Thank you all for fast cast info!! I'm excited about trying out this
Server: Shiva
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user: Jiyou
Posts: 50
By Shiva.Jiyou 2014-05-05 17:56:00
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Silly question here... Sets on main post are the optimized sets even with new relic and AF changes? (and new delve sets as well)
Posts: 15211
By Pantafernando 2014-05-05 18:16:41
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Shiva.Jiyou said: »
Silly question here... Sets on main post are the optimized sets even with new relic and AF changes? (and new delve sets as well)

Nope. Stopped in delve 1.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Taberif
Posts: 208
By Quetzalcoatl.Taberifx 2014-05-05 19:11:00
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I've been working on a new guide(OP), expect it by this weekend at the latest.

Server: Shiva
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user: Jiyou
Posts: 50
By Shiva.Jiyou 2014-05-06 09:57:45
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Quetzalcoatl.Taberifx said: »
I've been working on a new guide(OP), expect it by this weekend at the latest.


Awesome, ty so much =D
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Lulo
Posts: 121
By Ragnarok.Luloo 2014-05-09 05:31:21
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Couple question for Taberifx, who i thank in advance:
1)Why in both alacrity/non-alacrity stun sets u dont mention apamajas2?
Is it because of inventory saving? or just because not worth even bringing cause of low impact on recast compared to loss of macc?
2)Isnt Aureole better then fastcast stone on ammo slot on both sets?

Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Taberif
Posts: 208
By Quetzalcoatl.Taberifx 2014-05-09 13:18:06
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Tupsi/delve staff and incantor setup will solo stun everything without recast or magic acc issues

Apamajas/aureole setup will not

Bee delve is my only reference. Like I previously said, outside of bee delve Apamajas II is fine. Recast reduction becomes irrelevant after a point of you get what you needed out of it. It's more of getting the most out of both recast/magic-acc to suit your needs.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Taberif
Posts: 208
By Quetzalcoatl.Taberifx 2014-05-09 13:21:19
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*Bringing sexy back*

SCH Guide 50% updated. Updated up unto the DARK ARTS section.

Hesitant on updating nuking sets till I try a few more out, as nuking is relevant to whatever you're actually nuking. Reformatted alot of the previous guide which was a Giant-Wall-o-Text...
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Lulo
Posts: 121
By Ragnarok.Luloo 2014-05-11 03:38:20
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You were right Tabe, i tested sets again and actually i didnt find a significative difference on recast with apamajas2 (Though the same results were with aureule instead of stone, ill stick to mac then), so well thx -1 on inventory slots!
Server: Bismarck
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user: kasain
Posts: 2
By Bismarck.Presidentobama 2014-05-11 05:45:19
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I made the MoT staff, fast recast dark magic at 99. with /drk it really shined on absorb tp every 8 seconds. This works well delve 2. In addition you can spam dran at the same pace, and mocrohelix is pretty close as well. And of course Kaustra with this staff.

In events where the monster is immune this works well. I done much skirmish 3 with friends and it ends out I either tank 50% the NMS ue to skill chains while taking all the monsters tp, or preventing many tp moves to go off in the first place.

and if you do slormishga 3, you can one shot the skeleton's with banish 2, doing over 5500 dmg with it
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Taberif
Posts: 208
By Quetzalcoatl.Taberifx 2014-05-11 10:40:53
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How much are your drains doing in delve 2.0?

I don't really see a reason to absorb TP with a proper tank in delve 2.0 as you're wasting time you could be nuking since its a time-limit event.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: llantosub
Posts: 12
By Ragnarok.Llantosub 2014-05-11 12:15:58
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I used to think samething in abyssea days, absorbTp so NMs won't spam their moves. Turned out their tp gain is much faster than regular mobs and after about 3x absorbTP I was full TP .
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: kasain
Posts: 585
By Ragnarok.Presidentobama 2014-05-14 16:54:11
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Wow with mog wardrobe for gear swap we can carry all of our gear. With all our new and old job traits, if maxed, we can now truely become a beast of a killer! Thank you SE
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Taberif
Posts: 208
By Quetzalcoatl.Taberifx 2014-05-14 19:33:06
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yep! updated a few idle sets last night to reflect that
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Sasaraixx
Posts: 14
By Carbuncle.Sasaraixx 2014-05-15 09:35:47
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Thank you so much for your updates Taberif! The info you provide is always such a huge help.

May I ask one question about the healing set? Does the Iridesence effect from Chatoyant negate the need for Korin Obi? I had not seen Ninurta's on other healing sets so I was a bit confused.

Thank you in advance!
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-05-15 10:05:32
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How's Mizu. Neck for nuking on SCH?


vs Eddy Necklace MAB+11.
Posts: 15211
By Pantafernando 2014-05-15 11:51:08
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Ophannus said: »
How's Mizu. Neck for nuking on SCH?


vs Eddy Necklace MAB+11.


Int can be considered +1 magicdamage if the dint is positive.
So the question is if 1 magic damage is equal or higher 1 mab. Eyeballing, no. 1 mab will contribute more than 1 magic damage.

The damage is roughly calculated by multiplying magic damage and mab/mdb. +1 will contribute more in the term with lower value. As we have much more magic damage in gear (200+ with staff, int, V) than mab, adding +1 mab will provide better results than 1 int/magicdamage.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Taberif
Posts: 208
By Quetzalcoatl.Taberifx 2014-05-17 13:14:16
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Carbuncle.Sasaraixx said: »
Thank you so much for your updates Taberif! The info you provide is always such a huge help.

May I ask one question about the healing set? Does the Iridesence effect from Chatoyant negate the need for Korin Obi? I had not seen Ninurta's on other healing sets so I was a bit confused.

Thank you in advance!
That set is updated with Obi now like it should have been.

The reasons you use Obi is to force the Weather/Iridescene Bonus procs.

Example: Thunders day w/ no obi-no weather~ nuking Thunder you get a small chance of day bonus%dmg.
When you put on obi that changes to a guaranteed bonus
Posts: 15211
By Pantafernando 2014-05-17 14:22:38
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In this update, Maquette ring was surpassed by Perception ring. Just 1 extra macc, but a lot easier to farm.
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