The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-01-04 17:00:44
Just providing some updated info regarding people considering Arma. Verda recently updated rng spreadsheet and have AM3 arma pull off 3k more dps over Fomalhaut and 4k more than relics.
RNG gets soooo much more from Arma than cor thanks to deadaim, its probably one of the strongest rng weapon on paper and it's still 1 weapon usable on 2 jobs. Definitely consider it if you play rng.
I only have interest in the other guns for their bullets. I just love how Arma operates. So glad I burned it up, and I even have RNG and COR now.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2017-01-04 18:06:26
Just providing some updated info regarding people considering Arma. Verda recently updated rng spreadsheet and have AM3 arma pull off 3k more dps over Fomalhaut and 4k more than relics.
RNG gets soooo much more from Arma than cor thanks to deadaim, its probably one of the strongest rng weapon on paper and it's still 1 weapon usable on 2 jobs. Definitely consider it if you play rng.
Yup, finished mine in December and I'm loving it. Actually made my Arma thinking I liked COR more than RNG but I wanted a weapon I could use on both. Turns out, I'm actually more addicted to being on RNG with it since I got the gun!
Mythic for either job with their associated WS is still ideal DPS, assuming that the mob doesn't have major resist to Leaden/Trueflight. But Arma is fantastic for both jobs and at least good for everything. Fomal is also quite good for everything, but for /ra, nothing can really compare to Arma with AM active and a strong crit build (Dead Aim does help a lot there, so RNG especially shines).
From a COR perspective, the same lesson applies though: make sure you're using a good crit set with Arma AM active, it makes a world of difference. Thanks also to Afania for demonstrating that quite a while ago, but definitely worth a reminder.
By Afania 2017-01-04 18:13:51
Ok nvm, Verda just said 3k more dps is a spreadsheet error, more like 7001800 dps more XD. It almost scared me a little to see empy weapons THAT ahead of aeonic and relic, lol XD
Also, summoning Chiaia for next version of spreadsheet =)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-01-04 19:17:02
Ok nvm, Verda just said 3k more dps is a spreadsheet error, more like 7001800 dps more XD. It almost scared me a little to see empy weapons THAT ahead of aeonic and relic, lol XD
Also, summoning Chiaia for next version of spreadsheet =) Yea I going to be looking into Verda ranged attack changes on the RNG Spreadsheet cause this was the area I touched the least on.
By Afania 2017-01-04 20:41:09
Ok nvm, Verda just said 3k more dps is a spreadsheet error, more like 7001800 dps more XD. It almost scared me a little to see empy weapons THAT ahead of aeonic and relic, lol XD
Also, summoning Chiaia for next version of spreadsheet =) Yea I going to be looking into Verda ranged attack changes on the RNG Spreadsheet cause this was the area I touched the least on.
Cool, thanks for the update. Slowly adding new gears to spreadsheet. Tbh with the introduction of AF1+3 body I'm beginning to think last stand comes back as best COR's best physical melee WS if you DW 2 OAT weapons, have fomalhaut+bullets, and need somewhat high lv of acc but don't have madrigals. The racc on AF1+3 body is insane, which allows user to keep high lv of racc and high WSD on the same time. Massive AGI and rattk doesn't hurt as well. Not to mention the freedom to use better QD and better SC options with fomalhaut.
On the other hand there aren't any high acc/WSD gear that coexist for savage blade unless you hit a jack pot with herc augment. And that's considering +100 acc bonus from 1st hit for savage.
It's still depending on your luck with aug kinda thing, but I bet for most people with an aeonic LS, I wouldn't be surprised if melee last stand ends up pulling ahead when some acc is required and pt isn't using madrigals. At least on my spreadsheet last stand build > savage build when aiming for 1200+ WS acc and new AF body is considered but not perfect herc with DM augment.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-05 02:41:46
I have been trying to get a decent rule of thumb for Leaden dmg something like #agil=#mab=#wsd. Obviously ***is situational, etc, but its still nice to have a decent guide to go by and no cor I have asked on my server really had an idea or better answer then "look it up". So I decided to kill some rabbits to get a decent base. If a test such as this has been done please direct me to it so I can get more exact.
My damage was consistent, I did multiple kill shots all same #'s at 1070 tp, I find this conclusive enough to get my basis. This was done in my gear which is pretty average for a cor, Your results will vary from mine for sure based on total.
leaden dmg
base 8852
-10 mab 8506 - 34.6/mab
-10 agil 8620 - 23.2/agil
3 mab 8955 - 34.33/mab
10 mab 9197 - 34.5/mab
2 wsd 9022 - 85/wsd
10 wsd 9703 - 74.8/wsd
20 agil 9323 - 23.55/agil
10 agil 9086 - 23.4/agil
so.... 1 agil = 23.5~
1 MAB = 34.5~
1 WSD = 80~
or better said... 3 agil >= 2 mab <= 1 wsd
MAB and AGIL seem pretty consistent for the values, and I even did some tests with things like -10 mab + 2 wsd etc using numbers above and they where very close. So close that I find its safe to say for a mid geared cor we can expect the above results to be fairly accurate if your leaden does what mine does base on lv1 rabbit :D
in the end one thing glaringly obvious, and logical is that as your wsd+ amounts go up, they have a less drastic impact. My set on base for testing only had my herc mab body with 4 wsd in it. I expect as you get over 20 wsd (cape+ 2 herc auged)then 1 wsd might begging to get closer to 70~ and thus really close to the 3 3agil=2mab=1wsd
In the end I mostly found a good rule of thumb is 3 agil = 2 mab = 1 wsd.
Mainly I wanted this info while dark matter camping is up since the augments can really be crazy, and in general while augmenting with reisen stones. I already had a 20 mab 3 wsd herc legs, then I got a dark matter aug with 10 agil 11 mab 3 wsd, after asking ls which would produce better results and the majority leaning to the agil it made me wonder and it seems I was wrong to have chosen the agil (not counting other ws's).
I have a few other cool augs like 8 wsd herc hands which produced horrible results for me over carmine. Rightfully so since 8 wsd would be a dmg increase of about 16 mab and carmine has 30. I think this will be applicable to most cor's at this point too with deciding do I keep that 30 mab aug on herc, or swap it for that 4 wsd 15 mab aug. It would appear a beginning cor might as well toss a few pellucid for 35 mab augs (cheaper and quick)than have that pipe dream of a 30 mab 5 wsd herc aug with expensive fern stones, with the later barely winning anyhow. The discussions made it sound for me ( a new cor) that herc augs with high wsd was the end all clear winner, which is true IFF it come with very high mb too, which is rare and out of most peoples reach.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2017-01-05 08:52:46
the reason most people say to look it up is because those stats do not have a static relation, their worth in relation to each other depends highly on how much of each you have.
the best way to know which augments are best is to use the spreadsheet which I don't have the link for XD but it is in this thread possibly 4-5 pages back.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2017-01-05 13:45:49
Quote: It's still depending on your luck with aug kinda thing, but I bet for most people with an aeonic LS, I wouldn't be surprised if melee last stand ends up pulling ahead when some acc is required and pt isn't using madrigals. At least on my spreadsheet last stand build > savage build when aiming for 1200+ WS acc and new AF body is considered but not perfect herc with DM augment.
Personally, I almost never melee things that are highly evasive without Madrigals, but beyond that I see distance correction as a possible convolution when comparing their potentials. Did you have the sweet spot boolean on when looking at this?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 902
By Bahamut.Tychefm 2017-01-05 13:56:58
I tried both melee builds for Savage and for Formalhaut in Omen. They did comparable damage, however I usually came back to Fomal because of the big TP returns on it upping the WS frequency by quite a bit.
By Afania 2017-01-05 14:36:31
Quote: It's still depending on your luck with aug kinda thing, but I bet for most people with an aeonic LS, I wouldn't be surprised if melee last stand ends up pulling ahead when some acc is required and pt isn't using madrigals. At least on my spreadsheet last stand build > savage build when aiming for 1200+ WS acc and new AF body is considered but not perfect herc with DM augment.
Personally, I almost never melee things that are highly evasive without Madrigals, but beyond that I see distance correction as a possible convolution when comparing their potentials. Did you have the sweet spot boolean on when looking at this?
My sweet spot is off on spreadsheet. The last stand high acc set I used on spreadsheet is something like this:
ItemSet 348814
At capped attack and using a max acc tp set I'm getting 3.7k dps on spreadsheet.
Using savage to match same lv of of acc as above set (5/5 Meghanada +1, acc ring x2, telos earring) I'm only getting 3.5k dps.
If I use any of the gear that has high wsd, such as AF1+3 body, okish WSD herc gears, then savage acc won't match max tp set nor above last stand max acc set even if 100 acc bonus included.
I tried both melee builds for Savage and for Formalhaut in Omen. They did comparable damage, however I usually came back to Fomal because of the big TP returns on it upping the WS frequency by quite a bit.
Melee for last stand also has faster tp speed. On my spreadsheet my round/ws is 3.47 with degen +1/blurred +1/stp+10 back combo, fettering/blurred+1/DA+10 back combo is 3.68 round/ws.
Using fettering+ tp bonus magian locks your SC option to Savage blade(frag), requiescat(gravition) because you're kinda locked to sword WS. I don't know if there are other sword WS worth using.
Using Fomalhaut build allows more flexible SC option such as last stand(fusion), savage blade(frag), Evisceration/leaden salute/requiescat(gravition), wildfire(double dark), multi step radiance, and gains access to aeolian edge when necessary. Mainly because you can use dagger/sword/gun WS with fomalhaut last stand build, and you can still reach close to max last stand dps with sword or dagger main hand as mainhand weapon doesn't affect last stand avg much.
While tp bonus magian locks WS to mainhand only since gun WS became kinda meh with tp bonus magian.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2017-01-05 14:44:41
In theory you could also make a Doomsday with da+wsd for melee multipuirpose.
But nobody wants to do that.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2017-01-05 16:52:23
Ok nvm, Verda just said 3k more dps is a spreadsheet error, more like 7001800 dps more XD. It almost scared me a little to see empy weapons THAT ahead of aeonic and relic, lol XD
Also, summoning Chiaia for next version of spreadsheet =) Yea I going to be looking into Verda ranged attack changes on the RNG Spreadsheet cause this was the area I touched the least on.
Rogue's roll crit+ affects ranged too, right? Maybe I'm crazy but I thought it did, and I think Verda's updated work doesn't show any impact on ranged crit (just melee). I'm about to go drag my no crit merit mule out and test with/without Rogue's myself to see (on something with high enough stats that I won't have enough dAGI to get crits from attributes), but surely somebody here knows the answer :)
Relevant since empy gets so much out of crit during AM that it's conceivable that it's worth using for some setups and further boosting Arma in those particular situations.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2017-01-05 16:54:03
Sure works.
By Afania 2017-01-05 18:12:02
Ok nvm, Verda just said 3k more dps is a spreadsheet error, more like 7001800 dps more XD. It almost scared me a little to see empy weapons THAT ahead of aeonic and relic, lol XD
Also, summoning Chiaia for next version of spreadsheet =) Yea I going to be looking into Verda ranged attack changes on the RNG Spreadsheet cause this was the area I touched the least on.
Rogue's roll crit+ affects ranged too, right? Maybe I'm crazy but I thought it did, and I think Verda's updated work doesn't show any impact on ranged crit (just melee). I'm about to go drag my no crit merit mule out and test with/without Rogue's myself to see (on something with high enough stats that I won't have enough dAGI to get crits from attributes), but surely somebody here knows the answer :)
Relevant since empy gets so much out of crit during AM that it's conceivable that it's worth using for some setups and further boosting Arma in those particular situations.
Cor spreadsheet has the same glitch it seems. (Summons Chiaia to fix things once again)
That being said, you can manually input things like fencer bonus or rogues roll on spreadsheet to bypass the glitches. I'm unable to get rogues roll outperform chaos in pdif uncapped situations. So rogues roll is kinda competing with SAM roll as 2nd roll. At 28% crit dmg(thats roughly about the same as most dedicated cor can get realistically without killing racc completely), 25% crit rate Im still unable to get rogues beating no. 9 sam roll. I need something like 50% crit dmg to get rogues pull ahead.
If you roll with less crit dmg gears then crit rate is further devalued. COR just doesn't get as much out of AM3 and rogues roll as much as RNG unfortunately, RNG is a job that gets 53% dead aim natively, lol.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2017-01-05 19:22:07
Yeah figured it would be more impactful for RNG, and especially for empy bow for AM and Jishnu. But something to consider, especially if you ever end up with two COR or are in a party with empy and/or bow RNGs, and at least worth correcting the spreadsheet oversight.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 54
By Quetzalcoatl.Drkstr 2017-01-06 14:36:48
In terms of WS and TP builds, how does it seem that Ilabrat and Dingir ring stack up to current options that have been listed recently for builds. (i.e. Garudas +1 etc.) I know that for the most part the lack of actual ranged accuracy might limit the uses to a lower accuracy requirement, but I was wondering if anyone has had an opportunity to look more closely.
Ilabrat Ring DEF:10 HP+60 DEX+10 AGI+10 Attack+25 "Store TP"+5
Dingir Ring AGI+10 Ranged Attack+25 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 "Recycle"+10
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2017-01-06 17:09:30
Quetzalcoatl.Drkstr said: »In terms of WS and TP builds, how does it seem that Ilabrat and Dingir ring stack up to current options that have been listed recently for builds. (i.e. Garudas +1 etc.) I know that for the most part the lack of actual ranged accuracy might limit the uses to a lower accuracy requirement, but I was wondering if anyone has had an opportunity to look more closely.
Ilabrat Ring DEF:10 HP+60 DEX+10 AGI+10 Attack+25 "Store TP"+5
Dingir Ring AGI+10 Ranged Attack+25 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 "Recycle"+10
Granted the rest of your WS isn't racc starved, you should be able to WS with those new rings and not miss a beat. Physical WS get a big native boost to acc (+100 on first hit), and magical WS can't miss.
If you're in a situation where Last Stand is whiffing, you could always swap in Garudas if needed.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-07 00:01:21
Maybe I misunderstand but I though ranged ws also go the +100 acc?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2017-01-07 00:03:08
Most do but in the case of Last Stand, the second hit is just as important as the first.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-07 00:04:09
That makes sense :D ya I always forget it shoots 2 bullets.
By minikomby 2017-01-07 23:41:56
Hello everyone
i got a question
that new pieces Laksa. tricorne+2 got Quick draw +10 but what does it mean on MAB or dmg, atm i got my herculean head with magic attack bonus +24 to a total +34 counting the +10 base on the piece.
im asking to know what piece is better for Quick Draw Dmg
I think for Light and Dark shot Laksa. Tricorne +2/3 are the best
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-01-08 00:43:24
Hello everyone
i got a question
that new pieces Laksa. tricorne+2 got Quick draw +10 but what does it mean on MAB or dmg, atm i got my herculean head with magic attack bonus +24 to a total +34 counting the +10 base on the piece.
im asking to know what piece is better for Quick Draw Dmg
I think for Light and Dark shot Laksa. Tricorne +2/3 are the best That stat has been on the hat since it was NQ AF. Its pretty lack luster. It works the same way Magic Damage does for magic users.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-01-08 06:08:22
Cor spreadsheet has the same glitch it seems. (Summons Chiaia to fix things once again) The COR spreadsheet iswas setup to include Rogue's during ranged at some point the cell its calling got pushed over one so it wasn't activating.
By Boshi 2017-01-08 16:24:26
Can we please get rid of the green delve earrings in the melee set already
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-01-08 17:11:27
Can we please get rid of the green delve earrings in the melee set already lol I was just looking at that last night. There is quite a few sets that have been semi updated but then still have really old stuff in them.
By Afania 2017-01-08 17:37:16
Can we please get rid of the green delve earrings in the melee set already lol I was just looking at that last night. There is quite a few sets that have been semi updated but then still have really old stuff in them.
I'm willing to do the work and update gearsets up to Omen level if mod or Seha could give me access to it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2017-01-08 21:25:17
Can we please get rid of the green delve earrings in the melee set already lol I was just looking at that last night. There is quite a few sets that have been semi updated but then still have really old stuff in them.
I'm willing to do the work and update gearsets up to Omen level if mod or Seha could give me access to it. Mods can't do crap with nodes only admins (literally talked to a mod earlier today about this, not about cor but in general) and the same for me. Sehachan I would like access if you didn't mind. I would go through you before updating anything if that is what you would like.
By hobo 2017-01-08 23:16:14
For the AF3 body, the triple shot bonus. Can I just have it pre-shot, or does it need to be mid shot? Cleaning up my lua, which has tons of spaghetti in it.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2017-01-09 01:44:11
Midshot for that one. Luckily it's not too big of a racc hit.