Did someone change spreadsheet ranged dps calculation
to something closer to dps in game? I feel ranged dps on spreadsheet is lower than before and I'm not sure if it's changed, or I just do it wrong.
Anyways, just wanted to share various triple shot, sam roll, AM3 up/down tp sets after playing with it for reference. Only compared oshosi NQ with the rest.
Fomalhaut - Last stand
Attack uncapped, triple shot up, lucky +5 sam roll up
Fomalhaut - Last stand
Attack uncapped, triple shot up, no sam roll
Note 1: Due to extra stp favors multi attack, oshosi hands seems to beat adhemar +1 when sam roll is up and vice versa.
Note 2: stp back for all fomalhaut tp sets as usual.
Armageddon AM3 - last stand
attack uncapped, triple shot up, sam roll up
Note: stp ambuscade back. Its pretty interesting that COR triple shot % is so high with oshosi that stp back start to pull ahead of crit back in AM3 sets.
Armageddon AM3 - Last stand
attack uncapped, no triple shot, sam roll up.

Crit hit +10% back in AM3 triple shot down sets.
Armageddon AM3 - Last stand
attack uncapped, no triple shot, no sam roll.
Note1: I have zero idea why begrudging beats stp ring without sam roll .___., although the difference is so small.
Note2: without jerkin ambuscade +2 body is BiS for TS down AM3 tp set.
Still need to work on:
Arma - Wildfire tp sets and Arma - 4 hit no sam roll wildfire set.
Various leaden salute tp sets.
Thoughts on Oshosi(NQ) so far:
Head: BiS for fomalhaut tp with triple shot but not Arma AM3 tp due to the lack of crit-dmg.
Body: ranged accuracy swap only, doesn't seem to beat empy body with enough racc.
Hands: with TS up, beats adhemar +1 with sam roll and vice versa.
Legs: pretty much almost always BiS with TS up.
Feet: Seems to be the weakest of SU3 NQ set with enough accuracy.
So legs > head > hands = body > feet in terms of priority.