The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 526
By Cerberus.Diabolique 2012-08-29 06:45:21
Is Evasion Down a wind based status effect? Infrasonics has always made me feel like it was ice based, but there is the added effect from Gravity(wind) as well.
Also, can QD actually enhance effects from JA's or WS? Little ashamed that I have no idea if that is even a possibility, had never thought about the enhancement for anything but spells before. Not that there are a ton of JA's to try out(*Break WS, Blade Bash is all I can even think of besides Feint).
No means of trying this out myself so kind of curious about all of this.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-08-29 06:52:29
I did add more info to what to do in Legion. Didn't go into more details since that's something that partains the event as a whole rather than corsair itself.
I have never songs for myself since the bard is already extremely busy as it is, though I usually throw a tactician on myself after I gtfo from DD party.
As for your comment on Mul t3 I'm afraid Last Stand would never land 2 hits on those mobs even with Feint and Impact...though I still haven't gone that far so I can't speak much for it. WF does great damage on Naraka and Harpy anyway, outside of the superior efficiency.
Also I pointed out in the guide that QD needs to be played more carefully than just for damage(Light and Dark shot), and on this note I asked about Wind shot-Feint...anyone can answer that? :c
Edit: I need to get Libeccio now that I think about it.
I don't find rex/gallu has higher evasion than Ixion etc. My TP dmg didn't miss, although sample size too small to be sure(Guns so slow ;; can't shoot enough before it dies) I parsed about 80% acc on Harpy in Mul without Feint nor BRD song, and close to cap for everything else, with feint it should be capped on every NM I think.
As for Gallu, it probably just has high MDB? Kinda lame to do nearly 200 TP dmg a shot and resisted WF did less than 400 - -
But Rex is certainly WF>Physical WS. I wasn't sure if mages did Impact properly(it should). I'll try to fix that resist next time I do Rex.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Valefor.Kiaru 2012-08-29 06:58:32
Gallu type mobs have HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE MDT/MDB for some stupid reason. The wave 2 harpy in the final chamber randomly has 90000000000000000% PDT for some unknown reason.
Feint is -50% evasion down, if you're still whiffing it up with that I don't know what to tell you.
Most AOE TP moves in legion will 1 shot you without PD no matter how much PDT/MDT you have, so equipping PDT is pretty pointless, just don't get hit.
If you aren't getting firestorm you should be /sch, can wake up slept people, -na, etc.
Hall of An:
Ice shot turtle, thunder shot dragon, light shot everything else to enhance dia2/3.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-08-29 07:11:24
Cerberus.Diabolique said: »Is Evasion Down a wind based status effect? Infrasonics has always made me feel like it was ice based, but there is the added effect from Gravity(wind) as well.
Also, can QD actually enhance effects from JA's or WS? Little ashamed that I have no idea if that is even a possibility, had never thought about the enhancement for anything but spells before. Not that there are a ton of JA's to try out(*Break WS, Blade Bash is all I can even think of besides Feint).
No means of trying this out myself so kind of curious about all of this.
Honestly though I don't think feint needs enhance even if it can.....if you and your DD isn't capping acc with feint and proper buff, you're doing it wrong....just stick with light/dark/high dmg shot.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-29 07:22:20
equipping PDT is pretty pointless No.
If you aren't getting firestorm you should be /sch, can wake up slept people, -na, etc. Scholar is a terrible subjob, I tried it thinking it would be good, never again.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-08-29 16:32:10
equipping PDT is pretty pointless No.
If you aren't getting firestorm you should be /sch, can wake up slept people, -na, etc. Scholar is a terrible subjob, I tried it thinking it would be good, never again.
Pretty sure not every TP move will one shot you, so it doesn't hurt to stack them.
/SCH dmg wise it's not the best outside of VW, utility wise...
Ideally you'd want SMN to do the -na wake ppl up job IMO. Since they should be able to maintain same output/shock squall while doing it(and bring med if MP is an issue), but COR can't. You'd need every bit of dmg you can squeeze out in ally if possible. Any extra dmg you gained, that's a bit shorter fighting time, thus less chance to have things go wrong due to human error/bad luck such as fail stun/fail heal and caused DD to die.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-29 16:38:37
That's not all, mp pool is too small, even with Sublimation. I ended up messing up my roll cycles, had firestorm on maybe 2 times and overall was just completely stressed the whole run cause I was doing a lot of things and all of them bad. I lost my own focus gaining absolutely nothing. Very bad experience with scholar subjob.
Edit: not to mention I did next to no damage trying to juggle with all that.
By kenshynofshiva 2012-08-30 09:05:51
Realize with /sch you have the ability to cut spell cost in half with the use of strategems and being in the right arts? Along with all the temp items for mp keeping firestorm (duration 3 minutes for 30/15 mp) up should be easy as setting a macro and click. Easier still would be to add a rule in spellcast if buff not active firestorm to cast it or alert you of the need to cast it.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Valefor.Kiaru 2012-08-30 09:59:35
That's not all, mp pool is too small, even with Sublimation. I ended up messing up my roll cycles, had firestorm on maybe 2 times and overall was just completely stressed the whole run cause I was doing a lot of things and all of them bad. I lost my own focus gaining absolutely nothing. Very bad experience with scholar subjob.
Edit: not to mention I did next to no damage trying to juggle with all that. It's the best sub for pure damage when you are used to multitasking all the things you can do as /sch(if you're going for pure damage, you firestorm yourself every 3 minutes, then do everything you would as /sam or /war, don't waste time trying to cure/-na if all you want is damage), it scales very well with player skill as well. /RDM is also great since COR damage doesn't really matter much in legion and dia2 + light shotting is helps more than you doing a bit more damage.
MP also shouldn't be a problem if all you're doing is firestorming or cure1ing, and naing. Keep sublimation up.
edit: The reason you shouldn't worry about PDT gear on COR is because you're ranged, and shouldn't get within TP move range, especially when lacking almost all important buffs besides the rolls you cast on yourself. Most TP moves are either far too damaging, give you HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE status downs, 1 shot you, or eventually 1 shot you with a doom/status down, so you should worry more about NOT being in range of them than having a PDT set, as a ranged class. PDT won't save you from the additional status effects on all the nasty TP moves in legion.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 53
By Bahamut.Havelock 2012-08-30 10:47:20
It's also possible that ally will need you to redo buff mid-battle to save time, but it's also quite dangerous to do so due to some pretty large TP move range. So it's probably a good idea to fill up roll macro with PDT- stuff. ASA legs with PR recast- and PDT- fits perfectly for this, other slot are roll duration+ items. Obviously AF3+2 in body slot if you're doing regain roll for some reason. Mid-fight buffs is where I use Mextli as even with the ring you are within most AOE moves range. This is especially usefull in VW where you can roll with fana up trying to hit 11s.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-30 11:02:24
Rolls must be redone, being a ranged job doesn't keep you away from their moves and pdt is not useless at all.
DDs should use panacea and Dia 2 can be done by anyone. You overstimate sch enormously and understimate how little a 180 mp pool can grant in a 30 minutes battlefield.
By kenshynofshiva 2012-08-30 11:17:24
Just sounds like someone who really hasn't an idea how to manage /sch or /mage 180 mp with temps is far from a little mp when all is needed is 15 every 3 minutes and can even proc helix spells if no sch/ its easy as pie. Heck can even cast reraise if wanted lol.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-30 11:17:50
We're talking about Legion, not lolVw.
By kenshynofshiva 2012-08-30 11:20:26
Still not as if your needing mp to be a healer just looking at what /sch brings to the table. 30 minutes = 10 casts = 150 mp out of 180 without sublimation.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-30 11:21:58
If you're argument is Firestorm only, blu is a better sub for damage since you use both WF and Last Stand in there. Or sam for zerg ja.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4746
By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2012-08-30 11:47:30
If you're argument is Firestorm only, blu is a better sub for damage since you use both WF and Last Stand in there. Or sam for zerg ja.
Or you could just join Captain Ramyrez's "mage subs are for sissy corsairs" campaign.
I'm just saying.
it's an option.
(Edit: This is meant semi-sarcastically. I shouldn't have to say this. But if I don't, we'll have two pages of discourse how I'm such a big idiot. We really don't need that. The people who matter already know how big of an idiot I can be.)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-30 11:48:52
My favourite combo is cor/cor. Cause pirates don't need anything else to be cool!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4746
By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2012-08-30 12:04:35
My favourite combo is cor/cor. Cause pirates don't need anything else to be cool!
Hey. I used to roll (hah!) with no subjob and give that automoton what for back in the day to get Corsair Bullet pouches. I don't need no stinking subjob.
Edit: But really. I sub anything with MP as a last resort. We generally have a SCH or /sch feeding us fire weather regardless in Legion. Though, honestly, 9/10 times I'm on samurai anyhow. Sadly me on samurai + someone's mule rolling tends to produce way better results.
Edit2: That's not to say I'm sad being on samurai produces good results. I just mean it's sad having a mule rolling tends to be the better option.
By kenshynofshiva 2012-08-30 12:06:21
My response was simply to how really easy it is to manage /sch as a sub and getting the benefit of firestorm or any weather and that mp for it isn't a huge issue. But I have experience using /sch for many jobs making it second nature as well as a combination of spellcast and macros out the butt.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Valefor.Kiaru 2012-08-30 18:29:20
My group has never done rolls mid fight in legion and sublimation is more than enough refresh to recast firestorm every 3 mins. Firestorm is the biggest DPS increase you can gain as a COR, if getting firestorm /blu beats it, but cor is not there for DDing inside legion, and will not have the buffs to contribute any meaningful amount of damage because it has to constantly swap parties for rolls, so you only have your own rolls.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-31 02:44:05
Yeah you know, both me and Afania started playing Cor 2 days ago, we don't really know what we're doing.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1375
By Bismarck.Ruizutatakau 2012-08-31 02:50:41
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-08-31 04:13:03
My group has never done rolls mid fight in legion and sublimation is more than enough refresh to recast firestorm every 3 mins. Firestorm is the biggest DPS increase you can gain as a COR, if getting firestorm /blu beats it, but cor is not there for DDing inside legion, and will not have the buffs to contribute any meaningful amount of damage because it has to constantly swap parties for rolls, so you only have your own rolls.
According to the math pages back, if nobody is casting firestorm,
In VW(with temps/atmacite) /SCH>/BLU
Outside of VW /BLU>/SCH, due to much lower AGI and no MAB job trait.
So in terms of pure dmg, it's not the best in legion, it only beats /BLU or /RDM in VW because all that high MAB from atmacite/temp devalue MAB from /BLU /RDM, -na is really /SCH's biggest strength. But ideally you should have SMN to do this instead of lowering output for -na. SMN can maintain avatar dmg/shock squall while doing it(and MP is easy to recover with elixir), COR can't. You have like 5 SMN in ally, assign 1 SMN to 1 DD to baby sit them on help cure/-na/haste stuff.
I explained why squeeze out every bit of dmg in ally is important. If you can kill a NM in 30 sec, then don't spend 31 sec to kill it. You never know if your Mantis will use death prophet on that last sec ,kill your DD and ruin your run(since you need to wait for another 5 min if you lost your DD). And you can never know if your SCH just happened to miss/resist stun on that last TP move. Kill faster(so does rely more on PD) allows more room for error/bad luck. Any error alliance made, makes pretty huge difference.
COR without BRD and no full firestorm support usually worth about 5%~9% of dmg in Mul, weaker DD usually worth 12%~15%, stronger one worth 20%~23%. All the Ramuh x 5~6 usually about 3%~6% total. If you're using 2 COR setup, both of them would almost equal to 80% to 1 full DD in ally without needing to sacrifice any PD or BRD 2hr duration. It's probably not make or break in ally, but it's not completely neglect-able also.
I also think /RDM could be decent, you got refresh and a bit more defensive ability.
And if you're jumping between pts for buff, ask firestorm from SCH when in mage pt. Unless they're locking 2hr or fight already start it doesn't hurt to do it.
I've never done roll mid-fight too, but plan to try it next time to see if downtime can be cut down. Do rolls during down time and spend 1 min on it seems to be a huge waste to me if it can be cut down. 1 min you can easily take down 1 extra NM. If you rebuff 2~3 times a run while having NM up, that just wasted 2~3 extra NM time.
If your stunner did well, all AoE TP move shouldn't get off anyways.
There are some risk to buff mid-fight for sure, but it seems that down time for buff/wait for unweak is biggest time waste in legion and pretty make or break, that it may be worth the risk.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 16
By Ragnarok.Sularth 2012-09-06 11:53:14
THX for the Guide ! i <3 you guys! soooooo awesome!
PS: Afania i need more PW D:!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-09-07 01:16:56
I did add more info to what to do in Legion. Didn't go into more details since that's something that partains the event as a whole rather than corsair itself.
I have never songs for myself since the bard is already extremely busy as it is, though I usually throw a tactician on myself after I gtfo from DD party.
As for your comment on Mul t3 I'm afraid Last Stand would never land 2 hits on those mobs even with Feint and Impact...though I still haven't gone that far so I can't speak much for it. WF does great damage on Naraka and Harpy anyway, outside of the superior efficiency.
Also I pointed out in the guide that QD needs to be played more carefully than just for damage(Light and Dark shot), and on this note I asked about Wind shot-Feint...anyone can answer that? :c
Edit: I need to get Libeccio now that I think about it.
Just did another Mul, last stand did wayyy better than WF on Gallu with just chaos and no BRD buff. If you're afraid of missing use hunters on yourself.
Also tried /BLU in legion, I ended up did a bit higher total dmg than usual, mainly because of bigger WS numbers, higher acc so I can ditch hunters on some mobs.
Probably need more try and some more tweak on buff/gear to see better result with /BLU.
@Sularth All the cool kids in town do legion 8D
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2012-09-07 14:48:13
I love this thread and Cor is my favorite job!
I did have some feedback regarding the gearset for dynamis in the OP.
I've been doing cor/dnc for some commodore augment trials, and I think the evasion gearset is a bit too conservative and the comment about links being fatal makes cor sound a bit too squishy and helpless when it really isnt.
Cor/Dnc Dynamis TP phase:
This is the core of my TP set (26% haste on a melee cor!), it works really well and i think its a better way to go than stacking evasion gear and hurting your white damage. Oh and eat red curry and be amazed how much faster things die+pays for itself easily.
Rolls in dynamis:
I use dancer's and tactician's roll exclusively, tactician's helps take the edge off the cost of keeping haste samba running fulltime and you'll always have plenty of tp for doing boxsteps and weaponskills once you proc the monster.
Weaponskill usage in dynamis:
Exenterator 5/5 is your friend, accuracy down for your target makes up for our slightly lower evasion and is a good opener. With curry for food you can get about 2k exenterators rather consistently and get hit even less. Cor has alot of AGI gear already, so its not hard to make it shine.
Numbing Shot: although rather weak in terms of damage, can proc a paralyze effect quite often if you have surplus tp on a still unproc'd monster that is still hitting on you.
I'm still working on my armageddon but i'm sure blowing up stuff with wildfire is probably best for making things dead quick if you prefer a ranged ws and can break 2k damage without a sweat.
Quickdraw use in Dynamis:
Light shot is never resisted by dynamis mobs in my experience so you can screw up a pull pretty bad, get 3 monsters on you and sleep 2 of them for a full duration without much fuss.
Lightshot also has the added bonus of sleeping and proc'ing JA dynamis triggered mobs at the same time, so if you get a clean single pull you can spam 2x lightshot at the chance for a quicker proc.
If you need to heal up and have a single target, don't forget you could always face away from it still engaged, lightshot it to sleep, and waltz yourself back up. This tactic works extremely well if you are using tactician's and dancer roll together which are helping your regen+regain while the monster is slept and you are waiting on waltz recast.
Thats all I wanted to share, Cor isnt as fragile and squishy in dynamis as you might think, try it, you might fall in love with it!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4746
By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2012-09-07 15:01:10
Get that aurore rubbish out of this thread before my eyes bleed.
Edit1: I adjusted this from the set I hastily threw together and reposted Seha's set from the first page.
Edit2: Also, I actually read the post now. First thing first I had to adjust away from that rosey abortion of a gearset.
Last Stand is going to be your weapon skill of choice pretty much forever and always on fodder-type mobs. If you're having acc issues on EP mobs in Dynamis (because you really shouldn't be doing DCs alone) then you're doing something horrendously wrong. Wildfire will not be as strong in Dynamis most of the time due to extreme lack of MAB buffs.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2012-09-07 15:04:32
Haha hey I hate Aurore as much as the next person but not everyone has thaumas yet (everything in that set I posted is what I own and have to work with). I'll probably end up getting Ocelot Trousers at least and drop the aurore legs+feet and just be lazy and wear hermes shoes all the time with them ;p
I have NQ Oce Headpiece which I WS in, Zelus is for the 'look i have capped haste' factor.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4746
By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2012-09-07 15:17:51
No Neo Nyzul, no VW luck-based drops, nothing obscenely expensive.
Edit: Truth be told, the only aurore I might even dream of using at this point would be the body because it's at least got some double attack on it, if not else, to go up against the fodder mobs.