The Pirates' Lair: A Guide To Corsair

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The Pirates' Lair: A Guide to Corsair
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Langly
Posts: 690
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2016-12-20 12:08:06
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Where are all of you going for updated itemsets? :)
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
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By Shiva.Arislan 2016-12-20 18:25:50
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Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »
Where are all of you going for updated itemsets? :)

Afania's item sets are a great source.
Server: Hades
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user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2016-12-20 18:53:59
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Since shooting is coming back into meta, at least kind of. I'm wondering is it worth trying to build 3hit with doomsday or settle for 4hit and just max out Racc?
By Afania 2016-12-20 20:03:36
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Shiva.Arislan said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »
Where are all of you going for updated itemsets? :)

Afania's item sets are a great source.

Umm thanks for liking my sets but just FYI, I don't really post on this site anymore, nor update gear sets, nor pay attention to new gears. Also I don't really play ranged COR a lot so my /ra sets are extremely bad if that's what people's looking for due to ranged ambuscade this month. I'd suggest using spreadsheet instead.

I've added new Mummu +1 sets to my spreadsheet, please download it here:

Also it seems that /war isn't applying tp bonus on spreadsheet, and geo fury isn't applying attack boosts, can Chiaia please look into this?

Haven't really get time to look into AF sets.

From my observation on spreadsheets in /ra setup, Meg. +1 sets are still stronger than Mummu +1 when attack uncapped, with capped attack obviously mummu +1 wins. This is assuming you don't get massive amount of crit hit dmg somewhere from DM augment and only using meg. visor, since more crit-hit dmg gear favors crit rate.

For WS dmg that scales up with tp overflow(leaden/last stand), ranged path adhemar hands+1 is very hard to beat thanks to massive amount of stp and racc. For wildfire which doesn't scale with more tp, I'd just aim for white dmg(crit hit/dmg/rattk etc) instead, as long as sam's roll number is high enough for 4 hit. In last stand /ra situations, having arma AM III up seems to favor more crit rate/dmg centered build, while aeonic seems to favor more stp build. For example depending on other gears I'm getting Darraigner brais beating Adhemar +1 legs with arma AM III, but with aeonic I'm getting adhemar +1 winning depending on other part of gears. I'm also getting stp +10 beating crit hit +10 with aeonic and vice versa with arma III + AM3. But it still depends on other part of gears and SAM roll numbers.

Ideally DM augment herc is BiS though.

For last stand sets, Seha's set on 1st page is pretty on point since we have limited wsd access unless we play augment lottery. except ambuscade back being BiS.

Also since this months ambuscade has a crit hit dmg only shield mechanics, I would probably make a full crit set when shield's up to get a bit more dps out of it instead of hitting 0...0....0

Anyways, this is what I came up with:

ItemSet 348374

AGI+30 rattk/racc+20 crit-hit rate +10% on back. Easily over 50% crit rate considering the merit, so more than half the shot would do more than just 0 on shield.

Any info, input are always welcomed.
By Afania 2016-12-21 04:08:51
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Btw, now that the snapshot cap is confirmed to be 70%, here are a couple of new preshot set with new gears, I'm not sure if I'm missing any rapid shot gears though. Feel free to suggest something better:

All sets assuming 1200+ jp for free 10 snapshot.

preshot no flurry:
ItemSet 348414

snapshot +10 back and head.
62 snapshot, 31 rapid shot.

preshot flurry1:
ItemSet 348413
48.5 snapshot, 47 rapid shot.

preshot flurry2:
ItemSet 348418
31 snapshot, 59 rapid shot.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2016-12-21 04:30:08
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Afania said: »
Also it seems that /war isn't applying tp bonus on spreadsheet, and geo fury isn't applying attack boosts, can Chiaia please look into this?
Nice catch on the TP bonus /war, never even had even looked at that part. The fury thing wasn't finished. You were the only one I ever gave that copy of the spreadsheet to :P

I have one that has it complete and some other stuff. I had planned to finish up a few more things then release a new copy by New Years since got a few days free.
Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-12-21 04:36:40
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I didn't notice new items had been added to the site. Will update op in the next couple of days with the new stuff.

edit: updated!
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2016-12-22 03:18:01
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Looking for advice how to tweak melee set. Keep dying to 2k AoE on gin with vex up. Wearing high acc set only have 1813 hps on cor/dnc. Not running a brd or smn in melee setup for scherzo.

ItemSet 348435

maybe swap out a ring for dring and neck for loricate+1 and get some acc earrings?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-12-22 04:16:56
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Change to runeists roll?
Server: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-12-22 04:25:07
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Runeist's roll, zennaroi earring, yacuruna rings for acc and MDT, possibly drop subtlety for Loricate. You really should not be getting hit anywhere near that hard against Gin, though, especially not with vex up. The majority of his moves are Darkness based, so a Lux Valiance or a strong One For All are huge for survival. Never had his Zero Hour go above 800 with just Valliance while I was DD. Are you lacking meva gifts in your JPs?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-12-22 04:28:52
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I pretty much have my groups full time Runeists roll anyway. Omen is 99% about survival, the time crunch disappears once you get past the sub boss which is becoming increasingly easier as we all get accustomed to it.
Posts: 199
By minikomby 2016-12-22 06:33:36
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Can anyone help me with flurry 1-2 rules to trigger the right Gear for Presshot on Gear swap?
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2016-12-22 06:47:53
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Sylph.Oraen said: »
Runeist's roll, zennaroi earring, yacuruna rings for acc and MDT, possibly drop subtlety for Loricate. You really should not be getting hit anywhere near that hard against Gin, though, especially not with vex up. The majority of his moves are Darkness based, so a Lux Valiance or a strong One For All are huge for survival. Never had his Zero Hour go above 800 with just Valliance while I was DD. Are you lacking meva gifts in your JPs?

Master cor. Running with a pld and not a run. Its actually not Zero Hour but Interference or Malign Invocation. Been running precision/vex + hunter/chaos, taking off chaos would seems to slow down the fight quite a bit. Cleared with like 3min to spare but wasted a bunch of time trying to play with his Skillchain absorption mechanic and i was weakened last 20%.

What buff setup are you normally running for geo+cor in melee?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Langly
Posts: 690
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2016-12-22 13:03:17
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Thanks Afania. I used to use your sets but I had noticed they were out of date a while back.

On the other hand, thank you for the spreadsheet. I was not aware of it. This will help me update my swaps.

Thank you Seha for updating the gearsets. Appreciate it!!
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Shinzaku
Posts: 271
By Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas 2016-12-22 13:46:24
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Does gearswap take into account "preshoot" and "midshoot"? Or is that spells only?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-12-22 13:50:09
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Hades.Dade said: »
Sylph.Oraen said: »
Runeist's roll, zennaroi earring, yacuruna rings for acc and MDT, possibly drop subtlety for Loricate. You really should not be getting hit anywhere near that hard against Gin, though, especially not with vex up. The majority of his moves are Darkness based, so a Lux Valiance or a strong One For All are huge for survival. Never had his Zero Hour go above 800 with just Valliance while I was DD. Are you lacking meva gifts in your JPs?

Master cor. Running with a pld and not a run. Its actually not Zero Hour but Interference or Malign Invocation. Been running precision/vex + hunter/chaos, taking off chaos would seems to slow down the fight quite a bit. Cleared with like 3min to spare but wasted a bunch of time trying to play with his Skillchain absorption mechanic and i was weakened last 20%.

What buff setup are you normally running for geo+cor in melee?

Tanks I run with are RUNs 90% of the time, as my shell has a bunch of Lionhearts and can contribute quite a lot of DPS even while tanking. Having a RUN really makes a huge difference in the magic damage your party is going to tank. Usually if I have a RUN, my group uses Hunter/Samurai and Fury/Frailty. If you lack the defenses from a RUN, I'd probably replace Fury with Vex and maybe Samurai with Runeist's if you're still struggling.

Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas said: »
Does gearswap take into account "preshoot" and "midshoot"? Or is that spells only?

Gearswap takes ranged preshot and midshot into account.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-12-22 14:24:04
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Just looked over the OP again, and really appreciate how quick you got the updated sets out. The only thing I'd suggest changing would be the ranged accuracy set. kustawi +1 and Fettering are superior options to Odium and Surcouf's.
Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-12-22 14:26:54
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Forgot to look at the weapons, I'll change right away.
Posts: 251
By hobo 2016-12-22 15:08:37
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yes gearswap treats preshot and midshot just like spells with precast and midcast, and are actually labeled as such
By Afania 2016-12-22 18:49:47
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Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »
Thanks Afania. I used to use your sets but I had noticed they were out of date a while back.

On the other hand, thank you for the spreadsheet. I was not aware of it. This will help me update my swaps.

Thank you Seha for updating the gearsets. Appreciate it!!

np. I have been exchanging pm with Verda while trying to refine some ranged tp set, and I'd like to share what I've came up with. I only focus last stand physical ws build though, as it's kinda meta(?) recently.

From what I've observed on spreadsheet, gear paradigm and playstyle changes depending on whether you're using Armageddon III or Fomalhaut.

Assuming you have decent number of sam roll for 4 hit, and capped pdif, Fomalhaut favors stp build and a simple, straight forward playstyle which is tp > ws > tp > ws. If you have another fomalhaut user in pt, then it's probably tp > wait for others to ws > ws for SC > tp > wait for others to ws > ws for SC >. Fomalhaut has a ws:white dmg split of roughly 80:20, so any extra tp you gain it increases your ws and sc dmg and you get more total dps out of tp overflow/bigger ws and sc.

Thus the ideal tp set for Fomalhaut seems to favor stp gears, something like this:

ItemSet 348483

agi/rattk/racc/stp augment on herc feet, AGI/rattk/racc/stp on JSE back. I'm not sure if I miss any other better feet. Racc path adhemar +1.

Without triple shot, Mummu +1 over empy body.

If racc is an issue swap out stp ring for haverton for another 20 racc. Outside of acc swaps fomalhaut/last stand build generally only need 1 tp set. A Skillchain bonus ws set may be situationally useful if you are the person closing SC though.

Armageddon 3 is a lot more complex, with AM3 and triple shot up the ws:white dmg gets close to 50:50 and it strongly favors crit hit dmg/crit hit rate build since white dmg is so damn high. With Arma AM3 up the tp set for last stand would be something like this:

ItemSet 348475

AGI/rattk/racc/crit-hit dmg +5 augment on herc hands/legs/feet, the higher crit-hit dmg the better, if you can get more than 5 good for you(I honestly don't know how much crit-hit dmg we can get from DM aug). AGI/rattk/racc/crit hit rate+10 on jse back.

Mummu +1 over empy body without triple shot.

With triple shot up on my spreadsheet I'm getting 10711 avg shot, 4519 range dps, and over 6.2k set dps with this set.

Without AM3, Arma's ideal tp set would be the same as fomalhaut. Therefore an AM3 up/down tp set is required for arma.

The challenging part of armageddon 3 playstyle is AM3 management. Armageddon AM3 gets the most out of triple shot, to get the most out of it it's imperative to stack triple shot x2(it's possible to get the 2nd one via random deal or super revit) in the entire duration of AM3.

AM3 is 180 sec, triple shot is 90 sec, therefore in escha with 3k tp it's possible to have 2 triple shot up for the entire duration of AM3, which makes arma pretty beast for first 3 min.

If you are in a situation that you have to get 3k tp starting from 0(such as BC, ambuscade, UNM etc), then there should be downtime before 2nd triple shot. In the ideal scenario, right after 2nd triple shot and AM3 is over the player would have 3k tp ready, or close to 3k tp again to activate another AM3.

So the pace of JA usage would be something like this:

If 2nd triple shot wears way before AM3 wears, and NM isn't dead, then Arma user is kinda screwed since it's pita to get another AM3 up again without Triple shot active.

Additionally, the tp set for first 3k tp to activate AM3 would probably be ranged crit/crit dmg set since wf doesn't scale with tp, but I'm unsure if it's possible to shave 1 hit off with a stp set to get first 3k tp faster.

Overall IMHO Arma 3 is much tougher to reach theoretical max dps due to having to manage 3 different tp sets(3k tp to wf, AM3 up, AM3 down) and manage triple shot/AM3 timing, while fomalhaut just tp ws tp ws tp ws.

If you can pull off perfect AM3 management though, Arma 3 is pretty unbeatable for last stand spams. Higher skill requirement and higher dps ceiling etc.

This is all assuming racc isn't an issue. If racc is an issue then Arma 3 wins for obvious reasons. RNG probably get a lot more out of Arma AM3 white dmg build with dead aim job traits though.

Any thoughts, opinion or ideas are welcomed.

Edit: Just noticed nisroch body > mummu +1 without triple shot.
By Afania 2016-12-22 21:36:04
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Sylph.Oraen said: »
Runeist's roll, zennaroi earring, yacuruna rings for acc and MDT, possibly drop subtlety for Loricate. You really should not be getting hit anywhere near that hard against Gin, though, especially not with vex up. The majority of his moves are Darkness based, so a Lux Valiance or a strong One For All are huge for survival. Never had his Zero Hour go above 800 with just Valliance while I was DD. Are you lacking meva gifts in your JPs?

Alternatively carmine head +1 > dampening tam for more acc and 10 more eva to pair with carmine legs.

Melee herc vest or mummu +1 body has acc and higher meva.

Mummu feet also has massive meva and acc, or ahosi leggings.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2016-12-23 07:39:38
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Just wanted to say I am till planning to do the QD test but my buddy that lets me use his GEO / BRD alt that is normally active every evening has not been the last few days. Guess he got busy with the holidays. Its looking like I will have to wait to the beginning of next week at the earliest because I also have stuff to do now.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Lyramion
Posts: 902
By Bahamut.Tychefm 2016-12-23 12:29:46
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If you do Omen on COR I'd suggest to make an extra Engaged set similar to this:

ItemSet 348518

+40% Crit Chance
+50% if you went through the trouble to make a Crit mantle

You can quickly knock out any Crit Hit X objectives while also spamming WSes and then worry about the other things.

Your chatlog will look like you had Impetus up:

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2016-12-23 13:29:39
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Bahamut.Tychefm said: »
If you do Omen on COR I'd suggest to make an extra Engaged set similar to this:

ItemSet 348518

+40% Crit Chance
+50% if you went through the trouble to make a Crit mantle

You can quickly knock out any Crit Hit X objectives while also spamming WSes and then worry about the other things.

Your chatlog will look like you had Impetus up:

Coupled with Tripleshot as well, good idea
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Lyramion
Posts: 902
By Bahamut.Tychefm 2016-12-23 13:32:48
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Coupled with Tripleshot as well, good idea

I usually just use it with DW OAT weapons meleeing while spamming burningblade or fast blade for the WS objectives.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2016-12-23 13:33:20
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Bahamut.Tychefm said: »
Coupled with Tripleshot as well, good idea

I usually just use it with DW OAT weapons meleeing.

Looks like its not needed but did you do Rogues Roll or have Ramuhs Favour?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Lyramion
Posts: 902
By Bahamut.Tychefm 2016-12-23 13:35:18
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Usually just using SAM + TACT for the trash mob floors to max the WS and SC spam ability of my whole party. Mages are encouraged to unzip their melee sets also. Rogue is pretty much overkill.
Posts: 188
By Lorax 2016-12-25 05:41:32
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Anyone have a lua rule for triple shot?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2016-12-26 21:43:19
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Lorax said: »
Anyone have a lua rule for triple shot?
     if spell.action_type == 'Ranged Attack' then
          if buffactive["Triple Shot"] then
Posts: 188
By Lorax 2016-12-26 22:00:47
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So simple..../sigh I really need to learn to lua
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