No one probably cares very much for this info but I happened to notice a mistake with a number Roll Tracker was reporting and what I saw via an addon for Regain on my pet. Which made me go test all of it. Anyway RT was wrong because they used numbers we had on the wiki and those numbers were wrong because the listed source was some old *** ffxiah post with no details to back it up.
Tested Regain values with a SMN pet and reporting thier TP with each roll. I tested Regen with a PUP since that pet actually listed it HP # and not just a percentage. I also tested all 3 +roll gears because that orignal sourced listed differing values for +3/+5 gear if you broke it down as just +1 which didn't fit in in line with any other roll.
I'll do a update to roll tracker later today or tomorrow. Wiki has already been updated if you can't tell from the picture. I've sumbitted a pull request tot he guys at windower.