The Pirates' Lair: A Guide To Corsair

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The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
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Server: Asura
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user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-05-19 13:25:36
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Well based on testing the old Emp +2 gloves were never 10% they were a static 40s and Emp +1 are a static 20s.
|                      20/20 JP (40s)                     |
| Hands       | All Gear | W.S. Merits | Duration | Bonus |
| Reforged +1 |     O    |     5/5     |   9:50   |  50s  |
| Emp +2      |     O    |     5/5     |   9:40   |  40s  |
| Reforged +1 |     O    |     3/5     |   8:59   |  50s  |
| Emp +2      |     O    |     3/5     |   8:49   |  40s  |
| Emp +2      |   None   |     5/5     |   8:00   |  40s  |
| None        |   None   |     5/5     |   7:20   |   X   |
| Emp +1      |   None   |     5/5     |   7:40   |  20s  |
| Emp +1      |   None   |     0/5     |   6:00   |  20s  |

The test for W.S. 3/5 is +1 second more then what I manually calculate it should be, probably packet lag but didn't retest them.

Edit: Went and made a pair of Emp +1 to test too results added to table.
By Afania 2017-05-20 05:06:24
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While we’re on the topic of the merit discussion, I ran some calculations to simulate how’d merit affect roll potency. And here is the result:

Roll used: Chaos roll Lucky 4 Unlucky 8

Roll behavior used in this calculation:
To make things simple, both merit setup uses same roll behavior to make calculation easier, which is “no bust and fold, but aim for max potency” roll behavior.

Double up on: 1, 2, 5
Snake eye on: 3(to get lucky 4), 6 (for a chance to proc 11, and enhances roll potency without proc), 8 (to get rid of Unlucky), 9 (enhance roll potency and chance for 11), 10(for No.11)
Stop on: 4, 7, 11

No random deal used to reset snake eye, otherwise I’d go insane trying to simulate random deal in the calculation too ._.

Note that in game this isn’t by all end all the best roll behavior in all situations, and it’s quite conservative compare with a more risky approach to double up aggressively.

That being said, I choose this roll behavior to calculate roll potency because:
1) It’s easier for me to calculate potency without having to model bust and fold
2) It’s still situationally a great roll strategy to avoid wasting time on busting and rerolling.

Since there's a lot of calculation going on I put them in spoilers, if you don't like math and numbers skip to last result.
Final Result for 5/5 snake eye roll distribution:
Lucky Number: 45.5%
No.11: 10.4% + 4.6% + 3.8% + 3.8% = 22.6%
No.7: 19.8% + 2.3% + 3.8% = 25.9%
No.9: 2% + 2.3% = 4.3%
No.10: 2.3%

Final Result for 3/5 snake eye roll distribution:
Lucky Number: 45.5%
No.11: 5.2% + 2.3% + 3.8% + 3.8% = 15.1%
No.7: 24.3% + 3.1% + 3.8% = 31.2%
No.9: 2.6% + 3.1% + 5.7%
No.10: 3.1%

Chaos roll potency with job bonus:
Lucky: 55.7% attack
No.11: 61.9% attack
No.7: 46.3% attack
No.9: 47.9% attack
No.10: 49.5% attack

Average chaos roll potency with 5/5 snake eye and all roll potency gears: 54.5%
(2534.4+ 1399+ 1199+ 206+ 113.9)/100

Average chaos roll potency with 3/5 snake eye and roll potency gears: 53.4%
(2534.4+ 934.7+ 1444.6 + 273 + 153.5)/100

Average chaos roll with 5/5 SE and crooked card: 65.4%
Avg chaos roll with 3/5 SE and crooked card: 64.1%

I’m not sure if my way to calculate roll distribution is ideal or not, or if I calculate anything wrong. If anyone has better way to model roll distribution and avg roll potency, feel free to point it out.

If not then it seems that full time CC bonus with 5/5 WS 3/5 SE has higher avg roll potency than 5/5 SE 3/5 WS.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-05-20 07:22:27
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Since the forum didn't want to play nice with your spoiler heres a pastebin of it:
By Afania 2017-05-20 12:30:24
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Thanks Chiaia, but what happened to the spoiler function on forum? ._.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-05-20 14:01:52
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Afania said: »
Thanks Chiaia, but what happened to the spoiler function on forum? ._.
There hass been a glitch with spoiler for like 2 years or some crap. I forget what it is it might of been when someone uses the code tags it kills it or something like I used on the first post. Its documented a few places but I can't be assed to look it up now.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2017-05-20 19:59:10
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Any CORs using a non-mote based lua? I do like the features in Arislan's, and I run a mix of both non-mote based and mote-based for my jobs, I just really prefer the flexibility for the average code writer(no where near good enough to do my own, but can modify commands/rules/etc in existing ones) that a lack of include files gives when it comes to customization.

My other option is to convert my RNG lua to work with COR, adding in rules for rolls/tripleshot/etc.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-05-22 06:20:29
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Ok updating the spreadsheet atm and I was wondering if anyone on Asura has a piece of the new SU3 RNG/COR I could borrow for a few minutes to do some testing with it. I want to make sure the DMG bonus works like I think ti does. I'm waiting on my WW buddy to come back from Vegas trip to make me some signed ones so I don't got any of it atm.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Veikuri
Posts: 49
By Lakshmi.Veika 2017-05-24 13:34:42
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Does magic damage work on leaden salute or is it only mab?
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2017-05-24 14:34:46
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Yes, just remember that it works the same way it does for magic casters. I.E. 20 Magic Damage on jse cape should add 20 damage to Leaden.

Someone correct me if I am wrong.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2017-05-24 14:56:37
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It's calculated after fTP but before MAB.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Veikuri
Posts: 49
By Lakshmi.Veika 2017-05-24 15:24:25
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Ah so that's why atoyac beats vanir?
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2017-05-24 16:52:22
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Lakshmi.Veika said: »
Ah so that's why atoyac beats vanir?
Vanir gives you +70 base damage.
Atoyac gives you 12 AGI, which increases base damage by 12 as well as increases the AGIvINT term multiplier, as well as either 10 MAB or 15 Mdmg.

With 10 MAB: that's up to a 10% increase in damage.
With Mdmg: it's 15 more base damage.

So it's the lack of MAB and the AGI that you'll see it pull ahead.
As MAB is a multiplier, whereas Mdmg justs adds... which then gets multiplied out, but more multiplying usually gets you higher numbers.

Though I find that people undervalue the potency boost of Mdmg.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-05-24 22:14:52
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New Spreadsheet:

May 24th, 2017 Rev 1
  • Added latest gear form the last few months. Thanks to Shiva.Arislan as always for inputting the data :)

  • Fixed all the Mythic problems I found. WS modifier and Quick Draw. Was added wrong and missing on Set 2.

  • Triple Shot gear in set 2 was looking for some pieces from R.set 1 and some from R.set 2. I believe this was my fault when I added new pieces last time.

  • All the new Oshosi gear is checked for Triple Shot.

  • Added set bonus to new AF2/3. Regal Ring bonus not added atm.

  • All the BRD song math has been redone to do it the way song+ works now.

  • Updated how high each BRD Song+ value can goto due to new gear.

  • Holliday has been changed back to the stats it list on the weapon because SE said they were right and the "hidden" stats were a mistake. Not the translation.

  • Added a Version # on the main page for people that rename the sheet.

  • Deadaim for Meg +2 head has a check too.

Note: I didn't get to test the Oshosi head for the Triple Shot DMG yet so that is not added. I did find a person I can borrow head from int he next few days to test it though finally. I think its just going to add +10DMG to the shot so it won't be much but I could be wrong.
By Afania 2017-05-25 22:11:54
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Thanks Chiaia!

I noticed something weird with empy body, triple shot doesn't seem to work. Testing other possible glitches atm.

Also I've been suspecting Oshosi doesn't beat other alternatives with uncapped rattk due to the lack of stp/rattk and triple shot may devalue when you already have a lot, just like triple attack.

Based on some quick spreadsheet check(didn't cover all situations), Oshosi head/hands/legs are still BiS with TS up even without capped attack, but feet doesn't seem to beat adhemar (+1) D.

Edit: Hand also seem kinda meh depending on situations. I sometimes got lower result than Adhemar (+1) depending on buffs/other slots.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-05-26 08:13:43
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Afania said: »
I noticed something weird with empy body, triple shot doesn't seem to work. Testing other possible glitches atm.

New Spreadsheet:

When adding the Oshosi gear to Triple shot I replaced Empy body NQ/HQ with Oshosi body NQ/HQ and had it listed twice once with Empy value and once with its correct value. DataF111/G111

So if you tested Oshosi Body NQ/HQ you were getting 17%/19% Triple Shot so you'll want to retest that.

Want to fix it yourself? Here the changes:

Data F111:
=IF(Setup!$F5=1,40% + IF(R_Gear!B11="Chasseur's Frac +1",12%,0) + IF(R_Gear!B11="Chasseur's Frac",11%,0) + IF(COUNTIF(R_Gear!B5,"Compensator ? (R15)"),10%,0) + IF(COUNTIF(R_Gear!B15,"Camulus*"),5%,0) + IF(R_Gear!B7="Oshosi +1",5%,0) + IF(R_Gear!B7="Oshosi",4%,0) + IF(R_Gear!B11="Oshosi +1",7%,0) + IF(R_Gear!B11="Oshosi",6%,0) + IF(R_Gear!B12="Oshosi +1",4%,0) + IF(R_Gear!B12="Oshosi",3%,0) + IF(R_Gear!B17="Oshosi +1",6%,0) + IF(R_Gear!B17="Oshosi",5%,0) + IF(R_Gear!B18="Oshosi +1",3%,0) + IF(R_Gear!B18="Oshosi",2%,0) + JP_Gifts!H11,0)

Data G111:
=IF(Setup!$G5=1,40% + IF(R_Gear!X11="Chasseur's Frac +1",12%,0) + IF(R_Gear!X11="Chasseur's Frac",11%,0) + IF(COUNTIF(R_Gear!X5,"Compensator ? (R15)"),10%,0) + IF(COUNTIF(R_Gear!X15,"Camulus*"),5%,0) + IF(R_Gear!X7="Oshosi +1",5%,0) + IF(R_Gear!X7="Oshosi",4%,0) + IF(R_Gear!X11="Oshosi +1",7%,0) + IF(R_Gear!X11="Oshosi",6%,0) + IF(R_Gear!X12="Oshosi +1",4%,0) + IF(R_Gear!X12="Oshosi",3%,0) + IF(R_Gear!X17="Oshosi +1",6%,0) + IF(R_Gear!X17="Oshosi",5%,0) + IF(R_Gear!X18="Oshosi +1",3%,0) + IF(R_Gear!X18="Oshosi",2%,0) + JP_Gifts!H11,0)

Sorry about that and nice catch.

I think I'm going to wind up adding Triple Shot to the Ranged Sheet so it shows up like I did with True Shot since we been getting more and more gear with it.
By Afania 2017-05-28 00:00:53
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Hi all,

I read about Regal Gloves utilization in DRG thread, which seems interesting. Just wondering if anyone has ideas on how to utilize that particular piece of gear that they can share? Since using it in tp set seems to lose dps without multi attack/stp, maybe macro it in during stun/slept/terror/petrified so any incoming aoe attack received convert to tp?

I'm thinking maybe a set like this with hp boost and sphere effect for other DD:

ItemSet 351519

Opo-opo necklace + Nesanica ring if slept.

What's everyone's opinion?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-05-28 00:08:01
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I use it in my generic idle set as THF, along with other +HP pieces so I can take damage without hurting at all (I can take roughly 700~ damage in my idle set and when I engage I'll still be at max hp). Outside of that it seems really hard to properly utilize.
By Afania 2017-05-28 00:11:45
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
I use it in my generic idle set as THF, along with other +HP pieces so I can take damage without hurting at all (I can take roughly 700~ damage in my idle set and when I engage I'll still be at max hp). Outside of that it seems really hard to properly utilize.

Can you share your THF idle set please? :D
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-05-28 00:40:56
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Afania said: »
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
I use it in my generic idle set as THF, along with other +HP pieces so I can take damage without hurting at all (I can take roughly 700~ damage in my idle set and when I engage I'll still be at max hp). Outside of that it seems really hard to properly utilize.

Can you share your THF idle set please? :D

ItemSet 351547

Ideal would be Gin body (maybe RNG/COR body for COR?), and maybe the new Su3 gear assuming it also has solid HP/meva. I used to use Qaaxo pants path D and only just replaced them for THF. The Path D is HP+75/PDT-5/Mageva+15.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2017-05-28 00:45:10
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On my RNG, I now utilize two PDT sets, one with the Regal Gloves, and one without. Outside of severe moves, if I'm white HP that's my DT set. But, if I'm facing stuff that really hurts, I go full DT. Or, when I drop to orange, I'll swap from my "RegalDT" to full PDT. I don't mess with them in my MDT set...too dangerous.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-05-30 18:17:38
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So did you guys see the new food? Acc+90, Racc+90, Macc+90, it's also AOE and 3 hours and selling for under 300k on Asura. This seems ideal for COR-burns that involve Leaden/WF (thinking Neak) as I have some issue getting to both macc and racc when low-manning. Wonder if it can maybe make COR leaden more viable in a mage-type setup like some of the WoC of old (SCH distortion + COR Leaden).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-05-31 04:28:48
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I did and added it to the sheet with the gear update. Very nice looking food indeed.
Server: Hades
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user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2017-06-01 22:49:26
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So about that cor/sam with Gozuki Mezuki, minding sharing spreadsheet setup for that beating sword+savage? Not seeing it when i play with spreadsheet. Last Stand is so underwhelming
By Afania 2017-06-01 23:34:30
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Hades.Dade said: »
So about that cor/sam with Gozuki Mezuki, minding sharing spreadsheet setup for that beating sword+savage? Not seeing it when i play with spreadsheet. Last Stand is so underwhelming

It doesn't beat sword + savage, it only beats blurred +1 x2 last stand. physical WS wise nothing(that I can find) beats savage unless you need SCs.

Edit: Let me double check something rq and I'll get back to you, been a while since I play with it .-.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1433
By Asura.Toralin 2017-06-05 09:40:51
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Anyone wanna post the sets they use in Omen specifically

Savage Blade
Last Stand(seems like im a little whiffy on mega boss with this)
By Afania 2017-06-05 10:46:27
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Asura.Toralin said: »
Anyone wanna post the sets they use in Omen specifically

Savage Blade
Last Stand(seems like im a little whiffy on mega boss with this)

Could add aeolian edge if your tank generates aoe treat, easily 15k+ aoe damage with malaise and all that MAB + tp bonus gears/ammo. With 2x OaT dagger COR tp pretty fast for cleaving.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: auron86
Posts: 371
By Shiva.Spynx 2017-06-05 11:42:56
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Asura.Toralin said: »
Last Stand(seems like im a little whiffy on mega boss with this)

The sets on the main page of this thread are still pretty up-to-date but I agree with you COR Last Stand can be whiffy on omen bosses if you are not getting any accuracy buffs (common with RNGs in my group). I usually switch to hunter/STP for boss and have no real issue but that will hurt damage if you don't have geo+brd. If that happens I just toss some racc in gear on Last stand set:
ItemSet 351739
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-06-05 11:51:32
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Not going to claim I always hit both shots, but I only really need honor march to hit Ou fine:

ItemSet 351737
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2017-06-05 12:07:27
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Against Gin, even with acc buffs and eva debuffs, it's usually better to go into a high-acc state for Last Stand, since his eva is a lot higher than the others.

The rest are around ~1400 to cap accuracy... if you have less than that, maybe think about a set like Spynx's -- both hits landing > WSD.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1433
By Asura.Toralin 2017-06-06 10:04:41
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Thanks, for some reason I had my fotia gorget/waist on my last stand set I assume that would be causing alot of my issues and I can bring my acc up big time with diff neck/waist. I did notice Fotia Gorget has +10 WS acc (is that the same as 10 racc??) Looks like I need to get my af body upgraded asap!

Regal Ring + +3 body you get an extra 15 racc right?
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