The Pirates' Lair: A Guide To Corsair

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The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
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Server: Carbuncle
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user: lunamars
Posts: 291
By Carbuncle.Lunatone 2017-12-19 16:02:53
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Ok, Thank you
By Afania 2017-12-19 16:25:21
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Sylph.Oraen said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Anyone got an updated Last Stand set? Also does anyone use Oshosi as part of a Triple Shot set? Or are they not worth it?

ItemSet 355535

AGI/WSD on Herc pieces and the cape.

Oshosi head and feet are 100% worth it during triple shot, as we don't have many other attractive options for those slots. Legs and hands are also a great choice if losing the STP from Adhemar doesn't drop your X-hit.

Head and feet (NQ) are pretty situational. Did a spreadsheet check rq, nq seems to lose to Adhemar +1 D if sam roll isnt up. (Inb4 COR always gets sam roll, last albuman run we used chaos/hunter because life suck). If you pop triple shot for other purposes, such as Tping in dyna when mobs gets pulled or bypass perfect dodge, adhemar may be further ahead with true shot.

If using Armageddon AM3 crit build head may also lose to meghanada+2 due to the lack of dead aim but the difference shouldn't be huge.
Server: Asura
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user: Falsetto
Posts: 81
By Asura.Fabiano 2017-12-19 16:50:04
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What's the next best rings if no Regal or Dingir? Garuda HQ?
Server: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2017-12-19 16:53:09
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HQ Garuda and Ilabrat. If no Ilabrat, then 2 HQ Garuda.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Kylos
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2017-12-19 22:30:31
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Afania said: »
Sylph.Oraen said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Anyone got an updated Last Stand set? Also does anyone use Oshosi as part of a Triple Shot set? Or are they not worth it?

ItemSet 355535

AGI/WSD on Herc pieces and the cape.

Oshosi head and feet are 100% worth it during triple shot, as we don't have many other attractive options for those slots. Legs and hands are also a great choice if losing the STP from Adhemar doesn't drop your X-hit.

Head and feet (NQ) are pretty situational. Did a spreadsheet check rq, nq seems to lose to Adhemar +1 D if sam roll isnt up. (Inb4 COR always gets sam roll, last albuman run we used chaos/hunter because life suck). If you pop triple shot for other purposes, such as Tping in dyna when mobs gets pulled or bypass perfect dodge, adhemar may be further ahead with true shot.

If using Armageddon AM3 crit build head may also lose to meghanada+2 due to the lack of dead aim but the difference shouldn't be huge.

Wouldn't tping in Oshosi bring accuracy down too much to be worthwhile?
Server: Ragnarok
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user: fabiano
Posts: 154
By Ragnarok.Fabiano 2017-12-20 00:17:05
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also you would need allmost perfrect herc augments on herc stuff to beat meg. +2 pants and head not inclusing the giant racc boost on them
Server: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2017-12-20 00:39:17
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Meghanada head and legs are fine options for Last Stand, but Herculean are best as the AGI loss can be made up for with augments relatively easily and they can also get WSD. Legs are 10 less AGI than Meghanada and head is only 6. When it comes to racc needs, though, Meghanada are definitely fantastic options, without a doubt. Herculean are just the better choice when you're not starved for racc.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4578
By Cerberus.Kylos 2017-12-20 00:51:29
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Tried augmenting a spare helm, but could see having to use thousands of stones to get a decent augment .. so I'll likely not bother.
Posts: 47
By andy1110 2017-12-20 03:42:38
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How do you calculate the tp return from the range attack? Gun delay + ammo delay? For DP users, what is your mid-shoot set would look like?
Server: Asura
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user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-12-20 04:08:17
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andy1110 said: »
How do you calculate the tp return from the range attack? Gun delay + ammo delay?
Posts: 22
By Dantol 2017-12-20 06:39:22
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Whats the best gun in slot right now besides dp,fomal,arma?
Server: Asura
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user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-12-20 07:48:11
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Doomsday for magic both WF and Leaden and Holiday for phy iirc from spreadsheeting. I have DP and Fomal and still have a Doomsday for WF.

Afania will probably confirm or correct me if wrong they seem to spreadsheet more then even I do.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: fabiano
Posts: 154
By Ragnarok.Fabiano 2017-12-20 08:01:12
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Tp bonus gun if you melee and savage or leaden on low-mid ilvl stuff
Posts: 22
By Dantol 2017-12-20 09:28:17
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Well I have molybdosis is that pretty much bis outside of rema and tp bonus for savage?
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2017-12-20 10:33:51
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Dantol said: »
Well I have molybdosis is that pretty much bis outside of rema and tp bonus for savage?

Doomsday MAX: AGI20(23),MAB25,WSD7
Molybdosis: AGI25,MAB30

I'd say Doomsday takes the edge with WSD5-7 > 7-10 AGI+MAB but could depend on level of Mob, stats, etc. So, if you are working towards a DP I would say stick with Moly and save those millions of gil towards your Mythic.
Posts: 22
By Dantol 2017-12-20 18:22:09
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Doomsday also has a much higher base damage. How does that effect ws dmg? moly when shooting and doomsday when meleeing for tp?
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2017-12-20 19:39:13
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base DMG has no effect on all Magic WSs, but it does help QD.

Edit: should also note that Doomsday is not a very good RA gun, Moly will be better for this.
By Afania 2017-12-20 22:01:33
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Shiva.Eightball said: »
base DMG has no effect on all Magic WSs, but it does help QD.

Edit: should also note that Doomsday is not a very good RA gun, Moly will be better for this.

Just FYI to OP, moly has lower delay, so it'll be a bit harder to 4 hit. You absolutely want to 4 hit when triple shot is up, it's a lot of dps lose if you ended up sitting at 950 tp instead of 1000 with triple shot proc. Since that would be 100% decrease in ws frenquency if you shoot twice instead of once.

I haven't check exact STP required but I personally wouldn't want to shoot in anything that can't 4 hit. So may want to check your current tp set using a delay 480 gun.

Dantol said: »
Whats the best gun in slot right now besides dp,fomal,arma?

Holliday is pretty good with augments too.
By Afania 2017-12-21 13:41:34
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Marootsoobootsu said: »
Afania said: »
Asura.Toralin said: »
ok I was a little unsure about the +3 body since it didnt have MAB, ill use it on Leaden, Thanks!

Decided to recheck ws dmg since I assume you are not in Escha so less mab buffs, and new wsd feet gear may change things.

(Just woke up, may get the number wrong somewhere so please correct if wrong)
Base stat without body:
260 AGI
165 mab
345 mdmg
3000 tp
Mythic bonus

No mab buff:
AF+3 body: 57607
Carmine: 59107

100 mab buff:
AF +3 body: 79346
Carmine+1: 78361

So yeah, use carmine without buffs.

I'm getting 225 MAB with a similar set (no +3 feet yet,so using +39 MAB/+2% WSD aug'ed herc feet), and I'm about 0/80 on Baetyl so using Sanctity neck.

My legs don't have any Agi, but are 25% MAB and WSD 4%. Net difference on us is I'm -26 Agi, 4% WSD, 2 MAB.

And, I'm confused as hell because I'm never seeing numbers anywhere near approaching your cited 57K, let alone the near 80K when using buffs, even in Dynamis with Obi on. I'm getting like 25-35k in Dynamis. So... halp meh. What am I doing wrong?

Ok so I decided to check my numbers in game instead of using guesstimate numbers.

Target: Chapuli in ceizak. INT 110 according to spreadsheet info.
WS at 3000 TP only to avoid different TP value screw the results.
No weather bonus nor wizards roll. No ionis either.
/SAM for Meditate for fast tp gain.

Gear set that I used for the test:
ItemSet 355597

Removed Moonshade because I ws at 3000 TP.

Back: AGI +30/mdmg+20/WSD+10%
Legs: + 50 mab

Total stats with +3 body:
AGI 296
mab 235
Mdmg 351
Wsd 30
Dark affinity 33

Numbers from WS calculator: 42867
Actual ws numbers in game: 44878 40383 44870

Change body to carmine +1:
AGI 274
Mab 277
Mdmg 351
Wsd 20
Dark affinity 33

Numbers from WS calculator: 42465
Actual ws in game:44262 39835 39835 44262

I don't know why WS in game has higher number than calculated WS. Checked with Chiaia's spreadsheet, both spreadsheet numbers are about the same as well. So its probably not some formula error on my end.

Regardless, with my gear set and mob stat used, AF+3 body beats carmine +1 both in game and on paper. That being said, it is still possible for carmine +1 to pull ahead if mob has more mdef or using less mab in gears. So don't just toss it yet :p

Also to OP, since 44k is doable unbuffed single wield, 50k range should be totally doable with weather bonus, DW additional mab swords and mab buffs. You probably didn't ws at 3000 tp since 25k at 1000 in Dyna is very common. Or mobs in there just have higher stats.

Edit: I can't math as always.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2017-12-21 13:47:57
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The mob's MDB won't have any effect whatsoever on a piece of gear comparing to another; regardless of the values, it'll affect every piece equally (percentage wise).
By Afania 2017-12-22 14:27:53
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Has anyone finish(or close to finish) relic +3 hands to test the quad shot proc rate?

Since we don't farm bastok regularly it's going to take a while to finish at 80m price tag. Anyone else have plans to take the risk and invest their gil on this item? :D
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: nayomi423
Posts: 87
By Shiva.Nayomi 2017-12-24 11:22:41
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So I most likely will be upgrading the hands sometime soon. I will do some testing once i have them and post my findings as soon as possible.

❤⛄Merry Christmas My Fellow Corsairs⛄❤
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1001
By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2017-12-24 12:17:27
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I <3 that movie. Merry Christmas!
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-12-27 18:28:29
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K getting tight on inventory so for melee tp, what's going to be "best" DA/Stp/DW on melee ambu tp back
Already have a savage blade one in the works
-most likely will do one more specifically as agi/mdmg/macc/wsdmg
-probably do a fc one as well
-maybe a waltz one too
-my inventory is so screwed
-good lord help me
-SE make wardrobes 5+6
/passes out
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-12-27 18:30:25
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i'd suggest stp, it's useful in every situation.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2017-12-27 18:49:38
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If you're looking for a "one size fits all" option, I'd suggest STP, as well.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-12-27 19:15:21
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Cool that's what I had thought, though I did screw it up and got DA awhile back, gonna grab needle an swap it :)
By Afania 2017-12-30 04:25:52
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I read about drk/thf SA torcleaver build used to close mega SC or in short fight long time ago.

Always wanted to try it on COR. Tonight I finally get to drag a geo friend to try it out. Managed to pop 81k savage blade with soldier, 53 to 54k without soldiers drink on t1. Random deal after SA used. Something like SA>Random deal>SA>Super revit>SA>random deal>SA gets JA 4 times without 1hr.

I didn't get boost str nor change cheer effect to str, also didn't pick Karieyh Ring +1. So it can be a bit higher with more buffs and better gears. Been wondering if it's possible to break 90000 with savage. Unfortunately I didn't have any SC opener tonight to take advantage of it, maybe next time!
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2017-12-30 04:32:50
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If i can do 40k's w/o SA then yea, it's possible, question is, worth it?
By Afania 2017-12-30 04:37:26
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It's probably not worth it 90% of time since COR lose more dps /thf than drk.

But we already /THF on erinys and similar NM mechanics so......
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