A Scholar's Education (Guide)

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A Scholar's Education (Guide)
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Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2012-07-29 17:59:58
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Fenrir.Sylow said: »
Don't think it does, and it has a different damage formula.



Caps at 300.

So the max Kaustra dmg before MAB and Affinity/Staff/Weather bonuses is 1570.

How does dark magic affect it? Is it just the duration or does it add damage also?
Server: Odin
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user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-07-29 18:05:04
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Just the duration.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Natsuhiko
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By Cerberus.Natsuhiko 2012-07-29 22:25:36
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Odin.Sawtelle said: »
Cerberus.Natsuhiko said: »
I have a question, sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but how good is shattersoul on sch? Specifically versus realmrazer. I have 5/5 realmrazer but I'm looking for a third merit ws to use.
I ~think~ the clubs sch gets access to are pretty weak compared to staves, but I wouldn't waste a merits on shattersoul unless you have no other WSs you want to merit.
Well I was thinking about using the Molva Maul since I already have it. There isn't really another WS I wanna merit, but if realmrazer is decent in comparison I wouldn't really need shattersoul either.

Edit: Something like this (Note: This is probably far from optimal, but thrown together for the sake of argument):
Server: Siren
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user: Kalila
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By Siren.Kalilla 2012-07-29 22:37:18
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Awesome guide :3

Can this get stickied? :o
Server: Odin
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user: Eike
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By Odin.Eikechi 2012-07-30 01:20:15
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Awesome stuff Saw. Question about your helix hands. The MAB+ is great and all, but wouldn't you want like AF3+2 in there for big int? I realize set bonus and all, but you're only getting +3 from the set bonus no?
Server: Odin
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user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-07-30 03:18:50
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Probably right, I switched them. I'll admit I haven't actually used my nuking sch any time recently (my macros were all the way back from early 90 cap) and the up to date nuking sets are still a WiP so I appreciate any catches like that until I get around to plugging some numbers into the damage equations.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Mindi
Posts: 602
By Cerberus.Mindi 2012-07-30 03:48:23
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hyaline hat is a nice alternitive to Nares cap for Precast/fastcast set if no NeoNyzul gear availible. It has same fastcast and i think its also nice if you might need macc for stun (but dont know what other options SCH has there :x) Not sure where SCH might need it, i am never on SCH or BLM in Prov prefights, but i heard the BLM gets resists on the cats after some stuns so not sure if a mixed fastcast/haste/macc/darkskill gearset for stun might be a nice addition to your sets

but well it probably is worse to get then Nares hat... in all the Prov runs i did so far i saw more Meteors and Araise then this head...
Server: Bahamut
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user: Cantontai
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By Bahamut.Cantontai 2012-08-07 13:09:06
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Bump to request sticky.
Server: Odin
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user: Serithus
Posts: 118
By Odin.Warusha 2012-08-07 14:33:22
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If you have time, please include a section for PDT/MDT. Very helpful for legion turtles for instance where it turns a one shot into 2-3 swings. I would also recommend you stress the importance of keeping a capped Stoneskin on at all times while in legion :)
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-08-07 15:03:42
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I actually can't believe I missed pdt/mdt when I did the first write up. Will do it that+stoneskin pieces+a bit of touch up on the stun/legion section when I get back in a few hours.
Server: Odin
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user: Serithus
Posts: 118
By Odin.Warusha 2012-08-10 15:37:38
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MND Debuffs Hyaline Hat is better than Hyksos Khat +1
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 41
By Lakshmi.Raksha 2012-08-16 22:32:19
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Quick question:

Odin.Sawtelle said: »

or any refresh+2 body

Is there a refresh +2 body for SCH now? (other than Heka's kinda)
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-08-16 22:44:08
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There actually isn't. At the time I typed that I wasn't sure on the new hexed+1 augments or the ammount on pharmeka robe. Only way to get more than 1mp/tic on body is argute gown w/ sub up. I'll edit that out of the OP to avoid confusion.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 322
By Bismarck.Tragedie 2012-08-17 11:56:11
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Awesome writeup! +1 on the sticky request.

I was going to mention something about the revitalizer in voidwatch, but I read it again and you already said 'with the right KI'. So I'm gonna shut my big fat mouth.

This is a ton of useful information for anyone - new scholars, those with some experience, and experts just tweaking their sets. <3
Server: Bismarck
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user: Faelar
Posts: 4108
By Bismarck.Faelar 2012-08-17 12:00:02
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Siren.Kalilla said: »
Awesome guide :3

Can this get stickied? :o

Your wish has been granted.
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: kasain
Posts: 78
By Remora.Kyron 2012-08-17 13:04:11
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Quote: Kaustra - The black sheep of the tabula rasa spells...get it?...BLACK sheep...DARK arts? God I should delete that. Anyway, it is quite a strong spell although I must admit I haven't mathed out if the following is an ideal set becuase much of the time it is more valuable to lock 2hour for embrava than to cast kaustra for dmg. Very good for soloing BCNM/KSNMs as it is a rediculously strong especially at lower levels. "Quote"

Teacher I have a question. We all know the helm you use for this set should be used for JA usage. But you pointed out that the spell is INT and dark magic based. So I don't use this helm after JA is proced. I use this instead.

Khthonios Helm 7 int and 9 dark magic.
Also as we are talking about using armor for JA procs only. When you do this you can also macro the af2+3 head in if you have merits in Focalization. Dependng on merits that can be a bonus 20% just off armorp piece before merits. And you can take out the obi and put INT in instead.

Heads name argute Motorboard.
And why no Ran earring?

I love theguide.

You didn't mention much about our SC JAthough or weaponskills. Maybe I ill add a section to that to make a light or dark. As t does 1.5 SC and 2.0 MB
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: kasain
Posts: 78
By Remora.Kyron 2012-08-17 13:08:34
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Cerberus.Natsuhiko said: »
Odin.Sawtelle said: »
Cerberus.Natsuhiko said: »
I have a question, sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but how good is shattersoul on sch? Specifically versus realmrazer. I have 5/5 realmrazer but I'm looking for a third merit ws to use.
I ~think~ the clubs sch gets access to are pretty weak compared to staves, but I wouldn't waste a merits on shattersoul unless you have no other WSs you want to merit.
Well I was thinking about using the Molva Maul since I already have it. There isn't really another WS I wanna merit, but if realmrazer is decent in comparison I wouldn't really need shattersoul either.

Edit: Something like this (Note: This is probably far from optimal, but thrown together for the sake of argument):
Cerberus.Natsuhiko said: »
Odin.Sawtelle said: »
Cerberus.Natsuhiko said: »
I have a question, sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but how good is shattersoul on sch? Specifically versus realmrazer. I have 5/5 realmrazer but I'm looking for a third merit ws to use.
I ~think~ the clubs sch gets access to are pretty weak compared to staves, but I wouldn't waste a merits on shattersoul unless you have no other WSs you want to merit.
Well I was thinking about using the Molva Maul since I already have it. There isn't really another WS I wanna merit, but if realmrazer is decent in comparison I wouldn't really need shattersoul either.

Edit: Something like this (Note: This is probably far from optimal, but thrown together for the sake of argument):

Read this thread.

Btw before you read, I notice the club you have. You can do the same thing with Fire + thunder + that relic WS = light. It does great dmg as well. But back to shattersoul. I am the master sch of this weapon skill.

First off, while Plenitas Virga may be the best staff for monk and melee jobs and some mages, but it is not the best for SCH. The best for sch by a big difference is Urduja. I also stack in some other double attack gear such as grip, and earring So I have a total of +16 double attack.

For back I use potentia cape

Second, I can't even believe you would equip a WS gorget for shattersoul. You gimp yourself so hard. WS gorgets only proc on the first hit of a weaponskill. So please toss that.

First off, no one gorget or belt is going to give a better boost than another as long as it is aligned with the skillchain properties of that weaponskill. For something like Shattersoul, which has Gravitation and Induration properties, equipping a Soil Gorget and a Snow Belt would be the exact same as equipping a Shadow Gorget and Shadow Belt as far how it'd affect the weaponskill. Any pairing of belt and gorget associated with those three elements would do the same.

That being said, since Shattersoul doesn't mirror fTP throughout all its hits, the gorget and belt will only affect the first hit, so using high Int and combination Str and Int will do you better. Something like Wanion Belt will be the absolute best right now for Shattersoul due to the 8 Str and 8 Int it offers.

I have both and competed with others using Plenitas Virga. They fail everytime. I have also used it on many T3 VW and out dmg emp users of many jobs. I will say a few sams and rng's out dmg me but not all. And the wars do fall behind with their emps. Relic drk great swords are ahead.

So what do I use pre June update: Aife Medal
Another interesting piece I use that you may want to look into. Keep n mind I am a sch, but war can use it. For your head Khthonios helm will work wonders.

What makes sch so good?

Sch can do anywhere from 4k to 15k+ on things from Ep to VW t3's and I yet to be buffed by a cor or brd.

But JA immanence, Luminhelix, JA Immanence "stone 1-5" 1 for exp 5 for NM's. makes distortion. Sch can shattersoul after this to close darkness. The darkness will do 1.5x the dmg of the WS. So 90% of all abby mobs I one shot.

Some other numbers. 9k WS/sc seps.
14k WS/SC ironclads
8k Rani

t3 Sandy 6800
t3 VW kirlin 8800

There have been others. In aby: I do use sea daghter atma, as I heal the weak or set up SC so I dont ever melee a monster before it is one shotted.

To sub, /drk.

Absorb INT will give you the +20 that PW staff has and you can Absorb mind for better healing. STR/DEX same.

Absorb TP for more SC's weaponbash and stun both help on stuns. and JT attack bonus from drk is nice.

DRk also gets the new JA's as well as sch for casting magic to get TP. Occult Acumen

And JT "Magic burst bonus" This is where i pop off a drain for 500-1100. Or 1300-1700 MB

Last resort up every 3/5 minutes is very nice as well. You don't have to bother with souleater.

My sch inside aby usually is walking around with 800 attack.

I conceder sch a battle mage and its lots of fun. Few jobs can keep up and many people like what can be done with sch now.

On a side note that self SC takes 1:30 worth of wait time to get both charges back. 2/5. In general I get one charge back on way to next mob or while casting regen 5 to make it so mobs can't hurt me.

So every now and then I will just do 2 shattersouls to get all charges back and not SC a mob. Vs a sam three minutes mediate :)

To me I can set up the skill chain from afar. So then mob reaches me I just ws and run away and it dies. Their is no TPing for me or the monster to gain tp to use a move on me.

As for being MP efficient for dmg. Luminhelix is 28 mp, stone one is 7. So 35 MP is fast and efficient when considering how much dmg it does with the SC bonus. It would beat out most MaB gear sets.

Some side notes, the spell stun won't always give you long enough to cast regen 5 when dark arts is up, but weapon bash seems to stun longer and the spell almost always gets off.

For Exp, Atmas MM sea daughter and cosmos. Cosmos s for two hour. So I one shot everything for two minutes at worm camp.

For NM VV +50 str + 2 regain + 10% DA to add to the 16% you have. atma or Kirln +40 int seems to do well.

Their maybe better combos like smiting blow "damage increase for two handed ws's or endless nightmare, but I not had enough time to test them all.

As I never had a bard or cor buff me, I don't know what I would ask. But I do eat yellow cury buns for fun sometimes, but not always.

Some info on /drk in there. But shattersoul is truly godly!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-08-17 13:35:43
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Remora.Kyron said: »
Teacher I have a question. We all know the helm you use for this set should be used for JA usage. But you pointed out that the spell is INT and dark magic based. So I don't use this helm after JA is proced. I use this instead.

Khthonios Helm 7 int and 9 dark magic.
Also as we are talking about using armor for JA procs only. When you do this you can also macro the af2+3 head in if you have merits in Focalization. Dependng on merits that can be a bonus 20% just off armorp piece before merits. And you can take out the obi and put INT in instead.

Heads name argute Motorboard.
And why no Ran earring?
You need to wear af3+2 head when the spell is cast, not when the JA is used for the +20% dmg. You should always be able to ebullience kaustra, thus i'm relatively sure you will always get better returns from af3+2. I don't know what you mean by Ran earring, i'm sorry.

edit: this is a guide and i'm trying to be helpful and my initial response wasn't. The 5th post I have will eventually be an indepth look at immenance and other things that are fun to play around with but not necisarilly useful outside of 1-2 unique situations.

Edit2: you mean hecate's. I had the Aello earring there from when I wasn't sure on the kaustra equation. I'll do a quick double-check in a few if its actually supposed to be there.
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: kasain
Posts: 78
By Remora.Kyron 2012-08-18 03:09:56
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Avesta Bangles icon.png Avesta bangles

Magic Accuracy+6 Enfeebling magic skill +15 Elemental magic skill +15 Dark magic skill +15

Don't forget these. I love them.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Daily
Posts: 45
By Phoenix.Aerolite 2012-08-23 18:38:46
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Sorry, this is just a tiny thing, but Enhancing is spelled "Ehancing" under the gear set category.

EDIT: Yay you fixed it! <3 this guide. Now to work on getting all this gear ; ;.
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: kasain
Posts: 78
By Remora.Kyron 2012-08-23 23:30:54
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Teacher you forgot to put our main attack in.

As I stated, I can write a Sch skillchain gude. While soing my emp and only using the emp for Magic attack bonus on Sobek for 6500 Kaustra......

I took sch to the next level!!!!!!

JA immanence Luminhelix JA stone = distortion Shattersoul Ws = darkness......

MB Kaustra!!!!!!!!!! 9500!!!!!!!!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-08-24 18:29:17
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Ok, i've been trying to hint at this politely, but i'll come right out and say it. Immanence is a toy. That's it. It should be used for:
1) setting up a SC in a manaburn situation where you don't have DDs
2) Possibly setting up a SC for kaustra.

Outside of that it is a subpar use of stratagems. If I believe you that you are doing 10k WS/scs, then I have to assume you are using melee atmas outside of maybe minikin. So your nukes are going to be severly hampered for 1.5 minutes between the 2 stratagems you use to self SC. Getting nuking atmas is vastly superior damage wise. In voidwatch you aren't gimping your self quite as much, but if you're at a vw run where you can safely assume no DD is going to WS for 6-7 seconds, you are at a bad vw run. That or you are soloing. If you're soloing you probably would rather use something that doesn't require you to get in melee range outside of use2.

Because abyssea is easy, I won't tell you not to screw around SCing in there. It is a free country after all. However it is not an idealized play style, or our "main attack". Your post did serve the purpose of making me notice I never wrote a secion on sch in abyssea though. I'll add that tonight.
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Yugl
Posts: 138
By Diabolos.Yugl 2012-08-24 19:45:44
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You don't need to depend on the SC for Immanence to be tactically viable in a manaburn situation. The MB contributes to that, but if you have two SCHs, you can SC with each other to increase total damage (More so than Ebullience).

If Wikia's SC info is reliable:
Ice => Thunder => Impaction (+50% DMG)

With three scholars or if fighting a mob resistant to dark SC elements:
Thunder => Fire (+50% DMG) => Thunder (+75% DMG)

That said, the situation rarely occurs.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Shiyo
Posts: 361
By Valefor.Kiaru 2012-08-24 19:47:06
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I wish immanence was a different JA :( Perp is so good but immanence is too situational(I've personally never been in a situation where it's useful and SCH is my main job).

Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-08-24 20:03:43
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Ya, I really wish it was more practical. Had we had it back at 75 sch would have been amazing for sandworm KA or setting up SCs while tiamat was flying. I have to admit though I hadn't really thought about using 2 schs to SC w/ each other using real nukes. Worth looking into for turtles/jorm in legion.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Shiyo
Posts: 361
By Valefor.Kiaru 2012-08-24 20:04:52
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Odin.Sawtelle said: »
Ya, I really wish it was more practical. Had we had it back at 75 sch would have been amazing for sandworm KA or setting up SCs while tiamat was flying. I have to admit though I hadn't really thought about using 2 schs to SC w/ each other using real nukes. Worth looking into for turtles/jorm in legion.
I would never be able to cast immanence, I need alacrity to kite it while nuking ;/

Alacrity is too much survivability/damage to trade for stupid immanence.
Server: Asura
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user: Calatilla
Posts: 2507
By Asura.Calatilla 2012-08-24 20:18:25
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I`ll ask this in here since it seems to have been overlooked in the Kaustra thread.

If you didn't have Nares Head, would Chelona hat/+1 beat af3+2 for Kaustra nuking?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-08-24 20:24:34
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Valefor.Kiaru said: »
Odin.Sawtelle said: »
Ya, I really wish it was more practical. Had we had it back at 75 sch would have been amazing for sandworm KA or setting up SCs while tiamat was flying. I have to admit though I hadn't really thought about using 2 schs to SC w/ each other using real nukes. Worth looking into for turtles/jorm in legion.
I would never be able to cast immanence, I need alacrity to kite it while nuking ;/

Alacrity is too much survivability/damage to trade for stupid immanence.
Oh I agree but it wouldn't be impossible to set something up w/ another sch while a 3rd sch had hate. That said you might loose more damage trying to position well and time it than just spamming nukes.

Edit: Chelona nq is slightly ahead of af3+2, but not by much. Unless you already have chelona I would probably stick w/ af3+2 until you can aquire Nares.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Calatilla
Posts: 2507
By Asura.Calatilla 2012-08-24 20:57:58
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Thanks for looking into that Sawtelle. I do have chelona, but only the NQ.
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: kasain
Posts: 78
By Remora.Kyron 2012-08-25 02:24:18
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Odin.Sawtelle said: »
Ok, i've been trying to hint at this politely, but i'll come right out and say it. Immanence is a toy. That's it. It should be used for:
1) setting up a SC in a manaburn situation where you don't have DDs
2) Possibly setting up a SC for kaustra.

Outside of that it is a subpar use of stratagems. If I believe you that you are doing 10k WS/scs, then I have to assume you are using melee atmas outside of maybe minikin. So your nukes are going to be severly hampered for 1.5 minutes between the 2 stratagems you use to self SC. Getting nuking atmas is vastly superior damage wise. In voidwatch you aren't gimping your self quite as much, but if you're at a vw run where you can safely assume no DD is going to WS for 6-7 seconds, you are at a bad vw run. That or you are soloing. If you're soloing you probably would rather use something that doesn't require you to get in melee range outside of use2.

Because abyssea is easy, I won't tell you not to screw around SCing in there. It is a free country after all. However it is not an idealized play style, or our "main attack". Your post did serve the purpose of making me notice I never wrote a secion on sch in abyssea though. I'll add that tonight.

The only atmas I use, are these. And they may not be the best.

MM + sea daughter. This keeps my TP up and +10 refersh and +50 INT is ok for nukes, and shattersoul.

The third atma I use depends on my purpose.
Kirlin +40 int or VV +50 str +2 tp a tic. Depending what I fight. sometimes the INT is better, other times str is.

For Kastra I use Cosmos + MM + Ultimate. .

And the SC is not just for Kasstra. Shortly after 96 Weaponskills came out, I am pretty much the first person to figure out the SC, and posted it elsewhere. Since then gear has increased and I spend time enhancing it.

I shared my atmas.

My staff, is the 99 double attack staff. Urduja. 97 base dmg, +9 DA. When the double attack procs it is in thousands. Hence the high didgets equal higher darkness what equal biger MB's.

The only true benefit I got with these atmas was 50 INT from MM. To show I could do the same dmg, when doing quillin, that is outside abby. Those weapons willa ggro you while waiting for people to finish chest, while you have.

I have self skill chained and killed those weapons. BLms could get off one t5 and most melee cant even get off a WS, due to needing to build up TP. So it has potential inside and outside abby. I am going to try it on Kirlin now, I will get back to you.

Shattersoul is to good not to skill chain, especially if you don't melee for tp. I have members who pick up sch job because I make them see its potential, and it looks fun.

Anyone who doesn't believe me can go on test server and try it out.