The Pirates' Lair: A Guide To Corsair

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The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
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Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Tidis 2014-10-16 19:12:09
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Chroph said: »
Just did another run, recorded the Bee for fun, it tooks us 2min15 to takes down this time, we had 0 XI roll, unlucky xD
And we were missing Magus Roll, so took some good dmg

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Re-did the youtube link since it didn't seem to be working in your post.
Posts: 151
By Chroph 2014-10-16 19:14:22
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Oh thanks, don't know what happened.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Chroph
Posts: 29
By Phoenix.Keme 2014-10-17 18:54:29
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We just did Wopket with kindof same setup : CORx3 can do lot of stuff
4min Wopket :

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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-10-18 13:19:15
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For Wopket, was it the same buffs? Looks like the GEO is giving you AGI and magic evasion. Also, what jobs are those other two people playing?
Posts: 151
By Chroph 2014-10-18 13:47:07
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for wopket, geo used MEVA+/MAcc+ Bloster
the 2 other ppl are just 2 friends that wanted to join, so the RDM was doing nuke, enfeeble, and haste II and the other one was a GEO, he was doing MDB-.
We used as roll : Magus, Gallant, Wizard, WARLOCK, Hunter, Samurai
Server: Phoenix
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user: Ariant
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By Phoenix.Ariant 2014-10-18 14:10:12
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Newish COR here, been loving the job for the past month or so.
I'm about to pick up Deathlocke. Obviously my Quick Draw damage should go up a respectable amount, but how do I fully utilize this gun? Should I fire Leaden Salute instead of Last Stand full time? (My magic set has 55 MAB without ammo.) If not, in what situation should I use each weapon skill? Also, because of the higher damage rating, should I use my old Homestead Gun if I'm meleeing for TP?
Posts: 151
By Chroph 2014-10-18 14:14:09
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If you can get Doomsday for physical ws, and melee tp, mine is augmented with RATK+19 and DA+5.

Most of the time, I try Leaden Salute, Wild Fire, and Last Stand when I don't know the monster weakness.

But basically, for flying monsters I use Last Stand(cause birds are weak to piercing, and bats are resistant to LEaden).

For piercing resistant monsters, I use Leaden or WF, whichever does more dmg.
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-10-18 14:14:32
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Choice between Leaden and LastStand depends on the enemy you're facing. Is it resistant to magic or weak to piercing? Then Last Stand. Is it strong to physical, or weak to magic(especially if darkness)? Then Leaden. If the mob is, let's say neutral you can chose whichever you like as they are about equal in damage(though if you have heavy physical buffs Last Stand can knock off higher numbers).

As for the gun, for magic ws damage rating doesn't count, only ilvl and stats.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Ariant
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By Phoenix.Ariant 2014-10-18 14:29:51
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Alright thanks, that's what I was expecting. Didn't know about the magic WS damage rating bit, that's interesting. I'll try towards a Doomsday, been running a lot of Alluvion but I guess I'm wasting all my luck on rolls instead of lots, lol. My gear is getting better, already have an Atoyac with MAB+OAT, hoping to get an Adrensi Fleuret soon, seems like a good weapon for /mage.
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-10-18 14:34:24
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You very rarely want to sub mage. Dnc is almost always the best bet.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Ariant
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By Phoenix.Ariant 2014-10-18 14:45:36
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Would you mind explaining why? Not doubting you, just would like to know the reasoning. Is it still good if you don't melee for TP? At the moment I don't have good melee weapons, just my Atoyac and Eminent Sword/Surcouf's Jambiya. I'm also hesitant to be in melee range a lot, bosses are scary. I've been going /RDM most of the time because it's pretty well-rounded, and /RNG when I trust my healer + support.
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-10-18 15:04:56
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Most party setups favour melee dds, in that case you should be one as well and by subbing dnc you add further support through steps and haste samba which increase the party's dps significantly(unless there's a main dnc of course).

If the strategy is rangers than you might want to shoot as well and in that case a few different choices are good, namely drg for lower enmity, nin for safety and double weapons, etc.

Whm sub is something that should be considered rarely, basically only when your group's backlines aren't good enough and they need help. Otherwise the cor should be always dding with the other dds.

Nin sub when meleeing is also to consider in fights where shadows are part of the strategy.

Let's do an easy Q&A:

Can you melee?
- If yes: is there a main dnc?
-- If no then sub dnc. If yes then sub nin.

- If you can't melee: is the strat based on rangers?
-- If yes consider drg to ride high jump timer. Or going nin to have the safety of shadows and two weapons for stats.

If you cannot dd at all cause your party only wants limited dps or such, then sub whm.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Ariant
Posts: 14
By Phoenix.Ariant 2014-10-18 15:25:48
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That's a huge help. Putting this on a sticky note so I will remember what sub to use. Is this only for alliance stuff? I mostly low-man Delve/Skirmish with my linkshell at the moment. /RNG is not really used then? Guess I don't really need the +acc now that I have a 119 gun. I have sword merits from BLU, does that affect the way I set up my melee equipment?
Server: Phoenix
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user: Chroph
Posts: 29
By Phoenix.Keme 2014-10-18 15:31:35
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Most of people don't know that COR can DD.
You can top parse easily on high eva stuff like Yorcia T4(did a lot, even with a 12+ alliance).
Try to go as much as possible as /DNC or /NIN. I think /WHM is really pointless.
If you're in a RNG setup, you can consider /RDM to flurry RNGs and yourself.
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Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-10-18 15:36:15
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I think WHM sub is one of those things for like, if you're new to COR and don't quite have good enough weapons yet. In content like 119 Skirmish where a COR is welcome and sort of a stepping stone event to get better gear anyway, if you're not quite prepared to DD, tossing out -na's and erases will certainly be helpful.
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-10-18 15:42:08
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Phoenix.Ariant said: »
That's a huge help. Putting this on a sticky note so I will remember what sub to use. Is this only for alliance stuff? I mostly low-man Delve/Skirmish with my linkshell at the moment. /RNG is not really used then? Guess I don't really need the +acc now that I have a 119 gun. I have sword merits from BLU, does that affect the way I set up my melee equipment?
Rng sub for shooting isn't useless, but it's not that good either. Considering shooting is mostly used for rng strats, the low enmity of drg is preferable and that sub already has an acc bonus trait in itself too. Sharpshot can't be fulltimed either and Barrage is ok for more tp spam but it's just gonna be a huge enmity spike for you that unlike a rng can't dump that hate you build.

And yes the advice I gave you is for 6-men too.

As for the melee tp build that depends on content. Very often you want to use acc food anyway and then from there you can tweak your equipment to match the level of the content. Check the main page to see swaps between ideal tp sets, including acc options.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Ariant
Posts: 14
By Phoenix.Ariant 2014-10-18 20:52:56
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Used Eminent Scimitar and Atoyac /NIN tonight in Delve, I'm really surprised at the amount of damage I dealt. I was barely behind our WAR and DRK. Thanks again for the advice. :^)
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Afania
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By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-10-18 22:22:31
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Phoenix.Keme said: »
We just did Wopket with kindof same setup : CORx3 can do lot of stuff
4min Wopket :

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You can use a sword for melee on wopket!
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Chroph
Posts: 29
By Phoenix.Keme 2014-10-18 22:46:04
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Which 119 Sword you advise ?
I used Arendsi Fleuret for MD+90, better QD and Leaden.
And Atoyac for OaT(TP) and MAB+30 for same reason.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: SKudo
By Carbuncle.Skudo 2014-10-18 22:55:29
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I think the highest level slashing sword we can use is Eminent; Arendsi Fleuret deals piercing damage and therefore is pretty useless for Wopket.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Chroph
Posts: 29
By Phoenix.Keme 2014-10-18 23:07:01
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I just explained why I used it on wopket...
Higher acc for both weapons, and increase Magic WS and quick draw, which are the main dps on that fight.
Eminent will lower ws and QD damage, and has lower accuracy, I see no point using it, for less accurate melee hit dmg ? I want fast TP to spam magic WS.
But try it with eminent sword, tell me if it's better or not, I may be wrong.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: SKudo
By Carbuncle.Skudo 2014-10-18 23:26:37
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Eieiei, so hostile. I was just referring to Afania's post, stating that the meleeing part (as in white damage) does not exist with the Fleuret and implying that Eminent Scimitar likely is wonky.

I don't know about numbers with Eminent Scimitar on Wopket either. Chances are you are overestimating the effect of Magic Damage+ the Fleuret grants though. If you can maintain good hit rates with Eminent Scimitar, I can see it pull ahead through white damage. Would have to be tested etc., I guess. Or reported by someone who has done that before.

/edit: Math!

The extra Leaden Salute damage Arendsi Fleuret is responsible for is 90 * MAB * Affinity * day/weather. I am not logged on right now to check MAB numbers, so I'll just use Seha's set on page 1, minus Anrin Obi.

MAB: +96, +30 to account for your Atoyac
Affinity multiplier: 1.33

That's 90 * 2.26 * 1.33 = 270 damage Arendsi Fleuret contributes to Leaden Salute.

The effect of Arendsi Fleuret on Quick Draw can be quantified by the same term, namely 90 * MAB * Affinity * day/weather. The same procedure gives us these numbers:

MAB: +121, +30 to account for your Atoyac
Day/weather: 1.2 (right day, right single weather)

That's 90 * 2.51 * 1.2 = 271 damage per Quick Draw.

With all the Random Deals and Wild Cards going on in your example, I can actually see Arendsi Fleuret pulling ahead of Eminent Scimitar. In a run where you don't use any SPs at all, i. e. "a normal run", Eminent Scimitar white damage would have to deal 271 damage between two WSs to be "better" than Arendsi Fleuret. If it, in addition to that, can deal more than 271 damage every 40 seconds, Eminent Scimitar pulls ahead.

This is neglecting any possible accuracy issues that come with the lack of "Accuracy +27" on Arendsi Fleuret, of course. However, this also is likely to overestimate the effect of Arendsi Fleuret already, because of the right day, right weather assumption on Quick Draw. I just realised I forgot about a possible right day on Leaden Salute, but I guess that's covered by the right day, right weather assumption on Quick Draw...

Ogawd, I somehow feel like this:

Disclaimer: I do not claim to be right and I'm not saying anyone's wrong out here in the internets.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-10-19 06:05:39
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Phoenix.Keme said: »
I just explained why I used it on wopket...
Higher acc for both weapons, and increase Magic WS and quick draw, which are the main dps on that fight.
Eminent will lower ws and QD damage, and has lower accuracy, I see no point using it, for less accurate melee hit dmg ? I want fast TP to spam magic WS.
But try it with eminent sword, tell me if it's better or not, I may be wrong.

Before you went out and assume I've never try with a sword, FYI, I've tried wopket with 3 different combo and obtained the parse+video record result for all of them:

1) highest acc combo: Sabebus R15 B+ Vanir.
2) high acc+ OAT/mab Atoyc combo
3) High acc+ eminent sword combo

According to the last wopket video, each sword swing deal around 120~180 dmg, and it can crit for over 300 dmg. That's extra 460 to 1k+ dmg between each WS cycle. That means, if you're doing 7k leaden swinging with a piercing weapon for single digit white dmg, using a sword is equal to doing 7.5k~8k leaden instead.

Of course if you use misers roll, the melee DPS decreases. But in a normal circumstance when pt only has 1 COR, it's unlikely that you'd use it.

Now on to the acc issue, eminent sword has 16 more acc with /checkparam than Atoyc, unless you augment Atoyc with acc. So it's not entirely fair to complain about the acc on eminent then proceed to use Atoyc. From what I've seen, acc wasn't an issue unless flash is on. This could also depend on buff/debuff though.

Since everyone uses different buff, I can't tell you which weapon is better, nor it's my responsibility. I only point out sword as an option, ultimately it's not my responsibility to "tell you which is better", I'm just going to proceed to use w/e I find it better.

Carbuncle.Skudo said: »
Eminent Scimitar white damage would have to deal 271 damage between two WSs to be "better" than Arendsi Fleuret.

Eminent can easily deal 271 dmg or more per swing if it crits.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Chroph
Posts: 29
By Phoenix.Keme 2014-10-19 11:41:33
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Arendsi have MAcc+15, which is nice to get unresisted wind shot to proc faster.

I don't think there is a noticable difference between all those combination of weapon. Each one has it's advantages and cons.

As long as you win.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-10-19 11:51:12
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Phoenix.Keme said: »
Arendsi have MAcc+15, which is nice to get unresisted wind shot to proc faster.

I don't think there is a noticable difference between all those combination of weapon. Each one has it's advantages and cons.

As long as you win.

I didn't notice any QD resist regardless any weapon I use. Also "I don't think there's a noticeable difference between X gear and Y gear" makes the entire thread pointless to exist.....why bother to have gear discussion since most gears in this game won't make more than 10 DPS difference on same ilv? You can technically win with ilv 113 gears.

I didn't say anything about you're gearing wrong or anything, but you just got defensive all over when it became a gear discussion....
Server: Phoenix
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user: Chroph
Posts: 29
By Phoenix.Keme 2014-10-19 12:30:53
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Not "defensive", just explaining why I used weapons I used(Multiple reasons).
Lol ok, let's retalk about gear if you want then. Don't be offensed, I read you I understand your point of you.

Getting 1000TP in 2~4 swing with +100~250dmg/swing and loosing them on QD(each 40s I know) and ws(each 2~5s) is kinda equivalent, just depends on how you wanna play. Which makes the job more fun.

Carbuncle.Skudo said: »
I think the highest level slashing sword we can use is Eminent; Arendsi Fleuret deals piercing damage and therefore is pretty useless for Wopket.

That's what I was answering to, btw.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Suteru
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By Quetzalcoatl.Suteru 2014-10-20 02:41:01
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Since when was Atoyac MAB+30?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Langly
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By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2014-10-20 10:32:50
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Ha, if only.
Posts: 12996
By Pantafernando 2014-10-23 18:26:17
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To make a macro for rolls, do i need to change to roll gear just at the moment of using the ja, like /ja , wait 1, /equiset, ir should i keep the gear longer than 1 sec and in each double up?
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Jiyoh
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By Carbuncle.Jiyoh 2014-10-29 23:06:44
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This guide is my new bible
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