My LS mate Sudox recently updated new version of COR dps spreadsheet, we're happy to share with the community to assist those needs updated spreadsheet for COR.
Download link:
This is based on Monte's spreadsheet but the following change has been made, please refer to TO-DO tab for the details:
1) Added some new gears including Ambuscade armor. I'm working on adding more gears in the next update if possible.
2) The ftp of the WS has been adjusted to match bg-wiki data post WS adjustment in 2014.
3)1h and ranged pDif cap has been changed to match the update in 2016 Feb.
4) Changed 119 III empyrean AM to occasionally deal triple dmg. Currently there are no check to determine if 119 I is equipped or not.
5) Added Occasionally deal double to triple dmg aftermath, leaden and QD dmg boost for 119 III Death penalty.
6) Changed triple shot proc rate to 40% base, plus 12% more TS proc rate when empy 119 III body is equipped, and 20% more proc rate from job point category.
7) Fixed the glitch of crit-hit dmg not applying to ranged attack.
(Note: Currently there are no "dead aim" dmg bonus applying to ambu head, please manually add the crit-hit dmg when using ambu head)
8) A new tab for jp and gifts has been added. Which allows the user to input jps they have for each category.

If anyone find any issues, glitches, incorrect calculations or things that broke, please let us know. Thank you. Also I think it would be great if Seha could help with putting it on the first page.
Huge thanks to everyone that helps!