ok I was a little unsure about the +3 body since it didnt have MAB, ill use it on Leaden, Thanks!
Decided to recheck ws dmg since I assume you are not in Escha so less mab buffs, and new wsd feet gear may change things.
(Just woke up, may get the number wrong somewhere so please correct if wrong)
Base stat without body:
260 AGI
165 mab
345 mdmg
3000 tp
Mythic bonus
No mab buff:
AF+3 body: 57607
Carmine: 59107
100 mab buff:
AF +3 body: 79346
Carmine+1: 78361
So yeah, use carmine without buffs.
I'm getting 225 MAB with a similar set (no +3 feet yet,so using +39 MAB/+2% WSD aug'ed herc feet), and I'm about 0/80 on Baetyl so using Sanctity neck.
My legs don't have any Agi, but are 25% MAB and WSD 4%. Net difference on us is I'm -26 Agi, 4% WSD, 2 MAB.
And, I'm confused as hell because I'm never seeing numbers anywhere near approaching your cited 57K, let alone the near 80K when using buffs, even in Dynamis with Obi on. I'm getting like 25-35k in Dynamis. So... halp meh. What am I doing wrong?
Ok so I decided to check my numbers in game instead of using guesstimate numbers.
Target: Chapuli in ceizak. INT 110 according to spreadsheet info.
WS at 3000 TP only to avoid different TP value screw the results.
No weather bonus nor wizards roll. No ionis either.
/SAM for Meditate for fast tp gain.
Gear set that I used for the test:
ItemSet 355597
Removed Moonshade because I ws at 3000 TP.
Back: AGI +30/mdmg+20/WSD+10%
Legs: + 50 mab
Total stats with +3 body:
AGI 296
mab 235
Mdmg 351
Wsd 30
Dark affinity 33
Numbers from WS calculator: 42867
Actual ws numbers in game:
44878 40383 44870
Change body to carmine +1:
AGI 274
Mab 277
Mdmg 351
Wsd 20
Dark affinity 33
Numbers from WS calculator: 42465
Actual ws in game:
44262 39835 39835 44262
I don't know why WS in game has higher number than calculated WS. Checked with Chiaia's spreadsheet, both spreadsheet numbers are about the same as well. So its probably not some formula error on my end.
Regardless, with my gear set and mob stat used, AF+3 body beats carmine +1 both in game and on paper. That being said, it is still possible for carmine +1 to pull ahead if mob has
more mdef or using less mab in gears. So don't just toss it yet :p
Also to OP, since 44k is doable unbuffed single wield, 50k range should be totally doable with weather bonus, DW additional mab swords and mab buffs. You probably didn't ws at 3000 tp since 25k at 1000 in Dyna is very common. Or mobs in there just have higher stats.
Edit: I can't math as always.