The Pirates' Lair: A Guide To Corsair

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The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
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Posts: 75
By Lilmartio 2017-06-24 21:03:36
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Bismarck.Zuidar said: »
Shiva.Spynx said: »
It's a good starting piece that you can easily get but the best item in head slot is taeon chapeau with lucky augments (up to +10 snapshot)
I thought snapshot augment on taeon goes to +5

+5 through Leaf augments and another +5 from Dusk augments
Server: Bahamut
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user: Lyramion
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By Bahamut.Tychefm 2017-06-25 06:15:07
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Zyla said: »
Was wondering if Aurore +1 head is still our best option for snapshot in that slot, as that is what's shown in the guide currently, or if there is a better option available? Thnx in advance.

Time to toss in my monthy link to my SnapShot post a couple dozen of pages back:
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 2
By Valefor.Middleeast 2017-06-26 02:34:25
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anyone able to tell me how to add the roll value to this for add_to_chat and send
function define_roll_values()
    rolls = {
        ["Avenger's Roll"]   = {lucky=4, unlucky=8, bonus="Counter Rate"}}

function display_roll_info(spell)
    rollinfo = rolls[spell.english]
    if rollinfo then
        add_to_chat(158, spell.english..' ** '..rollinfo.bonus..' ** Lucky, '..tostring(rollinfo.lucky)..' ** Unlucky, '..tostring(rollinfo.unlucky)..'.')
        send_command('send @all input /echo Lucky, '..tostring(rollinfo.lucky)..', ** Unlucky, '..tostring(rollinfo.unlucky)..'.')
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2017-07-04 21:00:48
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Using the COR spreadsheet with Ataktos TP Bonus for Leaden is giving me higher numbers than max Doomsday (AGI23,MAB25,WSD7).

Can I take this as a semi-accurate representation just as I do on other aspects of the spreadsheet? I find it hard to believe since I hear no one talking about its incredible output I'm seeing on the spreadhsheet.

If I cannot use it for Leaden would you mind explaining why (since this post obviously shows my lack of understanding on the issue)?

EDIT: Found a post back in March with the same question and the point of Marksmanship Skill was brought up. I guess that answers my question. I also assume Marksmanship skill is not adjusting for this in the spreadsheet.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3334
By Siren.Kyte 2017-07-04 21:34:26
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The TP bonus gun is indeed quite strong for Leaden if you're meleeing for TP and not storing to high TP%s. The WS damage numbers are typically the most trustworthy parts of the spreadsheets.
By Afania 2017-07-04 22:13:19
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tyalangan said: »
Using the COR spreadsheet with Ataktos TP Bonus for Leaden is giving me higher numbers than max Doomsday (AGI23,MAB25,WSD7).

Can I take this as a semi-accurate representation just as I do on other aspects of the spreadsheet? I find it hard to believe since I hear no one talking about its incredible output I'm seeing on the spreadhsheet.

If I cannot use it for Leaden would you mind explaining why (since this post obviously shows my lack of understanding on the issue)?

Marksmanship skill affects magic accuracy, I don't think spreadsheet calculates resist rate and
By clearlyamule 2017-07-05 00:10:32
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Haven't looked thru it but one thing the spreadsheet could easily have missed using the proper level factors I know the rng one was messing it up for awhile. ws dmg pretty easy to calculate though so you can just plug in your totals to the equation and do a quick check yourself
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3334
By Siren.Kyte 2017-07-05 00:53:06
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One thing you can do is just do the algebra and subtract out some AGI to correct for the level factor (I wanna say it's -73 AGI but it's been a while and I'm too drunk and apathetic to redo it atm).
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-05 14:48:52
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Just curious what are best melee daggers or good daggers to have? Thinking kustawi hq? Odium? Have fettering/demersal for sword (+ tp bonus gun) but stupidly never looked into daggers much until today lol. Also I am assuming a ninja is ideal for glazemane?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-07-05 15:01:52
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Melee daggers is a Blurred+1 offhand, and...probably Blurred+1 mainhand. Probably something like Odium/Blurred+1 if you don't have two Blurred+1's.
Server: Asura
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user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-07-05 15:06:01
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Last time I look and its been a while but we really haven't gotten any new ones iirc.

Fettering + Blurred +1 Knife is best combo for melee almost always,

Odium + Blurred +1 if for some reason u wanted to melee with daggers and spam dagger ws...

Blurred +1 and Blurred +1 if for some reason you wanted to melee and spam Last Stand.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-05 15:22:17
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Ah ok so I'm ok for savage spam basically. Blurred+1s are super rare to find here or outta my price range
Posts: 48
By afheal 2017-07-05 17:33:19
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From what I've learned, savage blade will be used 90% of the time (probably over exaggerating) and the last 10 will be either Leaden or Last Stand depending on the situation. Fettering + OAT dagger or demersal is what I use currently with the TP gun and the results are actually pretty nice.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-07-05 18:25:38
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afheal said: »
From what I've learned, savage blade will be used 90% of the time (probably over exaggerating) and the last 10 will be either Leaden or Last Stand depending on the situation. Fettering + OAT dagger or demersal is what I use currently with the TP gun and the results are actually pretty nice.

It greatly depends on the content, but that would be true in Omen (though Leaden works on trash). You'll savage blade mostly on sub-bosses and most of the Omen bosses.
Posts: 48
By afheal 2017-07-05 19:48:38
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SB seems to really shine during HELMs as well! I have a few tweaks left for my Last stand set (still missing ring and neck from omen) but once I'm done I will try that out.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2017-07-05 19:50:22
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sub bosses in omen are actually fairly weak to Salute, i usualy spam that on them since 2/3 i can RA with full buffs and salute w/o taking any dmg.

Edit: and kill everyone with pain sync.
By Afania 2017-07-05 20:25:48
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
Last time I look and its been a while but we really haven't gotten any new ones iirc.

Fettering + Blurred +1 Knife is best combo for melee almost always,

Odium + Blurred +1 if for some reason u wanted to melee with daggers and spam dagger ws...

Blurred +1 and Blurred +1 if for some reason you wanted to melee and spam Last Stand.

I prefer blurred +1 x2 for leaden most of the time, personally. On fodder Mab from fettering makes no difference as leaden one shot them regardless of mainhand choice, so faster to 1000 tp=faster one shot/kill.

Main hand dagger also opens up ability to cleave fodders via aeolian edge, which is actually pretty damn strong with malaise. On NM leaden > aeolian> leaden self darkness is also damn good, totally worth sacrificing mab(which doesn't add THAT much damage these days with high mab gears) on mainhand most of the time IMO.

I guess you can make an argument that fettering is better in SC situations with another sc opener for bigger darkness, maybe.

Basically for leaden, blurred+1 x2 for ws versatility or faster tp, fettering for bigger ws/SC.

Haven't check other dagger ws recently, honesty they are all not nearly as useful as AE, IMO. I wish more cor could take advantage of it, especially the one with access to DP bullets.

Edit: Also wanted to add degen+1/blurred +1 for multi step SC if you use chains that involve savage blade instead of numbing shot.

Leviathan.Vedder said: »
Just curious what are best melee daggers or good daggers to have? Thinking kustawi hq? Odium? Have fettering/demersal for sword (+ tp bonus gun) but stupidly never looked into daggers much until today lol. Also I am assuming a ninja corsair is ideal for glazemane?

Fixed for you :) This is cor forum!
By Afania 2017-07-05 21:06:05
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afheal said: »
From what I've learned, savage blade will be used 90% of the time (probably over exaggerating) and the last 10 will be either Leaden or Last Stand depending on the situation. Fettering + OAT dagger or demersal is what I use currently with the TP gun and the results are actually pretty nice.

Savage, wildfire, AE, leaden, last stand, req, numbing shot all have their uses, either as part of SC or content/setup favors them. Other ws are a lot more niche.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Lyramion
Posts: 902
By Bahamut.Tychefm 2017-07-06 04:40:34
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I really do love the TP return from Melee + Ranged WS combo. You also get constant light SCs when using Last Stand with Fomalhaut. Honor March is of course pure bliss for this.
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2017-07-06 08:57:40
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Read on reddit someone was having trouble hitting same WS numbers in Omen and Apex with Magic WS (WF, TF, and Leaden). He reported about half the damage as normal after the update. Anyone else notice this? I have not used COR in a while so I have nothing to compare. Just curious if there is validity to this statement.
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2017-07-11 16:20:09
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Hate to double post but can't figure this one out:

On the spreadsheet if I switch Atoyac OAT for Blurred Knife +1 in my sub slot my melee DPS goes up, my WS DPS goes up, but my overal Set DPS goes down. How does it figure?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-07-11 17:32:43
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tyalangan said: »
Hate to double post but can't figure this one out:

On the spreadsheet if I switch Atoyac OAT for Blurred Knife +1 in my sub slot my melee DPS goes up, my WS DPS goes up, but my overal Set DPS goes down. How does it figure?

It's likely assuming perfect TP usage and the Atoyac gives MAB so higher WS numbers. It's also likely assuming capped acc with Atoyac.
Server: Asura
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user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-07-13 12:42:27
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So I decided I wanted the exact /1024 numbers of Gallant's Roll not the rounded ones SE gave in 2012 but come to find out the wiki was never updated for the 2014 rebuff of Gallant's if anyone ever bothered to even test.

Most of the numbers got a 20-50% increase! but some are minor.
Started with 1024 in DEF from gear alone.
|    Roll    | Defense |    %   | 1024 |                                  
|  PLD Bonus | 1192    | 11.72  | 120  | Note: -48 for the 1 Roll         
|          1 | 1072    | 4.69   | 48   |                                  
|          2 | 1084    | 5.86   | 60   |                                  
|          3 | 1224    | 19.53  | 200  |                                  
|          4 | 1096    | 7.03   | 72   |                                  
|          5 | 1112    | 8.59   | 88   |                                  
|          6 | 1128    | 10.16  | 104  |                                  
|          7 | 1056    | 3.13   | 32   |                                  
|          8 | 1144    | 11.72  | 120  |                                  
|          9 | 1164    | 13.67  | 140  |                                  
|         10 | 1184    | 15.63  | 160  |                                  
|         11 | 1264    | 23.44  | 240  |                                  
|       Bust | 904     | -11.72 | -120 |                                  
| Roll Bonus | 1240    | 2.34   | 24   | Note: -48 and divided by 7 Regal Neck.                          

Also whoever had made RollTracker addon used BG's numbers so I'll throw an pull request on that so it's updated.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-07-13 12:48:14
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
tyalangan said: ยป
Hate to double post but can't figure this one out:

On the spreadsheet if I switch Atoyac OAT for Blurred Knife +1 in my sub slot my melee DPS goes up, my WS DPS goes up, but my overal Set DPS goes down. How does it figure?

It's likely assuming perfect TP usage and the Atoyac gives MAB so higher WS numbers. It's also likely assuming capped acc with Atoyac.
Lady's probably 100% right without posting screenshots of the sets dps. More then likely you either A) Youing a MAB augged Atoyac with a Magic WS set or B) You hit a sweet spot with that combined delay that has you wsing with slightly higher TP because of the default .5 TP overrounds on the sheet (can be messed with on the first page).
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2017-07-14 15:42:55
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I'm trying to get a good idea of TP set for Melee for high acc content. I was doing Vol 1 on D the other day /war and I had pretty decent acc in Melee phase, I forget to use aggressor so without I was parsing at ~87% with sublime sushi. We destroyed the fomors (well, the ridiculous sam did) so we decided to try VD.

Brd gave me 2 madrigals for approximately +100 acc, and I parsed 46% on melee acc. So my question is, where do I get an additional 200 acc so that I can get a decent hit rate on the fomors (or other high evasion content).

checkparam has me at ~1000 acc before food. What am I missing?

ItemSet 352343

Herc Gloves: ~20 acc/atk +2 TA
Herc Boots: 30 acc/14 atk +3 TA
Next Month: Camulus 20 dex 30 acc 20 atk
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2017-07-14 17:11:08
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#1 answer = more job point gifts.

after that you could sub dnc for ability to use offhand with extra acc and acc boost trait from /dnc dignitary earring and cessence better overall acc IIRC
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2017-07-14 17:12:10
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I am at 1091 in my Mog Garden in this:

ItemSet 352344

I could push things a little further by making a more specialized melee cape (mine is currently STR 20, Acc/Att 20, WSD +10% for Savage Blading it up) swapping Carmine +1 Greaves/Cuisses, swapping in an Accuracy ring like Cacoethic(+1) but I find that with food this is a solid balance for meleeing content. additionally, switching to Sublime Sushi would provide more accuracy as well.
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2017-07-14 19:56:15
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It's rare to need a max acc set these days, given the mount of acc BRDs and GEOs can give you, but here's the set I keep on hand that hits 1232 before food/buffs/etc:

ItemSet 352350
- Doomsday: STR+20, AGI+20, Acc+25, WSD +5%,
- Adhemar Path B, but can Path A for +30 more Acc,
- Carmine Path D, +20 Acc from set bonus,
- Herc: DEX+10, Acc+34, Att+29, STP +4
- Camulus: DEX+20, Acc+30, Att+20, STP+10

Even though Meghanada set has a ***ton of Acc, it pretty much forces you to put Haste in the back or waist slots, which isn't really ideal.

Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
Brd gave me 2 madrigals for approximately +100 acc

Maybe it's your BRD that's the problem... double Madrigal should be netting you a lot more than just +100 Acc.
By Afania 2017-07-14 20:19:27
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
I'm trying to get a good idea of TP set for Melee for high acc content. I was doing Vol 1 on D the other day /war and I had pretty decent acc in Melee phase, I forget to use aggressor so without I was parsing at ~87% with sublime sushi. We destroyed the fomors (well, the ridiculous sam did) so we decided to try VD.

Brd gave me 2 madrigals for approximately +100 acc, and I parsed 46% on melee acc. So my question is, where do I get an additional 200 acc so that I can get a decent hit rate on the fomors (or other high evasion content).

checkparam has me at ~1000 acc before food. What am I missing?

ItemSet 352343

Herc Gloves: ~20 acc/atk +2 TA
Herc Boots: 30 acc/14 atk +3 TA
Next Month: Camulus 20 dex 30 acc 20 atk

ItemSet 340842
Close to 1280 before food/buff/job trait. Missing chirich HQ x2 and HQ neck. Dex and Acc+40 augment on herc, body has DW to cap dw too, feet has TA+2. Digni earring is probably better for dps, I just put Zenn. Earring in the set for the sake of acc push. Feel free to change mainhand to sword if you are using savage blade.

Tbh a set like this is pretty bad for dps, not really recommended. 1050 to 1150 is often enough for everything with brd buffs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-07-15 15:45:18
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So I had a lot of requests to look at the Addon RollTracker since it has been semi broken for a long long time.

So far I done:
Added Regal Neck(I actually did this months ago. Most probably never knew because of it being broken with gearswap.)

Fixed it so it catches gear if using Gearswap.

Added checks for iLvL 109/119 EMP gear for bonuses.

Changed Gallant's and Chaos numbers to more accurate numbers and made them calc as 1024 values before converting to % based for even more accuracy.

Made it keep in memory that it had a emp bonus if it did. Some reason the emp bonus wasn't but ring bonus was.
Example if you doubled up it would lose track of the emp bonus after the initial roll.

Any other request you'd like to see before I do a pull request on it in the next few days on github?

Edit: I submitted this 2 nights ago and it got merged into dev. You can always grab it from dev if you don't feel like waiting for them to push it to live branch which can take a while sometimes.
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