The Pirates' Lair: A Guide To Corsair

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The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-02-06 17:14:51
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That's not entirely accurate, everything has to generate (some) enmity.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Taberif
Posts: 122
By Asura.Taberif 2018-02-06 17:16:57
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
That's not entirely accurate, everything has to generate (some) enmity.
its at least a value low enough to not generate a 1%.

the values from us meleeing on other test rounds was 6~ish%, so that could of been your reason for pulling hate with previous RA's
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-02-06 20:33:31
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Hot shot can indeed break 104k, but the issue is, what you are actually witnessing is the initial partially invisible physical hit being modified for FTP and pDIF. At 3000 TP at pDIF cap I've hit as high as 110k, but it is probably not possible to hit much higher than that.

Other things to know about this before Kyte told me that everyone already knew everything about hotshot, so now that people are suddenly interested I will post other information that people may be interested in.

Hot shot has a hit rate cap of 90%. It is affected virtually equally by physical and ranged accuracy. This makes Marine Stewpot an excellent food for it, because if you plan on staying in for melee TP, you get 90 accuracy for melee TP, and 180~ accuracy to hot shot itself.

Hot shot's enmity is a bit strange. It generates very little enmity, low enough that even if you spam 70K WS using melee gear at haste cap, you will have trouble pulling hate even off of a trust. However, when you close Liquefaction or Transfixion with Hot shot, it seems that the enmity you generate from the damage of the skillchain itself is a little bit greater, with a real tank you don't need to worry about it, but with a trust you may want to play it safe and not skillchain.

The magical portion of Hot Shot is affected by Frailty bubble and Malaise bubble. For anyone that understands how this works already, feel free to skip this.

With x3 GEO BOG/EA Frail/Malaise/Vex + Fury Torpor AGI and bard songs, you should theoretically be able to hit for 80k~ (@1k w/ Fomal) even on T4's. This is something I was actually alluding to before in the Free Aeonics thread. This strategy is interesting because unlike a SMN burn, this damage is sustainable, simply because it does not natively SC with itself, (Thus less enmity) and then the fact that it pulls very low enmity to begin with.

Between these factors and Earthen Armor/Scherzo and Crystal Blessing, it should be possible to very quickly burn down anything that isn't strong to ranged damage or fire element.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-02-06 20:37:29
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Afania said: »
Siren.Kyte said: »
I assume it's capping the magic portion at 99k and the physical part is what's going beyond that. If you wanted proof of it, you could add in AGI buffs and see if the number goes higher.

Does that mean after reaching certain amount of MAB/magic buffs, adding even more MAB/magic buffs are useless.

Essentially yes. Certainly on anything that scales HP, as you aren't going to be able to extort enough damage out of Hot Shot in terms of it's spike damage past about 110k. Hot shot's real strength is in how strong it can be made at 1k TP with fomal/moonshade/Crystal Blessing. It is possible (with weather II) BRD GEOx3 CORx2 buffs to hit 104k+ at 1000TP every time.

I actually prodded Chiaia about this to see if he knew about it, because I first noticed it breaking 104k with brew in aby, but then I actually made a set for it because I noticed I had no set in my lua. When I actually had a gearset, with atmas and a geo bubble I was still able to hit for 104k. This had me intrigued so I wanted to know (at this time) why sometimes I was hitting for 4k, and other times I was hitting for 100k+.

So the variable I had to correct for was actually an invisible hit. If you pay attention to it, hot shot will deal the 4k~ damage even if the WS says you missed, and if that damage would have killed the monster you will get a 4K hotshot in your chat log. If it's hitting that low, you probably either potshotted the mob with the physical hit, or the monster is specifically resistant to one of the two damage types of the WS. So specifically it is a hybrid ranged physical with magical. This much could have been inferred by many, but just putting it out there.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-02-06 20:44:14
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Siren.Kyte said: »
I assume it's capping the magic portion at 99k and the physical part is what's going beyond that. If you wanted proof of it, you could add in AGI buffs and see if the number goes higher.

I literally already explained this in the post you told me was old news.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-02-06 20:56:50
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As far as Regal Ring vs Karieyh,

Regal is pretty much better regardless because you're pairing it with the body and it has 20 Ranged Attack on it. So that's 15 Physical ranged accuracy with 15 magic accuracy, and 10 AGI and 20 ranged attack as a cherry on top, after taking the set bonus into account

tyalangan said: »
So is this true with all hybrids that they can break the cap?

1. If not, why Hot Shot? Bug?
2. If so, can Flaming Crush, Jinpu etc. break cap, as well?

The reason hot shot is breaking the cap is not because it's hybrid. It's for the same reason that it deals damage even when you miss. The shot at the beginning isn't really considered to be "part" of that WS, even though the damage is calculated with it as long as the magical portion actually hits. (if the magical portion misses, it will say Hot Shot (Miss), but the physical portion will still hit. This will result in the monster losing HP from a WS that appeared to miss
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-02-06 21:15:14
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
That's not entirely accurate, everything has to generate (some) enmity.

To corroborate with Taberif, we did a pull where I started at 3000 TP, popped a mob, and Verbannt used flash. I used hot shot and Taberif immediately used Libra. Verbannt was at 100% and I was at 0%. This is something that needs more testing but even after WSing repeatedly and meleeing, if he was doing hate spell rotation I never got above about 6%. That, despite the fact that it was getting hit for about 60k.

That contrasted with a 30k Last Stand putting me at like 24% on just one use.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Shinzaku
Posts: 271
By Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas 2018-02-06 22:05:47
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So what would a recommended Hot Shot set be? As much AGI, MAb, and Ratk you can get?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-02-06 23:28:21
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Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas said: »
So what would a recommended Hot Shot set be? As much AGI, MAb, and Ratk you can get?

As you can see with Afania's set, he's pretty much dead on. It's pretty much a leaden set with affinity pieces swapped out for more MAB. Using the +3 AF Body is pretty much mandatory on Hot Shot though, especially when combined with Regal Ring.

Originally Chiaia and I were thinking that Living bullet would make a huge difference, but that was before I realised that the magical and physical portions weren't being calculated separately, so Living Bullet's lower base damage may make it just even out.

Devastating bullet on the other hand is a little less damage, but it would be super accurate.
By Afania 2018-02-06 23:35:37
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Asura.Byrne said: »
so now that people are suddenly interested I will post other information that people may be interested in.

Would say there has been discussion about it since Jinpu hype. My lsmate used it in CP pt and planned to use it on T4 since 5+ months ago(early Sept), it just doesn't seem efficient enough in terms of man power due to needing extra support for racc and magic buffs so the idea was ditched.

Since regular melee or smn burn requires slightly less buff slots thus we can fit in more DDs for equal or more dmg. If we melee instead of shooting it that's even more man power used for melee buffs.

Then I proceed to play with it on T1 in escha and ambu E since low tier NMs are easier to cap pDif and they probably have lower mdef/meva. Much like Jinpu, so far I've yet to find a real practical use of it outside of CP pt or low tier content when it's already *** hard to cap pDif in ambu E with 2 GEOs. Jinpu can be used in some ambu vol2, Besides that and cp there are few practical use yet. Practical use means the difficulty, manpower efficiency and kill speed must surpass alternative strategy.

If hot shot self SC like Jinpu, I think it would be so much better.

I would be really really surprised if someone make hybrid ws new endgame meta. Because I don't see SMN meta (a job that requires a hell lot less support slots than anything else) going to be beaten anytime soon, personally.
By Afania 2018-02-06 23:37:17
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Asura.Byrne said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas said: »
So what would a recommended Hot Shot set be? As much AGI, MAb, and Ratk you can get?

As you can see with Afania's set, he's pretty much dead on. It's pretty much a leaden set with affinity pieces swapped out for more MAB. Using the +3 AF Body is pretty much mandatory on Hot Shot though, especially when combined with Regal Ring.

Originally Chiaia and I were thinking that Living bullet would make a huge difference, but that was before I realised that the magical and physical portions weren't being calculated separately, so Living Bullet's lower base damage may make it just even out.

Devastating bullet on the other hand is a little less damage, but it would be super accurate.

If 4k physical portion comes first wsd may be a bad choice? I don't know, we know too little about hybrid ws. I built my original set with the assumption that it doesn't have a "cap" and dmg goes above 99k with more buffs. So I probably gear it wrong.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2018-02-06 23:53:16
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Asura.Byrne said: »
Siren.Kyte said: »
I assume it's capping the magic portion at 99k and the physical part is what's going beyond that. If you wanted proof of it, you could add in AGI buffs and see if the number goes higher.

I literally already explained this in the post you told me was old news.

Yes, because it was.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-02-07 00:21:15
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Afania said: »
If 4k physical portion comes first wsd may be a bad choice? I don't know, we know too little about hybrid ws. I built my original set with the assumption that it doesn't have a "cap" and dmg goes above 99k with more buffs. So I probably gear it wrong.

Isn't the current belief that hybrid ws use WSD in the calculation twice, thats why they do so much damage? Same idea with Flaming Crush, BPD+ getting counted twice.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-02-07 00:46:47
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The main point I wanted to get across was it's hate mechanics being potentially very useful on something like Albumen. The main issue with doing Albumen melee burn in most groups is that his counter and quad attack can easily put down a melee if the tanks lose hate. That shouldn't be as much of an issue with hot shot.

Not to mention in large scale melee burns you aren't skillchaining in the first place except sometimes by accident. The WS are generally coming in too fast, Also most melee jobs don't hit for 75k+ in those setups, so needing a RDM or another GEO isn't a huge deal either.

Honestly the amount of buffs to make it work aren't THAT ridiculous compared to normal melee strategies. HM/March/Prelude x2 Frailty Malaise and Rolls will do the trick, especially when, unlike with Tachi Jinpu spam, the ones doing the WS actually have buffs themselves so you can get tons of rolls up.

For the record also if you include RNG in the lineup, Hot Shot and Trueflight SC back to back, as do Hot Shot and Jinpu.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-02-07 00:51:30
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Afania said: »
If 4k physical portion comes first wsd may be a bad choice? I don't know, we know too little about hybrid ws. I built my original set with the assumption that it doesn't have a "cap" and dmg goes above 99k with more buffs. So I probably gear it wrong.

Isn't the current belief that hybrid ws use WSD in the calculation twice, thats why they do so much damage? Same idea with Flaming Crush, BPD+ getting counted twice.

Another way of looking at it is that the Magical equation, (in this case (D × Affinity × SDT × Resist × Day & Weather × MAB/MDB × TMDA) also gets multiplied by pDIF (up to 3.25~4.25, not sure if crit applies, but it doesn't seem to)

[there's obviously more variables than just this to consider like fTP and base damage of weapon but those should be easy to account for]

This would need more testing, clearly, but it would explain why a frailty bubble can triple the damage of what one would normally consider to be the magical portion of the WS.

AFAIK there isn't yet corroboration for this aside from my own testing, but it does explain how a mob being strong to either damage type would knee-cap the WS.

Edit: Byrth's post from a few years ago demonstrates flaming arrow behaving in a vaguely similar way, so the above comment can be updated to say that, given these are both starting WS, it is likely the case that the actual equation looks something more like (but not necessarily exactly like, I am not claiming to be a mathmatician):

((Weapon Damage + (fAGI*0.7)) * (Affinity × SDT × Resist × Day & Weather × MAB/MDB × TMDA) * pDIF

I'm not 100% sure where the magic damage factors in, possibly in the first part, without extensive testing I don't imagine I'll be narrowing that down any time soon.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-02-07 01:19:52
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Afania said: »
I would be really really surprised if someone make hybrid ws new endgame meta. Because I don't see SMN meta (a job that requires a hell lot less support slots than anything else) going to be beaten anytime soon, personally.

Better? No, probably not, that job is clearly broken.

More fun? Easily. And that's kind of the point of video games in the first place, just in case you all have forgotten.
By Afania 2018-02-07 01:27:25
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Personally, I usually believe nothing is impossible in FFXI since I am more of a theory crafter and if I don't keep an open mind to things, no theory can be proven or being disproved. But I still think you overvalued hot shot's performance potential in high level endgame.

That being said, there's no hurt to try and prove everyone else is wrong isn't it?

Asura.Byrne said: »
The main point I wanted to get across was it's hate mechanics being potentially very useful on something like Albumen. The main issue with doing Albumen melee burn in most groups is that his counter and quad attack can easily put down a melee if the tanks lose hate. That shouldn't be as much of an issue with hot shot.

Not to mention in large scale melee burns you aren't skillchaining in the first place except sometimes by accident. The WS are generally coming in too fast, Also most melee jobs don't hit for 75k+ in those setups, so needing a RDM or another GEO isn't a huge deal either.

Obviously this is spike not avg, so does majority of hot shot screenshots.

You need more than 1 additional GEO since you are adding malaise and preludes. You may also need languor since I suspect Macc will be very ***on high end targets unless hot shot is proven to have huge Macc boost, more than leaden/wf. So that's like 2 BRD 3-4 GEO worth of buff slots. You also have to consider higher NMs tend to have higher stats/mdef/meva, making 75k even harder even if you can manage it easily in abyssea/CP mobs.

If you change 1 buff job to a strong 2h such as WAR RUN SAM DRK you gain additional 2 DD for that. Surely they can hit 30k WS or higher? 3 DD hitting 30k WS=90k damage, and they have higher white damage and higher WS frequency than COR too. They also don't need malaise/languor/preludes.

I can spike 99k wildfire on escha T3, and spike 99k leaden on Neak/Maju/WoC, but I certainly didn't avg 99k wf/leaden on T4 back when mage burn was a thing, even getting 1 99k spike was very very hard back then. And that's before languor nerf with pt setup super buffing BLMs. Despite our gear got better now, It's probably even harder to hit 99k leaden on albuman/schah now that languor is nerfed.

I already brought hot shot setup to ambuscade last month when SMNs flaming crush VD for 20 sec clears. I was expecting hot shot to get at least close to FC's damage but it was disappointing. Hot shot didn't hit anywhere as high as FC even with 2 GEO(1 idris) both bolstered(SMN only needed one GEO) in low difficulty setting. My experience is that its less practical than FC on NM and I'd be surprised if someone made it work better than FC. Maybe it can only work better with piercing bonus.

I wish the job could be SMN alternative in high lv endgame, but so far it haven't show strong potential to be one.
By Afania 2018-02-07 01:43:00
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Asura.Byrne said: »
Afania said: »
I would be really really surprised if someone make hybrid ws new endgame meta. Because I don't see SMN meta (a job that requires a hell lot less support slots than anything else) going to be beaten anytime soon, personally.

Better? No, probably not, that job is clearly broken.

More fun? Easily. And that's kind of the point of video games in the first place, just in case you all have forgotten.

Sadly it's also anti fun kinda. Maybe fun for 1 or 2 try just to see how it works.

There are more players enjoy DD than playing BRD GEO. Most of the endgame group would probably prefer an alliance with more DD and less support than an alliance with more GEO and BRD just to super buff hot shot.

Hot shot setup kinda took away people's opportunity to play their war drk Sam run and epeen with parses, and more people gonna play GEOs, a job that people prefer not to play in many endgame groups.

Groups that prefer fun would probably still melee things with their REMA DD. Groups that prefer efficiency would still SMN all things.

Edit: IMO the best use of hot shot is CP on bats. Even without bolster 85k+ ws at 1000 TP is still very doable with just 1 GEO. 2 WS can kill it which is pretty damn fast CP gain.

For those who capped on CP it's potentially a nice way to merc JP I think, slots are open to 3 to 4 buyers.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-02-07 12:11:32
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Afania said: »
Personally, I usually believe nothing is impossible in FFXI since I am more of a theory crafter and if I don't keep an open mind to things, no theory can be proven or being disproved. But I still think you overvalued hot shot's performance potential in high level endgame.

That being said, there's no hurt to try and prove everyone else is wrong isn't it?

Asura.Byrne said: »
The main point I wanted to get across was it's hate mechanics being potentially very useful on something like Albumen. The main issue with doing Albumen melee burn in most groups is that his counter and quad attack can easily put down a melee if the tanks lose hate. That shouldn't be as much of an issue with hot shot.

Not to mention in large scale melee burns you aren't skillchaining in the first place except sometimes by accident. The WS are generally coming in too fast, Also most melee jobs don't hit for 75k+ in those setups, so needing a RDM or another GEO isn't a huge deal either.

Obviously this is spike not avg, so does majority of hot shot screenshots.

You need more than 1 additional GEO since you are adding malaise and preludes. You may also need languor since I suspect Macc will be very ***on high end targets unless hot shot is proven to have huge Macc boost, more than leaden/wf. So that's like 2 BRD 3-4 GEO worth of buff slots. You also have to consider higher NMs tend to have higher stats/mdef/meva, making 75k even harder even if you can manage it easily in abyssea/CP mobs.

If you change 1 buff job to a strong 2h such as WAR RUN SAM DRK you gain additional 2 DD for that. Surely they can hit 30k WS or higher? 3 DD hitting 30k WS=90k damage, and they have higher white damage and higher WS frequency than COR too. They also don't need malaise/languor/preludes.

I can spike 99k wildfire on escha T3, and spike 99k leaden on Neak/Maju/WoC, but I certainly didn't avg 99k wf/leaden on T4 back when mage burn was a thing, even getting 1 99k spike was very very hard back then. And that's before languor nerf with pt setup super buffing BLMs. Despite our gear got better now, It's probably even harder to hit 99k leaden on albuman/schah now that languor is nerfed.

I already brought hot shot setup to ambuscade last month when SMNs flaming crush VD for 20 sec clears. I was expecting hot shot to get at least close to FC's damage but it was disappointing. Hot shot didn't hit anywhere as high as FC even with 2 GEO(1 idris) both bolstered(SMN only needed one GEO) in low difficulty setting. My experience is that its less practical than FC on NM and I'd be surprised if someone made it work better than FC. Maybe it can only work better with piercing bonus.

I wish the job could be SMN alternative in high lv endgame, but so far it haven't show strong potential to be one.

The issue is, this is dripping with speculation. We've all admitted we haven't tested this situation, yet you're all too prepared to exclaim exactly how it will go. Even I wasn't that overconfident, and I can be rather brash.
By Afania 2018-02-07 18:31:58
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HS in Last month's ambuscade killed my confidence that's why :<
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Shinzaku
Posts: 271
By Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas 2018-02-07 19:17:44
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-02-07 19:27:30
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