The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
By geigei 2017-12-30 04:42:43
Not the best closer tho, you would need to have thf do mandalic for light, also i think erynis doesnt take good sc dmg.
By Afania 2017-12-30 05:02:03
Not the best closer tho, you would need to have thf do mandalic for light, also i think erynis doesnt take good sc dmg.
I'm thinking about duo NM that may need high acc Buffs, such as reisen T3. The 100% chance to hit means we can use fury/frailty instead of torpor and still ws at max dmg. Then maybe just tp with ranged attack or something, since COR ranged attack can almost hit everything in game these days. Also a way to dodge aoes.
(But yes normally people would just try to kill T3 with 6 instead of 2)
By Afania 2017-12-31 21:20:26
Someone in my LS finished relic hands said quad shot proc rate is 50%. So I suppose relic hands would be BiS for leaden and last stand, but not necessary better than Oshosi+1 hands for wf with mage Buffs? Or will the extra hit for white damage outweight higher TS rate/ws frenquency even with mage Buffs?
That made me wonder how will COR compete with RNG in escha if enmity isn't an issue and triple shot can be full timed + attack/acc capped. Since COR will ended up having much high tp every ws, thus higher ws avg. Plus access to 2 wsd+10% none DM gears instead of 1. I honestly don't think a perfect COR would lose to a perfect RNG in perfect scenario these days but maybe I'm wrong.
That also made me wonder how will arma perform v.s fomalhaut since quad shot proc won't increase ws frenquency these days when 4 hit is easily doable. But it may favor white damage build with extra hit.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2017-12-31 22:16:18
50% sounds great :O, but that will be some time for me, cant seem to get voidfeet to drop so still working on +3 feets ><.
By Afania 2017-12-31 22:25:13
I have the feeling that remaining relic +3 will suck ._.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34
By Asura.Sanosuke 2018-01-01 05:13:20
I have the feeling that remaining relic +3 will suck ._.
Damage wise maybe. But I'm still hoping AF head will enhance rolls (more then just increasing proc rate)!
By hobo 2018-01-01 09:06:20
I just want like 5 more seconds shaved off the roll delay, when you don't hit 11 it feels like a year between rolls.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Cicion 2018-01-01 13:48:20
Ya relic head will prol give 75-100% proc rate. Mabey slap on more duration for PR.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1435
By Asura.Toralin 2018-01-01 14:51:31
what are people running in sets.precast.RA?
Should I bother with Aurore head+1 or is Chass Tricorne+1 acceptable?
By Afania 2018-01-01 15:11:45
what are people running in sets.precast.RA?
Should I bother with Aurore head+1 or is Chass Tricorne+1 acceptable?
It depends on other slot and whether you have flurry or not.
Priority is to cap snapshot at 70% then as much rapid shot as possible.
By clearlyamule 2018-01-01 15:28:20
Aurore head+1 is bad and you should feel bad too. Really depends on what else you got but definitely should be capping snapshot or close to it (possibly a few different ways depending on flurry) and then hitting up the rapid shot. Just in terms of snapshot you can get 10 on head with taeon or even get mixed 5 snap 5 rapid.
Given the only slots that give more than 10 snapshot are hands and legs and CFG and Adhemar are already the pick in those slots and the fact body has 20 rapid shot I'd be inclined to say taeon head unless you getting flurry 2 or using Acinaces for some reason or have haverton with flurry 1
By Afania 2018-01-01 16:37:02
Aurore head+1 is bad and you should feel bad too. Really depends on what else you got but definitely should be capping snapshot or close to it (possibly a few different ways depending on flurry) and then hitting up the rapid shot. Just in terms of snapshot you can get 10 on head with taeon or even get mixed 5 snap 5 rapid.
Given the only slots that give more than 10 snapshot are hands and legs and CFG and Adhemar are already the pick in those slots and the fact body has 20 rapid shot I'd be inclined to say taeon head unless you getting flurry 2 or using Acinaces for some reason or have haverton with flurry 1
Had I feel "bad" everytime I choose to prioritize more efficient gears or rl and ended up using not bis gears, I should have feel bad so many times to quit already because there are entirely way too many subpar gears that I use.
I use Aurore +1 because I normally don't invest gil on random augments unless very major boost. In the case for Snapshot, this set caps snapshot without soa ring, including 10 snapshot from gifts:
ItemSet 355860
Adding 5 more snapshot from taeon does nothing, nor it frees up another slot for rapid shot gears. If you add flurry and change body to rapid shot body, the set with 10 snapshot taeon head gives 78 snapshot, which still doesn't free up a slot for rapid. Once you add flurry 2, taeon head gets swapped out for empy head so it still does nothing.
Maybe there's a set that I'm not aware of that actually gets major boost from taeon, to worth the hassle of random augments. But I highly doubt it would be worth the gil v.s other upgrades.
I know OP can probably afford it if he wants. But in the era that HQ and rema becomes baseline of any geared DD, I don't see myself(or anyone as gil-less as myself) prioritize it over other bigger upgrade. Relic +3 gears are bigger upgrade for cor and they are not cheap, so does SU3 HQ set, and HQ weapons and accessories, and all REMA if they don't have it. By comparsion taeon snapshot augments has less reward:effort ratio. But if you already capped everything, why the hell not. At least as a casual player, I won't be for very long time. If you seriously want to upgrade snapshot set because you want to cap at 71% or something, Oshosi body HQ is a far better investment than taeon augments, IMO.
You mentioned that it's possible to get snapshot 5 rapid shot 5 on taeon, does it mean bg wiki info is incorrect? Since it only list acro set gets rapid shot but not taeon.
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-01-01 16:53:30
Only reason for COR to bother with taeon is if you can't get laksa +3 or Oshosi vest. The rest of the set is really easy to get, even the hands aren't expensive. I guess taeon is worth having if you plan to use it on THF, though.
Edit: I guess you could use taeon with hq adhemar legs for some rapid gain, though. And +3 hands might free something else up I can't think of.
By clearlyamule 2018-01-01 17:47:22
Aurore head+1 is bad and you should feel bad too. Really depends on what else you got but definitely should be capping snapshot or close to it (possibly a few different ways depending on flurry) and then hitting up the rapid shot. Just in terms of snapshot you can get 10 on head with taeon or even get mixed 5 snap 5 rapid.
Given the only slots that give more than 10 snapshot are hands and legs and CFG and Adhemar are already the pick in those slots and the fact body has 20 rapid shot I'd be inclined to say taeon head unless you getting flurry 2 or using Acinaces for some reason or have haverton with flurry 1
Had I feel "bad" everytime I choose to prioritize more efficient gears or rl and ended up using not bis gears, I should have feel bad so many times to quit already because there are entirely way too many subpar gears that I use.
I use Aurore +1 because I normally don't invest gil on random augments unless very major boost. In the case for Snapshot, this set caps snapshot without soa ring, including 10 snapshot from gifts:
ItemSet 355860
Adding 5 more snapshot from taeon does nothing, nor it frees up another slot for rapid shot gears. If you add flurry and change body to rapid shot body, the set with 10 snapshot taeon head gives 78 snapshot, which still doesn't free up a slot for rapid. Once you add flurry 2, taeon head gets swapped out for empy head so it still does nothing.
Maybe there's a set that I'm not aware of that actually gets major boost from taeon, to worth the hassle of random augments. But I highly doubt it would be worth the gil v.s other upgrades.
You mentioned that it's possible to get snapshot 5 rapid shot 5 on taeon, does it mean bg wiki info is incorrect? Since it only list acro set gets rapid shot but not taeon.
https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Category:Alluvion_Skirmish_ArmorYo it's a futurama joke don't take it so hard.
And yes it does I even said what piece in my post which Austar mentions. Another neet thing it lets you if you haverton lets you do interesting non flurry builds like using af3+3 body
As far as rapid... I could swear I've gotten it before but god it's been forever since I made my sets and back then it was all snapshot all day so maybe I misremember though seems really for it to be on arco and not taeon but not first time SE has done stupid stuff with rng augments
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-01-01 17:49:33
my snapshot set is outdated since i never shoot when I play cor anyways, so i forgot about a few pieces. I either melee or go afk.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2018-01-01 19:03:03
I hear alot about this melee cor thing. Can I get some more examples because we just don't do it on fenrir. Is it happening on like omen bosses and tier 4+ NMs? Maybe i see it happening on fodder but not anything that holds any weight? All below taeon is +10 snap.
sets.precast.RA = {
body="Oshosi Vest",
hands="Carmine Fin. Ga. +1",
legs="Adhemar Kecks +1",
neck="Loricate Torque +1",
waist="Yemaya Belt",
left_ear="Infused Earring",
right_ear="Etiolation Earring",
left_ring="Dingir Ring",
right_ring="Gelatinous Ring +1",
sets.precast.RA.Flurry = {
body="Laksa. Frac +3",
hands="Carmine Fin. Ga. +1",
legs="Adhemar Kecks",
neck="Loricate Torque +1",
waist="Yemaya Belt",
left_ear="Infused Earring",
right_ear="Etiolation Earring",
left_ring="Dingir Ring",
right_ring="Gelatinous Ring +1",
sets.precast.RA.Flurry2 = {
head="Chass. Tricorne +1",
body="Laksa. Frac +3",
hands="Carmine Fin. Ga. +1",
legs="Pursuer's Pants",
neck="Loricate Torque +1",
waist="Impulse Belt",
left_ear="Infused Earring",
right_ear="Etiolation Earring",
left_ring="Dingir Ring",
right_ring="Gelatinous Ring +1",
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-01-01 19:06:57
Cor can melee on anything your whm can afford to heal said cor on.
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2018-01-01 19:12:53
It would be easier to give examples of things that aren't meleed than things that are.
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Oraen 2018-01-01 19:13:08
Done melee COR for every single fight we've ever used melee on. Every Omen boss, Albumen, Schah, Vinipata, COR/THF for Erinys/Onychopora. It's a fantastic option for anything you're going to melee. It's not WAR or DRK or RUN, but it's one of the strongest from the 1h camp. You're already there for rolls, get in there and do damage, too.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1435
By Asura.Toralin 2018-01-01 21:06:48
I read about drk/thf SA torcleaver build used to close mega SC or in short fight long time ago.
Always wanted to try it on COR. Tonight I finally get to drag a geo friend to try it out. Managed to pop 81k savage blade with soldier, 53 to 54k without soldiers drink on t1. Random deal after SA used. Something like SA>Random deal>SA>Super revit>SA>random deal>SA gets JA 4 times without 1hr.
I didn't get boost str nor change cheer effect to str, also didn't pick Karieyh Ring +1. So it can be a bit higher with more buffs and better gears. Been wondering if it's possible to break 90000 with savage. Unfortunately I didn't have any SC opener tonight to take advantage of it, maybe next time! What are you running for your Savage Blade Set
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2018-01-01 21:20:45
yea my group tends to pew pew for high end things so im always shooting. We don't tend to melee, for no particular reason i suppose.
By Afania 2018-01-02 01:10:08
I read about drk/thf SA torcleaver build used to close mega SC or in short fight long time ago.
Always wanted to try it on COR. Tonight I finally get to drag a geo friend to try it out. Managed to pop 81k savage blade with soldier, 53 to 54k without soldiers drink on t1. Random deal after SA used. Something like SA>Random deal>SA>Super revit>SA>random deal>SA gets JA 4 times without 1hr.
I didn't get boost str nor change cheer effect to str, also didn't pick Karieyh Ring +1. So it can be a bit higher with more buffs and better gears. Been wondering if it's possible to break 90000 with savage. Unfortunately I didn't have any SC opener tonight to take advantage of it, maybe next time! What are you running for your Savage Blade Set
None sneak attack:
ItemSet 326290
I have horrible luck with DM so it's not a very ideal set. Ideally you want head/legs with DM if possible.
I use Caro necklace instead of fotia if I'm closing SC and attack not capped. But I normally use fotia since tp return proc offers a bit higher ws avg than caro.
If my ws avg at low end then ring would be regal + Rufescent Ring. Once I reach 22000+ ws avg then I use regal + Karieyh +1. If my attack is capped (fury/frailty dia4 CC chaos or 29000 ws avg on parse) then I change regal ring to rufescent ring. My default setup is regal + karieyh +1 though, since its the most versatile combo with highest acc.
If I ws at 1750+ then change Moonshade to vulcan pearl.
Metalsinger is also ideal if attack is capped, otherwise prosilio.
Odium is better offhand than blurred +1 if you are closing SC instead of spamming ws as fast as possible.
Sneak attack:
ItemSet 355871
Legs aren't ideal due to lowish str and mnd, herc could be better if you have crit hit dmg or wsd. Adhemar head path B.
Molybdosis should work better than Anarchy +2 if you ws at 2200 TP or more and using Moonshade. And 2200 is very easy to get if you idle in STP set in an erinys pt spamming wings and qd in STP set.
Moonshade > Vulcan pearl if ws at less than 3k.
Otherwise everything else is the same. Metalsinger and rufescent depending on attack capped or not. They are probably better choice most of the time because of forced crit.
Feel free to let me know if set or gear choice needs improvement, since I'm not a sneak attack build expert.
It's not WAR or DRK or RUN, but it's one of the strongest from the 1h camp.
If going with 4 song brd and idris, it's ridiculous close to 2h unless they pop 1hr tbh. I parse against LS 2h a lot this month in VD and I rarely fall below 85% to 90% of their dps after sapara +1/relic +3 update, even if no DD die nor pull hate. Since theres always +- 10% to 15% dmg variation due to luck/human error/lag COR sometimes ended up winning the parse too. I'm not anywhere close to the strongest DD cor in LS either, many people also play melee cor and able to beat me on their COR.
So honestly I was very very surprised to hear that people play COR in top end group but don't melee at all. It's still one of the most effective way to play the job.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 12
By Asura.Madpyro 2018-01-04 20:02:04
does anyone have a updated gearswap? i havent seen one and mine keeps messing up with certain swaps. i cant get my triple shot gear to equip properly and same with elemental belt for weather
Server: Asura
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Posts: 9
By Asura.Nishida 2018-01-05 02:40:31
I am working on gearing up my COR as a secondary job. This is my current gearset for Leaden Salute:
ItemSet 355926
Herc Body: MAB +25, WSD +1%
Herc Legs: MACC +10,MAB +21, WSD +3%
Doomsday: 23 AGI, 20 MACC/20 MAB, WSD 4%
I know I need to work on getting AF+3 Body, AF+3 Boots, Sanctity Neck..but my question is..I read earlier that Svelt. Gouriz +1 was found to be better than Eschan Stone? With my current gear setup is that still true, or is it better to use Eschan Stone? If Stone is best, at what point do I switch to Svelt? I have both, just want to make sure I use the right item.
Thanks for all help!
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Oraen 2018-01-05 02:50:30
It's going to vary based on your specific gear. For my current set, Eschan beats the Sveltesse, but that wasn't the case before some recent swaps. Since you have both, your best option is to go test Leaden Salute on weak enemies at the exact same TP value to see which provides better results. Then, if you have the support, bring a GEO friend and test with Malaise, Acumen, and AGI buffs to determine what swaps, if any, you should make based on buffs.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 102
By Shiva.Afliction 2018-01-05 06:05:44
I'm a returning player looking to gear up cor, any links to sets I can look at that I can use? Or even +phantom roll gear I can use to make me better at the job? Also looking into a decent non RMEA gun to use so I can actually do dmg or is cor now a dual wield job?
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Eightball 2018-01-05 08:49:40
heyo aff, if you are on tonight I can help you with all this and help you get some of the stuff in game, if you can't wait that long the first page has some decent sets to get started or find Afina and check out the like 15+ sets she got.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 102
By Shiva.Afliction 2018-01-05 15:00:14
heyo aff, if you are on tonight I can help you with all this and help you get some of the stuff in game, if you can't wait that long the first page has some decent sets to get started or find Afina and check out the like 15+ sets she got. alright sounds good bro I appreciate that a lot :D
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Nishida 2018-01-06 02:26:20
This took so many stones (for WSD) not perfect, but pretty damn close.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2018-01-06 05:45:49
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but WSD goes up to 7%.