The Pirates' Lair: A Guide To Corsair

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The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
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Server: Asura
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user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-09-26 11:16:56
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If your low man too without a geo normally you can still hit 20k~ at 3k for most cors. So just have someone open a darkness for you and your sets with the dmg+sc for 30k. A really decked cor can hit 30k by themselves but its hard and if you can already do this i doubt you would be asking :D
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2017-09-26 12:11:19
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what possible reason would you ever use frailty on a non boss floor? every DD I've had in omen can solo a sweetwater mob and usualy you want less dmg to get more WSsin anyways, malaise is used more because of the MB dmg and non MB dmg and with a corsair or rng WSD is much easier to hit with magic as it wont miss and unless the mob you are fighting resists the element using you are not gonna resist.
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2017-09-26 13:22:21
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Open Darkness for yourself:

Split Shot > Fast Blade > Leaden Salute

Triple Shot if you have trouble self-chaining.
By Afania 2017-09-26 14:32:02
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That's why I've been wondering if hot shot is better choice in omen for none dp users. Several aeonic users told me they had trouble on 30k objective using leaden without geo and some people also said it was much easier to hit 99k hot shot in cp pt than leaden.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2017-09-26 14:34:48
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99k Hotshots........... that's a thing?
By Afania 2017-09-26 14:39:40
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
99k Hotshots........... that's a thing?

I just posted 77k on NM on last page with pretty sub optimal setup. Add storms (on a day that's not waters day), boost agi, gambit, more specialized gear set, I can see 99k is totally doable. It just needs quite a bit of buffs and it's not as useful as leaden/wf for SC.
Posts: 86
By Tphantom 2017-09-26 16:17:15
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hello!!! searched up to page 100 checking this, I already have whole af119+2 set what would be an ideal +3 order, do I need all set or just importan pieces?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2017-09-26 16:52:17
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1) Body,
2) Legs.

Body is really really really good and is a top priority.

Legs are a racc swap, and provide snap if you haven't hit the cap yet. They are a very distant second.

If you have a ton of cards/gil, then make the others for magic accuracy. I personally haven't even +2'd them yet.
Server: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2017-09-26 18:15:59
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Body is top priority, bar none. Amazing racc, Rapid Shot, Recycle and WSD. Best piece of the set, by far.

Hands and feet are niche pieces, but they're crazy good for landing debuff QDs.

Legs are okay. Outside of decent racc, they're nothing special, and you generally don't want to sacrifice the Rapid Shot on Adhemar legs to put AF into your preshot set.

Hands mark the return of our amazing parrying skill option. AKA, don't bother with these in any situation ever. They are horrid.
By Afania 2017-09-26 20:28:14
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Must have: Body for majority of ws.

Situational/side grade/skipable gears:
Unless Im missing something, current bis macc set has 3/5 +3(head, hands, feet). If you want a strong macc build get all 3.

Legs has snap shot for preshot mix and match, but you can cap without it.

Legs has strong enmity- for enmity-50 last stand set, so you can get it if you build sets for it.

Head has the 2nd highest agi, 2nd to oshosi HQ. So it's probably a good choice for last stand if attack is capped since ranged attack would be irrelevant. It also has the highest racc if you combine with another piece.

If you want to be cheap you can honestly skip all 4 pieces that's not body.
Posts: 86
By Tphantom 2017-09-26 21:18:44
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thx a lot for responses
Posts: 105
By aigulfe 2017-09-27 21:36:39
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I've been attempting to clear Master Trial Black and White (Odin/Alexander) with my LS this week. Some runs we've done pretty well, others not so much. Even on the runs that seem to go really well we seem to be lacking the dmg required to get this done on time. (It's PLD COR WHM GEO SMN SMN... PLD and COR opens light SCs for Volt Strike is the basic dmg strat).

Two things seem to trip us up... if the PLD dies (duh!) and if I end up pulling too much hate. The first fight a fomor would turn and come toward me but the PLD would get him right back and we'd keep going. But we lose a ton of dmg if I pull the mob off the bubble and/or Ramuh cant make up that distance and close the SC. In some of the more recent runs, i've been a lot harder to get hate off of, resulting in some untimely deaths. I feel like this group can clear it but in order to do so I need to be able to shoot a lot (I've held back quite a bit when hate is loose) and I need to not die.

So i'm injecting more enmity- gear into my ranged TP set and into my last stand set. I came across a comment on this site that claimed idling in enmity- gear increased the rate of enmity loss and wondered if any of you guys knew if that was legit. I'm no tank so I'm honestly not sure on that. But yeah, I feel like me being able to shoot without holding back too much is the key to us clearing this. I've even considered tact roll and shooting less (i often sit on TP waiting for the PLD and one SMN to do their thing before I can open the next one). Anyway, figured i'd see what some of my fellow CORs thought about what the best way I can approach this might be. Oh and we do kill Grim (the horde lullaby hate reset guy) second so its not that... I dont even begin shooting till the third mob.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2017-09-27 22:11:54
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aigulfe said: »
So i'm injecting more enmity- gear into my ranged TP set and into my last stand set. I came across a comment on this site that claimed idling in enmity- gear increased the rate of enmity loss and wondered if any of you guys knew if that was legit.
Yes, this was stated by SE. I don't know if it's been formally tested, but my understanding/assumption was that it increases the rate of VE decay.

aigulfe said: »
Oh and we do kill Grim (the horde lullaby hate reset guy) second so its not that...
Hate resets still happen after grim is dead, there's just no visible trigger. Plan on them happening and act accordingly.

I haven't done this with SMNs yet, so not sure exactly how strapped for time/damage you are. With that in mind, if your white damage is not as much of a consideration as your skillchain opening, consider using low level ammunition. You'll still be able to keep an ilevel gun, and you'll be reducing your enmity acquisition by about 2/3 during TP phase. Dumbing down your WS gear/ammo and/or using detonator is also an option.

Finally, people were winning this with RNG long before SMN setup, and good RNGs now clear in around 40-45 minutes. This leaves a ton more leeway as far as going balls to the wall damage or not, so if your problem with the hate resets is speed loss that would alleviate it. If it's something your group can field, may be worth consideration. I know how dumbed down SMN hate makes things, though.
Posts: 105
By aigulfe 2017-09-27 22:22:35
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Thanks, I'm just looking for any way I can still shoot a ton, open many SCs and not yank the mob off the bubble and/or die. I think if we can get through with no deaths and can consistently keep the mobs on the bubble, we can do it. We got Alex down to 8% once and under 30% a few more times. We just need to get the most out of our SCs and keep connecting them without deaths and what not.

The parse on the successful runs shows my overall dmg at 13% with the SMNs and their SC dmg doing basically the rest of it. But yeah, shooting for TP with a lesser bullet could prove beneficial. I'll definitely consider that also.

I've only tried it with this setup or with a RUN in the PLD spot. The RUNs cant seem to survive the supertank part though so I think we're married to try clear with PLD. I'm not sure how many RNGs we have. Both the PLD and myself have strong RNGs but then I don't believe we'd have a tank lol.

Thanks for the input though, gave me some more things to consider and bring up with the group before the next attempt.
Posts: 105
By aigulfe 2017-09-27 22:26:17
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My plan A for now was to put cacoethic +1 and NQ in to reduce enmity on the ring slots and perhaps buy the Su3 feet for the enmity -10 on them. Have the +3 legs and the ranged earring from Vagary but that's about it for enmity- in my usual build. If idling in a some of those pieces would help me keep my enmity low, I could do that too. I guess we also havent been using pacifying ruby which could also help.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3334
By Siren.Kyte 2017-09-27 22:26:22
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Yes, this was stated by SE. I don't know if it's been formally tested, but my understanding/assumption was that it increases the rate of VE decay.

It's been my understanding that the adjustment made Enmity +/- gear affect CE gain/loss when taking damage.
By Afania 2017-09-27 22:37:53
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Just run back to the bubble asap if you notice NM starting to move toward you.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Sidra
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2017-10-08 11:27:51
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Just got COR to 99 and need to level Marksmanship its all the way down at like 20. Can anyone recommend a low delay gun/bullet?

I usually, for mele, afk on the shells outside of Adoulin. But I am thinking for ranged attacks this might not work. So any advice also appreciated. Ranged attacks in general are a bit new to me.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-10-08 11:30:06
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Awilda's gun with bronze bullets off moogle

think windower has an auto ra plugin as well you could use, just get some healer trusts and brd ones and shoot at the uragnite outside adoulin

although if you have rng to 99, may as well just get a fast crossbow and do it as rng
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2017-10-08 13:34:51
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not sure what sub you are using already but if you dont need anything specific from sub you could switch to /drg for high jump, 30% enmity reduction every 2 mins might be just what you need?

edit: honestly when looking at /drg vs /war unless you can go balls to the wall with berserk and not pull hate /drg looks better overall with it giving Acc bonus 1 , attack bonus 1, save tp 1 and high jump.
war sub gives def bonus 2, attack bonus 1 and fencer 1(if that works on ranged?), berserk and warcry.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-10-08 14:37:00
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Shiva.Eightball said: »
fencer 1(if that works on ranged?)
It does.
By 2017-10-14 05:04:17
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Posts: 2760
By Nariont 2017-10-14 05:50:37
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Youll lose tons of skill, so expect resists on anything of value. Magian gun is for savage blade spam, get an augmented doomsday if you want to do leaden
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2017-10-14 10:17:40
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or molybdosis
By Afania 2017-10-14 12:56:33
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DirectX said: »
For COR on say Ambuscade E/N level would meleeing for TP and using Leaden Salute with martial gun do more or less damage than swift blade with the trial gun for TP bonus?

It depends on the mob. Most mobs these day don't take darkness damage very well.

Swift blade damage doesn't scale up with more tp, so if that's all you are using, it's better to use a gun with higher STR.

However savage blade dmg scale up with more tp, so you would want tp bonus with it.
By 2017-10-14 14:34:34
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By Afania 2017-10-14 14:41:12
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DirectX said: »
I meant Savage Blade I guess - whatever it is people are using with sword. Does Marksmanship skill effect magic WS? Is RAcc converted to MAcc or something?

Marksmanship skill affects magical ws skill, so does magic skill from the main hand.

Marksmanship skills relation to macc was never confirmed by Dev, but it's very noticeable by the community so it is believed that way.
By Afania 2017-10-17 00:21:22
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For those who brings COR to ambuscade, what's everyone's preferred DD playstyle?

Since the mechanics favors strong white dmg build with 10x more dmg, arma AM3 could do quite well. I managed to crit for 57k dmg per hit, and that's excluding true shot bonus too, since I'm unable to activate true shot bonus due to hate.

Maybe shooting is a better way to DD if TS is up? Especially with PD, ranged attack could be great.

Then I decided to try melee dmg. I switched to molybdosis for crit hit dmg +10% since I hit 99999 savage without tp bonus magian anyways, and I don't have qa+3 augmented gun.

Are there better combos that we may not be aware of? Do share!
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2017-10-17 21:21:18
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So looking at the new pieces with a Crit Arma AM3 set in mind, I’ve been thinking I should pick up Mummu Wrists +2 in addition to the ring, but I wanted some additional input. I don’t have Adhemar +1 and am working on Omen accessories, otherwise.

My current set:

Back is agi/racc/ratt/Crit

ItemSet 353803
By Afania 2017-10-17 22:36:25
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Is it for wildfire or last stand? Triple shot up or down? I guess it's triple shot down since you didn't use other TS gears.

Since last stand scale with tp sometimes STP gears may ended up better with tp overflow, on spreadsheet at least. Since spreadsheet is known to screw toward white dmg more in real practice it's only going to favor STP more.

This months ambu is an exception of course. STP is pretty useless with dmg cap and white damage is a lot more important.

Anyhow, this is mine for general last stand tping:

ItemSet 353829

Racc path on adhemars.

For wf, STP may not do anything if you are getting x hit already.

Edit: Ignore Begrudging Ring, I no longer use it because
1) I erased hate and too lazy to get it back
2) It's about the same as another STP ring for LS
3) Enmity+ suck
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