Because exactly what you mentioned..................... bolstered Idris frailty.
But people crooked on sam without bolster frailty all the time =S
But DD RUN wins the parse ???!?!!
Get me a lionheart then!
why CC just one roll when you can wildcard and do both? assuming WC is not needed for your run.
Technically you can CC on both if you random deal right after the 1st one(which you should), but there's always a chance of random deal not resetting CC so Chaos should be prioritized.
It's not possible to wc on every single run, Im not talking about hard fights like master trial or T4, I'm talking about repeated fights which is still not gonna be pdif capped without bolster.
Almost every single htbc and ambu vd that I've been to cor crooked on sam with nq geo in pt. I'm very certain pdif isn't capped in such situations and I have no idea why people like to do that...