The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-07-15 18:32:14
Quote: Same music as above, sub scholar this time for Windstorm and use the only available mab dagger
Nitpicking, but Aeolian Edge isn't natively available to COR or SCH, so you can't use it COR/SCH.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-07-16 02:15:39
Derp, totally didn't think about that. Corrected!
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Frobos 2012-07-24 14:59:23
I don't know if this has been brought up, and if it has and I missed it, I apologize. But, from what I've read about Irridescence, would subbing scholar in a situation without a scholar to give you firestorm, be a better option than subbing blm? Using the obi and HQ prism staff of course.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-07-24 15:08:29
By a very small amount yes, not accounting for the delay added by having to cast a storm on yourself.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-07-24 15:12:28
I'm trippin', it's actually a pretty big difference.
1.15 * 1.25 * 1.38 = 1.98375
1.15 * 1.62 = 1.863
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Frobos 2012-07-24 15:13:09
Very nice!
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2012-07-24 15:14:39
If it does math out better, this makes me happy because I hate depending on other random people to keep your firestorm up.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-07-24 15:15:42
Self Storm
1.15 * 1.25 * 1.35 = 1.940625 - Twilight Cape
1.15 * 1.2 * 1.38 = 1.9044 - Forban
Someone giving you storm
1.15 * 1.25 * 1.59 = 2.285625 - Twilight Cape
1.15 * 1.2 * 1.62 = 2.2356 - Forban
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Frobos 2012-07-24 15:25:11
Can't wear twilight cape. :(
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Frobos 2012-07-24 15:29:03
Triffle that's the same question I just asked above lol.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-07-24 15:36:21
Conclusion: /SCH is superior to /BLM by a very decent margin if no one is giving you storms, on top of being a far more utilitarian subjob.
The staff is a pretty huge damage boost for COR either way.
182 + 1215 = 1397
1397 * 1.15 = 1606
1766 * 1.62 = 2601
182 + 1215 = 1397
1397 * 1.15 = 1606
1606 * 1.2 = 1927
1766 * 1.38 = 2659
...and they should but COR on Twilight Cape. That ***is pretty beast.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2012-07-24 15:36:43
Well of course /blm while receiving a firestorm from a party member is the best. Depends if its reliably available or not though.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-07-24 15:44:30
Tbh... it enhances SCH's support status as much as DD. Accession and -na spells, can Accession most storm spells on the party and whatnot, not too bad.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 126
By Asura.Leairc 2012-07-24 16:27:31
If I haven't gotten Army yet, but plan on playing COR with just Last Stand 5/5, and I just so happened wanted to level a Magian Trial Gun, would it probably be the best scenario to get this one?
+60Delay +100TP
That would do more damage than the AH Gun StoertebekerLV99 rite? cuz I can get ahold of a moonshade tpbonus 25 earring that's 125tp bonus... and i'd just need to come upw ith 75% more tp bonus and I could shoot at 100%tp for 300tp worth...
that's a good idea no? So, how can i come up with another 75tp bonus =/
I'll eventually get Army, and of course having to level a magian trial takes a while... but..... x_x mag trial seems lesser of two evils right this moment anyway, but maybe it's dumb i dunno
anyway thx muh bruthazzzz
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-07-24 18:03:58
It's a decent placeholder, certainly one of the best bets for Last Stand till you get an Arma.
Also, time to cap sch sub~
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-07-24 18:24:33
Valefor.Prothescar said: »Conclusion: /SCH is superior to /BLM by a very decent margin if no one is giving you storms, on top of being a far more utilitarian subjob.
The staff is a pretty huge damage boost for COR either way.
182 + 1215 = 1397
1397 * 1.15 = 1606
1766 * 1.62 = 2601
182 + 1215 = 1397
1397 * 1.15 = 1606
1606 * 1.2 = 1927
1766 * 1.38 = 2659
Pure dmg wise(not counting utility), wouldn't it still depend on the gear you use, since /SCH has 2 less AGI than /BLM, 10 less AGI than /BLU and you will lose 7 AGI on the waist if you're using AGI+7 belt.
My base AGI(I'm a hume) with /BLU is 111, /SCH is 101, /BLM is 103(I think, I don't have /BLM, only remember /BLM has 3 more AGI than /RDM, and I have 100 on /RDM)
Assuming my enemy has 100 INT, I don't have anyone to storm me, so it's stormless /BLM /BLU v.s self-storm /SCH.
My WF set looks like this (not perfect set, I know D;, but maybe close),
No food/atmacite/roll. So 117 AGI and 32 MAB in gear.
220 AGI 56 MAB total.
Change the AGI belt to Obi in gear set, so 110 AGI from gear.
211 AGI, 32 MAB total.
228 AGI, 52 MAB total.
Unless I calculate anything wrong/over look something, the number I got is /BLU and /BLM>/SCH
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2012-07-25 00:02:13
Pure dmg wise(not counting utility), wouldn't it still depend on the gear you use, since /SCH has 2 less AGI than /BLM, 10 less AGI than /BLU and you will lose 7 AGI on the waist if you're using AGI+7 belt.
My base AGI(I'm a hume) with /BLU is 111, /SCH is 101, /BLM is 103(I think, I don't have /BLM, only remember /BLM has 3 more AGI than /RDM, and I have 100 on /RDM)
Assuming my enemy has 100 INT, I don't have anyone to storm me, so it's stormless /BLM /BLU v.s self-storm /SCH.
My WF set looks like this (not perfect set, I know D;, but maybe close),
No food/atmacite/roll. So 117 AGI and 32 MAB in gear.
220 AGI 56 MAB total.
Change the AGI belt to Obi in gear set, so 110 AGI from gear.
211 AGI, 32 MAB total.
228 AGI, 52 MAB total.
Unless I calculate anything wrong/over look something, the number I got is /BLU and /BLM>/SCH
Edit: Forget about what I said....
I added food/atmacite/roll, it seems that /SCH beats /BLM under MAB buff. Assuming using MAB drink/No.5 wizards, regain+destruction atmacite
Food:+5 AGI
Bravers:+15 AGI
Regain atmacite:+5 AGI
Ascetics:+25 MAB
No.5 wizards:+10 MAB
Destruction atmacite:+15 MAB
/BLM: 245 AGI 106 MAB
/SCH:236 AGI 82 MAB
It seems in VW or Abyssea /SCH wins with MAB buffs, outside without MAB buff probably won't. So /SCH all the way in VW with proper atmacite/temps if nobody is going to firestorm.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-07-25 03:47:08
There's also Klimaform to increase accuracy I guess(or is it main only?), but all in all I wouldn't consider sch much. No mab, only useful spells are -na and raise, doesn't even have Cure4, so the "utility" is pretty much nowhere. Also if you consider that situations where you don't have a mage in party are extremely rare, Firestorm is not even an issue.
So yeah, good to have it leveled just in case, but overall negligible.
Edit: I don't mean to say it's useless, but let's not overstimate either.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2012-07-25 04:19:59
Solo-brew subjob go
By DjenadiofAsura 2012-07-25 13:31:31
Silly ppl, if ur gonna do it, do it right. Cor/Blm with Brd/Sch or Sch/Rdm mule. Etude x2 + Firestorm + Obi/Firestorm w/Relic feet +2 aug.
10k WF in Abyssea w/o temps. with Brd/Sch mule.
Quote: Food:+5 AGI
Bravers:+15 AGI
Regain atmacite:+5 AGI
Ascetics:+25 MAB
No.5 wizards:+10 MAB
Destruction atmacite:+15 MAB
/BLM: 245 AGI 106 MAB
Those #'s seem about right for VW as /Blm, but I don't use Destruction and it's 11's or gtfo! No Cor should be happy with just lucky #'s imo.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 126
By Asura.Leairc 2012-07-25 16:37:46
Silly ppl, if ur gonna do it, do it right. Cor/Blm with Brd/Sch or Sch/Rdm mule. Etude x2 + Firestorm + Obi/Firestorm w/Relic feet +2 aug. 10k WF in Abyssea w/o temps. with Brd/Sch mule.
ur so megaboss!
i'll just avoid asking the obligatory question of what the target is, since this is aby rite? target = all the things
I remember reading thru this thread on how all the vets were "hitting 10k dmg avg," so I can take what you say at face value and think twice about it I shall not.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-07-25 16:43:20
People bring cor to aby outside of brews?
Anyway Thaumas nails are better than Commodore bottes+2 in an ideal set. And worry not, I always ask both Firestorm and Etudes. About Wizard I admit I never bother, but that's cause I'm not given the time before fights.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 323
By Carbuncle.Pwnzone 2012-07-25 17:29:51
wth does aug on relic +2 feet do for WF in abys mr.doinitrite?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 395
By Asura.Kese 2012-07-25 17:31:30
Carbuncle.Pwnzone said: »wth does aug on relic +2 feet do for WF in abys mr.doinitrite? while under brew, mab still will boost damage, the augment has nothing to do with that
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 323
By Carbuncle.Pwnzone 2012-07-25 17:33:33
Well ofc the MAB will help WF lol.....but like i said what does the aug do for WF since thats what he was pointing out. As Seha said should be using either af3 +2 for the fire shot bonus or perferably Thaumas feet for dmg.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 395
By Asura.Kese 2012-07-25 19:32:08
Carbuncle.Pwnzone said: »Well ofc the MAB will help WF lol.....but like i said what does the aug do for WF since thats what he was pointing out. As Seha said should be using either af3 +2 for the fire shot bonus or perferably Thaumas feet for dmg. you make no sense, or maybe i didnt read it correctly, but the aug on the feet is enhance wildcard, which has nothing to do with wf....
By DjenadiofAsura 2012-07-25 23:08:44
Well seems we got some interesting ppl here, first off I rarely brew on Cor, so that 10k is normal ws on mobs/nm's not with brew. But when I did brew its maxed dmg (99999) (think I missed a 9).
As for the part:
Quote: Brd/Sch or Sch/Rdm mule. Etude x2 + Firestorm + Obi/Firestorm w/Relic feet +2 aug. Obviously the Etude x2 + FS + Obi is with my Brd/Sch mule, the FS w/Relic feet +2 aug. is with Sch/Rdm mule. You ppl can't read to well when I clearly stated that I use "Cor/Blm" and have a "Brd/Sch or Sch/Rdm mule". So~ I figured it'd be self explanatory, but maybe you can understand what I meant now....right?