The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
By DjenadiofAsura 2012-07-25 23:25:08
Just for the record, like all the info ppl added and opinions, as well as your guide Sehachan gj.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 126
By Asura.Leairc 2012-07-27 09:44:38
Well seems we got some interesting ppl here, first off I rarely brew on Cor, so that 10k is normal ws on mobs/nm's not with brew. But when I did brew its maxed dmg (99999) (think I missed a 9). As for the part: Quote: Brd/Sch or Sch/Rdm mule. Etude x2 + Firestorm + Obi/Firestorm w/Relic feet +2 aug. Obviously the Etude x2 + FS + Obi is with my Brd/Sch mule, the FS w/Relic feet +2 aug. is with Sch/Rdm mule. You ppl can't read to well when I clearly stated that I use "Cor/Blm" and have a "Brd/Sch or Sch/Rdm mule". So~ I figured it'd be self explanatory, but maybe you can understand what I meant now....right?
You're rude. And with that, ignored. :] Get well and improve.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-07-27 09:48:42
Well seems we got some interesting ppl here, first off I rarely brew on Cor, so that 10k is normal ws on mobs/nm's not with brew. But when I did brew its maxed dmg (99999) (think I missed a 9).
As for the part:
Quote: Brd/Sch or Sch/Rdm mule. Etude x2 + Firestorm + Obi/Firestorm w/Relic feet +2 aug. Obviously the Etude x2 + FS + Obi is with my Brd/Sch mule, the FS w/Relic feet +2 aug. is with Sch/Rdm mule. You ppl can't read to well when I clearly stated that I use "Cor/Blm" and have a "Brd/Sch or Sch/Rdm mule". So~ I figured it'd be self explanatory, but maybe you can understand what I meant now....right?
That extra 5 STR from augmented SCH relic feet +2 was totally worth mentioning specifically.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2012-07-31 22:20:03
Not surprising after today, many more augments were found on the new abjuration stuff. such as: Khepri Jacket :Q____
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kalilla 2012-07-31 22:26:30
Cerberus.Maeldiar said: »Not surprising after today, many more augments were found on the new abjuration stuff. such as: Khepri Jacket :Q____ +5% ws dmg lol :o
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 529
By Sylph.Binckry 2012-07-31 23:41:52
Totally unrelated question from all the Khepri stuff. :x What's the max QD timer- on Blood mask? Got macc+3 and QD-5 on the first one :x
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-07-31 23:44:43
Totally unrelated question from all the Khepri stuff. :x What's the max QD timer- on Blood mask? Got macc+3 and QD-5 on the first one :x
Seems to be -5 max.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-01 03:37:02
Help, wtf happened to my gearsets? The equipment is still there but they suddenly show up blank. They were fine till last night.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2012-08-01 03:38:12
It seems to be a bug on the site atm, lots of stuff that doesnt work.
Everything is related to items.
(Like, check your profile, armageddon is no longer a "relic")
By Narb 2012-08-01 03:38:55
Help, wtf happened to my gearsets? The equipment is still there but they suddenly show up blank. They were fine till last night. Relics/Mythics/Empyreans also seem to be missing from pages along with the fact that nothing has a level appearing below it.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-01 03:43:04
Okay, I panicked for a moment thinking I destroyed the internet.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-01 15:19:23
Readjusted the posts, now the gearsets are back~
Server: Odin
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Posts: 118
By Odin.Warusha 2012-08-07 23:39:27
I didn't see this mentioned in the guide, but should a good COR try to maximize damage by using quick draw as often as possible or save them to augment enfeebling effects by mages? Specifically for events like odin 2.0 and legion since most other mobs die in 2 weaponskills. I would assume that saving light shots for dia 3 would be best to help the party's damage even more than the little damage a fire shot might cause.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-08-08 01:31:03
I didn't see this mentioned in the guide, but should a good COR try to maximize damage by using quick draw as often as possible or save them to augment enfeebling effects by mages? Specifically for events like odin 2.0 and legion since most other mobs die in 2 weaponskills. I would assume that saving light shots for dia 3 would be best to help the party's damage even more than the little damage a fire shot might cause.
Odin2.0 maybe, but legion mobs die in 30 sec~1 min also. And if you have a pt of DRK/WAR locking berserk/LR, very likely they'll be capping/close to capping attack full time with 3~4 song BRD. Hard to imagine it'll help the pt more than getting you WS 6 sec faster plus WF dmg+ when fights so short.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-08-08 01:35:48
Would you need to land light shot to augment Dia III?
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2012-08-09 05:29:27
I was taking a look at the Requiescat build and wondering what kind of damage a COR would get going 5/5 on meriting this ws? Can you get 1-2k damage out of this on 'old content' like dynamis mobs?
I only have 1 point merited in it right now, and like most merit WS, trying it out with only 1pt in it is a bad way to determine how good it is. I already have 5/5 Exenterator, so wondering how it sizes up against that for non-ranged ws for COR.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2012-08-09 05:31:50
If you allready have Exen, meriting Req. just for COR is'nt worth it at all.
Exen should be way easier to gear for on COR aswell, as you allready should have loads of AGI gear with you :P
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2012-08-09 05:46:56
Yeah my Exenterator tears things up nicely already, i guess i'm sorta in the mood to 5/5 it for completionist's sake on COR if it can get somewhere close numbers wise.
I don't have a sagasinger or sanus ensis, so the best I can manage is getting an Apaisante/+1.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-09 05:47:14
I would stay with Exenterator as well. Don't forget Requieskitty also has attack- other than a bad modifier.
Would you need to land light shot to augment Dia III? Yes.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 602
By Cerberus.Mindi 2012-08-09 06:09:41
Would you need to land light shot to augment Dia III? Yes.
ok i know lolwiki and maybe noone updated it but it say "Quick Draw's augmentation effect occurs even if Quick Draw has been resisted" or do they mean dmg resists on the 6 dmging shots? (cant check bg wiki what it says, site dont work atm for me)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-09 06:13:05
Resist on damage shots is just less damage, but on Light/Dark is just a complete fail. It's the same as Dark shot->Leaden Salute. It's like pretending a failed threnody to take effect. It sucks.
They said VERY LONG TIME AGO that they'd add damage to Light and Dark shots...I'm still waiting...
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2012-08-09 06:14:21
Resist on damage shots is just less damage, but on Light/Dark is just a complete fail. It's the same as Dark shot->Leaden Salute. It's like pretending a failed threnody to take effect. It sucks. They said VERY LONG TIME AGO that they'd add damage to Light and Dark shots...I'm still waiting...
If they do, I bet they'll make the sleep effect happen first, then the dmg, just to troll us.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-09 06:16:00
On the same note they said they'd add natural low tier enfeebles to all shots...I'M STILL WAITING SE!!!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 602
By Cerberus.Mindi 2012-08-09 06:26:30
Resist on damage shots is just less damage, but on Light/Dark is just a complete fail. It's the same as Dark shot->Leaden Salute. It's like pretending a failed threnody to take effect. It sucks.
They said VERY LONG TIME AGO that they'd add damage to Light and Dark shots...I'm still waiting...
yea i know light/dark is complet fail and dmg shots gets lower dmg when resist. Just wondered cause wiki says you get effect even when resist. I never really wanted to lightshot any mob for enhanced dia effect anyways w just wondering. So on Dark shot when it has "no effect" we also dont get the dmg+ for Leaden Salute? Or is it like normal dispel spell where no effect counts as no-resist
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-08-09 06:32:42
Resist on damage shots is just less damage, but on Light/Dark is just a complete fail. It's the same as Dark shot->Leaden Salute. It's like pretending a failed threnody to take effect. It sucks.
They said VERY LONG TIME AGO that they'd add damage to Light and Dark shots...I'm still waiting...
yea i know light/dark is complet fail and dmg shots gets lower dmg when resist. Just wondered cause wiki says you get effect even when resist. I never really wanted to lightshot any mob for enhanced dia effect anyways w just wondering. So on Dark shot when it has "no effect" we also dont get the dmg+ for Leaden Salute? Or is it like normal dispel spell where no effect counts as no-resist
Dark shot has to dispel something to boost Leaden Salute dmg, if it says no effect that means nothing to dispel, and WS won't get boost.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-09 06:33:12
You need to dispel something to get the bonus as far as I know.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2012-08-09 06:35:14
Easy to test if in doubt anyways.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-08-09 06:38:01
I was taking a look at the Requiescat build and wondering what kind of damage a COR would get going 5/5 on meriting this ws? Can you get 1-2k damage out of this on 'old content' like dynamis mobs?
I only have 1 point merited in it right now, and like most merit WS, trying it out with only 1pt in it is a bad way to determine how good it is. I already have 5/5 Exenterator, so wondering how it sizes up against that for non-ranged ws for COR.
Req is even weaker than Exen, and COR happened to be a job that doesn't get much use from Req.
I have it for BLU, and use it on pil's shield/slimes/elementals etc when I play BLU, but when I play COR I rarely need it. WF can take care of the slimes/elementals that's not fire, and QD can take care of pil shield......besides Fire elemental(which I bet majority of player won't fight on this job) I really couldn't think of a mob needing req on COR.
Unless you have BLU or PLD, you can just save merit WS for another job.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-08-09 06:38:50
Easy to test if in doubt anyways.
Tested with light shot long time ago, putting money on the table that dark shot is the same ;)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-09 06:43:33
*takes the money and runs*